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AP World History Terms- 4 Flashcards

these are MY definitions so if they are wrong it's not my fault

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33296241Sparta and AthensBecame the two leading city-states: The first represented a strong military aristocracy dominating a slave population; the other was a more diverse commercial state, also including the extensive use of slaves, justly proud of its artistic and intellectual leadership.0
33296242Periclesthe most famous Greek political figure; An aristocrat who ruled not through official position, but by wise influence and negotiation.1
33296243Hellenistica period named for the influence of the Hellenes, as the Greeks were known; Little political activity, yet trade flourished and important scientific centers were established.2
33296244Punic Warsthree wars from about 264 to 146 B.C.E., during which Rome fought and defeated the armies of the Phoenician city of Carthage, situated on the northern coast of Africa.3
33296245Classical Mediterranean Civilizationsprang up on the Mediterranean Sea from 800 B.C.E. until the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 C.E.; rivaled their counterparts in India and China in richness and impact.4
33296246Greek City-Statesan independent city and its surrounding regions under a unified government.5
33296247Twelve TablesThe early Roman republic's first code of law, introduced by 450 B.C.E.; were intended to restrain the upper classes from arbitrary action and to subject them, as well as ordinary people, to some common legal principles.6
33296248Julius CaesarWon the Civil wars in 45 B.C.E. which led to the effective end of the traditional institutions of the Roman state; grandson was Augustus Caesar; was assassinated.7
33296249SocratesBorn in Athens in 469 B.C.E., and encouraged his pupils to question conventional wisdom, on the grounds that the chief human duty was "the improvement of the soul"; Great pupil was Plato.8
33296250PlatoSocrates great pupil; suggested that human reason could approach an understanding of the three perfect forms- the absolute True, Good, and Beautiful- which he believed characterized nature.9
33296251EuclidA mathematician who produced what was long the world's most widely used compendium of geometry.10
33296252SophoclesAn Athenian dramatist who portrayed the psychological flaws of his hero Oedipus so well that modern psychology long used the term Oedipus complex to refer to a potentially unhealthy relationship between a man and his mother.11
33296253StoicsEthical systems that emphasized an inner moral independence, to be cultivated by strict discipline of the body and by personal bravery; developed largely apart from religious considerations and were major contributions in their own right.12
33296254Pleoponnesian WarWar between Athens and Sparta fighting for control of Greece.13
33296255Cyrus the GreatEstablished a massive Persian Empire across the northern Middle East and into north-western India by 550 B.C.E.14
33296256Iliad and OdysseyTwo extremely well-known tales written by the poet Homer in the eighth century B.C.E.15
33296257ZoroastrianismAnimist religion that saw material existence as battle between forces of good and evil; stressed the importance of moral choice.16

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