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AP World History Religion Notes Flashcards

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87540269PolytheismWorshipping more than one diety.0
87540270Totemismself and various animals and symbol religion.1
87540271ShamanismUnseen spirit worlds (central asia, siberia, americas)2
87540273AnimismLife force worship (africa,pacific island,asia)4
87540274Zoroastrianism(monotheisic) founded by ancient Persian by Priest Zordaster - 500 BC based on avestas texts.5
87540275zoroastrianism god:Ahura Mazda, Enemy was ahirman (god of darkness - daulism)6
87540276JudaismWorlds first first monotheistic faith.7
87540277Abrahams CovenantGod (jehova) swore to make hewbrews the chosen people and lead them to Israel.8
87540278Hebrew kingdomruled by judges, then king saul, david, psalms solomon9
87540279Splitisrael and judah, conquered assyrians10
87540280diasporajews forced into diaspora into middle of the 20th century11
87540281jewish principlestalmud-instruction tanakh-strict code of conduct12
87540282hindu cast stystem originsaryan invastion, labor to dark skin13
875402835 classespriests (brahmins) warriors/political rulers (kshatriyans) commoners (vaishyas) servants, serfs, lower class (shudras) and untouchables14
87540284satiwomen required to throw themselves on funeral bed with dead husband to be burned alive15
87540285only brahman could gain:moksha16
87540286buddhism originatedin india around 500bc practiced in china, sri lanka, tibet, korea,17
875402872 schools of doctrinetherevada and mahayana18
87540288birth of buddhismsidhartha guatama. born in himalayas. left palace at age 29. became buddha19
87540289therevada buddhism"way of elders" south/ se asia. simplicity, meditation, nirvana. gods have little role20
87540290Mahayana buddhismabsorbed elements of indigenous religions: hello,souls, pantheons. very ritual and symbolic21
87540291daoism beginning500bc. founder is laozi.22
87540292daoism texttao-te-ching23
87540293daoismnatural forces can be sensed, wisdom and happiness. no wordly things like politics, money, material things.24
87540294daoist ritualying yang - nothing is absolute fortune telling25
87540295daoism is mixed with:buddhism and confucianism in many cultures.26
87540296confucianismlived during zhou dynasty. served as government under prince Lu.27
87540297analectsrecordings of conversations with students28
87540298MenciusTook confucianism to its highest level29
87540299confucianism principlesobey rules, respect elders, famuly unit, good behavior30
87540300where did jesus preachjudaea31
87540301aposatle paulmade it easier to convert greeks, middle easterners, and romans32

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