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AP World History Rome Flashcards

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5439899013Marcus Aureliuslast of the "good emperors"0
5439902735Gaulscame from modern day france1
5439907999NeroInsane Julian emperor who burnt down Rome so he could start it his way2
5439921916Octavianhis rule ended the Roman Republic3
5439926671Battle of ChalonsWhere Atilla the Hut was defeated by combined Germans and Romans stopped the huns advance into Europe4
5439943105Byzantine EmpireEastern half of the Roman empire5
5439964479Atilla the Hunled his Adriatic tribe on a conquest of Europe in 395 AD6
5439969697Carthage and Romeenemies during the Punic Wars7
5439973209Gaulsattacked and burned Rome in 387 BCE8
5439979245Virgil"For they conquer who believe they can"9
5439984425Latifundialarge estates10
5439986580HannibalCarthage's Greatest general11
5439990496JesusBorn in Bethlehem, founder of Christianity12
5439999544Teutoburg ForestThe Romans lost three legions which they would never use the numbers for again 9 CE13
5440012790OstrogothsSettled in Italy14
5440015959Constantinereunited the Roman Empire in 306 AD ruled from Byzantium15
5440026900Etruscanwhose rule was good for Rome16
5440031297Archimedes"Give me a place to stand and I can move the world" levers Syracuse17
5440038414Plebianslower class in rome18
5440042042Mare NostrumThe romans called the Mediterranean this which means our sea19
5440047709Pax RomanaA period of peace in the Roman Empire from 27 BC to 180 AD20
5440064775VisigothsGermanic tribe that settled in spain21
5440069638ParablesShort stories with moral lessons told by Jesus22
5440074495GeographyThis is not the same in Italy and Greece23
5440080248Julius Ceasar"Et tu Brutus"24
5440085177PyrrhusGreek general who won many battles but lost the war to Rome25
5440093027Senatemost powerful of the bodies of government in Rome26
5440114762Martyrspeople who die for their beliefs27
5440118346Diocletiantried to save the Roman Empire by splitting it up28
5440121376Messiaha savior chosen by God29
5440125677Pyrrhic victorya costly victory30
5440130031Hannibal"Even in death I have defeated the Romans again, they will not have their way with me"31
5440136664Second TriumvirateMarcus Lepidus32
5440153613The ItalicsThe Sabines, the Umbrians, and the Latins33
5440158541Trajanthe emperor under who the empire reached its greatest height (6 million square miles35
5440171318Settled in BritainAngles, Saxons, Jutes, Scots, and Picts36
5440174436Pontius PilateRoman governor of Judea who ordered the execution of Jesus37
5440176929TiberRiver that Rome was built on38
5440182526Cato"Delenda est Carthago"39
5440186722Tarquin the ProudHarsh Etruscan ruler40
5440197615Brennusleader of the Gauls who sacked Rome41
5440221751Paulnot one of the twelve disciples, but the most responsible for spreading Christianity throughout the Roman Empire42
5440228744Junopatron Roman goddess of women43
5440233496FranceFranks and Burundians44
5440236393Barrack Emperorsall generals45
5440239986Scipio AfricanusRoman general who defeated Hannibal46
5440251056Victories by HannibalTicinus, Trebia, and Lake Trasimine47
5440263579Tiberius Gracchusmurdered for his land reform proposals48
5440266390ZealotsJewish sect who took up arms against the romans49
5440268492Cleopatraruler of Egypt who tried to remain allies with the Romans50
5440272158GromaLatin for crossroads (name of Rome)51
5440278595First TriumvirateMarcus Lucius Crassus, Gnaeus Pompey, and Julius Caesar52
5440290871ChristianityOfficial Religion of Rome by 395 AD (edict of milan)53
5440295687Treasure, grain, and slavespoured into the Roman Empire54
5440299203Twelve Tableswritten code of Roman laws55
5440301775AlaricVisigoth King who sacked Rome56
5440304537ArchimedesDefended Syracuse against the Romans57
5440310760Octaviangained more land for Rome than any other emperor58
5440316602Battle of ActiumBattle between Octavian and Cleopatra and Mark Antony59
5440320025PatriciansUpper class in Rome60
5440322630CannaeHannibal's greatest victory (double envelopment)61
5440326047VandalsGermanic tribe that settled in north Africa62
5440330181Minervaroman goddess of the arts and wisdom63

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