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AP World History Terms Flashcards

using terms from the Stearns AP World history book

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10434744884Paleolithic Age(Old Stone Age) from about 750,000 years ago to 14,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers and first simple stone and wood tool use0
10434744885Mesolithic Age(Middle Stone Age) 12,000-8,000 B.C.E., stone tools improved and more animals domesticated1
10434744886Neolithic Age(New Stone Age) latest part of the Stone Age beginning about 10,000 BC in the middle east (but later elsewhere), invention of agriculture2
10434744887Agricultural RevolutionThe time when human beings first domesticated plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and gathering, began in the Middle East and spread to other centers3
10434744888Bronze Agebeginning at about 3000 B.C.E., metalworking became commonplace, starting in the Middle East4
10434744889Fertile Crescentcore area of agriculture in Mesopotamia5
10434744890Catal HuyukNeolithic village in southern turkey founded about 7000 B.C.E., studied by scientists6
10434744891Civilizationformal states characterized by writing, cities, monuments, and elaborate trading patterns7
10434744892Mesopotamiathe first civilization, along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Middle East8
10434744893Sumerianspeople who invaded Mesopotamia in 3500 B.C.E., known for irrigation techniques, first written language (Cuneiform), and complex religious concepts (religious monuments- ziggurats)9
10434744894City-Statespolitical structures begun by the Sumerians ruled by a king who claimed divine authority and a government who organized all parts of the state10
10434744895Monumental Architecturecharacteristic of civilization, often religious monuments (i.e. ziggrats in Mesopotamia, pyramids in Egypt)11
10434744896River Valley Civilizationsfirst civilizations in the Middle East, Egypt, northwestern India, and northern China, most declined by 1200 B.C.E.12
10434744897Ideographspicture symbols first used as writing in China13
10434744898Babylonianspeople who invaded Mesopotamia and extended the empire14
10434744899HammurabiBabylonian king who introduced the most famous early code of law, involving harsh punishments15
10434744900Egyptian Civilizationriver valley civilization in northern Africa, along the Nile River, formed by 3000 B.C.E.16
10434744901Pharaohking of Egypt17
10434744902Indian Civilizationriver valley civilization along the Indus River, formed by 2500 B.C.E., supporting several large cities, including Harappa and Mohenjo Daro18
10434744903Chinese Civilizationriver valley civilization along the Huanghe (Yellow) River in China19
10434744904"Barbarians"people not in civilizations20
10434744905Phoenician Alphabetfirst simplified alphabet with 22 letters, emerged in 1300 B.C.E.21
10434744906Jewsdeveloped first monotheistic religion22
10434744907Zhou DynastyChinese dynasty lasting from 1029-258 B.C.E. featuring decentralized politics but increased cultural innovation and unity23
10434744908Era of Warring States402-201 B.C.E., a period at the end of the Zhou dynasty in which the Chinese political system disintegrated24
10434744909Qin Dynasty2nd dynasty in China, lasting only about 35 years, during which the first national census was instituted and the Great Wall was begun to be built25
10434744910Shi Huangdithe brutal but brilliant ruler of the Qin dynasty26
10434744911Han Dynasty3rd dynasty in China, from 202 B.C.E.-220 C.E., centralized Chinese government, expanded territory and began direct contacts with other civilizations27
10434744912Madate of Heavenclaim of divine rule used to legitimize Chinese emperors28
10434744913Confucianismphilosophy and system of ethics that dominated Chinese culture based on the teachings of Confucius that stressed respect for social superiors, moderation in behavior, and veneration of tradition (basically do unto others as your status and theirs dictate)29
10434744914Mandarin bureaucratsthe Han dynasty established an elaborate bureaucracy of about 130,000 people, the emperor Wu Ti established the first civil service exams30
10434744915Legalismpragmatic Chinese system of political thought based on strict discipline and restraint, with an authoritarian state that ruled by force31
10434744916DaoismChinese philosophy promoted by Laozi based on harmony and balance in and with nature32
10434744917Five Classicsset of literature written during the early part of the Zhou dynasty including political materials, discussion of etiquette and ceremonies, and poetry33
10434744918Chinese Classical Social HierarchySPAM- Scholars, Peasants, Artisans, "Mean People"34
10434744919Filial pietyin Confucian thought, one of the virtues to be cultivated, a love and respect for one's parents and ancestors35
10434744920Silk Roadnetwork of caravan trade routes throughout China36
10434744921AryansIndo-European speaking nomads who entered India from the Central Asian steppes between 1500 and 1000 BC and greatly affected Indian society.37
10434744922Sanskrit(Hinduism) an ancient language of India (the language of the Vedas and of Hinduism)38
10434744923Vedassacred texts in the Hindu religion, they are a set of four collections of hymns and religious ceremonies transmitted by memory through the centuries by Aryan priests39
10434744924Vedic and Epic AgesSeveral centuries between the destruction of the Indus River civilization and the revival of full civilization elsewhere on the subcontinent; Also called the formative period, in which Indo-European migrants gradually came to terms with agriculture, but had their own impact on the culture and social structure of their new home.40
10434744925Upanishadscommentaries on the Vedas that are considered sacred texts in the Hindu religion41
10434744926Caste Systema set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person's occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society, used in India brought by the Aryans42
10434744927VarnasKBVSU: Kshatriyas (warrior/governing class), Brahmins (priests), Vaisyas (traders and farmers), Sudras (common laborers), Untouchables (filth group)43
10434744928Mauryan Dynastydynasty founded in India by a soldier named Chadragupta in 322 B.C.E. that had a large army, large bureaucracy, promoted trade and communication, and are known for unifying India. `44
10434744929Ashoka(269-232 B.C.E.) most prominent Mauryan ruler, unified almost all of India, tried to mix Buddhism and Hinduism, and connected the subcontinent to the Silk Road45
10434744930Gupta DynastyIndian Hindu dynasty that reinforced the caste system and decentralized the government46
10434744931Hinduismbelief system from India from the literature, traditions and class system (caste system) of the Aryan invaders. priests=Brahmins, polytheistic religion with a belief in reincarnation based on a person's good karma, by following the moral law of dharma, in order to achieve unificaion with the soul of Brahma (moshka)47
10434744932Vishnu and Shivathe two most important deities in the Hindu religion48
10434744933Bhagavad GitaShort poem that illustrates the expectations Hinduism made for individuals and the promise of salvation that it held out to them; Self-contained Mahabharata; Dialogue between Arjuna(kshatriya warrior going into battle) and Krishna(human incarnation of Vishnu)49
10434744934Buddhismbelief system from India founded by prince Guatama (the Buddha) in 53 BCE, based on self control and equal treatment for all, in order to reach nirvana50
10434744935Classical Indian LiteratureVedic and Epics51
10434744936Stupasreligious buildings that originally housed Buddha relics. Stupas developed into familiar Buddhist architecture52
10434744937Persian Empirean empire in southern Asia created by Cyrus the Great in the 6th century BC and destroyed by Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC53
10434744938PericlesAthenian statesman whose leadership contributed to Athen's political and cultural supremacy in Greece54
10434744939Peloponnesian Warsa war fought between Athens and Sparta in the 400s BC, ending in a victory for Sparta55
10434744940Alexander the Greatking of Mcedonia who conquered Geece, Persia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley; his conquests spread Greek culture throughout parts of 3 continents56
10434744941Punic WarsA series of three wars between Rome and Carthage (264-146 B.C.); resulted in the destruction of Carthage and Rome's dominance over the western Mediterranean.57
10434744943democracystated in Athens59
10434744944senate and consulsmade by Patricians. were the highest branch of government60
10434744945roman lawthis Roman contribution delt mostly with the rights of Roman citizens; one belief was that it should be fair and equal to all people61
10434744946aristotleGreek philosopher. A pupil of Plato, the tutor of Alexander the Great, and the author of works on logic, metaphysics, ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poetics, he profoundly influenced Western thought. In his philosophical system, which led him to criticize what he saw as Plato's metaphysical excesses, theory follows empirical observation and logic, based on the syllogism, is the essential method of rational inquiry.62
10434744947socratesphilosopher who believed in an absolute right or wrong; asked students pointed questions to make them use their reason, later became Socratic method63
10434744948rationalitythe quality of being consistent with or based on logic64
10434744949sophoclesone of the great tragedians of ancient Greece (496-406 BC)65
10434744950ciceroa Roman statesman and orator remembered for his mastery of Latin prose (106-43 BC)66
10434744951kushFrom about 500 BC to 150 AD this Nubian empire in North Africa controlled a large trade netowrk, including Egypt67
10434744952ethiopiaa Christian kingdom that developed in the highlands of eastern Africa under the dynasty of King Lalaibela; retained Christianity in the face of Muslim expansion elsewhere in Africa68
10434744953silk roadan ancient trade route between China and the Mediterranean (4,000 miles)69
10434744954shintoismthe ancient indigenous religion of Japan lacking formal dogma, focusing on nature and ancestor worship70
10434744955olmeca member of an early Mesoamerican civilization centered around Veracruz that flourished between 1300 and 400 BC71
10434744956teotihuacanA powerful city-state in central Mexico (100-75 C.E.). Its population was about 150,000 at its peak in 600. (p. 300)72
10434744957hindithe most widely spoken of modern Indic vernaculars73
10434744958constantineEmperor of Rome who adopted the Christian faith and stopped the persecution of Christians (280-337)74
10434744959byzantine empirea continuation of the Roman Empire in the Middle East after its division in 39575
10434744960sassanid empirethe name of the last pre-Islamic Iranian empire. It was one of the two main powers in Western Asia for a period of more than 400 years.[1] The Sassanid dynasty was founded by Ardashir I after defeating the last Parthian (Arsacid) king, in Persia76
10434744961coptic churchthe ancient Christian church of Egypt77
10434744962syncretismthe union (or attempted fusion) of different systems of thought or belief (especially in religion or philosophy)78
10434744963bodhisattvasbelief that all Buddhists, no matter what level of society they are from can reach nirvana79
10434744964Paul(New Testament) a Christian missionary to the Gentiles80
10434744965Popethe head of the Roman Catholic Church81
10434744966animismthe doctrine that all natural objects and the universe itself have souls82
10434744967bedouina member of a nomadic tribe of Arabs83
10434744968meccaCity in western Arabia; birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad, and ritual center of the Islamic religion. (p. 230)84
10434744969muhammadthe Arab prophet who founded Islam (570-632)85
10434744970qur'anthe sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina86
10434744971ummaholy community, all who worship, the Muslim community or people, considered to extend from Mauritania to Pakistan87
10434744972jihada holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual or political goal88
10434744973sunnia member of the branch of Islam that accepts the first four caliphs as rightful successors to Muhammad89
10434744974shi'athe branch of Islam whose members acknowledge Ali and his descendants as the rightful successors of Muhammad90
10434744975umayyadsA dynasty that ruled the Muslim Empire from 661 to 750 and later established a kingdom in al-Andalus.91
10434744976dhimmiLiterally "people of the book"; applied as inclusive term to Jews and Christians in Islamic territories; later extended to Zoroastrians and even Hindus & Buddhists92
10434744977hadithsTraditions of the prophet Muhammad93
10434744978abbasidsA dynasty that ruled much of the Muslim Empire from 750 to about 1250.94
10434744979mosque(Islam) a Muslim place of worship95
10434744980dhowsArab sailing vessels with triangular or lateen sails; strongly influenced European ship design96
10434744981Mahdithe Muslim messiah, an expected spiritual and temporal ruler destined to establish a reign of righteousness throughout the world. al-Mahdi was a caliph97
10434744982harun al-rashidcaliph after al-Mahdi that split the empire between his two sons when he died98
10434744983haremliving quarters reserved for wives and concubines and female relatives in a Muslim household99
10434744984persian buyidsdynasty that took control of the abbasid caliphate in the 930s100
10434744985seljuk turksnomadic Turks from Asia who conquered Baghdad in 1055 and allowed the caliph to remain only as a religious leader. they governed strictly101
10434744986crusades1096 Christian Europe aim to reclaim Jerusalem and aid they Byzantines; 1st success and the rest a failure; weakens the Byzantines; opens up trade102
10434744987saladinA Kurdish general who conquered Egypt and Syria in the twelfth century. His capture of Jerusalem precipitated a crusade. He became legendary for his military genius and generosity.103
10434744988ibn khaldunArab historian. He developed an influential theory on the rise and fall of states. Born in Tunis, he spent his later years in Cairo as a teacher and judge. In 1400 he was sent to Damascus to negotiate the surrender of the city. (336)104
10434744989ulamathe body of mullahs (Muslim scholars trained in Islam and Islamic law) who are the interpreters of Islam's sciences and doctrines and laws and the chief guarantors of continuity in the spiritual and intellectual history of the Islamic community105
10434744990sufismIslamic mysticism106
10434744991baghdadCapital city of Iraq. As heart of the Arab Empire, it was second only to Constantinople in terms of size and grandeur in 1000 C.E.107
10434744992"arabic numerals"numerals we use today, originally from India108
10434744993sultanate of delhiUnstable kingdom in North India founded by the Ghaznavids. This invasion was more systematic than Mahmud's and after it succedded, the capital was established at Delhi. Raided south India. 19 of 35 sultans were assasinated. Established Islam in India. No military or bureaucracy.109
10434744994satiIndian tradition of widows being burned on their husbands funeral pyres110
10434744995bhaktic cultsHindu groups dedicated to gods and goddesses; stressed the importance of strong emotional bonds between devotees and the god or goddess who was the object of their veneration; most widely worshipped gods were Vishnu and Shiva111
10434744996shrivijayaTrading empire centered on Malacca Straits between Malaya and Sumatra; controlled trade of empire; Buddhist government resistant to Muslim missionaries; fall in 13th century opened up southeastern Asia to Muslim conversion.112
10434744997malaccaPort city in the modern Southeast Asian country of Malaysia, founded about 1400 as a trading center on the Strait of Malacca. Also spelled Melaka. (p. 387)113
10434744998stateless societiesafrican societies organized around kinship or other forms of obligation and lacking the concentration of political power and authority associated with states114
10434744999bantu migrationthe movement of the bantu peoples southward throghout africa, spreading their language and culture, from around 500 b.c. to around A.D 1000115
10434745000islamizationThe spread of Islamic faith across Middle East, Asia, and Northern Africa116
10434745001ethiopiaonly African kingdom that stayed Christian117
10434745002sudanic stateskingdoms that developed during the height of Ghana's power, from the Senegal river to the Niger River. The states were ruled by a patriarch or council of elders. There was a core territorial area and then surrounding subordinate ones. The rulers of sudanic states were considered sacred and separate from their subjects. when islam spread to this area, only Royals practiced it and it was not spread to the people.118
10434745003mansa musathis Islamic Mali king brought Mali to its peak of power and wealth from 1312 the 1337; he was the most powerful king in west africa119
10434745004timbuktuCity on the Niger River in the modern country of Mali. It was founded by the Tuareg as a seasonal camp sometime after 1000. As part of the Mali empire, Timbuktu became a major major terminus of the trans-Saharan trade and a center of Islamic learning (388120
10434745005swahiliA Bantu language with arabic words, spoken along the east african coast121
10434745006Kingdom of KongoAfrican kingdom based on agriculture formed on the lower Congo River by late 15th century, capital at Mbanza Kongo, ruled by hereditary monarchy122
10434745007Great ZimbabweBantu confederation of Shona-speaking peoples located between Zambezi and Limpopo rivers, developed after 9th century, featured royal courts built of stone, created centralized state by 15th century, king took title of Mwene Mutapa123
10434745008JustinianByzantine emperor in the 6th century A.D. who reconquered from Persia much of the territory previously ruled by Rome, initiated an ambitious building program , including Hagia Sofia, as well as a new legal code124
10434745009Empress Theodora-, wife of Emperor Justinian I, convinced him to put down a rebellion in 532 A.D.125
10434745010Byzantine bureaucracycomplex bureaucracy trained in Greek classics, philosophy, and science in a secular school system, talent based bureaucracy126
10434745011iconspaintings of saints and religious figures127
10434745012the Great Schism1054, split between western and eastern Christianity to make eastern orthodox and catholicism128
10434745013the battle of mazikert1071m byzantine emperor lost this battle to the Islamic Seljuk Turks, sealing the Byzantine empire's doom129
10434745014fall of constantinople1453, Turks attacked the city,it was in Turk control by 1461130
10434745015cyrillicslavic alphabet131
10434745016russian orthodox churcheastern christianity132
10434745017slavsslavic peoples133
10434745018kievan ruscity set up by scandinavian traders in 855 ce134
10434745019vladimir 1prince in kievan rus from 980-1015 who forced christianity on his people, starting the russian orthodox church135
10434745020boyarsrussian aristocrats136
10434745021tatarsMongol invaders into russia137
10434745022"third rome"what russia was trying to be138
10434745023"middle ages"the period between the fall of the Roman Empire in the west (470) and the beginning of the European Renaissance in the 1400s. This period is also known as "Medieval."139
10434745024vikingsseagoing scandinavian invaders who disrupted european life140
10434745025manorialismthe system of economic and political relations between landlords and their peasant laborers in Europe, where most people were serfs141
10434745026monasteriesCenters of religious learning in the early Middle Ages, most important set of monastic rules from Benedict of Nursia142
10434745027charlemagnearound 800, carolingian ruler who established a substantial empire in france and germany143
10434745028feudalismthe social system that developed in Europe in the 8th C in which nobles offered protection and land in return for service144
10434745029william the conquerorthe duke of normandy in 1066 who invaded England and created a kingdom using feudal principles with a slightly more centralized approach145
10434745030magna cartaThis document, signed by King John of England in 1215, is the cornerstone of English justice and law. It declared that the king and government were bound by the same laws as other citizens of England. It contained the antecedents of the ideas of due process and the right to a fair and speedy trial that are included in the protection offered by the U.S. Bill of Rights146
10434745031crusades1096 Christian Europe aim to reclaim Jerusalem and aid they Byzantines; 1st success and the rest a failure; weakens the Byzantines; opens up trade147
10434745032Pope Gregory VII(r. 1073-1085) Figure behind investiture contreversy, battles with Henry IV, Dictatus Papai- "papal wishlist"148
10434745033scholasticismA philosophical and theological system, associated with Thomas Aquinas, devised to reconcile Aristotelian philosophy and Roman Catholic theology in the thirteenth century.149
10434745034gothic styletype of European architecture that developed in the Middle Ages, characterized by flying buttresses, ribbed vaulting, thin walls, and high roofs150
10434745035chaucer's canterbury talespoetry written in vernacular tongues151
10434745036bankingbegan by Italian businesspeople to facilitate the long-distance exchange of money and goods152
10434745037hanseatic leagueAn economic and defensive alliance of the free towns in northern Germany, founded about 1241 and most powerful in the fourteenth century. (p. 401)153
10434745038guildsAssociation of merchants or artisans who cooperated to protect their economic interests154
10434745039black deathbubonic plague, 1348155
10434745040"indians"term to describe native americans derived from christopher columbus' mistake when he thought he had reached the Indes, but instead had reached america156
10434745041toltecsPowerful postclassic empire in central Mexico (900-1168 C.E.). It influenced much of Mesoamerica. Aztecs claimed ties to this earlier civilization. (p.236)157
10434745042topiltzin/quetzalcoatltoltec leader and preist dedicated to the god quetzalcoatl whose legend gives the story of the toltecs158
10434745043aztecs(1200-1521) 1325, they settled in the valley of Mexico. Grew corn. Engaged in frequent warfare to conquer others of the region- had a social contract in which subject peoples were forced to pay tribute, surrender lands and do military service in order to survive. Worshipped many gods (polytheistic). Believed the sun god needed human blood to continue his journeys across the sky. Practiced human sacrifices and those sacrificed were captured warriors from other tribes and those who volunteered for the honor.159
10434745044tenochtitlanaztec capital160
10434745045"flower wars"territories were left unconquered in order to stage wars in which both sides could obtain captives for sacrifice161
10434745046huitzilopochtliAztec tribal patron god; central figure of cult of human sacrifice and warfare; identified with old sun god162
10434745047chinampasRaised fields constructed along lake shores in Mesoamerica to increase agricultural yields.163
10434745048pochtecaAztec merchants. Extremely wealthy. Had a huge quantity of material goods etc. But explicitly forbidden to take part in political hierarchy so as not to throw off the balance of power.164
10434745049calpulliClans in Aztec society, later explanded to include residential groups that distributed land and provided labor and warriors to leaders165
10434745050bernardino de sahagunSpanish missionary to Aztecs of Mexico, "Florentine Codex", wrote encyclopedia "Father of modern ethnography" (study of culture)166
10434745051ayllusIn Incan society, a clan or community that worked together on projects required by the ruler, Households in Andean societies that recognized some form of kinship; traced descent from some common, sometimes mythical ancestor.167
10434745052twantinsuyuWord for Inca Empire; region from present-day Columbia to Chile and eastward to northern Argentina168
10434745053cuzcoThe capital city of the Incan Empire, Located in present-day Peru169
10434745054temple of the suntemple and center of the state religion in cuzco where mummies were kept170
10434745055tambosWay stations used by Incas as inns and storehouses; supply centers for Inca armies on move; relay points for system of runners used to carry messages171
10434745056mitaLabor extracted for lands assigned to the state and the religion; all communities were expected to contribute; an essential aspect of Inca imperial control.172
10434745057yanasA class of people within Inca society removed from their ayllus to serve permanently as servants, artisans, or workers for the inca or the Inca nobility.173
10434745058quipuincan system of knotted strings utilized by the Incas in place of a writing system; could contain numerical and other types of information for censuses and financial records174

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