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AP World History S1 Review Flashcards

Deadwhyler's World History review for the first semester.

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288902551printing presshelped improve literacy rates and increased spread of ideas; help spread the Bible(first thing printed)0
288902552Who challenged the Catholic Church?Martin Luther and Henry VIII1
288902553What did Confucianism provide for China?social order2
288902554The 10 Commandments and 8 Fold Path are examples of...Codes of Conduct (ethics)3
288902555Heliocentric Theoryeverthing revolves around the sun (Copernicus)4
288902556Matrilinealtracing ancestors through mothers (African society)5
288902557Kublai Khanson of Ghangis Khan, increased contact with Europeans and China6
288902558East African power came from?trade linked to Indian Ocean7
288902559Thomas Morecouncilor to Henry VIII of England, opponent of the Protestant Reformation(him and Erasmus had characteristics of Humanistic writing)8
288902560Council of TrentCounter Reformation, church tried to reform themselves, emphasized need of more expanded ceremonies, need of a priest9
288902561Anglican Churchchurch created by Henry VIII (to allow a divorce between himself and his first wife (Henry VIII disagreed with church))10
288902562Sung Dynastyused gunpowder11
288902563Isaac NewtonLaws of Motion12
288902564Joint-Stock Companymerchants joined to share stocks13
288902565Scientific Revolution(1500 - 1600) people began questioning ancient beliefs (sparked new beliefs, curiosity, observation, experiments, mathematics, scientific instruments)14
288902566African Societies(Ghana, Mali, and Songhai)all developed from salt-gold trade15
288902567Galileo Galilei(Descartes also contradicted med. beliefs)built telescope, produced evidence that earth moves around the sun, contradicted medieval beliefs16
288902568Mercantilismfixed(limited) amount of gold/wealth17
288902569Treaty of Tordesillasimaginary line moved between Atlantic Ocean (Spain/Portugal)18
288902570Ming Dynastyleaders gave gifts/honored Nomadic tribe leaders19
288902571British/Dutchwent to China for TEA20
288902572Ottoman Empireexpanded furthest under the rule of Suleyman, rose in power by defeating Byzantine Empire21
288902573Saffavid Empirepersecuted Shi'ite (located in present day Iran)22
288902574Shahtitle of King23
288902575Alexander the Greatspread Hellenistic culture24
288902576Constantinopleimportant trading route, location of East Orthodox Church, later center of Byzantine Empire, later Ottoman Empire named it Istanbul25
288902577What was a characteristic of the Renaissance?revival of Greek/Roman culture(in Italian and Northern Renaissances)26
288902578Akbarwas tolerant of all religions27
288902579Nanekfounder of Sikhism(mixture of Hinduism and Islamic religions)28
288902580Aztecdefeated by Spanish Technology29
288902581Confucianismgave social order30
288902582Athensdirect democracy31
288902583Italian and Northern Renaissancerevived Classic Greek/Roman culture and art32
288902584American/French Revolutionwanted representative government, people wanted own rights33
288902585Cultural DiffusionGreek Hellenistic & Persians (Alexander the Great)34
288947922Protestant Reformation(German Reformation)began in 1517 when Martin Luther published The Ninety-Five Theses, Martin Luther and Henry VIII challenged the Roman Catholic Church35
288947923Black Death(1348-1350)indirectly caused people to question the Church("how can this happen to us, worshippers?")36
288947924Textbooksecondary source37
288947925Code of Hammurabiharsh rules, unjustly allowed people to pay their way out of trouble, hard to socialize38
288947926Impact of Crusadesrise of merchant classes, revivial of trade in Western Europe, cultural interaction in Middle East, decline of Feudalism, revival of interest in learning39
288947927Enlightenmentphilosophers Voltaire and Montesquieu (sought to mobilize the power of reason, in order to reform society and advance knowledge)40
288947928Mayans, Incas, and Aztecall polytheistic and agricultural, had social classes41
288947929Magna Cartalimited King's power in England, gave people more rights, must have a trial and be judged by peers before rights can be taken, became base for many constitutions and laws42
288947930Relation between: Egyptian, Indian, Persian, and Greek societiesAll Hellenistic because of cultural diffusion43
288947931Da Vinci & Michelangeloartists, humanists (Renaissance period)44
288947932Triangular Tradeshift in trading slaves, commercial trade45
28894793312 TablesRoman rules for behavior46
288947934Byzantines wanted to...revive Greek culture, Justinian Code47
288947935Romans went from ___ to ___.from Roman Republic to Roman Empire48
288947936Inquisitionburning of books and people that were against the Church's ideas49
288947937Japan and EuropeJapan had Daimyo Europe had Lords50
288947938Japan angered western civilizations how?By controlling trade and not opening ports51
288947939Roger BaconScientific Method52
288947940Council of Trent ended what?Council of Trent ended the Inquisition53
289114760Similarities of Ottoman, Saffavid, and Mughai EmpiresIslam religion54

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