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AP World History Unit 1 Study Guide Flashcards

AP World History Unit 1 Study Guide Questions

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5215944599What is the first recognizable cultural activity of human beings?Stone tool making0
5215944600Most early human activity centered on...?Gathering food1
5215944601What is the relationship between tool making and meat eating in the Stone Age?The increase in meat eating is linked to increased tool making2
5215944602The development, transmission, and transformation of cultural practices and events are the subject of...?History3
5215944603Since the foraging lifestyle was not particularly unpleasant or hard, foragers had a great deal of time left for...?Socializing, tool making, and creating art4
5215944604What is NOT true about the transition to plant cultivation and animal domestication 10,000 years ago?It was rapid and complete5
5215944605The most efficient method of clearing land for agriculture was by using...?Fire6
5215944606Women played a major role in the transition to crop cultivation because....?They were the primary gatherers of wild plant foods7
5215944607The earliest transition to agriculture was...?In the Middle East8
5215944608Scholars feel that early domestication of animals did not provide...?Transportation9
5215944609The American continents contained very few domesticated animals because...?There were few species suitable for domestication10
5215944610The gradual adoption of agriculture transformed the world most by causing...?Global population increase11
5215944611How does the chapter suggest that farmers were able to displace foragers from fertile lands...?The gradual peaceful infiltration on fertile lands12
5215944612The religions of farming communities tended to focus on....?An Earth Mother or female deity13
5215944613Recent discoveries of large stones and burial chambers may indicate...?Ancestor rituals14
5215944614The growth of settled agricultural communities resulted in....?Trade and craft specialization15
5215944615The Neolithic town Catal Huyuk prospered from...?Long-distance trade in obsidian, pottery, and cloth16
5215944616Metal working in the late Neolithic period was used for...?Decoration or in ceremonies17
5215944617What is NOT generally considered to be an attribute of civilization?The absence of social class divisions18
5215944618Early societies developed civilizations in the floodplains of great rivers because the rivers and floodplains provided...?Fertile silt and water for agriculture19
5215944619Creation myths often provide a society with a...?Satisfactory explanation of its environment20
5215944620Mesopotamia was sometimes seen as a dangerous place to live by its inhabitants because of...?Flooding21
5215944621Agriculture in Mesopotamia depended on...?Artificial canals and irrigation22
5215944622The earliest historically documented people of Mesopotamia were the...?Sumerians23
5215944623What is NOT included in the Semitic family of languages?Elamite24
5215944624The term city-state refers to...?An urban center and the agricultural hinterlands it controlled25
5215944625In Mesopotamian cities, the temples...?Housed the cult of the deity or deities26
5215944626In the third millennium B.C.E., the political system that became dominant in Sumer was...?A kingship with the support of priesthood and military27
5215944627The first king to unite many Sumerian city-states under the control of one king was...?Sargon28
5215944628The Babylonian leader, Hammurabi, is best known for his...?Law code29
5215944629What motivated the Mesopotamian conquests for far-reaching territories?The need for vital resources30
5215944630Surprisingly, merchant activity in Mesopotamia took place without...?Coins31
5215944631Historians can infer that Mesopotamian society was made up of...?Three classes32
5215944632Women in Mesopotamian society had a lower status than in a hunter-gatherer society because of...?The shift of the major role in food provision from women to men33
5215944633What about women in Mesopotamia was NOT true?They could initiate divorce34
5215944634Mesopotamian gods were anthropomorphic, meaning that they...?Were human-like in form and conduct35
5215944635Mesopotamian priests...?Inherited their positions from their fathers36
5215944636The abundance or amulets suggests...?The belief in the value of magic37
5215944637The Mesopotamian writing system is called...?Cuneiform38
5215944638The Mesopotamians developed skill in bronze metallurgy. What was NOT considered an advantage to bronze over other metals?It is inexpensive39
5215944639Although Mesopotamia was "resource poor," it did have abundant...?Clay40
5215944640The culture that developed in Egypt was unique largely because of...?Egypt's natural isolation and essential self-sufficiency41
5215944641The annual flood of the Nile can best be characterized as...?Fairly regular42
5215944642What was NOT included among Egypt's natural resources?Salt43
5215944643A pivotal event in early Egyptian history was...?The unification of all of Egypt under King Menes44
5215944644According to Egyptian belief, the function assigned by the gods to the Egyptian kings was to maintain ma'at, or the...?Divinely authorized order of the universe45
5215944645The Mesopotamian law code is famous. What might account for the fact that Egypt did not create a similar code of law?As a god on earth, the king was the source of all law46
5215944646Egyptian administrative and governmental records were...?Written on papyrus, an early form of paper47
5215944647Compared to Mesopotamia, the Egyptian population...?Was more rural and agricultural48
5215944648Egypt's external interests were primarily concentrated on...?Maintaining access to valuable raw materials49
5215944649Slavery in ancient Egypt was...?Limited, and of little economic significance50
5215944650Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley civilizations were all...?Based upon fertile floodplains and river valleys51
5215944651Metal objects unearthed in the Indus Valley...?Have been primarily jewelry and other decorative items52
5215944652What was NOT one of the components of the "system failures" that brought down the Indus Valley cities?That invaders from the north and east drove out inhabitants53
5215944653According to the chapter, why was China's development unique?It was geographically separated from the rest of East Asia54
5215944654The crops of China vary by region...?Wheat and millet in the north and rice in the south55
5215944655The Chinese acquired silk by...?Raising silk worms and pioneering silk cloth production56
5215944656What did the practice of Feng Shui accomplish?It orients buildings in harmony with heavens57
5215944657During the Shang period, ancestor worship became important because...?Ancestors had special influence with gods58
5215944658What type of possessions were signs of status and nobility and had important ritual uses?Bronze59
5215944659The "Mandate of Heaven" meant that the ruler retained the right to rule as long as...?He remained wise and principled guardian of his people60
5215944660The period at the end of the Zhou period and just before Chinese unification is called...?The Warring States Period61
5215944661The Chinese political system which relied primarily on strict laws and punishments in order to compel the people to behave is called...?Legalism62
5215944662What is NOT one of the ways that Confucian philosophy attempts to create social harmony?By emphasizing individual freedom63
5215944663Two indigenous Chinese philosophies that emerged from the Warring States Period are...?Confucianism and Daoism64
5215944664The fundamental idea of Daoism can be summarized as...?Accepting the world as you find it, avoiding useless struggles, and adhering to the "path" of nature65
5215944665The concept of yin and yang represented the complementary nature of...?Male and female roles in the natural order66
5215944666Civilization emerged in Nubia because of...?Its location and natural wealth67
5215944667How did Nubia become the "corridor" for long distance trade before 3000 B.C.E.?It connected sub-Saharan Africa with North Africa68
5215944668Egypt became aggressive towards Nubia during the Middle and New Kingdom periods because...?It sought to control Nubian gold mines69
5215944669What is NOT evidence of Egyptian cultural influence on Nubia?Actually, due to the overwhelming force of Nubian culture, Egyptians had no influence whatsoever on them70
5215944670Why was the Nubian offer to aid Palestine a mistake?The Assyrians invaded Egypt as retaliation, driving the Nubians southwards71
5215944671Why did the center of power shift to Meroe in the fourth century B.C.E.?It was a better location for agriculture and trade72
5215944672In the Nubian kingdom's matrilineal system, the monarch who usually inherited the throne was the...?Son of the dead king's sister73
5215944673The duration and isolation of Early American cultures...?Distinguished them from the world's other major cultural regions74
5215944674What plants were domesticated and formed the staple of the Mesoamerican diet?Corn, beans, and squash75
5215944675The cultural core of early Olmec civilization was located at...?San Lorenzo and La Venta76
5215944676Why did the Olmec lay out their cities in alignment with paths of stars?It reflects a strong belief in the significance of astronomical events77
5215944677Why was Chavin de Huantar's location pivotal in its success?It was located at the intersection of trade routes between the mountain valleys and the coastal lowlands78
5215944678The Mesopotamians developed skill in bronze metallurgy. What advantage is there to bronze?It can be melted and molded79
5215944679The Egyptian creation myth presents the universe as orderly and generous. This is due to...?The yearly flooding of the Nile80
5215944680The culture that developed in Egypt was unique largely because of...?Egypt's geographic isolation and natural environment81
5215944681The Chinese family was considered to include...?All generations, living and dead82
5215944682Which of the following occurred as a result of the development of agriculture in societies that previously relied on hunting and gathering?Populations' density increased83
5215944683What was a major effect of the Neolithic Revolution?The establishment of sedentary villages84
5215944684The Indus Valley system of writing...?Has not yet been deciphered85
5215944685Farming was probably a more difficult way of life than foraging because...?The diet was less diverse86
5215944686What is meant by culture?Learned patterns of expression and action87
5215944687Crucial to Egypt's agriculture was...?Its proximity to the Nile River88
5215944688Which of the following were common phenomena in early Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, and the Indus River Valley? I. A complex writing system II. Extensive irrigation III. Long distance trade IV. Centralization of civilization around navigable riversI, II, III, and IV89
5215944689Creation myths generally are intended to provide a society with a...?Satisfactory explanation of its environment90
5215944690What is NOT true about the Shang Dynasty?It used the concept of the Mandate of Heaven to justify its rule91
5215944691What river is located by Harappa, Mehrgarh, Mohenjo-Daro, and Lothal?The Indus River92
5215944692The Neolithic Revolution began around 8,000 B.C.E. with the...?Advent of sedentary agriculture and domestication of animals93
5215944693Agricultural surpluses seem to have led most directly to...?Specialized services and socially differentiated hierarchies94
5215944694Compared to river valley cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia, Chinese civilization...?Probably developed after civilization in the Nile Valley and Southeast Asia95
5215944695The Egyptian civilization was similar to the Sumerian civilization in...?Its system of social stratification96
5215944696The earliest civilizations in both the Eastern and Western hemispheres were similar in...?Their practice of polytheism97
5215944697The Indus Valley civilization...?Relied heavily on communal planning98
5215944698The early civilization with the least developed technology was...?Mesoamerica99
5215944699The roots of classical India included...?The Aryan written language, Sanskrit100
5215944700Shang China contributed to what?The development of central government in China101
5215944701Results of cultural diffusion among early civilizations included...?The invention of the wheel102
5215944702The Varna system was created by Aryans in order to...?Create social order between groups103
5215944703What was the long-term contribution of the Hebrew people?Judaism104
5215944704Naturalists first surmised that humans originated in...?Africa105
5215944705Modern research has found what percentage of human DNA to be identical to that of an ape?98%106
5215944706Homo Sapiens means...?Wise human107
5215944707Why is the name "Stone Age" misleading?People used tools made out of many things, not just stone108
5215944708What does NOT describe hunting and gathering bands?The bands could be of any size109
5215944709About how many hours do scholars estimate it took a member of a hunting-gathering band to secure food, clothing, and shelter for that day?Three to five110
5215944710What is NOT one of the theories that scholars have about why people made cave paintings?To predict the future111
5215944711What was NOT fundamental to the success of agriculture?Long-distance trade112
5215944712The first animal to be domesticated was the...?Dog113
5215944713What is NOT one of the reasons that people may have been drawn to agriculture?Colder weather, which meant fewer animals114
5215944714Agriculturalists produced more specialized material goods and art than hunter-gatherers because...?Larger communities of people could spare some members from food production for more specialized activities115
5215944715Creation myths do NOT...?Record actual historical events for posterity116
5215944716The physical and mental abilities that homo sapiens gradually acquired gave these human beings the capacity to adapt to new environments by...?Altering their way of life, rather than by evolving physically as do other species117

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