For test on 8/22/11
197569592 | Absolutism | acceptance of or belief in absolute principles in political, philosophical, ethical, or theological matters; form of monarchical power unrestrained by all other institutions | 0 | |
197569593 | Agriculture | science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for growing of crops and rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products | 1 | |
197569594 | Aristocracy | highest class in certain societies, esp. those holding hereditary titles/offices; for of govt in which power is held by nobility | 2 | |
197569595 | Bias | prejudice in favor of/against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair | 3 | |
197569596 | Bureaucracy | system of govt in which most the important decisions are made by state officials rather than elected reps | 4 | |
197569597 | Chiefdom | type of complex society of varying degrees of centralization led by an individual known as a chief; political organization inherited thru kinship lines | 5 | |
197569598 | City-state | sovereign state consisting of an independent city and its surrounding territory | 6 | |
197569599 | Civilization | advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry, and govt has been reached | 7 | |
197569600 | Commercial | of, pertaining to, or characteristic of commerce; prepared, done, or acting with sole of chief emphasis on salability, profit, or success; able to yield or make profit | 8 | |
197569601 | Demography | science of vital and social stats as of the births, deaths, diseases, marriages, etc, of populations | 9 | |
197569602 | Divination | practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means | 10 | |
197569603 | Dynasty | sequence of rulers from the same family, stock, or group | 11 | |
197569604 | Empire | group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or government -- usually a territory of greater extent than a kingdom | 12 | |
197569605 | Epidemic | disease affecting many people at the same time, and spreading from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently prevalent; extremely prevalent widespread | 13 | |
197569606 | Forager | someone who searches for food or provisions of any kind, seeks, rummages, or hunts | 14 | |
197569607 | Globalization | to extend to other parts of the world; make worldwide | 15 | |
197569608 | Indentured Servant | person under contract to work for another person for a specific time, in exchange for learning a trade, travel expenses, or free passage to a new country | 16 | |
197569609 | Interregional | of, relating to, or conducted between two or more regions | 17 | |
197569610 | Kingdom | state or government having a king or queen as its head | 18 | |
197569611 | Medieval | of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or in the style of the Middle Ages (500-1350) | 19 | |
197569612 | Merchant | person who buys and sells commodities for profit; dealer; trader | 20 | |
197569613 | Monotheism | doctrine or belief that there is only one god | 21 | |
197569614 | Nation | large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own | 22 | |
197569615 | Neolithic | of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the last phase of the Stone Age, marked by the domestication of animals, development of agriculture, and manufacture of pottery and textiles -- commonly thought to have begun 9000-8000 B.C. in the Middle East | 23 | |
197569616 | Nobility | noble class or body of nobles in a country | 24 | |
197569617 | Nomad | member of a people or tribe that has no permanent abode but moves about from place to place, usually seasonally and often following a traditional route or circuit according to the state of the pasturage or food supply | 25 | |
197569618 | Ocean | vast body of salt water that covers 75% of the Earth's surface | 26 | |
197569619 | Pandemic | prevalent thruout an entire country, continent, or whole world; epidemic over a large area | 27 | |
197569620 | Papacy | system of ecclesiastical govt in which the pope is recognized as the supreme head | 28 | |
197569621 | Pastoral | pertaining to the country or to the life in the country; rural; rustic | 29 | |
197569622 | Patriarchal | of, relating to, or characteristic of a system of society or government controlled by men | 30 | |
197569623 | Periodization | act or instance of dividing a subject into historical eras for purposes or analysis and study | 31 | |
197569624 | Polytheism | doctrine of or belief in more than one god or in many gods | 32 | |
197569625 | Prehistoric | pertaining to the time or a period prior to recorded history | 33 | |
197569626 | Primary Source | firsthand or eyewitness account of an event | 34 | |
197569627 | Revolution | overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established govt or political system by the people governed | 35 | |
197569628 | Scribe | person who copies documents, esp. a person who made handwritten copies before the invention of printing | 36 | |
197569629 | Sea | salt waters cover the greater part of the Earth's surface; large lake or landlocked body of water | 37 | |
197569630 | Secondary Source | any document that describes an event, person, place, or thing not created contemporaneously | 38 | |
197569631 | Serf | person in condition of servitude, required to render services to a lord, commonly attached to the lord's land and transferred with it from one owner to another | 39 | |
197569632 | Shaman | person, esp. among certain tribes, who acts intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds, using magic to cure illness, foretell the future, control spiritual forces, etc. | 40 | |
197569633 | Slave | person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a bond servant | 41 | |
197569634 | State | politically unified people occupying a definite territory; nation; the territiory, or one of the territories, of a govt | 42 | |
197569635 | Steppes | extensive plains, esp. ones without trees; vast grasslands, esp. those in the South and East and Southwest Asian parts of Russia | 43 | |
197569636 | Urban | of, pertaining to, or designating a city or town; living in a city | 44 |