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62982244aylluAndean lineage group or kin-based community0
62982245GhanaFirst known kingdom in sub-Saharan West Africa between the sixth and thirteenth centuries C.E. Also the modern West African country once known as the Gold Coast.1
62982246humanistsEuropean scholars, writers, and teachers associated with the study of the humanities (grammar, rhetoric, poetry, history, languages, and moral philosophy), influential in the fifteenth century and later.2
62982247Ibn KhaldunArab historian. He developed an influential theory on the rise and fall of states. Born in Tunis, he spent his later years in Cairo as a teacher and judge. In 1400 he was sent to Damascus to negotiate the surrender of the city.3
62982248Il-KhanA 'secondary' or 'peripheral' khan based in Persia. The Il-khans' khanate was founded by Hulagu a grandson of Genghis Khan. It controlled much of Iran and Iraq4
62982249investiturecontroversy Dispute between the popes and the Holy Roman Emperors over who held ultimate authority over bishops in imperial lands.5
62982250Kamakura ShogunateThe first of Japan's decentralized military governments. (1185-1333).6
62982251quipuSystem of knotted colored cords used by pre-literate Andean peoples to transmit information.7
62982252Khubilai KhanLast of the Mongol Great Khans (r. 1260-1294) and founder of the Yuan Empire.8
62982253Kievan RussiaState established at Kiev in Ukraine ca. 879 by Scandinavian adventurers asserting authority over a mostly Slavic farming population.9
62982254Latin WestHistorians' name for the territories of Europe that adhered to the Latin rite of Christianity and used the Latin language for intellectual exchange in the period ca. 1000-1500.10
62982255Li ShiminOne of the founders of the Tang Empire and its second emperor (r. 626-649). He led the expansion of the empire into Central Asia11
62982256mamluksUnder the Islamic system of military slavery, Turkic military slaves who formed an important part of the armed forces of the Abbasid Caliphate of the ninth and tenth centuries. Mamluks eventually founded their own state, ruling Egypt and Syria.12
62982257Mansa MusaRuler of Mali (r. 1312-1337). His pilgrimage through Egypt to Mecca in 1324-1325 established the empire's reputation for wealth in the Mediterranean world13
62982258Ming EmpireEmpire based in China that Zhu Yuanzhang established after the overthrow of the Yuan Empire. The Ming emperor Yongle sponsored the building of the Forbidden City and the voyages of Zheng He14
62982259monasticismLiving in a religious community apart from secular society and adhering to a rule stipulating chastity, obedience, and poverty. (Primary Centres of Learning in Medieval Europe) (261)15
62982260papacyThe central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the pope is the head16
62982261Rashid al-DinDoctory, historian and adviser to the Il-khans, created some of the most concise writing on the Mongol Empire17
62982262Scientific RevolutionThe intellectual movement in Europe, initially associated with planetary motion and other aspects of physics, that by the seventeenth century had laid the groundwork for modern science.18
62982263shamanismThe practice of identifying special individuals (shamans) who will interact with spirits for the benefit of the community. Characteristic of the Korean kingdoms of the early medieval period and of early societies of Central Asia19
62982264SrivijayaA state based on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, between the 7th and 11th centuries C.E. It amassed wealth and power by a combination of selective adaptation of Indian technologies and concepts, and control of trade routes20
62982265technology transferThe communication of specific plans, designs, or educational programs necessary for the use of new technologies from one society or class to another.21
62982266TenochtitlanCapital of the Aztec Empire, located on an island in Lake Texcoco. Its population was about 150,000 on the eve of Spanish conquest. Mexico City was constructed on its ruins.22
62982267TeotihuacanA powerful city-state in central Mexico (100-75 C.E.). Its population was about 150,000 at its peak in 600.23
62982268TimurMember of a prominent family of the Mongols' Jagadai Khanate, through conquest gained control over much of Central Asia and Iran. He consolidated the status of Sunni Islam as orthodox, and his descendants, maintained his empire.24
62982269tribute systemA system in which defeated peoples were forced to pay a tax in the form of goods and labor. This forced transfer of food, cloth, and other goods subsidized the development of large cities. An important component of the Aztec and Inca economies.25
62982270Yi KingdomThe Yi dynasty ruled Korea from the fall of the Koryo kingdom to the colonization of Korea by Japan.26
62982271Yuan EmpireEmpire created in China and Siberia by Khubilai Khan.27
62982272Hanseatic LeagueAlliance of trading cities that established and maintained a trade monopoly over most of Northern Europe and the Baltic for a time in the later Middle Ages and the Early Modern period (ie between the 13th and 17th century).28
62982273Medicispowerful and influential Florentine family from the 13th to 17th century, first achieved power through banking. They were instrumental in the development of Florence as the epicenter of Renaissance29
62982274AbbasidArabic dynasty (750-1258) that replaced the Ummayyads, founded by Abu al-Abbas and reaching its peak under Harun al-Rashid30
62982275abolitionismantislavery movement31
62982276absolutismpolitical philosophy that stressed the divine right theory of kingship: the French king Louis XIV was the classic example32
62982277Abu BakrFirst caliph after the death of Muhammad33
62982278Achaemenid empirefirst great Persian empire (558-330 BCE), which began under Cyrus and reached its peak under Darius34
62982279AeschylusGreek tragedian, author of the Oresteia35
62982280Age gradesBantu institution in which individuals of roughly the same age carried out communal tasks appropriate for that age36
62982281ahimsaJain term for the principle of nonviolence to other living things or their souls37
62982282AhmosisEgyptian pharaoh c. 1500 BCE, founder of the New Kingdom38
62982283Ahura MazdaMain god of Zoroastrianism who represented truth and goodness and was perceived to be in an eternal struggle with the malign spirit Angra Mainyu39
62982284al-AndalusIslamic Spain40
62982285AllahGod of the monotheistic religion of Islam41
62982286Ali'i nuiHawai'ian class of high chiefs42
62982287Amon-ReEgyptian god, combination of the sun god Re and the air god Amon43
62982288AngkorSoutheast Asian khmer kingdom (889-1432) that was centered around the temple cities of Angkor Thom and Angkor Wat44
62982289Anti-semitisma prejudice against Jews, and the political, social, and economic actions taken against them45
62982290AntonianismAfrican syncretic religion, founded by Dona Beatriz, that taught that Jesus Christ was a black African man and the heaven was for Africans46
62982291ApartheidSouth African system of "separateness" that was implemented in 1948 and that kept the black majority in a position of political, social, and economic subordination47
62982292AppeasementBritish and French policy in the 1930s that tried to maintain peace in Europe in the face of German aggression by making concessions48
62982293Arianismearly Christian heresy that centered around teaching of Arius (250-336 CE) ans contained the belief that Jesus was a mortal human being and not coeternal with God; Arianism was the focus of Council of Nicaea49
62982294ArthaHindu concept for the pursuit of economic well-being and honest prosperity50
62982295ArthashastraAncient Indian political treatise from the time of Chandragupta Maurya; its authorship was traditionally ascribed to Kautalya, and it stressed that war was inevitable51
62982296AryansIndo-European tribes who settled in India after 1500 BCE, their union with indigenous Dravidians formed the basis of Hinduism52
62982297ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations)Regional organization established in 1967 by Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines; the organization was designed to promote economic progress and political stability; it later became a free-trade zone53
62982298AssyriansSouthwest Asian people who built and empire that reached it height during the eighth and seventh centuries BCE, it was known for a powerful army and a well-structured state54
62982299AstrolabeNavigational instrument for determining latitude55
62982300Atenmonotheistic god of Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten (reigned 1353-1335 BCE) and a very early example of monotheism56
62982301AudienciasSpanish courts in Latin America57
62982302Australopithecusoldest known ancestor of humans, lived from around 40 million down to around one million years ago, walked on two legs58
62982303AustronesiansPeople who as early as 2000 BCE began to explore and settle islands of the Pacific Island basin59
62982304Avestabook that contains the holy writings of Zoroastianism60
62982305Aztec EmpireCentral American empire constructed by the Mexica and expanded greatly during the fifteenth century during the reign of Itzcoatl and Motecuzoma I.61
62982306AxumAfrican kingdom centered in Ethiopia that became an early and lasting center of Coptic Christianity62
62982307Balfour DeclarationStatement issued by Britain's foreign secretary Arthur Balfour in 1917 favoring the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.63
62982308BantuAfrican peoples who originally lived in the area of present-day Nigeria; around 2000 BCe they began a centuries-long migration that took them to most of sub-Saharan Afric; the Bantu were very influential, especially linguistically64
62982309BedouinsNomadic Arabic tribespeople65
62982310beneficeGrant froma lord to a vassal, usually consisting of land, which supported the vassal and signified the relationship between the two66
62982311Berlin ConferenceMeeting organized by German chancellor Otto von Bismarck in 1884-1885 that provided the justificatin for European colonization of Africa67
62982312Bhagavad Gita"Song of the Lord," an Indian short poetic work drawn from the lengthly Mahabharata that was finished around 400 CE and that expressed basic Hindu concepts such as karma and dharma68
62982313BaktiIndian movement that attempted to transcend the differences between Hinduism and Islam69
62982314Black HandPre-WWI secret Serbian nationalistic society; one of tis members, Gavrilo Princip, assassinated Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand and provided the spark for the outbreak of the Great War70
62982315BlitzkriegGerman style of rapid attack through the use of armor and air power that was used in Poland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, and France in 1939-194071
62982316BoddhisatvasBuddhist conceot regarding individuals who had reached enlightenment but who stayed in this world to help others72
62982317BolshevikRussian communist party headed by Lenin73
62982318BourgeoisieMiddle class in modern industrail society74
62982319BoyarsRussian nobles75
62982320BrahminsHindu caste of priests76
62982321Brezhnev DoctrinePolicy developed by Leonid Brezhnev (1906-1982) that claimed for the Soviet union the right to invade any socalist country faced with internal or external enemies; the doctrine was best expressed in Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia77
62982322BuddhaThe "enlightened one," the term applied to Siddhartha Gautama after his discoveries that would form the foundation of Buddhism78
62982323BuddhismReligion, based on Four Noble Truths, associated with Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BCE), or the Buddha; its adherents desired to eliminate all distracting passion and reach nirvana79
62982324BunrakuJapanese puppet theater80
62982325BushidoThe "way of the warrior," the code of conduct of the Japanese samurai that was based on loyalty and honor81
62982326Byzantine EmpireLong-lasting empire centered at Constantinople; it grew out of the end of the Roman empire and carried legacy of Roman greatness and was the only classical society to survive into the moderna ge; it reached its peak during the reign of Justinian (483-565)82
62982327Caesaropapismconcept relating to the mixing of political and religious authority, as with the Roman emporeres, that was central to the church vs. state controversy in medieval Europe83
62982328CahokiaLargue structure in modern Illinois that was constructed by the mound-building peoples; it was the third largest structure in the Americas before the arrival of the Europeans84
62982329Caliph"deputy," Islamic leader after the death of Muhammad85
62982330CapetianEarly French dynasty that started with Hugh Capet86
62982331CapitalismAn economic system with origins in early modern Europe in which private parties make their goods and services available on a free market87
62982332CapitulationsHighly unfavorable trading agreements that the Ottoman Turks signed with the Europeans in the 19th century that symbolized the decline of the Ottomans88
62982333CarolingiansGermanic dynasty that was named after its most famous leader, Charlemagne89
62982334CarthageNorth African kingdom, main rival to early Roman expansion, that was defeated by Rome in the Punic Wars90
62982335Catal HuyukImportant Neolithic settlement in Anatolia (7250-6150 BCE)91
62982336CatharsMedievale heretics, also known as the Albigensians, who considered the material world evil; their followersr renounced wealth and marriage and promoted an ascetic existence92
62982337Catholic Reformation16th century Catholic attempt to cure internal ills and confront Protestantism; it was inspired by the reforms of the Council of Trent and the actions of the Jesuits93
62982338CaudillosLatin American term for 19th century local military leaders94
62982339Central PowersWWI term for the alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire95
62982340ChaghataiOne of Genghis Khan's sons, whose descendantsruled Central Asia through the Chaghatai khanate96
62982341Zen Buddhism (Chan Buddhism)Most popular branch of Buddhism in China, with an emphasis on intuition and sudden flashes of insight instead of textual study97
62982342ChanchanCapital of the pre-Incan, South American Chimu society that supported a large population of fifty thousand98
62982343Chavin cultMysterious but very popular South American religion (1000-300 BCE)99
62982344ChimuPre-Incan South American society that fell to Incas in the 15th century100
62982345Chinampasagricultural gardens used by Mexica (Aztecs) in which fertile muck from lake bottoms was dredged and built up into small plots101
62982346ChivalryEuropean medieval code of conduct for knights based on loyalty and honor102
62982347CholaSouthern Indian Hindu kingdom (850-1267), a tightly centralized state that dominated sea trade103
62982348Hinduismmain religion of India, a combination of Dravidian and Aryan concepts; Hinduism's goal is to reach spiritual purity and union with the great world spirit, its important concepts include dharma, karma, and samsara104
62982349HolocaustGerman attempt in World War II to exterminate the Jews of Europe105
62982350Home frontThe name given to the part of war that was not actively involved in the fighting but which was vital to it.106
62982351Hominidprimate that walks upright, has opposable thumbs, and possesses a large brain; only living members are humans107
62982352Homo erectusHominids who are believed to have walked completely upright like modern people do, called "Upright Man".108
62982353Homo sapiensA species of the creatures Hominid who have larger brains and to which humans belong, dependent of language and usage of tools.109
62982354Homo sapiens sapiensthe newest human breed, originating c. 120,000 years ago, of which all humans in the world today are descendants110
62982355Hundred Days of ReformA series of reforming edicts and laws in China. The empress used support from Manchu officials and soldiers (that had been threatened) to lock up the emperor and get rid of reformers111
62982356HuitzilopochtiSun god and patron deity of the Aztecs112
62982357DhowShip of small to moderate size used in the western Indian Ocean, traditionally with a triangular sail and a sewn timber hull.113
62982358ChucuitoPre-Incan South American society that rose in the twelfth century and fell to the incas in the fifteenth century.114
62982359City-stateurban areas that controlled surrounding agricultural regions and that were often loosely connected in a broader political structure with other city-states.115
62982360Cohongspecially licensed Chinese firms that were under strict government regulation116
62982361collectivizationprocess beginning in the late 1920s by which Stalin forced the Russian peasants off their own land and onto huge collective farms run by the state; millions died in the process117
62982362COMECONthe Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, which offered increased trade within the Soviet Union and eastern Europe; it was the Soviet alternative to the United States; Marshall Plan.118
62982363Communalisma term, usually associated with India, that placed an emphasis on religious rather than national identity.119
62982364CommunismPhilosophy and movement that began in middle of the 19th century with the work of Karl Marx; it has the same general goals as socialsim, but it includes the belief that violent revolution is necessary to destroy the bourgeois world and institute a new world run by and for the proletariat.120
62982365ConfuciansimPhilosophy that emphasizes order, the role of the gentleman, obligation to society, and reciprocity121
62982366Congress of ViennaMeeting in 1815 of the victorious powers (England, Russia, Prussia, and Austria) in order to determine the settlement of Europe after the defeat of Napoleon; established a system of international diplomacy for the 19th century and beyond122
62982367ConquistadoresSpanish adventurers like Cortes and Pizarro who conquered Central and South America in the 1500s123
62982368Constitutionalismmovement in England in the 1600s that placed power in the hands of Parliament as part of a constitutional monarchy and that increasingly limited the power of the monarch; the movement was highlighted by the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution124
62982369ContainmentConcept associated with the U.S. and specifically with the Truman Doctrine during the cold war that revolved around the notion that the U.S. would contain the spread of communism125
62982370corporationa concept that reached mature form in the 1860s in England and France; it entailed private businesses owned by thousands of individual and institutional investors who financed the business through the purchase of stocks.126
62982371Corpus iuris civilis"Body of the Civil Law', the Byzantine emporer Justinian's attempt to codify all Roman law127
62982372CriollosCreoles, people born in the Americas of Spanish or Portuguese ancestry128
62982373Cro-MagnonHomo sapiens sapiens, who appeared 40 thousand years ado during the Paleolithic age and were the first human beings of the modern type.129

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