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AP World History Pre-History, River Vally Civilizations, Classical Civizations, and Religions Flashcards

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11423846When was the Paleolithic Age?3.5 million- 10,000 BCE0
11423847What kind of religions did they have in the Paleolithic Age?polytheistic, animistic1
11425846What was the technology like in the Paleolithic Age?Bone/stone tools, fire2
11425847Describe the roles of men and women in the food gathering system?men: hunting, women: gathering3
11425848What were the roles of women in the Paleolithic Age?gender equality,4
11425849What are some aspects of the Paleolithic Age society?Neanderthal man: sophisticated burials, used tools Cro-magnon cave paintings, venus figures5
11426377When was the Neolithic Age?10,000- 3,500 BCE6
11426378What type of religion did they have in the Neolithic Age?polytheistic, rising priesthood, a after life was harsh and scary7
11437533Describe the Agricultural Revolution of the Neolithic Age.barter systems, irrigation systems,8
11437534Describe the Job Specialization of the Neolithic Age.potters, farmers, and soldiers9
11437535Describe the social aspects of the Neolithic Age.paternalistic, social classes forming, wealth= land,10
11437536What was the government like in the Neolithic Age?towns forming, clan leaders had control of the agricultural systems.11
11437537What are ziggurats?Religions temples that were in the center of Mesopotamian societies12
11437538What were the writing systems of the Mesopotamian's like?cuniform, symbols on reeds and clay13
11454830What kind of religion did they have in Mesopotamia?polytheism14
11454831Who was Sargon?He is the builder of the first empire, and th ruler of the most powerful city states of the time15
11454832What was the government like in Mesopotamia?unstable, the ruler was viewed as earth's representative16
11454833What were the city states like in Mesopotamia?some of the city states controlled on another, Sargon ruled Sumer & Akkad and dominated others17
11454834What was the Mesopotamian empire like?it was unstable , and fell in the Ur dynasty in 2230 BCE18
11454835Describe Hammurabi's code in Mesopotamia.eye for an eye, had regulations about family issues, land policies, and crime and punishment; the wealthier were looked more highly on19
11454836What were the social classes in Mesopotamia?1. free landowners 2. dependant farmers/rural workers 3. slaves20
11454837What were the lives of women like in Mesopotamia?very few rights couldn't own land, trade, or be in politics (lost social standing after the agricultural revolution)21
11454838Who and what did the Mesopotamians trade with?import: wood, metal, and stone; export: wool, cloth, barley, and oil; they traded with other lands22
11454839What is the agriculture like in Mesopotamia?irrigation systems, oxen-plows, used drainage systems to prevent flooding, and they required the cooperation of temple & palace23
11454840How did the Tigris and Euphrates play a role in Mesopotamia?they flooded, and methods were developed to control it24
11454841Explain the progress in crops and animals in Mesopotamia?they were domesticated, and oxen-plow systems were used25
11454842What was religion like in Egypt?polytheistic, they had animal and human forms, the afterlife was a desired place26
11454843Describe mummification in Egypt?the preservation of the body for eternity27
11454844What roles did the priests play in Egypt?they served in temples, and were part of the upper class28
11454845What kind of writing was used in Egypt?they had sacred and secular writings, and they were written in heiroglyphics29
11454846What did the Egyptian scribes do?they were part of the Pharaoh's bureaucracy in edicts and gov transactions30
11454847Describe the architecture in Egypt?monumental, the tombs of Pharaohs31
11454848What was the Egyptian empire like?centralized, large, effective, assisted by the geography of the land32
11454849What was the Pharaoh-divine kingship in Egypt?the Pharaoh is a god, unified by Menes in 3100 BCE33
11454850What were the social classes in Egypt?roughly equal, 1. royal/wealth 2. workers 3. pesants34

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