5262534662 | Continental Population Distribution | Americas least, then Africa, then Eurasia by far largest | 0 | |
5262551485 | Effect of pack animals in americas | No animals (except for llamas and guinea pigs) were domesticated, thus no secondary products or animal-labor could be utilized, no longdistance contact or pastoral societies emerged | 1 | |
5267294049 | Meroe | A large city-center of Nubian civilization, by the southern nile, rainfall based agriculture, long distance trading, declined because of deforestation, ruled by women sometimes, smelting is a good job, ancient traditions then coptic christianity then islam | 2 | |
5267397725 | Axum | New civilization in the horn of Africa (now Ethiopia), relied economically on plow-based agriculture, made money off of taxing trade off the coast, wrote the language "Geez," adopted christianity in the 300s at the same time as Constantine (under king Ezana), declined bc environment after intensive farming and islam altering trade routs | 3 | |
5267462788 | Axum fell | This civilization fell because they had tried too big a conquest, environmental impacts, and Islam altered economically important trade routes, though area rose again (Christian) and is part of Ethiopia's history now. | 4 | |
5676470670 | Niger river cities w/o states | people flocked to Niger river valley bc drought, Jenne Jeno is main city, cities without central power between all and no central power within each, resemble indus river valley, fire working people are revered | 5 | |
5677260861 | This fueled African trading | africa didn't have stone, iron ore, salt, and fuel so long distance trade for agri and clay did have | 6 | |
5267491095 | Jenne-Jeno | A dry period made people coalesce by the fertile niger river valley, this was the major city in a network of ununified cities by the niger river | 7 | |
5267497277 | Sogdia | Spoke Iranian, the largest language across the silk road, practiced Zoroastrianism, lived in oases, very important middlemen in trade between China and Turks, spread Buddhism along trade routes + converted many, they were eventually absorbed into other cultures of the region | 8 | |
5268075237 | Dhow | Arab ship powered by wind, didn't have big rowing crews and could carry lots of supplies, thus could go further, Indians or arabs invented, spread it to Europe, | 9 | |
5268124460 | Plow based agriculture | Pulled by animals (faster, longer, more distribution, frees time for humans), digs deeper (moister lower down) | 10 | |
5268193486 | Indian Ocean trading network | sea-based trade routes, connected people across Eastern hemisphere, lower transportation costs, could carry more bulk goods for mass market | 11 | |
5268156203 | Cities without states | not parts of larger ruling networks, had to trade far away (ex. Teotihuacan, Jenne-Jeno) | 12 | |
5268170550 | Islamic trade | changes trade focus from nile river valley to sahara, but affects east coast more than interior africa, contact swahili people through trade, like merchants, convert many people because it is easy to convert, just say Shahada | 13 | |
5268194516 | Mahayana Buddhism | The Buddha is a divine deity, bhoddisatvas help people to enlightenment, spread throughout silk roads because very appealing and non-conflict, was adapted as it spread to fit the people it was spreading to, adapted from theraveda, "Great Vehicle" | 14 | |
5596633954 | Theraveda Buddhism | "Great Vehicle," og buddhism, | 15 | |
5268182140 | China | China was ahead invention-wise because of its historical continuity and secularism, silk was its major export | 16 | |
5268102436 | Black Death | when Mongol empire briefly unified Eurasia facilitated spread from China to Europe, killed 1/2 Europeans b/w 1346-1348, those who survived benefited | 17 | |
5268036835 | Silk Roads | extensive trade network across Eurasia, transported silk and other commodities, linked pastoral, agricultural, and outer-rim large civilizations, "relay trade" network | 18 | |
5268582534 | Kyber pass | in between Pakistan and Afghanistan, Pashtun poeple at border, Al Queda based here | 19 | |
5268609289 | Bottleneck of Panama | Thin, Seperated s and N america with dense jungles and disease, no boats bt n and s america because not enough desire | 20 | |
5268625122 | Capitalism | No big trade corporations, individual spontaneity, this was beginning to form but there was no market yet | 21 | |
5272603142 | Srivijaya | Malay kingdom, dominated critical choke point of Indian Ocean trade 670-1025, emerged from competition b/w ports for trade | 22 | |
5272766201 | Slavery | chattle slavery= humans are possessions, no intersex provisional/"nicer" slavery= intersex not taboo, people can work out of it, treated better, more common in silk road civ. | 23 | |
5272782319 | Silk | China traded it to silk route and nomads, who traded it along the silk route, became symbol of elite status and wealth even though largely produced by commoners (women most of the time), breathable and light, not hardy fabric, made best by mulberry worm | 24 | |
5272803995 | Sufism | Nonviolent mystical Islamic sect, whirling dervishes= spinning order, reject material wordliness (Wear wool) | 25 | |
5272812258 | Salt | Worth a lot, essential to live, produced largely in Northeast Africa, (equator uses more spices because food is worse, could be rotting) | 26 | |
5272903674 | Piye | Khushite conqueror of egypt | 27 | |
5272923651 | Adulis | largest east african port | 28 | |
5677317953 | Mesoamerica | large very diverse region, but shared similar cultures | 29 | |
5272945296 | Niger River Valley civilization | Iron smithing revered as powerful (fire), cities organized around large cities and economy but no central state, driven to central-southern niger because of dry period in southern sahara, traded a lot because of nile boats | ![]() | 30 |
5272999119 | Maya | "Popul Vuh" creation story, advanced sun and moon cycles and astronomy, advanced math and "0," elaborate writing system, elaborate agriculture and engineered environment, competing (Greece/Mesopotamia-like) city states, drought around 840 signals fall and death of population (ecological, fragmented so couldn't fix, disease, famine) | 31 | |
5677453158 | Andes civilizations | many different environments, most famous is inca, didn't develop writing, wari, tiwanaku, moche, and chimu (and norte chico earlier) also andes civilizations | 32 | |
5677333824 | El Mirador | archeo. site in Guatamala with monumental architecture and lots of people | 33 | |
5273048186 | Teotihuacan | giant city built to a plan, temple of sun and moon, Temple of Feathered Serpent people are sacrificed to accompany nobles to afterlife, had lots of tourists and mayan workers, may not have had a single high monarch, outside trade | 34 | |
5677529346 | Chavin | Religious cultural center in peru but was pan andean by the end, large influence from other places an on other places, | 35 | |
5677553666 | Moche | bt. 100-800 ce, ruled by warrior-priests, elaborate burials, coastal region civ., skilled craftspeople, fell bc enviro | 36 | |
5677625637 | Wari and Tiwanaku | both have surplus food and are common culture, wari has hillside terracing and is more tightly politically controlled, tiwanaku has raised swampy feilds | 37 | |
5273092799 | Borobudur | Largest buddhist monument, mountain shape with ten levels, in the Sailendra kingdom of Java | 38 | |
5273132188 | Swahili civilization | This civilization grew due to growing demand for east african trade, merchant class, kings and sizable towns, competing city-states, very cosmopolitan, Islamic (which separated it from other non-converted places more inland, got Islam from long distance (maritime) trade) | ![]() | 39 |
5273117030 | Angkor Wat | Hindu temple in Angkor kingdom of cambodia, focused on Hindu understanding of cosmos, later used by Buddhists with little conflict | ![]() | 40 |
5273193850 | Great Zimbabwe | civilization rose as a result of growing east african trade and its cattle, south of swahili | 41 | |
5677725564 | Bantu | Farming group in africa, moves and displaces hunter-gatherers, regards batwa neighbors as first, women are agri workers and men are hunters equal and seperate, kinship ties organize, religion of continuous organization | 42 | |
5677940192 | Southwestern early north america | lived in pit houses, got maize from meso (took 2,000 years to evolve from teosinte), kivas | 43 | |
5677846804 | Early Decentralized North America | hunting and gathering or mesoamerica or arctic settled bison hunters, bc diff languages never unites | 44 | |
5677965647 | Chaco | five pueblos in northern New Mexico, larger settlements from settling down, most impressive settling down of USish area, skilled astronomers and elaborate road system, drought ends it, "shallow" history | 45 | |
5677992512 | Mound Builders | independant agri revolution, Hopewell a section of it, later corn based agri, Cahokia city center after long history | 46 | |
5678055904 | Natchez | another NA chiefdom, upper class marries stinkards | 47 | |
6551313966 | steam power invented in | 1800s | 48 | |
6551337527 | conquering on interior africa | 1880s | 49 | |
6551366880 | joint stock company | group of investors buy stocks, helped from 1500s onwards | 50 |
AP World History Test 3: chapter 6-7 Flashcards
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