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AP World History Religions 090610 Flashcards

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81699814Percentages of Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, and Non-religiousChristians - 33% Islam - 21% Hindu - 14% Jewish - .14% Nonreligious - 16%0
81699815Which religion is the fastest growing?Islam1
81699816Polytheistic religions (years, important beliefs)8000 BCE to 600 BCE. Belief systems in which many gods and goddesses represent spirits of nature that take human form.2
81699817Hinduism (years, percentage, founder)2000-1700 BCE, 14%, no one founder3
81699818VedasHindu religious script4
81699819BrahminsHindu priests5
81699820MokshaHindu releasement from the circle of reincarnation6
81699821Hinduism (basic beliefs)Reincarnation. Karma determines destiny. Most follow one of the principle gods. Caste system.7
81699822DharmaLaws Hindus must follow to get to Moksha8
81699823Buddhism (years, percentage, founder, why did it start)563 BCE - 483 BCE, 6%, Buddha, protest against Hindu priests9
81699824Four Noble TruthsWhere Buddhist beliefs lie10
81699825Theravadatype of Buddhism11
81699826Mahayanatype of Buddhism12
81699827When did the two sects of Buddhism split/what are they called?100, Theravada and Mahayana13
81699828NirvanaBuddhist ideal14
81699829Buddhism (basic beliefs)All suffering comes from desire. Self control. Reincarnation. Popular because it accepted everyone regardless of caste, class or sex.15
81699830Eight fold pathWhat Buddhists must follow to reach Nirvana16
81699831Confucianism (year, founder, why did it start?)551- 479 BCE, Confucius, bring order to China after fall of Zhou.17
81699832Confucianism (basic beliefs)Respect for family, veneration of ancestors, personal standards of value = traditions that led to good government. Not a religion - belief system. Highly optimistic views on human nature. Only smart people in gov - it doesn't matter who your daddy is.18
81699833Civil service examFrom Confucianism.19
81699834Taoism (year, founder, why did it start?)580 - 500 BCE, Lao Tze, bring order to China after fall of Zhou,20
81699835Taoism (basic beliefs)Balance of nature. No total good, no total bad. Political involvement/activeness not necessary because the world will even out on its own.21
81699836Judaism (years, founder, percentage)1500BC - 1350 BC, Abraham, .14%22
81699837Ten CommandmentsCovenant between God and Moses23
81699838Christianity (three main types, percentage)Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, 33%24
81699839What is the worlds largest religion?Christianity25
81699840Islam (year, percentage, founder)570, 21%, Mohammed26
81699841Five Pillars of Islam1. Pray towards Mecca 2. Fast 3. Pilgrimage 4. Give to charity, alms giving 5. Oneness of God, Prophet Muhammad27
81699842Three groups of IslamShiites, Sunnis, Sufis28
81699843Shintoism (date, founder, percentage)no known dates, no known founder, 70 - 90% of Japan29
81699844Shintoism (basic beliefs)No prayers, dates, scriptures. Polytheistic devoted to Kami. Not a religion - aspect of life based on ritual not belief.30
81699845KamiShinto spirits. Not Gods, but look out for people's well fare. Rituals allow communication between Kami and people31
81699846Zoroastrianism (date, founder)system of religion founded in Persia in the 6th century BC by Zoroaster32
81699847AvestaThe sacred text of Zoroastrianism,33
81699848Ahura MazdaZoroastrian God of wisdom.34
81699849Spenta Mainyuholy spirit from which all good comes in Zoroastrianism35
81699850Zoroastrianism (basic)Almost extinct, only survived in isolated comunities.36
81699851Sikhims (date, founder, why, percentage)1469 - 1538 AD, .36%, Guru Nanak, did not like Hinduism37
81723835Sikhims (basic beliefs)Afterlife, reincarnation. Founded on teachings of the ten Gurus. Sharing and hard work are very important principles of the Sikhs.38
81723836Granth SahidThe Sikhish holy book - but also one of the living Gurus. The book is considered a living Guru and is treated as such.39

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