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AP World History Quiz Flashcards

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5927892238Moluccasa group of islands in eastern Indonesia; was the center of the spice trade in the 1500s and 1600s0
5927892240Prince Henry aka Henry the Navigator(1394 - 1460) Prince of Portugal and patron of exploration; he made no voyages himself but spent his life directing voyages of discovery along the African coast2
5927892241Vasco da Gama(c. 1469 - 1524) Portuguese navigator; in 1497 - 1499, he became the first European to sail around Africa and reach India by sea3
5927892242Christopher Columbus(1451 - 1506) Italian explorer, sailing for Spain, who reached the Americas in 1492 while searching for a western sea route from Europe to Asia4
5927892243Columbian Exchangethe transfer of plants, animals, and diseases between the Americas and Europe, Asia, and Africa beginning with the voyages of Columbus5
5927892244Diasporaa scattering of people6
5927892245ConquistadorSpanish explorer who claimed lands in the Americas for Spain in the 1500s and 1600s7
5927892246Peninsularesmembers of the highest class in Spain's colonies in the Americas; colonists who were born in Spain or Portugal8
5927892247Creoleperson in Spain's colonies in the Americas who was an American-born descendent of Spainish settlers.9
5927892248Mestizoperson in Spain's colonies in the Americas who was of Native American and European descent.10
5927892249Mulattoin Spain's colonies in the Americas, a person who was of African and European descent.11
5927892250Line of Demarcationa line set by the Treaty of Tordesillas dividing the non-European world into two zones, one controlled by Spain and the other by Portugal.12
5927892251Missionarysomeone sent to do religious work in a territory or foreign country.13
5927892252Plantationlarge estate run by an owner or overseer and worked by laborers who live there14
5927892253Ferdinand Magellan(c. 1480 - 1521) Portuguese navigator; his ships were the first to circumnavigate the globe, though he died on the journey.15
5927892254Circumnavigateto proceed completely around16
5927892255Qianlong(1711 - 1799) Emperor of the Qing dynasty from 1735 to 1796; during his reign, China expanded to its greatest size. He limited foreign contacts and ordered traders to conduct business with the Chinese government, not with private merchants.17
5927892256Mughala Muslim empire in India (1526 - 1761) founded by Babur; ruled most of northern India from the mid-1500s to the mid 1700s; also known as the Mogul.18
5927892257MingChinese empire; in 1368, a rebel Chinese army pushed the Mongols back beyond the Great Wall and established a new dynasty, the Ming meaning brilliant; while European interest in China and other parts of East Asia continued to grow during the 1500s, the Ming had no interest in Europe -since, as a Ming document proclaimed, "our empire owns the world." The Ming fell in the 1600s with the Manchu conquest.19
5927892258Qingdynasty established by the Manchus in the mid 1600s and lasted until the early 1900s; China's last dynasty.20
5927892259Ottomanruling dynasty of the Ottoman Empire (1293 - 1922); named for Osman I, the founder; at the Empire's height, the Ottomans ruled a vast area that encompassed southwest Asia, northeast Africa, and southeast Europe.21
5927892260MaliWest African kingdom that emerged by 1250; controlled both the gold-mining regions to the south and the salt supplies of the Sahara; weakened in the 1400s.22
5927892261Songhaias Mali weakened in the 1400s, this new West African kingdom emerged; controlled trade routes, wealthy cities and became a leading center for learning; prospered until about 1586.23
5927892262Tokugawain 1603, Tokugawa Ieyasu founded the Tokugawa shogunate, which ruled Japan until 1868; Tokugawas brought peace and stability to Japan; experienced sharp conflict with foreigners arriving in the 1500s.24
5927892263SafavidBy the 1500s, the Safavids, a Turkish-speaking Muslim dynasty, had united a strong empire in present-day Iran; revived the glory of ancient Persia; became a center for the international silk trade; ruled until the 1700s.25
5927892264AztecsSeveral hundred years after the decline of the Maya civilization, the Aztecs conquered most of Mexico; by 1500, the Aztec empire numbered about 30 million people; would eventually be conquered by the Spanish.26
5927892265Mayaearly civilization in Central America27
5927892266IncaSouth American empire stretching 2,500 miles down the Andes Mountains and along the Pacific coast; created one of the great road systems in history - even more extensive than that of ancient Rome; fell to the Spanish in the 1500s.28

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