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AP World History Unit 2 Assessment-The Ancient Isrealites Flashcards

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267913706RetrojectionMeans to throwback. People writing down historical stories change them a bit to reflect what they know about their own life at the time they are writing. EX: wrote about tablets even though the Hebrews didn't have an alphabet yet.0
267913707Hebrews, TheSame as Isrealites. Were polytheists. Worship many gods. Not reject other tribes. Become like Canaanities. Atracted to Canaanite ways of life (alphabet, settlements, building, art...).1
267913708Exodus, TheMost important story/event of the era of the Patriarchs. Exodus Bible: All Hebrew people taken into slavery by Egyptian Pharos in Egypt. Forced to labor in building projects for Pharaohs. Liberated (freed from slavery) by Yaweh. Through a series of miracles from Yaweh, Moses led them to out of Egypt to the Sanai penninsula where they wandered for 40 years. Moses climbed Mt. Sanai (where Yaweh was worshipped) and received the 10 commandments from God. They left for the "promised land", land promised by Yaweh which was Canaan.2
267913709MosesWas a real guy. Was a member of the Levi tribe. Tribes groups of hebrews. God handed him the 10 commandments on stone tablets on Mt. Sanai. He led the Levis and had a position of authority over other tribes. Since they worshipped Yaweh, some of the other tribes began to worship only Yaweh also. Not all did though, so they were still polythesists.3
267913710YawehThe Levi (Moses) tribe worshipped Yaweh. Was worshipped at Mt. Sanai. Was one of many gods.4
267913711Settlement of CanaanSettlement took about 200 years. Were some conflicts. Hebrews lived with the Canaanites and became like them. Adopted their laws, art, agriculture, started to own property. Liked their temples, alters, idols and god baal (golden calf). Became literate, started writing bible stories.5
267913712Canaanite CultsMove cult of Yahweh north into Cannan by constructing the ark of the covenant. Ark of the Covenant was the moblie shrine to Yahweh. The ark of the covenant contained the 10 commandments. Ark of the Covenant was established in Shilo north of the dead sea.6
267913713Philistines, TheLive on south western coast that had migrated afound 1200BCE. Not semitic speaking people. Migrate by sea. Come for island in mederiterenian island of crete. Highly militarized society. well organized army. Army divided into different groups that fought in different ways. Used iron weapons whitch was somewhat unique in the region.7
267913714Israelite KingdomThe Israelites (Hebrews) adopted a kingship (era of kingdom of Israel). All hebrew tribes united under King Saul. Frist political uinty for Hebrews. Stopped assimilation to Canaanites. Copied what groups around them did, Military, organization, use of weapons.8
267913715DavidWas king from 1000-960 BCE. Created modern army. Used districts to get taxes more efectivly. Most important thing he did was promote the cult of Yahwah. Made Yahwah cult a national cult. Moves Yahwah cult sight to Jerusalism. Also move the ark of the Covinant.9
267913716SolomonCreate 1st temple for Yahwah. Had to higher Cannanites to build it. Create profesional priests. Promotes Yahwah.10
267913717Diaspora, TheGreek word meaning "dispersal", used to describe the communities of a given ethnic group living outside their homeland. Jews, for example, spread from Israel to western Asia and Mediterranean lands in antiquity and today can be found throughout the world.11
267913718Bible, TheStories, mainly of people passed down from generation to generation. Oral history that was written down after about 1000 years of re-telling the stories. Primary source of info on the Ancien Hebrews and Israelites. Many books put together. Old and New Testaments. Old testament (first 5 books make up the Torah) is important stuff for the Jewish faith. The New testament is important stuff for Christians. Bible has been edited many times and has lots of retrojection. Final written form for what we know is from 400 BCE.12

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