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AP World History Review Flashcards

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71025766Olympe de Gougesrevolutionary in advocating womens' rights0
71025767John LockeEnglish philosopher who formulated the theory of contractile government1
71025768Voltairephilosopher: issues of freedom and equality; resented religious persecution and censorship2
71025769Rousseauadvocated political equality, wrote the social contract, French-Swiss thinker3
71025770King Louis XVIFrench king; had to raise taxes - 3 estates4
71025771BastillePrison that was destroyed in a revolt5
71025772The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizenmade by National Assembly. Equality and sovereignty6
71025773Marie Antoinettewife of Louis; hated because of her extravagance7
71025774Robespierreradical Jacobin who dominated the convention; ruthless, "the incorruptible"8
71025775Napolean BonaparteMilitary leader; supporter of the revolution and defended the directory9
71025776Saint-Dominguein Haiti; really rich; revolution here10
71025777Toussaint Louverturecalled himself the opening; black; son of slave; helped many slaves11
71025778Simon Bolivarthe liberator South American creole elite12
71025779Olaudah Equianoex-slave; led slave revolt13
71025780William Wilberforcemajor in helping end slavery; English philanthropist14
71025781Mary WollstonecraftBritish writer; A Vindication of the Rights of Women15
71025782Mary AstellEnglish writer: absolute sovereignty better in family than in the state16
71025783Industrializationtransformed AG SOMETHING and SOMETHIG centered economies distinguished by industry17
71025784James Wattsteam engine 1765, burned coal18
71025785Adam SmithSOMETHING to describe new systems of factory19
71025786Eli Whitneyinventor of the cotton gin20
71025787John D. Rockefellermonopoly21
71025788Karl MarxGerman Theorist; social problems were the result of capitalist economy22
71025789Robert OwenUtopian socialists worked to establish ideal communities that would point th3e way to an equitable society23
71025790CapitulationsDocument containing the terms of surrender; an agreement24
71025791Mahmud IISOMETHING killed all but him; SOMETING cousin became sultan25
71025792Young Turksmost active dissident organization ottoman society for union and progress promoted reform26
71025793Nicholas IIreigned after Alexander died championed oppression and police control SOMETHING27
71025794Revolution of 1905Russian military defeats brought to SOMETHING political and SOMETHING28
71025795Opium Waroutraged by Chinese against opium, British pressed government to reopen trade; captured coastal forts, destruction of Chinese war fleets29
71025796Unequal TreatiesTreaty of Nanjng SOMETING30
71025797Taiping Rebellionworst of the rebellions; China brought Quing to an end; turmoil from foreign intrusion31
71025798Cixiruthless and powerful empress dowager concubine32
71025799Boxer Rebellionworked to rid China of "foreign devils" and their influence wanted by Cixi SOMETHING Christians and those related to foreigners33
71025800The Self-Strengthening Movementsought to blend Chinese culture with European industrial techonology34
71025801Matthew Perrywent into Tokyo and demanded that they open a port to trade with35
71025802Meiji Restorationreturned authority to Emperor; brought end to military government; reform and rebirth in China36
71025803Imperialismwhen another bigger country takes over a smaller, weaker country and controls them and gets profit off taxation37
71026938Great Gamemilitary offices ad imperialist adventures engaged in a risky pursuit of influences38
71026939Scramble for Africafrenzied quest for Empire European Imperialists went and took colonies39
71026940King Leopold IIemployed Henry Morgan Stanley to commercial venture and est. Congo Free State SOMETHING40
71055309Great Trekgreat migration of people in south africa to north africa, because they were unhappy with British rule that had been imposed at the Cape.41
71055310Boer wartensions between Britain and Africa becuase of British mining gold in africa42
71055311Berlin Conferencewhen rulers of european nations agreed to colonize africa and decided how they were going to divide Africas land so they wouldn't fight amongst themselves.43
71085886Direct RuleFrench colonial rule in Africa, Its aim was to remove and replace strong kings. It was meant to keep African populations in check.44
71085887Indirect ruleBritish colonial rule in Africa controlling subject populations through indigenous institutions.45
71085888Monroe Doctrinea proclamation that warned European states against imperialist designs in the western hemisphere, and served as a justification for later U.S. intervention in hemispheric affairs.46
71085889Archduke Francis Ferdinandheir to Austro-Hungarian empire - his assassination was the catalyst for WWI47
71085890allies(Triple Entente)- Britain, France, Russia- countries at war with the central powers during WWI48
71085891central powers(Triple Alliance)- Germany, Austria- Hungary, Italy- counrtries at war with the allies during WWI49
71085892schlieffen planGerman strategy during WWI that would avoid a war on two fronts. It called for a swift knockout of France, followed by defensive action against Russia.50
71085893western frontWWI front located in Belgium and France, many trenches- battle lines remained virtually stationary during WWI51
71085894stalematea situation in which no progress can be made or no advancement is possible52
71085895trench warfareFighting with trenches, mines, and barbed wire. Horrible living conditions, great slaughter, no gains, stalemate, used in WWI.53
71085896eastern frontin World War I, the region along the German-Russian border where Russians and Serbs battled Germans, Austrians, and Turks.54
71085897total wara war that involves the complete mobilization of resources and people, affecting the lives of all citizens in the warring countries, even those remote from the battlefields.55
71085898propagandathe restriction of civil liberties, censorship of bad news, and vilification of the enemy56
71085899twenty-one demandsultimatum that, if accepted, would reduce China to a protectorate of Japan.57
71085900Leninrevolutionary Marxist and Russian founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of the Russian Revolution and first head of the USSR (1870-1924)58
71085901Treaty of Brest-Litovsktreaty in which Russia lost territory to the Germans. This ended Russian participation in the war.59
71085902Woodrow WilsonU.S. President, who led USA into WWI.60
71085903Influenza Pandemic of 1918disease that killed more than 20 million people. the first documented outbreak occurred in Sapin in late 1918.61
71085904fourteen pointsa proposal from President Wilson for a just and enduring postwar peace settlement.62
71085905treaty of Versaillestreaty that denied the Germans a navy and an air force and limited the size of the German army to 100,000 troops.63
71085906League of Nationsthe first permanent international security oranization whose principal mission was to maintain world peace.64
71085907self-determinationthe idea that peoples with the same ethnic origins, language, and political ideals had the right to form sovereign states65
71085908mandate systema division of colonial booty by the victors, who had conveniently forgotten to apply the tutelage provision to their own colonies.66
71085909Adolf HitlerThis dictator was the leader of the Nazi Party. He believed that strong leadership was required to save Germanic society, which was at risk due to Jewish, socialist, democratic, and liberal forces.67
71085910Freudmedical doctor from Vienna who embarked on research that focused on psychological rather than physiological explanations of mental disorders.68
71099154Great Depressionthe economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s69
71099155New DealRoosevelt's program of sweeping economic and social reforms after the Great Depression70
71099156FDRU.S. president- started the "New Deal" program71
71099157Bolshevik Partysocialist/marxist party in soviet union under Lenin72
71099158War Communismin World War I Russia, government control of banks and most industries, the seizing of grain from peasants, and the centralization of state administration under Communist control73
71099159New Economic Policypolicy implemented by Lenin, which temporarily restored the market economy and some private enterprise in Russia.74
71099160Joseph StalinCommunist statesman; leader of Bolshevik Party; became ruler of USSR after Lenin; assumed full military and political leadership.75
71099161Five Year PlanStalin's replacement for Lenin's NEP.the basic aims were to transform the SU from a predominantly agricultural country to a leading industrial power.76
71099162collectivizationJosef Stalin initiated this process, arguing that a "grain crisis" (peasant withholding of grain) could effectively limit the pace of Soviet industrialization.77
71099163Great PurgeBeginning in 1934, Stalin's plan to eliminate all opposition to his Communist government.78
71099164Fascisma political movement and ideology that sought to create a new type of society, devloped as a reaction against liberal democracy and the spread of socialism and comunism.79
71099165Mussolinithe guiding force behind Italian fascism , Italian fascist dictator (1883-1945)80
71099166NazisGerman political party joined by Adolf Hitler, emphasizing nationalism, racism, and war. they became the only legal party and an instrument of Hitler's absolute rule. The party's formal name was National Socialist German Workers' Party.81
71099167Ghandione of the most remarkable and charismatic leaders of the 20th century., spiritual leader of India who used civil disobedience to expose the British mistreatment and to seek equality for Indians in India82
71099168Ali Jinnahan eloquent and brilliant lawyer who headed the Muslim League,. He proposed two states in place of India, one of which would be the "land of the pure" or Pakistan.83
71099169Sun Yatsena leading opponent of the old regime, he proclaimed a Chinese republic in 1912 and briefly assumed the office of president in China84
71099170Mao ZedongEarly member of the Chinese communist party, who viewed a Marxist-inspired social revolution as the cure for China's problems.85
71099171Jiang Jieshia young general who had been trained in Japan and the Soviet Union. After the leadership of Guomindang fell to him, he launched a political and military offensive, that aimed to unify the nation and bring China under Guomindang rule.86
71099172Jomo KenyattaAfrican nationalist who led Kenya to independence from the British.87
71100530Marcus GarveyJamican nationalist leader88

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