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AP World History Religion Study Guide Flashcards


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948922323AbrahamThe first patriarch in the Bible. Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice his son, Isaac, and was regarded for being prepared to do so. He is considered by Jewish people as the father of the Israelites through his son Isaac, and by Muslims as the father of Arab peoples through his son Ishmael0
948922325AhimsaIn Hinduism, it is the principal of non violence against all living things.1
948922326The AnalectsCollection of moral and social teachings of Confucius, including the concept of the Five Relationships2
948922328Ancestor worshipWorship give to deceased relatives who are believe to be closer to the Gods, and therefore able to grant favors3
948922330AnimismThe oldest known type of belief system in the world. It is still practiced in a variety of forms in many traditional societies. Animists practice nature worship. They believe that everything in the universe has a spirit. This is exemplified by the practices of the Plains Indians in North America who would praise the spirit of the buffalo that they killed for giving its life to them so that they might survive. Animists also believed that ancestors watch over the living from the spirit world. This belief resulted in ancestor worship as a means of communicating with and showing respect to ancestors.4
948922333ArchipelagoA group of chain of islands5
948922336AtmanIn Hinduism, the human soul6
948922338BCEDate designation meaning Before Common Era, or more than two thousand years ago7
948922339Bhagavad GitaA Hindu holy book where the god Krishna teaches the importance of selflessness, performing religious duties, and of devotion to God8
948922342BrahmaHindu god called the Creator. Brahma is the first member of the triad that includes Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer9
948922345BrahmanIn Hinduism, Brahman is the name given to the oneness of the universe10
948922347BuddhaHindu for "enlightened one." See also Siddhartha Gautama11
948922349BuddhismBuddhism developed in India, and is based on many of the core concepts of Hinduism.. Buddhists believe in an endless cycle of reincarnation, or samsara, which is similar to beliefs of Hinduism. However, Buddhists do not believe that deities are responsible for the phenomenon. In addition, the Caste System is rejected by Buddhists who believe instead that one is reincarnated until they can achieve nirvana, best described as spiritual enlightenment12
948922358CalendarA system for keeping track of time13
948922360CaliphIn Islam, the successor to the Prophet mohammed14
948922361Caste SystemA rigid social class system in Hinduism15
948922363CEDate designation meaning Common Era, or the last two thousand years of history16
948922365Jesus Christ(8-4 BCE- 29? CE) Founder of Christianity. Considered by Christians to be the son of God and the Messiah. He is the central figure in the Christian Religion (Not true)17
948922366ChristianityCurrently the most popular religion in the world based on the number of worshippers found throughout the world. While this monotheistic religion developed from Judaism, there are several key differences in its teachings. Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ in the 1st century CE. The Christian holy book is called the Holy Bible18
948922367CivilizationA society that has a high level of culture and social organization including organized government, job specialization, and a organized belief system19
948922369ConfucianismConfucius lived in China during the Chou Dynasty, when there was mass disorder and confusion and degrading moral standards. Confucius was appalled by what appeared to be the fracturing of Chinese society. He believed that the only cure was to stress a sense of social order and mutual respect, a philosophy that later became known as Confucianism. Confucianism teaches that there is a natural social order to society which can best be explained through the Five Relationships20
948922370Confucius(551-479 BCE?) Chinese philosopher and writer of The Analects, a collection of moral and social teachings, including the concept of the Five Relationships. Also known as Kong Fu Zi.21
948922372ConstitutionA document detailing the fundamental laws of a country or organization22
948922373Dalai LamaThe spiritual leader of the Tibetan sect of Buddhism, and is considered to be the reincarnation of the bodhisattva, or "buddha-to-be"23
948922374DharmaThe act of fulfilling one's duty in life. Associated with Hinduism and Buddhism24
948922375DivineGodlike, or coming from, or having to do with god25
948922376Eightfold PathCode of behavior for followers of Buddhism26
948922377EmperorPolitical ruler of a country of nation. Similar to a king27
948922378Fake WordThis is a fake word28
948922379Filial pietyA part of Confucianism where respect if paid to the parents29
948922380Five Pillars of IslamCode of behavior for followers of Islam. Includes Charity, Daily Prayer, Profession of Faith, Fasting during Ramadan, and a pilgrimage to Mecca called the hajj30
948922381Five RelationshipsConfucian philosophy about social order where everyone has a place and respect is paid to elders, parents, and the government. The relationships are, ruler to ruled, father to son, older brother to younger brother, husband to wife, friend to friend31
948922382Four Noble TruthsSiddhartha's Gautama philosophy of the nature of human suffering and its relation to desire is articulated by four statements32
948922383Ganges RiverLocated in India, this river is considered sacred to Hindus and is used for spiritual cleansing, funeral rites, and other Hindu rituals33
948922384Siddhartha Gautama(563?-483?BCE), Indian philosopher and the founder of Buddhism. Siddhartha was born into the Brahmin caste, and by all account led a luxurious lifestyle. However, he was troubled by the human misery that he saw around him everyday. Upon reflection, he deduced that desire was the root caused of all suffering. Also known as the Buddha.34
948922385HajjThe pilgrimage or holy journey to the city of Mecca35
948922386HebrewSemitic language originating in ancient Palestine and spoken by the Israelites. Modern Hebrew was developed in the 19th and 20th centuries from the ancient written language36
948922387HegiraThe flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Median which was instrumental to the founding of the religion of Islam. Occurs in 622 ACE, which dates the founding of Islam37
948922388HinduismA polytheistic religion that was formed from a variety of different religious practices. In Hinduism, salvation is achieved through a spiritual oneness of the soul, atman, with the ultimate reality of the universe, Brahma. To achieve this goal, the soul must obtain moksha, or liberation from the samsara, the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. As a result of these basic teachings, Hindus believe in reincarnation, which is influenced by karma (material actions resulting from the consequences of previous actions), and dharma (fulfilling one's duty in life). Because all forms of animal life possess souls, Hindus believe in ahimsa, or that all life is sacred. and should not be harmed. In fact, one animal which Hindus consider to be extremely sacred is the cow. The peaceful and contented existence of cows is considered virtuous by Hindus and would represent a rewarding reincarnation for a soul. For this reason, most Hindus are vegetarians so that they do not harm other living beings. The belief in reincarnation, karma, and dharma also provides the religious justification for the existence of the rigid social structure known as the Caste System.38
948922389Hirohito(1901-1989) Emperor of Japan from 1926 until 1989. He is the last Japanese emperor to be considered divine. Led Japan through World War II39
948922390Holy LandTerm given to lands in present day Israel that is significant to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam40
948922391Holy TrinityFormed by the Creator (Father), Redeemer (Son), and Sustainer (Holy Spirit). Christians believe that these three entities are all part of a single higher power41
948922392Human and Physical GeographyThe study of the environment, people, and the resources they use to live42
948922393ImamIn Islam, the leader of prayers and religious scholar43
948922394IslamThe word Islam, which when translated from Arabic, means "to submit to the will of Allah," is the youngest of the world's major religions. Worshippers of this monotheistic religion are known as Muslims, which means "one who submits to the will of Allah." The Islamic holy book is called the Qur'an. Islam is currently the second most practiced religion in the world, and experts predict that it will overtake Christianity as the most popular religion in the world sometime during the 21st century.44
948922395JihadEffort in God's service waged by Muslims in defense of the Islamic faith45
948922396JudaismJudaism is the oldest known monotheistic religion still practiced in the world today. Its fundamental teachings have been influential and are the basis for more recently developed religions such as Christianity and Islam. Judaism teaches that there is one God who is the creator of all things. after the Hebrew exodus from Egypt, many Hebrews began to lose their faith in God. During this time, Moses went atop Mount Sinai and returned with two stone tablets containing laws that all Hebrews needed to follow. These laws, recorded in the Exodus 20:3-17, became known as the Ten Commandments46
948922397KamiSacred spirits that are worshipped in the Shinto religion of Japan47
948922398KarmaActions in this life resulting from the consequences of a previous life's actions. Associated with Hinduism and Buddhism48
948922399Kong Fu ZiChinese philosopher and writer of The Analects, a collection of moral and social teachings, including the concept of the Five Relationships49
948922400Lao Tze(570-490 BCE?) Chinese philosopher credited with originating Taoism/Daoism. His teachings were collected and published as the Tao-te Ching50
948922401MohahharataHindu epic poem that was written in Sanskrit in the 5th century BCE. Its most important part is the Bhagavad-Gita51
948922402MeccaA city in Saudi Arabia where Muslims must make a pilgrimage at least once in their life52
948922403Mencius(371?-289 BCE), Chinese philosopher, who studied Confucianism. He later refined many of the ideas and spread them across China. Also known as Mengzi, or Meng-tzu53
948922404MessiahAccording to the Hebrew Bible, an anointed king who will lead the Jews back to the land of Israel and establish justice in the world. According to the Christians, the Messiah was Jesus Christ54
948922405MohammedProphet of Allah; founder of Islam55
948922406MokshaIn Hinduism, it is the release from the cycle of reincarnation through unification with Brahma56
948922407MonotheismThe belief in one god of goddess57
948922408MosesHe is considered a founder of Judaism due to his role in the liberation of the Hebrews from Egypt, and his delivery of the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai sometime around 2000 BCE58
948922410MosqueA domes Islamic religious building59
948922412Muezzin: In Islam, one who issues a call to prayer, causing the faithful to gather at the local Mosque60
948922414New TestamentThe second half of the Christian Bible. It describes the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, as well as other Christian teachings61
948922415NirvanaIn Buddhism, spiritual enlightenment62
948922416Old TestamentThe first half of the Christian Bible, that describes the creation of the world, the history of ancient Israel, the Ten Commandments, and contains the Psalms and the prophetic books. Also is the Hebrew Torah63
948922418PatronSomeone who provides support to a specific cause and/or person/people64
948922420PeninsulaAn area of land surrounded on three sides by water. Italy, Greece, and the southern part of India are all peninsulas65
948922421PhilosopherA person who seeks to understand and explain the nature of things around them. A scholar of philosophy66
948922422PhilosophyA system of thought devoted to the examination of ideas such as truth, existence, reality, causality, religion, and freedom67
948922423PilgrimageA religious journey to visit a shrine or other holy site68
948922424PolytheismThe belief in many gods or goddesses.69
948922425QuranIslamic holy book70
948922426RabbiJewish scholar charged with conducting religious services, ensuring that Jewish laws are observed, and serving as a spiritual guide for the community71
948922427RamadanThe ninth month of the Muslim calendar. All Muslims must fast during daylight hours, except the very young or sick72
948922428RamayanaHindu epic story about the hero Rama who was the incarnation of the god Vishnu73
948922429reincarnationThe rebirth of a soul into another body74
948922430religionA person's beliefs concerning the existence and worship of a god or gods, and divine involvement in the universe and human life75
948922431reverenceThe respect or devotion that others show someone or something76
948922433Rigid Social Class SystemA social class system where there is no mobility. A person remains in the same class their entire life77
948922434RiverA moving body of water that usually has its source in an area of high ground78
948922435SacramentsReligious practices such as baptism, and receiving the Eucharist79
948922437SacredWorthy of or regarded with religious worship, and/or respect80
948922438SamsaraIn Hinduism, the term given to the endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth81
948922439ShamanSomebody who communicates with the spiritual realms on behalf of the living. Seen in many Animistic types of belief systems82
948922440ShintoShinto, which means "Way of the Gods," is the traditional religion of Japan that focuses on nature. Many consider Shinto to be a form of Animism due to the many similarities found between them. Shinto teaches that there is a sacredness of the whole universe and that humans can be in tune with this sacredness. Every mountain, river, plant, animal, and all the diverse phenomena of heaven and earth have spirits, or kami, which inhabit them. Reverence is paid to the ancestors through the practice of ancestor worship83
948922441ShivaHindu god called the Destroyer. Shiva is the third member of the triad that includes Brahma the Creator and Vishnu the Preserver84
948922442SubcontinentLarge area that is a separate part of a continent. The area encompassing India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh are considered to be a subcontinent of Asia85
948922443TalmudThe collection of Jewish writings that is the basis of Jewish religious law86
948922444Taoism/DaoismThe Chinese philosophy of Taoism (or Daoism) developed in the latter part of the Chou Dynasty, during a period of turmoil in which it was not clear that Chinese civilization would survive. It represents a naturalistic ideal of how one should live their life. The Chinese term Tao can be translated into English, meaning "the way." It is a philosophy which teaches that nature has a "way" in which it moves, and that people should passively accept the "way" of nature, rather than resist it. One concept related to this is that of wu-wei, which means "not doing." This means that people should not act unnaturally by doing things, but rather should openly accept the natural way. An emphasis is placed on the link between people and nature. Taoism teaches that this link lessened the need for rules and order, and leads one to a better understanding of the world.87
948922445Tao-te-ChingCollected teachings of Chinese philosopher Lao Tze, the founder of Taoism/Daoism88
948922446Ten CommandmentsThe ten laws given to Moses by God, according to the Bible89
948922447TorahThe holy book of Judaism. It describes the creation of the world, the history of ancient Israel, the Ten Commandments, and contains the Psalms and the prophetic books90
948922448ToriiThe red gateway entrance to a Shinto shrine91
948922449TraditionA long-established custom or belief92
948922450TripitkaThe collection of religious writings by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha93
948922451UntouchablesMembers of Hindu society thought to have been removed from the Caste System, with no hope of returning to it, due to their misdeeds in previous lives. Work that is deemed unclean for all other Hindus is reserved for these Outcasts. After winning its independence from Great Britain in 1947, India adopted a national constitution which stated that "Untouchability is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden." Since that time many Caste reforms have been enacted to diminish discriminatory practices in India. Today, the Caste System still exists in practice, despite the many laws designed to legally abolish it94
948922452UpanishadsHindu holy book from the 8th century BCE95
948922453VedasA Hindu holy book which is a collection of Aryan hymns that were transmitted orally before being written down in the 6th century BCE96
948922454VishnuHindu god called the Preserver. Vishnu is the second member of the triad that includes Brahma the Creator and Shiva the Destroyer97
948922455Wheel of Lifeimportant symbol of Buddhism. It represents the endless cycle of life through reincarnation98
948922456Yin and YangSymbol used to illlustrate the natural harmony that exists in the world. Everything must have an opposing force that allows the harmonious universe to exist99

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