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AP World History Timeline 090610 Flashcards

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81685211570Mohammed is born0
81685212590Mohammed becomes a trader1
81685213610Mohammed receives revelation from Allah by way of Gabriel,2
81685214622Mohammed is forced to leave Mecca to take refuge in Medina, where he helps sort out disputes3
81685215Mid-620'sQuraysh launch attacks at Medina, Many of the Bedouins converted and helped4
81685216628Treaty signed with Quraysh (basically Mohammed won)5
81685217629Mohammed returns to Mecca and destroys the idols in the Ka'ba6
81685218630take over Mecca7
81685219632Mohammed dies suddenly, Many of the Bedouin followers renounce their faith, Quarreling about succession ensues, Abu Bakr is chosen to be caliph8
81685220633Most of Arabia is reunited, Expeditions begin to conquer surrounding lands, Rival prophets are defeated (Ridda wars)9
81685221634Beginning of Byzantine and Persian conquests, Calif Umar10
81685222640Syria, western Iraq, and Palestine all taken, Egypt starts getting probed, Conquest of Persians11
81685223651Last of Sasanian rulers killed12
81685224656Calif Uthamn assassinated, Ali promoted to be calif, Umayyads reject him, Ali wins the Battle of the Camel, gains followers13
81685225660Mu'awiya proclaimed calif by the Umayyad14
81685226661Ali assassinated, Split between Sunnis (Umayyad) and Shi'is (Ali)15
81685227680Husayn assassinated16
81685228Early 700sPolitical center of empire shifts to Damascus, Umayyad rulers retreat into luxury which angered citizens17
81685229710Umayyad entrance into Spain18
81685230717end of advancement on Bizenteen front19
81685231732Charles Martel and Franks block Arabs from continuing into western Europe Battle of Tours20
81685232750Battle on the River Zah had an Abbasid victory21
81685233760construction of Bagdad where Abbasid will rule22
81685234786Harun al-Rashid takes the throne23
81685235809Harun al-Rashid dies and the first of a few civil wars begin24
81685236945the Buyids of Persia invade the Abbasid empire and capture Baghdad, Califs become puppets controlled by the Buyids25
816852371055the Seljuk Turks take over(from Persia)26
816852381071the Persians battle the Turks but the Turks win27
816852391096the crusades begin28
816852401258Bagdad conquered by Mongols - end of Abbasid caliphate29

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