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AP World History Strayer Chapter 9 Vocabulary Flashcards

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7857381234Qur'an*Definition:* Islamic sacred book of Muhammad's life and message. *Significance:* The word of God that the Muslims believe and follow.0
7857381235Umma*Definition:* The entire community of Muslims bound together by ties of religion. *Significance:* Goal of creating a just and moral society where all believers are community (equality).1
7857381236Pillars of Islam*Definition:* (1) Allah is the one true God. (2) 5 daily prayers. (3) Charitable. (4) Fast of Ramadan. (5) Hajj. *Significance:* Rules followed every day. The lifestyle to be good and responsible as a Muslim.2
7857381237Hijra*Definition:* Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina. *Significance:* Other merchants didn't appreciate Muhammed, so he left to Medina (another holy place). He came back to Mecca to reconquer it later.3
7857381238Sharia*Definition:* Islamic law based on teachings of the Qur'an. *Significance:* It's the foundation of Muslim Law and how Muslims live their lives (with the Ulama as the judge).4
7857381239Jizya*Definition:* Poll tax paid by non-Muslims (minority groups) within Muslim empire. *Significance:* Allowed religious freedom through taxes. Christians and Jews were allowed within the empire because Muslims wanted more trading opportunities.5
7857381240Ulama*Definition:* Doctors of Muslim religion and law. *Significance:* Religiously trained scholars and authorities to look to for Qur'an and Muslim faith.6
7857381241Umayyad Caliphate*Definition:* 2nd of the 4 major caliphates (rule/reign of chief Muslim ruler). *Significance:* Construction of Mosques to symbolize imperial power. It was short lived because of the favor of Arabs.7
7857381242Abbasid Caliphate*Definition:* 3rd of the 4 major caliphates. *Significance:* Founded the city of Baghdad, the capital of the "Golden Age" (enlightenment and prosperity).8
7857381243Sufism*Definition:* Mystical system of Sufis, an ascetic Muslim sect. *Significance:* Belief and practice in which Muslims seek to find divine love and knowledge through a direct personal relationship with God. (Response to the materialism of leaders).9
7857381244Al-Ghazali*Definition:* Islamic thinker who was a scholar. He argued for rationale. *Significance:* He believed that rational philosophy alone could never enable believers to know about Allah. They must know in their heart. (Caused Sufism).10
7857381245Ibn Battuta*Definition:* Visited West Africa and criticized the Muslim practices there. *Significance:* Detailed account of visits to Islamic lands, and documented travels. He provided insight.11
7857381246Timbuktu*Definition:* Port city of Mal by the Niger River. *Significance:* Contained library and university. It was the center of Islamic religious and intellectual life.12
7857381247Mansa Musa*Definition:* Ruler of Kingdom of Mali (Muslim) sought to expand kingdom for gold. *Significance:* He showed pride and ignorance of Islamic law. He elevated Mali's status in the Islamic world.13
7857381248al-Andalus*Definition:* Chief site of Islamic encounter with Christian Europe (conquered by Arab and Berber forces). *Significance:* Muslims, Christians, and Jews contributed to culture. A place of harmony and tolerance (75% converted to Islam).14
7857381249Madrassas*Definition:* (11th century) Formal colleges, offered more advanced instructions in Qur'an and sayings of Muhammad. It was the informal teachings with text memorization. *Significance:* Another way Ulama passed on teachings of the faith, and important knowledge of the faith.15
7857381250House of Wisdom*Definition:* Baghdad, the center for research and translation of scientific, medical, and philosophical texts. *Significance:* Islamic ideas circled the world, and Greek information was being translated into Arabic.16
7857381251Ibn Sina*Definition:* Writer in almost all fields of science and philosophy. *Significance:* Set standards for medical practice in Islamic and Christian worlds. Accurately diagnosed many disease and found treatments, and revolutionary writings.17

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