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AP World History Study Guide Flashcards

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1167059542000- 20th century; 2001- 21st century; 1542- 16th centuryputting dates in proper centuries0
116705955Chinese fundamentals of scholar gentry class; strict patriarchy, closest thing to a state religion in China; secular; influenced all of Asia, but not accepted; emphasized obedience and social orderConfucianism1
116705956extremely strict, Brahman was the highest(priest), untouchables where the lowest (not even really considered a class)reincarnated higher if you had good karma, artist were respected, Hinduism is the only uniting factor between classesIndian Caste system2
116705957Silk Road (goods/silk/Buddhism); westernization(Russia); Alexander the Great and Hellenism; Mongols meshed almost all cultures by conquering;Examples of Cultural Diffusion3
116705958Buddhism vs. Islam/Coptic Christians; absolutism; (Chinese emperor had mandate of heaven; pharaoh was a god); revatively isolated; many advances for their timeComparisons of classical China and Egypt4
116705959to make Greek; emphasized education and arts (literature, theatre, the human body); scientific center in Alexandria, Egypt; Alexander the Great, Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, expanded military/navy, columns, OlympicsHellenistic Age5
116705960prisoners of war; servants; Romans would not own slaves they captured people to own the slavesSlavery in the classical world6
116705961submitted to husbands; no rights or power, Spartan women could own property and make business deals and they were athletic; supposed to raise women and maintain the house; next Indian women (veils/harems), worst off were Chinese (footbinding, harems)Role of women in the classical world7
116705962came from India to china; adapted more to Confucianism (becomes patriarchal); spread among the lower classes (mahyanna Buddhism); never dominates a culture; Buddhism eventually fails; emporess wu;Buddhism's changes in coming to China8
116705963pilmagrage to mecca (hajj), Ramadan, jihad, daily prayer, no god but allah, muhamaad is his messanger/exalted prophet, zekat (tax for poor people); minarets on mosques;Basic Islamic beliefs9
116705964blending of cultures i.e: china and Rome; Nestorian Christians and Buddist; Indians adopted western dress;Syncretism10
116705965Rome never recovers, but China does; both victim to foreign invaders (huns for both); religion attacking government (Christianity→ gov; Buddhism→ confusianism)Comparisons of falls of Han(1st) and Roman Empires(last)11
116705966demonstrated subjugation of women; showed status (poor women did not wear them)The role of veil and harem in Islamic world12
116705967more like a labor system; woman wore harems; children were servants; men usually not enslaved; muslims did not haave muslim slavesMuslim slavery13
116705968Spanish conquered their learning centers/libraries; didn't think it was nesecary b/c allah gave them all the answersWhy Islam "lost" lead in Science14
116705969Similarities between Byzantine Empire and ChinaSimilarities: Both patricarchal, China more so; Both beauracratic, both educated; Both relied on trade routes; Strong militaries because of technology; Had emperors who claimed authority given by religion.; Cultures including religion was from other cultures.; Byzantium from Greek and Rome; China- from previous dynasty; Both innovative. Differences: china was stricter socially; China less spiritual; Byzantine had more powerful enemies.15
116705970when the Mongols destroyed bahgdad; Rashid Rashid- spent a lot of money on themselves/mosques/haremsWhat caused the end of Abbasid Dynasty16
116705971degraded their views on christianisty; increased trade between Christianity and islam; brought new technologies to the westImpact of Crusades on Islamic World17
116705972no recordings of Japanese tea ceremony, great wall of china, r footbindingDoubts about Marco Polo18
116705973about 60-80 million? incas: 10 million; Aztecs:20 million; more than any city of its time or same amount as Europe at that timePopulations of Native Americans19
116705974originated in china (wu ti); spread to rome; whenever in use china prospered; an exam taken to gain office positions in Chinese culture; only the smartest passed (jenshi)Civil service exam20
116705975devastated Europe, killing 1/3 of europe and china population; carried through mice by tick like bugs; spread by mongolsBlack Death21
116705976begings of the the backlash on Buddhism: daoist and confusian scholars convinced tang rulers that Buddhist monastitic orders were loosing china money b/c they could not tax the workers there or the land they were established on, the tang then limits the buddist land, ect..; this restrictions become open persecution; 100s of monastaries and shrines destroyed→ monks and nuns returned to civilian lives (and their ground keepers) became subject to taxation; it survived but it was weakened; led to the main confusian idealogy of china;Results of the Tang repression of Buddhism22
116705977spread of black death; cut Russia off from renaissance/western Europe; promoted internal trade; Mongols- constant threat; kept orthodox church away from protestant reformationImpact of Mongols on Europe and Russia23
116705978muslim from western china; eunuch n the royal court; led trading expiditions sponsored by the state to India, the middle east, eastern coast of Africa; and took the 9 most sophisticated ships in the world to exsplore the Persian gulf, Indian ocean, and red sea; stuck to the coast; hated by confusians who thought his exotic expeditians where useless and they wanted to focus internally and they stopped his trips; showed Chinese predjudiceZheng He's voyages24
116705979attempt to make the Japanese monarchy into an absoluteist Chinese style emperor; by enforcing the civil service exam, drafting; it does not work b/c noble families resist and give the empeopr more power; the noble familes fight for power setting japan into a futile periodTaiku Reforms25
116705980japan- samurai, Europe- scientists/bankers, china- bureaucrats, Aztec warriorsGatekeepers of civilization26
116705981spread of black death; huns helped destroy the roman empireImpact of Mongols/nomads on Europe27
116705982not strict; very tolerant of other religeons; Kublai Khan let all religeons co exist in chinaMongol religious policy28
116705983the spread of the scientific revolution (proving all things scientifically); emphasized the goodness in humanity they set out to fix the world; believed rational laws could describe social behavior; centered in franceThe Enlightenment29
116705984between Europe and the Americas: small pox, cattle, horses- Americas; potatoes/corn- europeColombian Exchange30
116705985german catholic munk; stated protestant reformation; against indulgences; wrote 95 theses; believed only faith could gain salvation, and monastisism of priests was wrong; view on trinity was the sameLuther's beliefs31
116705986the concept of God during the scientific revolution; believed God created the world (set up the laws of nature) then left it aloneDeism32

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