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AP World History Test 8 Flashcards

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283908242Holy Roman EmpireIn the High Middle Ages, the state that seemed to have the most potential to re-create centralized, imperial rule was0
283908243Norman Warriors sailingThe Bayeux tapestry depicts what?1
283908244ecclesiastilcal states, city states and principalitiesIn Italy, the political structure was marked by a series of2
283908245government financial support, horse collar etcWhich of the following factors helped explain the increased agricultural production of the High Middle Ages?3
283908246most celebrates women of her day, she used her influence to encourage the cultivation of good manners, refinement, and romantic loveEleanor of Aquitaine was famous for what?4
283908247Greek philosophy (Aristotle)Central to the philosophy of the High Middle Ages was the rediscovery of5
283908248that it was possible to prove rationally God existsWhat did St. Thomas Aquinas believe?6
283908249heretics; possesionsThe Dominicans and Franciscans attacked _____ and didn't allow any ____7
283908250St. FrancisWho, according to Thomas of Celano, was the "father of the poor"?8
283908251the Templars, Hospitallers and Teutonic KnightsWhat were the crusading orders?9
283908252Peter the HermitThe first attempt, in response to Pope Urban II's appeal for a crusade, came from whom?10
283908253first crusadeThe only crusade that recaptured Jerusalem was the11
283908254SaladinJerusalem was captured in 1187 by12
283908255ConstantinopleThe fourth crusade managed to capture and sack the city of13
283908256The Crusades increased trade between the eastern and westernMediterranean14
283908257anything but Melaka, Constantinople and KhanbaliqWhich city was not a major participant in long-distance trading in the immediate centuries after the year 1000 C.E.?15
283908258trade in Silk RoadThe spread of Mongol control laid the political foundation for a surge in long-distance16
283908259YangzhouAccording to Marco Polo's account, he was made governor of the large trading city of17
283908260submit to Mongol rule or be destroyedWhen Pope Innocent IV sent envoys to invite the Mongols to join in an alliance against the Muslims, the khan declined and in turn told the Christians to to what?18
283908261A Nestorian Christian priest who served as an envoy for the IlkhansWho was Rabban Sauma ?19
283908262John of MontecorvinoThe most active of the Roman Catholic missionaries was whom?20
283908263MuslimsCotton was introduced to west Africa by the21
28390826460 millionAs a result of the bubonic plague, the population of Europe dropped from seventy-nine million in 1300 to around _____ in 140022
283908265Hong Wuhe Ming dynasty was founded in 1368 by23
283908266establishing a gov't on the model of traditional Chinese dynasties (Confucian schools, civil service systems, no aid of chief ministers)What was Hongwu's philosophy for ruling China ?24
283908267taxes____ and large ___standing armies (supported by state)The rise of powerful states in Europe in the fifteenth century was dependent on the combination of new25
283908268united two wealthiest and most important iberian realmshe marriage of Fernando of Aragon and Isabel of Castile led to the establishment of what?26
283908269FlorenceThe Renaissance began in27
283908270Greek and Roman worldCentral to Renaissance thought was a fascination with the28
283908271Filippo BrunelleschiThe dome on the cathedral of Florence was designed by29
283908272Desiderius Erasmus of RotterdamThe most important of the humanistic thinkers was30
283908273it was possible to lead a morally virtuous life while participating actively in the affairs of the worldWhat did the Humanist moral philosophers believe?31
283908274Zheng He, Yongol____ was to China.In regard to exploration, Prince Henrique was to Portugal what32

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