4288642626 | Humanism | focus on human endeavors (art, science, architecture etc.) | 0 | |
4288642627 | Moveable Type Printing Press | allowed for mass productiovn of books, increased literacy rates, invented by Song dynasty, invented in Europe by Johannes Gutenberg | 1 | |
4288642628 | Indulgences | people would give the church money in order to erase their sins | 2 | |
4288642629 | Atheists | people who believe no god exists | 3 | |
4288642630 | Enlightenment | series of thinkers who focused on government, society in seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, impact on government today | 4 | |
4288642631 | Divine Right | the belief that monarch have a god-given right to rule | 5 | |
4288642632 | Enlightened Monarchies | Monarchs who believed in enlightenment Ideas, such as Joseph II of Austria and Fredrick II of Prussia | 6 | |
4288642633 | Neoclassical Period | imitated Greek and Roman architecture, began in mid-eighteenth century, buildings in Washington DC | 7 | |
4288642634 | Treaty of Tordesillas | divided world between Spain and Portugal, did not realize how big Western Spanish side, Portugal got Angola (in Africa) and Brazil, Spain got Central and the rest of South America, did not end up mattering the for rest of the world | 8 | |
4288642635 | Peninsulares | people born in Spain who lived in the American colonies | 9 | |
4288642636 | Viceroys | governors of each of the five regions of New Spain (Spanish colonies in Americas) | 10 | |
4288642637 | Encomienda System | forced labor of American Natives for Spanish Peninsulas | 11 | |
4288642638 | Hacienda | large American estates owned by Spaniards, worked by American natives in Encomienda system | 12 | |
4288642639 | Middle Passage | route of African slaves to Americas | 13 | |
4288642640 | Age of Exploration | period of European Exploration and start of colonization | 14 | |
4288642641 | Joint-Stock Company | pool of resources of many merchants, origins of stock market | 15 | |
4288642642 | Dutch East India Company | controlled trade routes to spice islands (modern Indonesia) | 16 | |
4288642643 | Muscovy Company (British) | first joint stock company, monopolized trade routes to Russia | 17 | |
4288642644 | British East India Company | managed India for British until Sepoy mutiny | 18 | |
4288642645 | Mercantilism | countries tried to trade as much as possible without importing more than they exported | 19 | |
4288642646 | Spanish Inquisition | murder of heretics (mostly Jews and Muslims) in Spain starting in 1492 | 20 | |
4288642647 | Act of Supremecy | 1534, King Henry VIII declares Englands protestant so that he can get a divorce to try to havee a male hier, declares himself head of Church, | 21 | |
4288642648 | Petition of Right (England) | document limiting taxes and forbidding unlawful imprisonment signed by Charles I because he was desperate for money from parliament, was ignored, parliament was not called to meet for another eleven years | 22 | |
4288642649 | Long Parliment | sat for twenty years after Scotish Puritans invaded England because they hated Charles I who never called for parlament to meet | 23 | |
4288642650 | Habeas Corpus Act (England) | protects people from arrests without due process | 24 | |
4288642651 | English Bill of Rights | signed by William and Mary in 1689, ensured English monarchs would be Anglicans with limited power | 25 | |
4288642652 | Huguenots | protestant minority in France | 26 | |
4288642653 | National Seclusion Policy | Japan cuts itself of from rest of world for two hundred years, culture flourishes, kabuki theatre, haiku poems | 27 | |
4288642654 | Haiku | 3 line Japanese poem, flourished under national seclusion policy, 5 syllables in first and last lines, 7 in middle | 28 | |
4288642655 | Tokugawa (Edo) Period | Tokugawa shogunate rules Japan, last traditional Japanese government, 1603-1867, creates national seclusion policy in 1630's | 29 | |
4288642656 | Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Donatello, Brunnelleschi, Raphael | Italian Renaissance men | 30 | |
4288642657 | Machiavelli | wrote The Prince, a book about harsh, ruthless, and immoral leadership | 31 | |
4288642658 | Erasmus | counseled kings and popes; wrote In Praise of Folly, a book which satirized foolish political decisions which had been made in the past | 32 | |
4288642659 | Sir Thomas More (British) | wrote Utopia, a book which described an ideal society where wealth was shared and everyone's needs were met | 33 | |
4288642660 | William Shakespeare | English writer, humanism | 34 | |
4288642661 | Martin Luther | started protestant reformation, founder of Lutheranism (first branch of Protestant Christianity), created 95 Theses which was a list of 95 things wrong with the Catholic Church, excommunicated by Pope Leo X, was allowed to speak at assembly in Worms in 1521 and after not abandoning his conviction he was not arrested only due to protection of nobleman from hometown, Germany became Lutheran | 35 | |
4288642662 | John Calvin (French) | founded Calvanism, stated that god predetermined an ultimate destiny (heaven or hell) for everyone, only a few, the elect, would be saved | 36 | |
4288642663 | King Henry VIII | could not have male hier, pope denied anullment of marrage wife (Catherine of Aragon) so he started the Church of England/Anglican Church, appointed himself as the head of the church, allowed himself to divorce | 37 | |
4288642664 | Catholic Reformation (counter-reformation) | reforms made by the Catholic Church in order to resist the Protestant Reformation, banned indulgances | 38 | |
4288642665 | Ignatius Loyala (Spanish) | founded the society of Jesuits: practiced self-control, moderation; strict training and high morality expectations for clergy; many appointed to high political positions | 39 | |
4288642666 | Council of Trent | series of meetings from 1545 to 1563, to guide Catholic reformation | 40 | |
4288642667 | Galileo | invented telescope, in 1632 wrote Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief Systems of the World which promoted heliocentric theory, arrested and book placed on The Index (list of banned heretical works) | 41 | |
4288642668 | Sir Isaac Newton | in 1697 wrote The Mathematical Principals of Natural Philosophy, invented calculus, three laws, law of gravity | 42 | |
4288642669 | Thomas Hobbes | wrote Leviathan, people are greedy and prone to violent warfare, government should preserve peace of stability, wanted all powerful ruler | 43 | |
4288642670 | John Locke | wrote Two Treatises of Government; mankind is good; all men are equal; have rights to life, liberty, and property; people can revolt if government denies them of rights | 44 | |
4288642671 | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | wrote The Social Contract, people should vote | 45 | |
4288642672 | Voltaire | enlightenment thinker, believed in religious tolerance | 46 | |
4288642673 | Montesqieu | enlightenment thinker, believed in three branches of government | 47 | |
4288642674 | Prince Henry the Navigator | Portugese prince who supported exploration | 48 | |
4288642675 | Vasco de Gama | rounded Cape of Good Hope (tip of Africa), explored East African Kingdoms, established trade relations with India | 49 | |
4288642676 | Christopher Columbus | underestimated size of world, discovered West Indies and Cuba, started exploration of Americas | 50 | |
4288642677 | Hernan Cortes | conquered Aztecs (ruled by King Montezuma) with help of neighboring tribes | 51 | |
4288642678 | Francisco Pizzaro | conquered Inca Empire with mere 200 men, happened to land after a very destructive civil war | 52 | |
4288642679 | Elizabeth I / Elizabethan Age (England) | made commercial expansion, exploration, and colonization of the new world | 53 | |
4288642680 | James I | King after Elizabeth, reign united England and Scotland | 54 | |
4288642681 | Oliver Crommwell | leader of Roundheads, overthrew Charles I in second English civil war, appointed himself Lord Protector of the English Commonwealth, executed Charles I, hated Catholics, encouraged protestants to settle in Northern Ireland | 55 | |
4288642682 | Stuart Restoration | after Cromwell dies, parliament invites exiled Charles II (closet Catholic and son of executed Charles I) to become a limited Monarch, religiously tolerant, succeeded by James II | 56 | |
4288642683 | Glorious Revolution | James II driven from power by parlament for being Catholic and believing in divine right of monarchs, replaced by William and Mary (daughter) of the Netherlands | 57 | |
4288642684 | Cardinal Richelieu | chief advisor to Bourbons, role to strengthen French crown, compromised with Hugonauts, establish noblesse de la robe class, succeeded by Cardinal Mazarin | 58 | |
4288642685 | Louis XIV | called himself "Sun King", patron of French culture, absolute monarch, revoked Edict of Nantes | 59 | |
4288642686 | War of Spanish Succession | 1701-1714; Phillip V, grandson of Louis IV, inherits Spanish throne; fears Spain and and France would unite to be unstoppable; England, Holy Roman Empire, and German princes unite against them and win; Phillip V stays king but cannot unite with France; France gives up territory to England | 60 | |
4288642687 | Peace of Augsburg | 1555, intended to stop fighting between Catholics and Protestants in Germany | 61 | |
4288642688 | Thirty Years' War | 1618-1648, protestant territories in Bohemia (ruled by Catholic Hapsburg clan) challenged Holy Roman Catholic emperor, France (under Richelieu) Denmark and Sweden joined, fighting stayed in Holy Roman Empire and third of population died (7 million people), ended with peace of Westphalia, France and Prussia benefited greatly | 62 | |
4288642689 | Ivan III | made Russia completely independent of Mongols in by refusing to pay tribute in 1480 | 63 | |
4288642690 | Time of Troubles | 1604-1613, no clear Czar, feudal lords fought and killed eachother for it, ended when Michael Romanov was elected by lords, Romanov dynasty lasted until 1917 | 64 | |
4288642691 | Peter the Great | westernnized Russia built Russia's first navy, founded St. Petersberg on Baltic Sea built by sserfs turned slaves, recruited people from Western Europe, western fashion enforced, ruled in 1682-1725 | 65 | |
4288642692 | Catherine the Great | westernized Russia, limited merchants, enforced repressive serfdom, conquered land, ruled in 1762-1796 | 66 | |
4288642693 | Osman Bey | founded Ottoman Empire in 1450, conquered Constantinople in 1453, tolerant of non-Muslims but took Christians as Janissaries (slave warriors who could achieve high positions | 67 | |
4288642694 | Mughal Empire | founded by Babur, defeated Delhi Sultanate | 68 | |
4288642695 | Akbar | 1556-1605, grandson of Babur, leader of Mughal Empire, made Hindus completely equal, married a Hindu, tried to eliminate Sati, religious tolerance ended and Europeans arrived after rule | 69 | |
4288642696 | Songhai and Kongo and Angola | West and South African kingdoms during era 4, traded slaves to Europe | 70 | |
4288642697 | Zheng He | Ming dynasty navy general, sailed southeast Asia and Indian Ocean displaying dominance, castrated, new emperor stopped him and destroyed ships | 71 | |
4288642698 | Medici family | ruled Florence, gave money to artists | 72 | |
4288642699 | Renaissance | comeback of art and science in Europe, means "rebirth", started in Italy | 73 | |
4288642700 | Van Eych brothers (Dutch), and Albrecht Durer (German) | portratists, adopted Italian naturalism | 74 | |
4288642701 | Nicolaus Copernicus | developed heliocentric theory | 75 | |
4288642702 | Tycho Brache (1546-1601) and Francis Bacon (1561-1626) | asserted that all scientists should amass all data possible through experimentation and observation | 76 | |
4288642703 | Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) | developed laws of planetary motion | 77 | |
4288642704 | Diests | people who believe god plays a passive role in life | 78 | |
4288642705 | The Social Contract | governments have a responsibility to the people, emerged during enlightenment | 79 | |
4288642706 | Amerigo Vespucci | realized America was not part of Asia, America was named for him | 80 | |
4288642707 | Henry Hudson | sailed for Holland starting in 1609, looked for Northwest Passage to Asia, explored Hudson River, claimed land for Holland | 81 | |
4288642708 | Ferdinand Magellan | crew were first to sail around globe, he died in the middle at the Phillipenes | 82 | |
4288642709 | Creoles | Spanish people born in the American colonies | 83 | |
4288642710 | Mestizos | those with European and Native American ancestry | 84 | |
4288642711 | Mulattos | those with European and African ancestry | 85 | |
4288642712 | Columbian Exchange | trade triangle between Europe, Africa, and Americas initiated after Columbus | 86 | |
4288642713 | King Ferdinand (Aragon) and Queen Isabel (Castile) | united Spain with marriage in 1469, started Spanish Inquisition, sent Columbus | 87 | |
4288642714 | Charles V | from Hapberg family, through series of arranged marraiges held control of Spain and Holy Roman Empire, defended Catholosism during Protestant revolution, grew the importance of Spain, retired to monastery in 1556: gave Holy Roman Empire to brother Fernindand I, gave Spain to son Philip II | 88 | |
4288642715 | Charles I (England) | signed and ignored petition of right, called long parliment, army called cavaliers, overthrown by roundheads | 89 | |
4288642716 | Edict of Nantes | stopped fighting between Catholics and Hugenots in France | 90 | |
4288642717 | Bourbans | ruled France from Henry IV until 1792 | 91 | |
4288642718 | Jean Baptiste Colbert | managed French royal funds under Louis XIV, mercantilism, wanted to enlarge France to increase business and taxes, constantly at war, stopped at War of Spanish Succession, | 92 | |
4288642719 | Ivan IV (Ivan the Terrible) | took title of Czar, executed tons of people including his own son | 93 |
AP World History Princeton Review Key Terms Section 4 Flashcards
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