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AP World History Unit 1 Flashcards

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85446477zigguratsmassive towers usually associated with mesopotamian temple complexes0
85446478Hammurabileader of Babylon and developed law code1
85446479Harappan Civilizationfirst civilization on Indian subcontinent in Indus River Valley, 2500 BCE2
85446480phoenicianssea faring civilization located on the shores of eastern Mediterranean3
85446481Mandate of Heavendivine source for political legitimacy of chinese rulers established by Zhou4
85446482loessfine grain soil in Ordos from central asia for sedentary farming communities5
85446483yin and yangevery good comes with a bad6
85446484Confucious6th century chinese philosopher7
85446485Middle KingdomHuanghe to Yangtze river in china8
85446486Shi huangdifounder of Qin dynasty in 221 bce9
85446487Hanoverruled Qin in 20210
85446488AnalectsConfucian docterine carefully recorded in a book11
85446489laoziFurthered ideas of Daoism in 5th century12
85446490mean peoplepeople who performed unskilled jobs with the lowest possible status in China13
85446491sanskritsacred and classical Indian language14
85446492untouchableslowest caste in Indian society, performing worst jobs15
85446493vedasaryan hymns written down in the 6th century bce in sacred books16
85446494upanishadslater books of the vedas used to restore religious authority to the Brahmans through sophisticated and sublime ideas17
85446495chandragupta mauryafounder of Maurya dynasty and 1st Indian empire and central government since Harappan18
85446496ashokacompleted Indian conquests converted to buddhism and spread it19
85446497dharmacaste position and career determined by birth20
85446498kautilyapolitical advisor to chandragupta believed in scientific application of warfare21
85446499gurusBrahmans who were teachers for the princes22
85446500nirvanabuddhist state of enlightenment23
85446501cyrus the greatestablished Persian Empire by 550 bce24
85446502periclesathenian political leader 5th century bce25
85446503peloponnesian wars432- 404 bce between athens and sparta26
85446504phillip 2 of Macedonruled macedon from 359 to 336 bce and conquered greece27
85446505Hellenistic periodculture associated with Greek influence under the rule of Macedon28
85446506HannibalCarthaginian general during second punic war29
85446507constantinetried to unite rome with christianity30
85446508punic warwar between rome and carthage31
85446509consulstwo chief executives of the roman republic elected annually32
85446510socratesathenian philosopher of 5th century bce who tutored plato33
85446511platogreek philosopher34
85446512aristotlegreek philosopher who taught alexander the great35
85446513stoicsgreek philosophers who used strict discipline of the body and bravery36
85446514sophoclesgreek writer of Oedipus Rex37
85446515axumEthiopian kingdom located on highlands with strong arabian influence38
85446516olmec culturecultural tradition in mexico 1200 bce with irrigation agriculuture religion writing and calendar39
85446517shintoreligion of early Japanese culture polytheistic40
85446518teotihuacansite of classic culture in central mexico41
85446519yellow turbanschinese daoists who launched revolt in 185 ce in golden age42
85446520Suidynasty that succeeded Han in China43
85446521Tangdynasty succeeded Sui dynasty44
85446522rajputregional princes in india following fall of empire45
85446523Saint Augustineinfluential church father and theologian 354-430 born in africa46
85446524Coptschristian sect of Egypt that supported islamic invasions over Byzantine rule47
85446525Justinianeastern roman emperor 527-56548
85446526Mahayanachinese version of buddhism with buddha as god or savior49
85446527Bodhisattvasbuddhist holy men; built up spiritual merits during their lifetime50
85446528Animismreligious outlook that sees gods in many aspects of nature and explains nature51
85446529Benedictfounder of monasticism in western roman empire and established benedictine rule (basil's rule in east)52

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