9795661567 | Period 1 | Technological and environmental transformations to 600 BCE | 0 | |
9795674020 | BCE | Before Common Era | 1 | |
9795674021 | BC | Before Christ | 2 | |
9795684763 | Paleolithic Era | Old Stone Age | 3 | |
9795688542 | Nomadic | Lifestyle where people live by wondering | 4 | |
9795729637 | Nature of Civilization | -Large cities that control countrysides around them -Monumental architecture -Complex political organizations -A written language -Specialization of labor -Advanced art and literature -Long distance trade | 5 | |
9795779160 | Mesopotamia | -River Valley Civilization between Tigris and Euphrates in present-day Iraq -Developed cuneiform -Sumerian civilization | 6 | |
9795793650 | Cuneiform | A form of writing developed by the Sumerians using a wedge-shaped stylus and clay tablets | ![]() | 7 |
9795817928 | Egypt | -River Valley Civilization at the mouth of the Nile River -Developed hieroglyphics | 8 | |
9795831206 | Hieroglyphics | Form of writing with symbols | ![]() | 9 |
9795859177 | Indus Valley | -River Valley Civilization in Northwestern India (two major cities: Harappa and Mohenjo Daro) | 10 | |
9795874263 | Aryans | Conquered Indus River Valley and brought HINDUISM | 11 | |
9795885292 | Shang | -River Valley Civilization along the Yellow River in China -Decimal system | 12 | |
9795904357 | Meso-America | -River Valley Civilization inhabited by Chavan's and Olmec's -Polytheistic | 13 | |
9795931212 | Polytheistic | Belief in many gods | 14 | |
9811728110 | Period 2 | -Larger empires begin to rise -Buddhism, Greek Philosophy, Jainism, Confucianism -Han Dynasty, Roman Republic, Athenian city-state -More diverse cultural interactions -Ends because classical empires had collapsed and Islam enters 600BCE-600CE | 15 | |
9811942731 | Classical Civilizations | -Kept better/more recent records -Expansionists who intentionally conquered those around them -Very large populations (compared to the River Valley Civilizations) -Patriarchal societies -Agricultural based economies -Complex gov't (kept land and people together) -Expanding trade base (connected empires) | 16 | |
9812025044 | Zhou Dynasty | -Chinese dynasty that followed the Shang dynasty and preceded the Qin dynasty -Lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history -Regional feudal states -Ruled as coordinators rather than as a central govt. -Military force determined the strength of rulers -Introduced Mandate of Heaven | ![]() | 17 |
9812065101 | CE | Common Era | 18 | |
9812069166 | Mandate of Heaven | The idea that there could be only one legitimate ruler of China at a time, and that this ruler had the blessing of the gods | 19 | |
9812093292 | Han Dynasty | -Second imperial dynasty of China (preceded by the Qin dynasty and succeeded by the Three Kingdoms period) -Spanned over four centuries -Considered a "golden age" in Chinese history -Created silk road | 20 | |
9812140649 | Mauryan Empire | -An Iron Age power in ancient India -Was one of the world's largest empires in its time and the largest ever in the Indian subcontinent | 21 | |
9812195616 | Gupta Empire | -An ancient Indian empire covering much of the Indian subcontinent -Called the Golden Age of India (science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion, and philosophy) | 22 | |
9812359030 | Greece Civilization (800-300BCE) | -Education/humanism/philosophy and political theory/polytheistic/ sailors -No centralized gov't (geography) -City-states -Slavery -Sparta men- fierce warriors | 23 | |
9812405051 | Rome Civilization (500BCE-746CE) | -Military perfection -Engineering/architecture -Polytheistic (not really important to them) -Christianity was born within their rule -12 tables -Land ownership = wealth -Slavery -Gaps between rich and poor led to disruptions | 24 | |
9812435082 | 12 Tables | Rome's first code of written laws | 25 | |
9812437916 | City-states | Different sections of land owned by the same country but ruled by different rulers | 26 | |
9812472558 | The Silk Road | -Ancient trade routes that extended from the Roman empire in the west to China in the east -Most desired item- SILK from China -Several connected routes | 27 | |
9812509481 | The Indian Ocean Trade | Water trade route connecting Africa, the Middle East, India, Asia and China | 28 | |
9812550381 | Saharan Trade | -Connected people that lived south of the Sahara to the Mediterranean and the Middle East -Berbers! -Salt and gold | 29 | |
9812561198 | Berbers | -Nomadic people who used camel herding for trade -SPREAD ISLAM | 30 | |
9812609404 | Judaism | -The monotheistic religion of the Jews -It originated with Abraham and the Hebrew people. | 31 | |
9812625419 | Christianity | Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life, teachings, and miracles of Jesus of Nazareth | 32 | |
9812639964 | Buddhism | -Religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama that emphasizes how to escape suffering -Based on the teachings of the Buddha that developed in India -Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path | 33 | |
9812662001 | Four Noble Truths | Suffering The cause of suffering The end of suffering The path | 34 | |
9812677534 | Eightfold Path | The basic rules of behavior and belief leading to an end of suffering | 35 | |
9812682545 | Hinduism | A religion native to India, featuring belief in many gods and reincarnation | 36 | |
9812686640 | Legalism | A Chinese philosophy that emphasizes strict obedience to law: belief that people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled | 37 | |
9812697753 | Hellenism | Blending of Egyptian, Persian and Greek culture; emphasis on philosophy and sciences. | 38 | |
9812702887 | Confucianism | -A system of philosophical and ethical teachings founded by Confucius and developed by Mencius -Emphasizing love for humanity | 39 |
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