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AP World History Unit 2 Flashcards

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5072594470IslamCreated by Muhammad in the early 600's in the Arabian Peninsula. The meaning of the word is the "submission to Allah." Allah is the only god and Muhammad was his prophet. There are Five Pillars which teach you how to fulfill all the your duties in the Islamic religion.0
5072629518MuslimsFollowers in the Islamic religion who started in the Arabian Peninsula and then spread around the world. Created during the same time as the religion in the early 600's.1
5072648193BedouinClan who occupied the Arabian Peninsula from the first millennium BCE to seventh century CE. There were limited resources in the clan which would lead to feuds of land and water. Followed polytheistic religions.2
5072697483MeccaA city which was the early merchant center of Pre-Islamic Arabia which becomes the economic center. Also was the home of the Ka'ba which is the religious shrine said to be God's dwelling place. In 630, Muhammad comes back to Mecca after being run out of there from the threat of being killed because the officials did not like his teachings. The pagan shrines were destroyed and they forced the elites to convert to Islam.3
5072748906MedinaWas first named Yathrib which then was changed to Medina because it stood for "city of the Prophet" because it is the city Muhammad fled to after being run out of Mecca in 622. It was established on an oasis and was Northeast of Mecca.4
5072863381Umayyad **In the city of Mecca in Pre-Islamic times, the clan dominated the economic ways of the city.5
5072951438Ka'baIn the city of Mecca in Pre-Islamic times, a religious shrine said to be God's dwelling place. Around 630, Muhammad destroys the shrine because there is only one god, Allah.6
5397315115AllahThe god of the Muslim religion who they would pray to. Islam is the "submission to Allah"7
5397325381MuhammadHe was the creator of Islam and he organized his followers into umma- a community of faith. His faith made many people angry with his new religion. Created legal and social code based on his teachings. Born around 570 and Islam is formed around 610. Happened around Mecca.8
5397358004Qur'anA book of teaching created by Muhammad with all of his teaching so people can read them later on. Created around 650 CE in the Middle East- around Mecca.9
5397370988HijraThe leaving of the Muslims to Medina, "the city of prophets," which was a migration. In 622 when he left to Mecca.10
5397400308UmmaA community of faith in the Muslim religion. Muhammad was their leader.11
5397425523ZakatMust give alms to the poor and the weak. This is one of the five pillars of Islam, created by Muhammad.12
5397442440Five Pillars1) Allah is the only god and Muhammad is his prophet 2) Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca 3) Fast during the holy month of Ramadan 4) Must give alms to the poor and the weak-zakat 5) Muslims must make at least on hajj to Mecca in their lifetime This is what Muslims have to live by in order to be a complete Muslim.13
5397464965HajjA trek to Mecca which symbolizes what Muhammad did in 629 when Muhammad came back to Mecca with almost 10,000 Muslim converts once a treaty was signed with the leaders in Mecca.14
5397479548AliThe nephew of Muhammad and was wanted to be the next leader of the Muslims. The two types of Islam come from the separation of him and Abu Bakr when choosing a caliph.15
5397499960Abu BakrThe caliph of Islam from 632-634 who the clan selected. He was very talented in forming alliances with Bedouin Clans and had loosely controlled military commanders.16
5397517126Ridda WarsBrought many Arab tribes back under the influence of Islam and then moved his armies north to present day Iraq and Syria. Then there became a unity under Islam. 632-63317
5397536966JihadFighting for what is right. This does not mean all the violence for no reason or because their religion is the "right" religion. In Arabic it means "struggle" or "strive"18
5397553028UthmanThe third Caliph of the Muslims who was assassinated in 656 by Muslims who wanted Ali to be their Caliph. His death created the Shia and Sunni sections of Islam. Uthman was a member of the Umayyad clan.19
5402352867SunnisA section of the Islam religion which is the "most popular" form who believed Abu Bakr should have been the caliph. The death of Uthman in 656 started this section.20
5402380915Shi'aA section of the Islam religion who believed that Ali should have been the caliph and this section started in 656 by the death of Uthman.21
5402393960DamascusThe capital of the Umayyad Empire which was captured in 750 which lead to the collapse of the Umayyad empire. Located in modern day Syria.22
5402431711MalawiProperty tax for people who converted to Islam.23
5402441931DhimmisLiteral meaning was "people of the book." Applied to Jewish and Christian people who believed in one god and were accepted in the Muslim empires without having to convert.24
5402452496AbbasidAn Islamic dynasty from 750-1258 CE. Did not take over and tried to control what they had. Bureaucratic setup with caliphs in provinces who would represent the government. Laws based on the Quran. Merchants started to rise which led to more trading.25
5402481188Abu al-AbbasThe leader that lead to the downfall of the Umayyad Dynasty around the 1740's because the rulers started paying more attention to the luxury than the people.26
5402509939BaghdadIn 762, becomes the capital of the Abbasid Dynasty. Then, between 786 and 809 CE, under the rule of Harun al-Rashid, it becomes the center for banking, commerce, and industrial production.27
5402551272HadithA principal based on Muhammad's life that makes you want to live your life through how he lived his and do what he did.28
5402581652RamadanA holy month in the Muslim calendar where you fast. This is in the Five Pillars of Islam.29
5402591431dhowsA type of boating/sailing method created by the Muslims to help them get through the rivers. This will then help with the trading and spread of culture to the other places across the world.30
5402608703MosqueAn Islamic church. Typically did not have any faces on the walls or statues around because they believe they only pray to their god, Allah.31
5402669531BuyidsA part of the Abbasid Dynasty that became its own and then invaded Baghdad and make it their capital 945 CE. Until the Mongols arrived, Turk ruler empire in the name of the caliphs.32
5402711151Seljuk TursNomadic invaders who invaded Buyid in 1055 and took over until the Mongols arrived and took over.33
5402726214CrusadesSeries of military campaigns conducted in the name of Christianity whose primary goal was to recapture Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslims. Happened from 1095-1219 CE. In the West, heroism, faith and honor was found but to the Islamic people they saw it as invasion, barbarian savagery, and brutality.34
5403150444SaladinKnown as the greatest Muslim warrior and in 1187, he captures Jerusalem without fight and unites Muslim forces to confront the crusader kingdom.35
5403164107SufisA third section of Islam that became more of an advocate of the religion and wanted everyone to convert to Islam unlike the Sunnis and Shi'a.36
5403186473UlamaIslamic scholar that wanted more conservation and restrictive theology. These scholars wanted people to keep the traditional Islamic ways.37
5403222244al-GhazaliAlive from 1058-1111, he was an important Sufi and a Persian theologian. He believed that human reason was too frail to understand the nature of Allah.38
5403253214MongolsNomadic people in the pre 13th century who did not have a stable society until Chinggis Khan was put in charge. They then became one of the largest known Empires in the world today. All started around 1206 when Chinggis Khan brought everyone together. Would only attack you if you didn't do what they wanted or fought back.39
5403322431Chinggis KhanHe is declared the leader of the Mongols in 1206 and his name is translated to "Universal Leader." He believed that if all the clans could come together, they would be the most power people in the world which they did become. He lead them to conquer almost all of the Asian continent before dying in 1227.40
5403363674Muhammad ibn KasimArabic general who conquered Sind and made it part of the Umayyad Empire.41
5403432059GhazniA city in Afghanistan that was the center for Buddhism and Islamic civilizations.42
5403453325Mahmud of GhazniA leader of the Turkish salve dynasty in Afghanistan who led invasions into India and destroyed on of the most prized Hindu temple. This is what gave Muslims the reputation of being aggressive. Around 1001 to 1027.43
5403504754Bhaktic CultsHindu Religious groups who stressed the emotional connections between people and their gods.44
5403511521KabirA Muslim mystic in the 15th Century who said that there was not a big difference between Islam and Hinduism.45
5403521317MalaccaA trading city in Malaya which established itself after the fall of Shrivijaya.46
5403529931VishnuAn important deity in the Islamic world who was the "preserver of the world."47
5403542190Lateen SailsSails used for sailboats which helped the Muslim merchants trade through the rivers and waterways and not just by foot.48
5403568219The Thousand and One NightsIn the tenth century a book written about love which symbolized the Persian influence in Muslim culture.49
5407108457SultanA ruler of the Islamic community.50
5407131060Holy LandIn Jerusalem that people believed was where Jesus was born and there was a fight over control over the land between the Jews, Muslims, and Christians.51
5407141465MamluksSlaves in the Abbasid Dynasty52
5407176071Sultans of DelhiBetween 1206 and 1526 after Muhammad's death. An established Islamic state and the Sultanate of Delhi was the capital. There was no real bureaucracy and let the Hindu's carry out the government.53
5407193637PanA Hindu saint and social reformer in eastern India.54
5407203756SatiAn Indian ritual which when the husband died, the wife would be killed as well.55
5407218196EthiopiaWhere the early African organizations were and they were considered "stateless societies" and there was no need to tax because they don't have to support a bureaucracy. Happened around 3000 BCE.56
5407237889Bantu Migrations3000 BCE: started moving East 2000 BCE: expand rapidly to south, absorb communities along the way 1000 BCE: Bantu speaking people occupy most of the Africa south of equator and produce iron tools and weapons which helps with agriculture57
5407250804JihadNot a pillar in the Islamic faith but was thought to have to protect their religion from persecution of everyone around them.58
5407267166AxumOne of the first civilizations in Africa which is now present day Ethiopia. First started around 50 CE because of agriculture. They brought Christianity to their people and declined through the introduction of Islam.59
5407295144ShariaAn Islamic law system that deals with laws both within and out of the church.60
5407304482Ibn BattutaA Moroccan Muslim scholar who went to Hajj and started to travel the world. He left home in 325 and never returned. Ibn Battuta traveled through Islamic lands in China and Spain.61
5407325151SundiataKnown as "The Lion Prince" and built the Mali empire. He rules from 1230-1255 and is a military prowess and conquest.62
5407366631GriotsSince there was no written language, there were historians who kept the stories from the Mali empire from 1200-1450 CE.63
5407382920Kingdom of KongoCreated in the 13th Century and it was ruled by one absolute king and 6 provinces by governors. People developed skills of weaving, pottery, blacksmith, and carving.64
5407395534Great ZimbabweThe capital of the Zimbabwe Empire which flourishes in 15th and 16th centuries with several stone structures and it controlled the flow of gold, ivory, and slaves to the Swahili Coast with the Port of Sofala.65
5407411570Sunni AliRuled under the Songhay Empire from 1464 to 1492 and converts to Islam but allowed religious freedom to subjects. Also controls Timbuktu and Jenne and builds a strong bureaucratic and militaristic empire.66
5407435523CaliphThe leader of an Islamic state who was considered to be the closest to Allah or his representation. They would lead huge Muslim empires.67
5407450134MatrilinealThe descent goes through the mother and not the father.68
5407463253BeninA city state in in West Africa who believed art was important and formed in the 14th Century. A trading and political city.69
5407488927MaliThe Kingdom of Mali lasted between 1200 and 1450 CE when Ghana becomes vulnerable to attacks and steadily declines and collapses. They controlled and taxed all trade coming into West Africa and the leaders converted to Islam and gave protection to the Muslim merchants. 80% of the people were farmers. A major trading kingdom and also helped the spread of Islam in Africa.70
5410387182TimbuktuA market city that rose to become a major trade city during the Mali Empire from 1200-1450 CE. Also was known for the scholars who studied there in things like architecture, astronomy, poetry, law, and mathematics.71
5410402183SonghayAfter the downfall of the Mali Empire, the Songhay came to power around the 15th century. Their capital city was built around 1010 names Gao. They allowed religious freedom to their subjects but a major leader, Sunni Ali, converted to Islam.72
5410431414Stateless SocietiesThere is no government and people are of the same power, no one is above the other.73
5410438992IfriqiyaThe name that the Romans called the Africans.74
5410449122BelisariusA Byzantine general who was under Justinian and helps add to the empire by going to the fallen Western empire and conquering it for the Byzantine Empire in 565.75
5410517604Greek FireA military attack weapon which consisted of different explosives which would explode when it touched water, helping when people attacked Constantinople. Had suffer, lime, and petroleum in it.76
5410535448BulgariaA Slavic empire to the north of Constantinople. They were finally beaten in 1014 by Basil II who would blind 15,000 of their soldiers. This proved how powerful the Byzantine Empire was.77
5410546501Byzantine EmpireAn Empire from 330 CE-1453 CE which is located by the Black and Mediterranean Sea. This empire becomes one of the strongest in trading and military. Constantinople was the capital which was a market town for the empire. This was strategically placed so that you could reach the trade routes on land and also on the water. One of the most powerful Christian Empires of its time.78
5410574680BalkansA peninsula in southeast Europe that consists of Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, and Yugoslav and also the Balkan Mountain Range. Where the Byzantine Empire is located.79
5410601330ManzikertThe Battle of Manzikert was when the Byzantine Empire was defeated by the Turkish Seljuks in 1071 which destroys the Empire's army.80
5410617832ConstantineByzantine Emperor who ruled from 312 to 337 and converted to Christianity in 313. This set up the whole Empire as Christian and it becomes its official religion in 380.81
5410630348Tsar Basil IIA general for the Byzantine Empire who defeated the Bulgarians in 1014 and blinded 15,000 of the army.82
5410639384Hagia SophiaJustinian killed 30,000 of his own people so to make up for that he creates an amazing Christian church in 537 which has a reputation for working miraculous cures and becomes a wonder of the Christian world.83
5410685053JustinianKnown as the "sleepless emperor" who was a ruthless, absolute ruler. Killed 30,000 of his own people because they revolted in one day and made a Roman law ode which gave emperors to follow a set of laws and consequences. Also expands the empire to Western part where it had fallen. Ruled between 527 and 565.84
5410699303TheodoraJustinian's wife who possessed very "interesting" skills and was proclaimed the co-empress of the Byzantine Empire by Justinian around the time he became emperor in 527 CE.85
5410730901HunsA tribe of people who migrated through Eastern Europe and moved into places which the Byzantine Empire, fighting over land.86
5410746546IconoclasmDuring the Byzantine Empire which made the breaking of images popular so that there was no idol in the Christian religion, similar to the Islamic religion.87
5410759470Cyril and MethodiusMissionaries traveled to Bulgaria and Moravia to convert Slavic people to Christianity in 864. There the Cyrillic Alphabet was formed which became the slavic alphabet which then allows Slavs to create complex political structures.88
5410783154RurikThe first prince of Kiev which is a Russian trading center between Scandinavia and Constantinople between 980 and 1015 CE.89
5410797574Vladimir IA Russian ruler of Kiev who converts to Christianity and led to Byzantine people going to Kiev to study and Priests conducting services for Russian converts.90
5410806141Russian OrthodoxyA Russian form of Christianity that came from the Byzantine Empire trading through the city of Kiev and then combined with the local religion in Russia. The king was the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and in the 11th century, 400 churches were created.91
5410824137Theodora and ZoeActivists for women's rights because Theodora married her sister Zoe instead of the man who was chosen for her. This sparked a rebellion in the Byzantine Empire but still ruled from 1055 to 1056.92
5410849020Cyrillic AlphabetBecomes the Slavic Alphabet which allows Slavs to create a complex political system and it is used in church services instead of Latin. Developed around the 860's.93
5410882410Yaroslav IRuler of Kiev from 1019 to 1054 and codified Russian laws. One of the major law sets in history. He created an organized political system and the culture in Kiev peaked during his rule.94
5410889616BoyarsRussian Nobles95
5410899669TatarsMongols invade in 1237-1238 and again in 1240-1241. The Mongols loosely control Russian princes as puppets for 2 centuries. Once the Mongols are forced out, Moscow becomes the "third Rome."96
5410909806ConstantinopleThe capital of the Byzantine Empire and was a central market for trade. It was in a perfect location to have links with Asia, Russia, Scandinavia, Europe, Mediterranean, Persia, Syria, Palestine, and Egypt. Also was surrounded by three sides with water and the other side had the Wall of Theodosius.97
5410948974Orthodox Christian ChurchCreated in 1053 when the western and eastern parts of Rome were split. Created in the Byzantine Empire in Constantinople.98
5410971751Roger BaconFrom 1214 to 1292 he was an English philosopher and scientist who influenced the thinkings of Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution.99
5410990477Black DeathThe the mid 14th century a plague that tore through Asia, North Africa, and Europe due to the trading and spread of disease.100
5411000607FeudalismA political, economic, and social system based on loyalty and military service in the mid 7th century in Western Europe. Discouraged innovation, no specialization but an increase of agriculture.101
5411009569VassalsPeople in Western Europe during the feudal system who would receive land from their lord in return for either loyalty or service.102
5411020396CharlemagneAlso known as Charles the Great and he takes the throne of the Carolingian empire and rules from 768-814. During his rule, the empire reached its height and made diplomatic relations with the Byzantine Empire and the Abbasid Caliphate. He was always roaming his Empire to make sure things are going like he wants.103
5411041810Charles MartelAlso known as "The Hammer" who started the Carolingian Empire and it was named after him in the 8th Century after Clovis dies. Charles serves as deputy to last of Clovis descents from 715-741.104
5411951215Roman Catholic ChurchThe Western part of the Christian church led by the church. Developed in Rome.105
5411963606ClovisLeader of the Franks from 481 to 511. He is a military and political leader and under him the Franks become the most powerful new state in the Western Empire.106
5411971838CarolingiansTake control of the Frankish kingdom in the 8th Century and was named after Charles Martel, the founder. Served as deputy to last of Clovis descendants from 715-741. Pronounced a Holy Roman Empire by Pope Leo.107
5411992924Pope Gregory VIIWas the pope from 1073-1085 and he put an end to the "lay" reuters choosing church officials and when Holy Roman Empire Henry IV challenges the decision, People Gregory excommunicates him.108
5412009459Ferdinand and IsabellaRulers of the Christian kingdom in Iberia which united Spain. Under their rule they sent some of the first people to the "new world." Ruled in the 15th century.109
5412029066First CrusadeIn 1099, armies from France, Germany, and Italy take Jerusalem by assault and massacred the population. This was because the Byzantine Emperor Alexius I called for help and the pope sent armies.110
5412040190Third CrusadeKnown as the king's crusade when Pope Gregory VIII called for a crusade. In 1189, 100,000 soldiers left and in 1192 they established a truce with the Saladin which left the Muslims in charge of the Holy Land.111
5412052117Fourth CrusadeInitiated in 1202 by Pope Innocent III and the Venetians gained control of this crusade to Constantinople. The crusade sacked the city in 1204.112
5412059502Francis of AssisiAn Italian monk who dedicated his life to the sick and the poor and founded the Franciscan Order. Lived from 1182 to 1226.113
5412074297InvestituresThe dispute between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Pope about who truly had control over who could appoint the people of the church, such as bishops.114
5412083829Holy Roman EmpireThe first emperor was named in 962 and the empire collapsed in 1806. Never technically an empire but the pope would crown emperor for whoever had the strongest kingdom and could protect him. Throughout Western Europe.115
5412098888Hundred Years WarBetween the English and French on who has control over the throne of France. The French eventually won. Took place between 1337 and 1453.116
5412117297Pope Urban IIHe called for the Christians to join war against the Turks and they would return the Holy Land back to Christian control. Was pope from 1088 to 1099.117
5412131059Battle of ToursThis will stop the spread of Islam spread through Europe in 732 when the Franks defeated the Muslims in Tours, France. The leader of the Franks was Charles Martel.118
5412168775Magna CartaLed to because of the unpopular taxes in Europe in 1215. King John was forced to sign it and it solidifies feudalism in Europe.119
5412180764ManorialismLarge estates that becomes principal form of agricultural organization and they become large self-sufficient communities which replace cities. Took place in Western Europe Feudalism.120
5412193178SerfsLowest on the social pyramid. They had land and were freer than slaves but had to give half of their makings to the lords.121
5412207880MoldboardA form of plow that was produced so that horses can pull on the plow and not as much manual labor has to be used. Innovated during Western European Feudalism.122
5412216722Middle AgesA time period, between the 5th and 15th centuries, in Western Europe where innovations and ideas stopped because people became self sufficient and new ideas did not have to be created.123
5412224195Gothic VikingsWestern branch of the germanic tribe the vikings who would go into Europe and would try and take over but would never succeed. Between the 4th and 8th centuries.124
5412270237Peter AbelardA French Priest from 1079 to 1142 who did lectures at cathedral school of Notre Dame in Paris. He believed that reason could resolve the contractions.125
5412281240Bernard of ClairvauxHe did not agree with Abelard and ran him out of the university and emphasized a role of faith in the preference to logic. Lived from 1090 to 1153.126
5412305243Song of RolandAn epic of a knight named Roland which showed the image of Charlemagne to people later who didn't live under Charlemagne. This showed people what kind of leader Charlemagne was. Based on a battle in 778.127
5412320688ScholasticismDominant philosophical, scientific, and theological movement of the Middle Ages and there were efforts of European intellectuals to reconcile to reconcile reason and faith. Dependent on the work of Aristotle.128
5412332821Hanseatic LeagueFounded in the 12th Century in Northern Europe and united political and economic power. There were about 80 cities in the league. Craftsmen, artisans, and others often paid to join a caravan to safely reach their destination.129
5412359535ChivalryA code that the knights adopted in the late Middle Ages which told them to be brave, loyal, and true to their word. Happened in Western Europe.130
5412371614Thomas AquinasDominican from 1225 to 1274 and made every effort to prove that faith and reason could be reconciled. Believed in two orders of truth, reason and faith.131
5412377663GuildsChief mechanism for organizing, regulating, and restricting trade. This fixed career path for skilled workers and happened in the Medieval Ages of western Europe. It then developed into trade associations designed to supervise business activity and protect the interest of its members.132
5412390724Three-Field SystemA system of farming when the field are split up into three parts and they are farmed at different times in the year so there is always a harvest happening. Developed during the Medieval Ages of Western Europe.133
5412399646FranksGermanic people who rose from the leadership of Clovis in both military and politics. Happened in the 5th and 6th century. They become the most powerful new states in Western Europe.134
5412410274William the ConquerorDuke William of Normady invaded England in 1066 and defeated English king in the battle of Hastings. He was crowned king of England and introduced Norman centralized government to England with a strong Monarch.135
5412427897AztecsEnter Mexico around the 1250's, the Aztec people start controlling areas and surrounding people, conquer, destroy, and inhabitant. It included over 489 conquered cities and there was no set bureaucracy. Long distance trade was able to happen because of the roads created.136
5412442128NahuatlCentral American people that includes the Aztecs.137
5412457225TenochtitilanThe capital of the Aztec Empire established in 1345. It was settled in the middle of Lake Texcoco with advantages of fish, frogs, waterfowl, protection, and the creation of the chinampas system.138
5412479362Inca SocialismThere was a chief ruler in the Incan society where the chief ruler was a god-king who theoretically owned everything and was on absolute and infallible ruler. Peasants worked lands allocated to them and delivered substantial portions of their production to the bureaucrats who were in charge of them.139
5412491916IncaThe late 15th century it came into power and it set up a bureaucracy that ruled empire and set up taxes for conquered people. They ruled as a military and administrative elite. In 1438, military campaign expanded the Incan authority. Merchants locally bartered among themselves for surplus agricultural production and handcrafted goods.140
5412511354Pachacuti"The Earth Shaker" an Architect of the Incan empire and in 1438, military campaign expands Inca authority. In the late 15th Century, the empire expands 2,500 miles and the population was 11.5 million people.141
5412519828Mocetezuma IIAn Aztec ruler between 1466 and 1520. He was the ruler when the Spanish took over the Aztec Empire and took everything over. He was killed by the Spanish leader.142
5412542722Flowery DeathWhen the noble leader of another kingdom was sacrificed to the gods as a gift from the Aztecs.143
5412570425QuipuThere was no system of writing for the Incans but the bureaucrats used quipu to keep track of responsibilities and kept up with population, taxes, and labor services that communities owed to the central government.144
5412580105QuetzalcoatlAn Aztec god of nature who they would pray to for a good harvest. Once they prayed to him, the Spanish get there and have the Spanish convince them that he sent them which led to the Aztecs doing what the Spanish people said.145
5412601467TulaAt its height, had 60,000 people in it and 60,000 people in the surrounding areas. It is in the center for weaving , pottery, jade, animal skins from other areas in Mesoamerica. They built a strong military and created a strong religious empire. Around from 950-1150 CE.146
5412675680MitaWhen colonists arrive and force the people in the South American empires to do work to pay for taxes that the colonists, the Spanish, put into play. Happened to the Aztec society.147
5412687224TopiltzinA Toltec leader between 950 and 1150 CE who worshipped Quetzalcoatl. He was a religious reformer who was forced into exile because of his views.148
5412701318HuitzilopochtliAn Aztec tribal patron who was then a center for state cults.149
5412707755TlatelolcoA city that was combined with Tenochtitlan which was in the middle of Lake Texcoco and the market was the most import thing that stayed with the city when it was combined.150
5412722299ChinampasDrudge fertile silt from the bottom of the lake and from plots of silt and build canals to bring water to plots. This allowed year round cultivation of maize, beans, squash, tomatoes, peppers, and chills. Happened in the city of Tenochtitlan in the 14th century.151
5412731982Chichen ItzaA Mayan state that tried to unify all Mayan states under one central government around 300 CE in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador. It then survived the Mayan downfall in 800 CE.152
5412748336CortesThe Spanish colonists who came into central America and took over the control because the Aztecs were not used to fighting like the Spanish were prepared to. The Cortes ruled the Aztec Empire and made the people into almost slaves until all the gold and silver was taken.153
5412755489Temple of the SunA temple in the Incan city of Cuzco which was the center for the Incan religion.154
5412767601ToltecsNomads from 950-1150 CE who migrate to Mexico around the 8th Century. Around 962 they establish their capital in Tula. They had trade relations with Mayan and Chichen Itza and they built a strong military and created a strong regional empire.155
5412778979Bureau of CensorsIn the Tang Dynasty of China where all of the written records of the Chinese people and also produced the census for China.156
5412791085Empress WuIn the Tang Dynasty and was the only women who became Empress. This then created Neo-Confucians to come out who are sexist people in China. Ruled from 674-683 CE.157
5412799284Empress WeiShe was married to the son of Empress Wu and wanted to become the leader so she poisoned her husband but then never ended up finding power. In the 8th Century CE.158
5412856441Chan BuddhismA meditation process that makes you calm and makes you appreciate the things around you. Can be referred to as Zen in the Japanese culture.159
5412863799BuddhismA religion or philosophy based on the teachings of Buddha and the way to fully reach enlightenment is if you give up all the wants in your life. This becomes what China bases their government on.160
5412874631WendiIn 581 Wendi becomes the duke of the Sui territory and claims his power through the Mandate of Heaven. All he uses military campaigns to bring surrounding areas under his rule.161
5412885387YangdiRuled from 604 to 618. He murdered his father to take control of the dynasty and drafted hundreds of thousands of peasants to construct palaces and the Great Canal. Ruler of the Sui Dynasty.162
5412891536Foot BindingThe breaking of a young girl's feet in the Neo-Confucianism ways so that they will have smaller feet and will be more eligible for the men to choose from.163
5412897199Champa RiceRice that is originally from the Vietnamese and then adapted in the Chinese agriculture so it could be grown in China as well.164
5412902060JunksChinese ships which had things like compasses on it and were very important in the trading of the Chinese people. Developed during the Song Dynasty.165
5412912366Flying MoneyThe first form of credit in the 9th century by the merchants. At first it was just used for faster trading of merchants but then it turned into real money in the 10th century.166
5412927135Neo-ConfucianismSought to revive Confucian thought and prove its superiority over the "foreign" religions like Buddhism. This slowed the innovation and critical thinking amongst Chinese elite and it gave power to the man of the house. Happened around 1,000 CE.167
5412940196Xi XIaNorth of the Song Dynasty in the mid 11th century and when it invaded the Song Dynasty, they took so much tribute from the Song Dynasty that they left them with no money.168
5412953722Liao DynastyIndependent from the Song Dynasty and was founded in 907 by the nomadic Khitan. A very big militaristic dynasty.169
5412958967SinificationThe spread of Chinese culture in Korea, Japan, Vietnam, and the Mongols. Korea: political and economic from the Tang Dynasty Japan: Architecture from the Tang Dynasty Vietnam: Population growth due to the rice in the Tang Dynasty Mongols: Religions from when they conquer between 1235 and 1279.170
5412988002Tang TaizongTang's Dynasty second emperor who ruled from 626-649. He sought to rebuild the bureaucracy and he developed transportation and communication system that allowed for Tang emperors to communicate with the far reaches of the kingdom.171
5412995149SuiBy 589 the house of Sui controlled China and brought it out of the Era of Division. Placed an enormous demand on citizens to build a centralized system of rule.172
5413003417Southern SongA reign in the Song Dynasty from 1127 to 1279 CE which was on of the best cultural ruled of the whole dynasty.173
5413012069Yang GuifeiThe lover that Xuanzong fell in love with during his rule between 713 and 756 CE who he had to kill because he became too infatuated with her.174
5413029965Zhu XiPersonal mortality is the highest goal for humans.175
5413033638JurchensThe leaders of the Qin kingdom who took control of the Nile River and forced the Song Dynasty to to move more southern in China.176
5413042467TaizuStarted the Chinese Golden Age in the Tang Dynasty between 600 and 1600 CE which led to education increasing and the development of roads and trading.177
5413061131BakufuA type of military government created after the Gumpei Wars where the real power is given to the samurai. "Tent"178
5413067089ShogunsThe military leaders in the Bakufu government.179
5413075800MinamotoWins the Gumpei Wars between 1180 and 1185 who created the Bakufu government. Seat of the power was in Kamakura.180
5413080236Emperor KammuHe established a new capital city in Heian and said that no Buddhist churches were allowed in the city but they built them outside of the city.181
5413090988FujiwaraA Japanese family in the mid 9th century who wanted to bring down the imperial Japanese system and did it successfully.182
5413096540Onin WarCivil war was between the Kyoto region of Japan between that destroyed the capital city. Happened between 1467 to 1477 CE.183
5413108869DaimyoBecause of the destruction of the capital city, there became warlords who would be somewhat bounded but still be separate.184
5413111673Son of HeavenStarted in the Zhou dynasty what the rulers were known as, the separation between heaven and earth.185
5413120685SillaThe Dynasty got in an alliance with the Tang dynasty in 668 and then becomes a vassal of the Tang Dynasty so they had to pay tribute to China.186
5413129335Middle KingdomWhat the Chinese referred to their land as because they believed that their land laid between heaven and earth.187
5413132488VietsThe Vietnamese which started in 220's BCE to 10th CE Century. They opened up trade networks with China until the Han conquers them in 111 BCE.188
5413142584NaraA Period in Chinese history between 710-794 CE where the capital city was Nara and the 7 missions of Changan was created which led to the creation of histories and law codes.189
5413147568ShintoismA religion early in Japan where many gods were worshipped; offerings of food were given to the gods.190
5413153464Tribute SystemAnyone who is captured by the Chinese will have to pay the Chinese something, typically in money or something that the Chinese need.191
5413158162YiA Korean Dynasty formed in 1392 that helped with Chinese influence in Korea and also restored the aristocratic level of the social class.192
5413168052Trung SistersLeaders of a revolt from the Chinese of the Vietnam people in 39 CE which shows women's rights to the Chinese.193
5413171035SamuraiLoyalty was with the local lord and they were hired by local lords to protect them.194
5413173993SeppukuA type of ritual suicide in Japan that brings honor to your family.195
5413177628Gumpei WarsBetween 1180-1185 CE which are civil wars between the Taira and the Minamoto families and in 1185 the Minamoto family wins.196
5413182655Taika ReformsIn 646, After the death of Shook, Japanese leaders attempt to create a Japanese empire modest after the Chinese model.197
5413185369HeianThe Heian court is a strict social class which is under constant scrutiny of peers and superior and writing poems becomes the most valued type of art.198
5413188063TairaA family in the Gempei War from 1180 to 1185 who was destroyed by the Minamoto family.199
5413190345Tale of GenjiBetween 1000-1010 which was the first novel of its time and gave an insight to what Japanese Court life was like during the Heian period.200
5413192693BushiRegional warrior leaders in Japan which led to the weakening of the imperial power in Japan during the post classical civilization.201
5413197411YoritimoLeader of the Minamoto clan and then became the leader of of Japan when all the other clans became too weak and the Minamoto clan took over all the other clans.202
5413202427Kubilai KhanA leader of the Mongols who in 1279 took over the Song Dynasty. This shows how strong the Mongols were.203
5413204449YuanThe Mongol regime is renamed to Yuan and they allowed merchants and artisans to travel more and for more trading to be encouraged. Renamed in 1271 CE.204
5413213168Marco PoloA Vietnam traveler who traveled through the Silk Road and led to the trade with the East. He became one of the most important travelers in his time. Lived between 1254-1324 CE.205
5413218432HuleguGrandson of Chinggis Khan and captures Baghdad in 1258 and also led to the fall of the Abbasid Empire.206
5413224039Ilkhan KhanateConverted to Islam which was followed by many other Mongols in 1295. This then lead to the prosecution of Jews and Christians and revival of Muslim power in Persia.207
5413227556BatuChinggis' grandson who invaded Russia in the beginning of 1236 and by 1240, Kiev is destroyed and the Russian princes become vassals of Mongols.208
5413230417KhanatesThe four regions of the Mongol empire after Chinggis Khan's death.209
5413233316KhangasThe ruler of a Mongol tribe.210
5413234956TumensFighting units of the Mongol forces usually with 10,000 men.211
5413238763Golden HordesThe destroying of Kiev by Bantu which allows the Mongols to let the Russians rule if they would give them tributes and then Moscow is rebuilt and becomes the defender of Russia. Around 1240.212
5413243239Chinngis KhanHe is born in 1167 and he is declared the first ruler of the Mongols in 1206. He changes it from only trusting your blood to trusting the people you're fighting with. Starts with 125,000 men in his army but still conquers most battles he came across.213
5413246082SamarkundA highly decorated town along the silk road of mosques and tombs which becomes a big trading city since it is along the silk road. Located in central Asia.214
5413250049Timur-i LangLast Turkish leader of Samarkund in the 14th centuries. He attacked places like Persia and the Fertile Crescent but never got anywhere and the empire fell when he died in 1405.215
5413254167Muhammad Shah IIRuler of the Muslim kingdom Khwarazm which was taken over by the Mongols in 1220 CE. He refused to trade with the Mongols.216
5413259051OgedeiSong of Chinggis Khan who became a successor of one of his Khanates when he died in 1227. Ogedei still had to be elected as ruler of the Mongols.217

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