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AP World History Review Flashcards

A brief overview of the AP World History curriculum

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748312217spread rapidlyalthough agriculture was established indepentently, knowledge of crop cultivation ___________0
748312220metallurgyThe Neolithic Age was the origin of _______ which was used to create jewelry, weapons, and tools using copper.1
748312223MesopotamiaThe civilization which arose in the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It's inhabitants used bronze and copper, had invented the wheel, and irrigation canals. This civilization was patriarchal and governed in city-states. The land was farmed by slaves. Lack of protective barriers led to conquest but their culture was spread.2
748312224sumerians cuneiform_________ settled in Mesopotamia and developed _______, created a number system, studied heavenly bodies, built ziggurats, and wrote the first epic (The Epic of Gilgamesh).3
748312225The Code of HammurabiWritten by babylonian king; a code of laws regulating daily life and providing harsh "an eye for an eye" punishments. Distinctions were drawn between social classes and genders which were demonstrated in less severe punishments for elite and men.4
748312226EgyptCivilation along pridictable river. Irrigation projects led to its developement. Defined social structure yet flexible, allowing people to move classes. Patriarchal society, yet women did hold positions of power or worked as scribes. This civilization was late in aquiring bronze tools and weapons. Protected by desert.5
748312227Indus Valley CivilizationAlso known as Harappan Civilization, it was on an unpredictable river which often flooded Streets were layed out in a grid and there was running water and sewage systems. Harappan writing undeciphered. Trade with others.6
748312228ShangIsolated civilization in present day China though some trade occurred. Bronze metallurgy was abundant and strengthened it's war techniques. Walled cities arose as cultural, military, and economic centers. There were social classes with eroding matrilineal society. Was followed by Zhou dynasty through 'mandate of heaven.'7
748312229oracle bonesEarly Chinese writing with a custom of divination. When 'it' cracked, a specialized person would read the cracks to determine the gods' message.8
748312230americasCivilizations of the _________ rose later than others without the wheel or work animals, only the llama of the Andes. Such peoples included the Olmecs and Maya. They were polytheistic and had a stratified society.9
748312231MayaThese peoples were termed the "greeks of the Americas' due to their knowledge such as a pictograph writing system, use of zero, study of astronomy and eclipses, calculation of a year within seconds. City-state society with conflict. Well known for sacrificing prisoners of war or using them as slaves.10
748312232north south axisDiffusion of knowledge in the americas was prohibited largely due to its ___________11
752454565ZhouChinese Dynasty whose rulers operated under the Mandate of Heaven after the Shang Dynasty collapsed. Under them the government was further centralized, territory was expanded adding fertile land, and standardized the spoken language. The second Dynasty12
752454566QinChinese Dynasty which emerged after the Era of Warring States. They were China's third dynasty and extended territory, standardized measurments and language, created a wall, manufactured silk cloth, and constructed roads.13
752454567HanReplaced the Qin Dynasty, making them the fourth. Under this peaceful rule the civil service exam began, silk road trade increased, tradition and patriarchy were reinforched, canals and irrigation were sponsered, classes became more intense, agriculture improved, and paper and water-powered mills were invented. A new level of culture was enjoyed and is still celebrated today.14
752454568aryansThey invaded the Indus valley and gave rise to India. Their society was organized along a class system in a village organization. They also introducted their belief system including veneration of cattle and some other animals.15
752454569vedasAryan history is passed down in oral epics consisting of poems, hymns, prayers, and rituals, called ______ and later written in sanskrit. They are India's earliest sacred texts. They include the Upanishads, a collection of religious epic poems. These writings were compiled16
752454570varnaThe castes of India which were developed by the Aryans. It was mostly in place but a lower level was added to accomodate those the conquered and saw as inferior.17
752454571kshatriyaWarrior and ruling class/caste composed of Aryans18
752454572BrahminClass/caste consisting of Aryan preists19
752454573vaisyaMerchant and farming class/caste composed of Aryans20
752454574sudracommon worker class/caste composed of Dravidians or native people of India.21
752454575untouchablesbottom of Indian social order. People who handle waste products, carry out dead, and butcher animals.22
752454576jatiIndian sub-castes.23
752454577ashokaMauryan rulers unified India. _____, the grandson of Chandrugupta is the most well known. He was initialy brutal but later embraced tolerance and nonviolence through Buddhism, while still respecting Hinduism. He encouraged trade and helped advance transportation which helped to spread Buddhism.24
752454578GuptaHindu rulers who followed Mauryans and ushered in the golden age of Indian History. They reinforced the caste system and Brahmins. Buddhism was tolerated and spread. Local rulers maintained authority as long as they submited to Guptas. They discovered zero and developed arabic numerals, decimal system, advancements in treating illness, astronomy, and religious art.25
752454579satiThe Indian practice of a widow throwing hersolf on her husband's funeral pyre, which bestowed honor and purity upon her. Significant under Gupta rule when women's status deteriorated.26
752454580PersiansCreated a culture which influenced Mediterranean society and was considered an heir of ancient Mesopotamian civilization. introduced Zoroastrianism which had a system of rewards and punishments in the afterlife. Iron metallurgy spread and long distance grade was active via the Persian Royal Road which linked remote portions of the region.27
752454581GreeksCivilization of Indo-European people who destroyed the Myceneans before them. They had a written language based on Phoenician alphabet. They were governed by polis and later colonized in order to provide for themselves, spreading culure along the way. They started the Olympic Games to honor their numerous god(esse)s and put focus on drams. They emphasized the power of human reason.28
752454582geographyA determining factor in greek history. They had little farmland, but easy access to the sea leading to fishing and trading in the Aegean sea. Rugged terain prevented easy centralization making polis necessary.29
752454583polisThe political organization of greece. A city-state, consisting of a city and surrounding countryside both under the influence of one government. The two most well known are Sparta, which was militaristic and dependent on slavery and agriculture, and Athens, which practiced self-rule and acheived in science and the arts and relied on the sea.30
752454584peloponnesianAthens became an empire creating distrust among poleis. This lead to the __________ wars, a fight over dominimance. Athens suffers from a plague and loses to Sparta.31
752454585AristotleHe is a model of Greek thought. Constructed arguments through the use of logic and wrote on a variety of subjects in politics, arts, and sciences. Reflecting most opinions of the time, he also believed women were subordinate.32
752454586Alexander the GreatFollowed his Macedonian father Philip's plans to conquer Greece, as well as Egypt, Syria, Palestine, and Persia. Established cities named in his honor. Married a Persian to blend Perian and Greek cultures and encouraged army to do the same. Land divided among generals after death. His rule is called the Hellenistic Age.33
752454587HellenisticThis age is characterized by a cultural blending between Greece and Persia or the Middle East. Featured achievements in trade, communication, geometry, anatomy, and the circumference of Earth. The philosphy of Stoicism taught that people should use their powers of reason to lead virtous lives and assist others. Culture later adopted by Romans who conquered Greece.34
752454588geocentricThis theory produced by Ptolemy in the Hellenistic Age stated that the earth was at the center of the universe. Though other cultures knew the truth, it was accepted as truth until the scientific revolution.35
752454589RomeThis civilization with military tradition became the master of the Mediterranean sea after defeating Carthage in the Punic wars. Julius Caesar causes this republic to dissolve. His death led to a perod of civil disorder. Eventually there was a time of peace. Slaves were almost 1/3 of the population.36
752454590pax romanaPeriod following the civil disorder as a result of Julius Caesar's assassiation. His grand nephew Octavian/Augustus Caesar led Rome into the successes of public works which connected to the Silk Roads, Latin as the common language, common coinage, stadiums, and the spread of Christianity as well as Jesus' birth.37
752995689RomansThese peoples government was centered around the Senate composed of aristocracy. In a crisis a dictator was appointed who would hold emergency powers for up to 6 months. During the republic, laws were codified in the Twelve Tables. Conquered people were typically allowed self-rule unless they rebelled and many were granted citizenship.38
752995690lawMost lasting Roman contribution, established that a defendant is innocent unless proven guilty, they have the right to confront accusers in court, and the right of judges to set aside unjust laws.39
752995691slaveryThis tradition in Rome and Greece made labor-saving advances uneeded, causing the mediterranean world to fall behind in the technological level.40
752995692animismpracticed by early peoples, it is the belief that gods and goddesses inhabited natural features. Common in Africa and Polynesia.41
752995693hinduismA belief system originating in India. Everything in the world is part of a divine essence called Brahma. A meaningful life is one that has found union with the divine soul, which is achieved through reincarnation. Deeds done in a lifetime are karma, which determines how you will be reincarnated. After a few good lives a soul is united with Brahma. This unification is known as moksha. Followers live by dharma, the moral law, which emphasizes consequnces and obligations to community and family. This religion helps reinforce the caste system and also says that our reality is only an illusion, the real world is a primal unitary energy or divine reality similar to Chinese daoism. Followers are forbidden from eating beef. It does not have a single founder, but developed gradually. Merchants carried it through the Indian Ocean, though it did not seek converts.42
752995694BuddhismA major faith originating in India and founded by Gautama who determined that suffering was the consequence of human desire. He became known as the enlightened one or another name that would give away the religion. He would later seen as a God though he didn't believe so. This religion opposes the caste system as it stresses equality and self-control. Reincarnations lead follower closer to nirvana, a union with the divine essence. Monastaries housed traders who carried the religion, though Brahmin's opposed it. Later bodhistattvas added the belief that nirvana could be reached through meditation.43
752995695ConfucianismA Chinese philosophy which rose out of the Era of Warring States. It's founder believed good governement was the maintenance of tradition, which was maintained by personal standards of virtual including respect for the patriarchal family (filial piety) and veneration of ancestors. Also stressed importance of well-educated officials leading to the requirement of studying China's past. Teachings compiled into the Analects which educated officials. Supported submission to government and became basis for the civil service examination. Superiors treat those beneath them with kindness and inferiors respect those above them. Eventually defined Chinese culture.44
752995696DaoismA Chinese philosophy which rose out of the Era of Warring States. It is an adaptation on traditional concepts of balance in nature also known as yin (male) and yang (female). Human understanding comes from folling "The Way", a life force which exists in nature. Taught that political involvement and education were unnecessary but that the natural balance of the universe would resolve problems. Eventually blended with confucianism: responsibility for the community and time for personal reflection.45
752995697JudaismOrigins in Abraham, his people were slaves to the pharoah and freed by Moses. The Ten Commandments is the moral law of Hebrews. The Covenant is an agreement between God (Yahweh) and Abraham to be devoted to each other. Its history is the basis of the Torah, or scriptures. The Hebrews established Israel with Jerusalem as it's capital. Half fell to the Assyrians and it's people scattered as the first diaspora or exile. The other half is later captured and brought to Babylon. Their land later came under Roman rule and when Jews rebelled they were exiled a second time. This is not a missionary religion, though it gave rise to Christianity.46
752995698ChristianityBranched from Judaism in the belief that Jesus fulfilled the promise of a Messiah or savior. This belief spread along roman roads as missionaries and other followers taught forgiveness of sins and afterlife. Some Roman emporers saw Christianity as a threat and persecuted the church until Constantine permitted it's practice in the Edict of Milan. It later became Rome's official religion leading to a pope, nuns, and munks. Appealed especially to poor and women who were equal in faith.47
752995699HanThis Chinese Dynasty declined due to taxes, interest in Confucian goals, poor harvests, disease, social unrest by students, decline in mortality, weak emporers, strong army generals, unequal land distribution, declining trade, and presure from bordering nomadic tribes. Buddhism and mainly Daoism gain followers and leads to the Yellow Turbans a revolutionary movement promising a new age of prosperity and security. China became susceptible to Hsiung-nu invasions although they were held off for a time with tributes.48
752995700SuiChinese Dynasty which followed the Han. Began when Northern Rulers drove the invading Hsiung-nu out.49
752995701Pax RomanaThis golden age of rome ended with Marcus Aurelius' death due to trade decline, taxation, ineffective emperors, less money, population, poor harvest, moral decay, dependence on slaves, non-roman soldiers, and invasions. In an attempt to save Rome, landowners often had to sell to large estates or latifundia, lessening need for central authority and discouraging trade. Constantine established Constantinople as a second capital which thrived, and allowed Christianity in an attempt to save Rome. Huns pressured Rome's nomadic neighbors who overran their borders and established Germanic kingdomes.50
767630870tradeThis drew a variety peoples into contact with classical civilizations which influenced their culture and technology, such is the case with Egyptians influence in Kush.51
767630871silk roadsThis primarily and trade route connecting classical civilizations with the nomads of Central Asia. Initially between China and Mesopotamia, they were extended in the time of the Romans to the Mediterranean. Religions, technology, and disease were exchanged in addition to goods.52
767630872Indian OceanThis trade route were the sea lanes of the silk road. Mariners from China, Malaysia, SE Asia, and Persia sailed here using monsoon wind charts to trade Chinese pottery, Indian spices, and ivory.53
767630873Trans-SaharanThis trade route crossed an African desert using the camel and new saddle. First salt and palm oil were exchanged but later, in the time of Romans olives, wheat, and wild animals were added.54
767630874MeccaThe city in the center of the Arabian peninsula. It is a commercial center but more importantly the location of a religious shrine. Muslims face this way in prayer and pilgrimage here. It is also the home of Muhammad.55
767630875MuhammadAn orphan from Mecca's merchant class, he experienced revelations from the angel Gabriel56
775455456UpanishadsIn India 800-400, dissatisfaction rose to these sacred texts, also known as the vendanta, which explore the sacrifices suggested in the Vedas. Introspective thinking has a larger focus than customary ritual. The effect of these writings was the reduction of priestly authority in favor of individual responsibility for spiritual evolution.57
775455457MaliPart of an african kingdom in 500-1600, made up of monarchies with court life, administrative, military forces, and profited off the trans-Saharan trade. This state later monopolized the import of strategic goods (horses, salt, and metals). They permitted trade of gold dust and became a center of Islamic instruction.58
775455458Meiji RestorationUS intrusion into an isolated Japan brought about this event. Japan was forced into unequal treaties caused a civil war leading to a political takeover with throne being given to a young boy after whom the event was named. The goal was to avoid foreign dominance through modernization.59
775455459TanzimatOttoman Empire reforms in 1839 which sought economic, social, and legal underpinnings for a new recentralized state. Ultimately, they wanted to modernize and westernize. Non-muslims were also given equal rights.60
775455460AndesSouth American Civilization located in a mountain chain. It's people carved staircase terraces into slopes. Incas are one of these peoples as well as Norte Chico61
775455461Taiping RebellionChinese peasant upheavel in Qing dynasty, rejecting traditional religions, instead supporting Christianity. Hong Ziuguan claimed to be Jesus' younger brother sent to rid the world of deamons and establish a heavenly kingdom. They did not seek reform but revolutionary change with no private property or gender equality. Instead, society would be grouped into industrialized, sexually segregated military camps. Appeared to be winning but the movement was indicisive and divided and crushed by the military of landowners.62
775455462Madhist warColonial war fought by Sudan against Egyptian occupation and later the British. Muhammad Ahmad preached faith and liberation and gained followers who revolted againsted Egyptians by whom they were heavily taxed and unfairly treated. They also gained support of Arab tribes.63

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