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AP World History Unit 2 Vocabulary 2018-2019 Flashcards

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10833221536AlexanderKing of Macedonia in northern Greece. Between 334 and 323 BCE he conquered the Persian Empire, reached the Indus Valley, founded many Greek-style cities, and spread Greek culture across the Middle East0
10833377246AlexandriaCity on the Mediterranean coast of Egypt founded by Alexander. It became the capital of the Hellenistic kingdom of the Ptolemies. It contained the famous Library and the Museum, a center for leading scientific and literary figures. Its merchants engaged in trade with areas bordering the Mediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean1
10833377247CyrusFounder of the Achaemenid Persian Empire. Between 550 and 530 B.C.E. he conquered Media, Lydia, and Babylon. Revered in the traditions of both Iran and the subject peoples, he employed Persians and Medes in his administration and respected the institutions and beliefs of subject people2
10833377248Darius IThird ruler of the Persian Empire (r. 521-486 B.C.E.). He crushed the widespread initial resistance to his rule and gave major government posts to Persians rather than to Medes. He established a system of provinces and tribute, began construction of Persepolis, and expanded Persian control in the east (Pakistan) and west (northern Greece)3
10833377249democracysystem of government in which all "citizens" (however defined) have equal political and legal rights, privileges, and protections, as in the Greek city-state of Athens in the fifth and fourth centuries BCE4
10833377250Hellenistic AgeHistorians' term for the era, usually dated 323-30 B.C.E., in which Greek culture spread across western Asia and northeastern Africa after the conquests of Alexander the Great. The period ended with the fall of the last major Hellenistic kingdom to Rome, but Greek cultural influence persisted until the spread of Islam in the seventh century C.E.5
10833377251hoplitea heavily armed Greek infantryman of the Archaic and Classical periods who fought in the close-packed phalanx formation. Militias composed of these soldiers were for centuries superior to all other military forces6
10833377252Peloponnesian WarA protracted (431-404 B.C.E.) and costly conflict between the Athenian and Spartan alliance systems that convulsed most of the Greek world. The war was largely a consequence of Athenian imperialism. Possession of a naval empire allowed Athens to fight a war of attrition, but ultimately Sparta prevailed because of Athenian errors and Persian financial support7
10833377253PericlesAristocratic leader who guided the Athenian state through the transformation to full participatory democracy for all male citizens, supervised construction of the Acropolis, and pursued a policy of imperial expansion that led to the Peloponnesian War. He formulated a strategy of attrition but died from the plague early in the war8
10833377254PersepolisA complex of palaces, reception halls, and treasury buildings erected by the Persian kings Darius I and Xerxes in the Persian homeland. It is believed that the New Year's festival was celebrated here, as well as the coronations, weddings, and funerals of the Persian kings, who were buried in cliff-tombs nearby9
10833377255Persian WarsConflicts between Greek city-states and the Persian Empire, ranging from the Ionian Revolt (499-494 B.C.E.) through Darius's punitive expedition that failed at Marathon. (490 BCE) and the defeat of Xerxes' massive invasion of Greece by the Spartan-led Hellenic League (480-479 BCE)10
10833377256polisThe Greek term for a city-state, an urban center and the agricultural territory under its control. It was the characteristic form of political organization in southern and central Greece in the Archaic and Classical periods11
10833377257PtolemiesThe Macedonian dynasty, descended from one of Alexander the Great's officers, that ruled Egypt for three centuries (323-30 B.C.E.). From their magnificent capital at Alexandria on the Mediterranean coast, the Ptolemies largely took over the system created by Egyptian pharaohs to extract the wealth of the land, rewarding Greeks and Hellenized non-Greeks serving in the military and administration12
10833377258SacrificeA gift given to a deity, often with the aim of creating a relationship, gaining favor, and obligating the god to provide some benefit to the sacrificer, sometimes in order to sustain the deity and thereby guarantee the continuing vitality of the natural world.13
10833377259satrapThe governor of a province in the Achaemenid Persian Empire, often a relative of the king. He was responsible for protection of the province and for forwarding tribute to the central administration. Those in outlying provinces enjoyed considerable autonomy14
10833377260SocratesAthenian philosopher (ca. 470-399 B.C.E.) who shifted the emphasis of philosophical investigation from questions of natural science to ethics and human behavior. He attracted young disciples from the elite families but made enemies by revealing the ignorance and pretensions of others, actions that culminated in his trial and execution the the Athenian state15
10833377261TriremeGreek and Phoenician warship of the fifth and fourth centuries B.C.E. It was sleek and light, powered by 170 oars arranged in three vertical tiers. Manned by skilled sailors, it was capable of short bursts of speed and complex maneuvers.16
10833377262tyrantThe term the Greeks used to describe someone who seized and held power in violation of the normal procedures and traditions of the community. Tyrants appeared in many Greek city-states in the seventh and sixth centuries B.C.E., often taking advantage of the disaffection of the emerging middle class and, by weakening the old elite, unwittingly contributing to the evolution of democracy17
10833377263zoroastrianismA religion originating in ancient Iran that became the official religion of the Achaemenids. It centered on a single benevolent deity, Ahuramazda, who engaged in a struggle with demonic forces before prevailing and restoring a pristine world. It emphasized truth-telling, purity, and reverence for nature.18
10881021282aqueducta conduit, either elevated or underground, that used gravity to carry water from a source to a location-usually a city-that needed it. The Romans built many of these in a period of substantial urbanization19
11018753358AugustusHonorific name of Octavian, founder of the Roman Principate, the military dictatorship that replaced the failing rule of the Roman Senate. After defeating all rivals, between 31 BCE and 14 CE he laid the groundwork for several centuries of stability and prosperity in the Roman Empire20
11018753359Chang'anCity in the Wei Valley in eastern China. It became the capital of the Zhou kingdom and the Qin and early Han Empires. Its main features were imitated in the cities and towns that sprang up throughout the Han Empire.21
11018753360ConstantineRoman emperor (r. 306-337). After reuniting the Roman Empire, he moved the capital to Constantinople and made Christianity a favored religion22
11018753361equitesIn ancient Italy, prosperous landowners second in wealth and status to the senatorial aristocracy. The Roman emperors allied with this group to counterbalance the influence of the old aristocracy and used them to staff the imperial civil service.23
11018753362GaozuThe throne name of Liu Bang, one of the rebel leaders who brought down the Qin and founded the Han dynasty in 202 B.C.E.24
11018753363HanA term used to designate (1) the ethnic Chinese people who originated in the Yellow River Valley and spread throughout regions of China suitable for agriculture and (2) the dynasty of emperors who ruled from 202 B.C.E. to 220 C.E.25
11018753364JesusA Jew from Galilee in northern Israel who sought to reform Jewish beliefs and practices. He was executed as a revolutionary by the Romans. Hailed as the Messiah and son of God by his followers, he became the central figure in Christianity, a belief system that developed in the centuries after his death26
11018753365patron/client relationshipIn ancient Rome, a fundamental social relationship in which the patron—a wealthy and powerful individual—provided legal and economic protection and assistance to clients, men of lesser status and means, and in return the clients supported the political careers and economic interests of their patron.27
11018753366PaulA Jew from the Greek city of Tarsus in Anatolia, he initially persecuted the followers of Jesus but, after receiving a revelation on the road to Syrian Damascus, became a Christian. Taking advantage of his Hellenized background and Roman citizenship, he traveled throughout Syria-Palestine, Anatolia, and Greece, preaching the new religion and establishing churches. Finding his greatest success among pagans ("gentiles"), he began the process by which Christianity separated from Judaism.28
11018753367pax romanaLiterally, "Roman peace," it connoted the stability and prosperity that Roman rule brought to the lands of the Roman Empire in the first two centuries C.E. The movement of people and trade goods along Roman roads and safe seas allowed for the spread of cultural practices, technologies, and religious ideas.29
11018753368PrincipateA term used to characterize Roman government in the first three centuries CE, based on the ambiguous title princeps ("first citizen") adopted by Augustus to conceal his military dictatorship30
11018753369QinA people and state in the Wei River Valley of eastern China that conquered rival states and created the first Chinese empire (221-206 B.C.E.). The ruler, Shi Huangdi, standardized many features of Chinese society and ruthlessly marshaled subjects for military and construction projects, engendering hostility that led to the fall of his dynasty shortly after his death31
11018753370RepublicThe period from 507 to 31 B.C.E., during which Rome was largely governed by the aristocratic Roman Senate.32
11018753371RomanizationThe process by which the Latin language and Roman culture became dominant in the western provinces. Indigenous people in the provinces often chose this route because of the political and economic advantages that it brought, as well as the allure of Roman success33
11018753372SenateA council whose members were the heads of wealthy, landowning families. Originally an advisory body to the early kings, in the era of the Roman Republic it effectively governed the Roman state and the growing empire. Under Senate leadership, Rome conquered an empire of unprecedented extent in the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.34
11018753373Shi HuangdiFounder of the short-lived Qin dynasty and creator of the Chinese Empire (r. 221-210 B.C.E.). He is remembered for his ruthless conquests of rival states, standardization of practices, and forcible organization of labor for military and engineering tasks. His tomb, with its army of life-size terracotta soldiers, has been partially excavated35
11018753374Sima QianChief astrologer for the Han dynasty emperor Wu. He composed a monumental history of China from its legendary origins to his own time and is regarded as the Chinese "father of history"36
11018753375Third-Century CrisisHistorians' term for the political, military, and economic turmoil that beset the Roman Empire during much of the third century C.E.: frequent changes of ruler, civil wars, barbarian invasions, decline of urban centers, and near-destruction of long-distance commerce and the monetary economy. After 284 C.E. Diocletian restored order by making fundamental changes.37
11018753376XiongnuA confederation of nomadic peoples living beyond the northwest frontier of ancient China. Chinese rulers tried a variety of defenses and stratagems to ward off these 'barbarians,' as they called them, and dispersed them in the first century CE38
11102049158AshokaThird ruler of the Mauryan Empire in India (r. 273-232 BCE). He converted to Buddhism and broadcast his precepts on inscribed stones and pillars, the earliest surviving Indian writing39
11102049159Bhagavad-GitaThe most important work of Indian sacred literature, a dialogue between the great warrior Arjuna and the god Krishna on duty and the fate of the spirit40
11102049160BorobodurA massive stone monument on the Indonesian island of Java, erected by the Sailendra kings around 800 CE. The winding ascent through ten levels, decorated with rich relief carving, is a Buddhist allegory for the progressive stages of enlightenment.41
11102049161BuddhaAn Indian prince named Siddhartha Gautama who renounced his wealth and social position to search for truth. After becoming enlightened, he enunciated the principles of Buddhism, which evolved and spread throughout INdia and to Southeast, East, and Central Asia.42
11102049162FunanAn early complex society in Southeast Asia between the first and sixth centuries CE. Centered in the rich rice growing region of southern Vietnam, it controlled the passage of trade across the Malaysian isthmus.43
11102049163Gupta EmpireA powerful Indian state based, like its Mauryan predecessor, on a capital at Pataliputra in the Ganges Valley. It controlled most of the INdian subcontinent through a combination of military force and its prestige as a center of sophisticated culture.44
11102049164HinduismA general term for a wide variety of beliefs and ritual practices that have developed in the Indian subcontinent since antiquity. It has roots in ancient Vedic and south Indian religious concepts and practices. It spread along the trade routes to Southeast Asia.45
11102049165karmaIn Indian tradition, the residue of deeds performed in past and present lives that adheres to a "spirit" and determines what form it will assume in its next life cycle. The doctrines of this idea and reincarnation was used by the elite in ancient India to encourage people to accept their social position and do their duty46
11102049166MahabharataA vast epic chronicling the events leading up to a cataclysmic battle between related kinship groups in early India. It includes the Bhagavad-Gita47
11102049167Mahayana Buddhism"Great Vehicle" branch of Buddhism followed in China, Japan, and Central Asia. The focus is on reverence for Buddha and for bodhisattvas, enlightened people who have postponed nirvana to help others attain enlightenment48
11102049168Mauryan EmpireThe first state to unify most of the Indian subcontinent. It was founded by Chandragupta in 324 BCE and survived until 184 BCE. From its capital at Pataliputra in the Ganges Valley it grew wealthy from taxes on agriculture, iron mining, and control of trade routes49
11102049169mokshaThe Hindu concept of the spirit's "liberation" from the endless cycle of rebirths. There are various avenues - such as physical discipline, mediation, and acts of devotion to the gods - by which the spirit can distance itself from desire for the things of this world and be merged with the divine force that animates the universe50
11102049170monsoonSeasonal winds of the Indian Ocean caused by the differences in temperature between the rapidly heating and cooling landmasses of Africa and Asia and the slowly changing ocean waters. These strong and predictable winds have long been ridden across the open sea by sailors, and the large amounts of rainfall that they deposit on parts of India, Southeast Asia, and China allow for the cultivation of several crops a year51
11102049171SrivijayaA state based on the Indonesian island of Sumatra between the seventh and eleventh centuries CE. It amassed wealth and power by a combination of selective adaptation of Indian technologies and concepts, control of the lucrative trade routes between India and China, and skillful showmanship and diplomacy in holding together a disparate realm of inland and coastal territories52
11102049172Tamil kingdomsThe kingdoms of southern India, inhabited primarily by speakers of Dravidian languages, which developed in partial isolation, and somewhat differently, from the Arya north. The produced epics, poetry, and performance arts. Element of their religious beliefs were merged in the Hindu synthesis.53
11102049173theater-stateHIstorians' term for a state that acquires prestige and power by developing attractive cultural forms and staging elaborate public ceremonies (as well as redistributing valuable resources) to attract and bind subjects to the center. Examples include the Gupta Empire in India and Srivijaya in Southeast Asia54
11102049177Theravada Buddhism55
11102049174varnaTwo categories of social identity of great importance in Indian history. Included are the four major social divisions: the Brahmin priest class, the Kshatriya warrior/administrator class, the Vaishya merchant/farmer class, and the Shudra laborer class. Within each of these are many jati, regional groups of people who have a common occupational sphere and who marry, eat, and generally interact with other members of their group56
11102049175VedasEarly Indian sacred "knowledge" - the literal meaning of the term - long preserved and communicated orally by Brahmin priests and eventually written down. These religious texts, including the thousand poetic hymns to various deities contained in the Rig Veda, are our main source of information about the Vedic period (ca. 1500-500 BCE)57
11102058713AnasaziImportant culture of what is now the southwest United States (700-1300 CE). Centered on Chaco Canyon in New Mexico and Mesa Verde in Colorado, they built multistory residences and worshiped in subterranean buildings called kivas58
11102058714aylluAndean lineage group or kin-based community59
11102058715ChavinThe first major urban civilization in South America (900-250 BCE). Its capital was located high in the Andes Mountains of Peru. It became politically and economically dominant in a densely populated region that included two distinct ecological zones, the Peruvian coastal plain and the Andean foothills60
11102058716chiefdomForm of political organization with rule by a hereditary leader who held power over a collection of villages and towns. Less powerful than kingdoms and empires, chiefdoms were based on gift giving and commercial links61
11102058717ChimuA powerful civilization, also called Kingdom of Chimor, that developed on the northern coast of Peru from about 1200 to its conquest by an expanding Inka empire in the 1470s. Its capital city was Chan Chan62
11102058718chinampasRaised fields constructed along lake shores in Mesoamerica to increase agricultural yields63
11102058719llamaA hoofed animal indigenous to the Andes Mountains in South America. It was the only domesticated beast of burden in the Americas before the arrival of Europeans. It provided meat and wool. Their use to transport goods made possible specialized production and trade among people living in different ecological zones and fostered the integration of these zones by Chavin and later Andean states64
11102058720MayaA Mesoamerican civilization concentrated in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and in Guatemala and Honduras but never unified into a single empire. Major contributions were in mathematics, astronomy, and development of the calendar.65
11102058721mitaAndean labor system based on shared obligations to help kinsmen and work on behalf of rulers or religious organizations66
11102058722MocheCivilization of north coast of Peru (200-700 CE). An important Andean civilization that built from extensive irrigation networks as well as impressive urban centers dominated by brick temples67
11102058723OlmecThe first Mesoamerican civilization. Between ca. 1200 and 400 BCE, these people of central Mexico created a vibrant civilization that included intensive agriculture, wide-ranging trade, ceremonial centers, and monumental construction. They had great cultural influence on later Mesoamerican societies, passing on artistic styles, religious imagery, sophisticated astronomical observation for the construction of calendars, and a ritual ball game.68
11102058724TeotihuacanA powerful city-state in central Mexico (100-750 CE). Its population was more than 125,000 at its peak in 450 CE69
11102058725TiwanakuName of the capital city and empire centered on the region near Lake Titicaca in modern Bolivia (500-1000 CE)70
11102058726ToltecsPowerful postclassic state in central Mexico (900-1175 CE) that influenced much of Mesoamerica. Aztecs later claimed ties to this civilization71
11102058727WariAndean civilization culturally linked to Tiwanaku, perhaps beginning as a colony of Tiwanaku72
11165777008AnasaziImportant culture of what is now the southwest United States (700-1300 CE). Centered on Chaco Canyon in New Mexico and Mesa Verde in Colorado, they built multistory residences and worshiped in subterranean buildings called kivas73
11165777009aylluAndean lineage group or kin-based community74
11165777010ChavinThe first major urban civilization in South America (900-250 BCE). Its capital was located high in the Andes Mountains of Peru. It became politically and economically dominant in a densely populated region that included two distinct ecological zones, the Peruvian coastal plain and the Andean foothills75
11165777011chiefdomForm of political organization with rule by a hereditary leader who held power over a collection of villages and towns. Less powerful than kingdoms and empires, chiefdoms were based on gift giving and commercial links76
11165777012ChimuA powerful civilization, also called Kingdom of Chimor, that developed on the northern coast of Peru from about 1200 to its conquest by an expanding Inka empire in the 1470s. Its capital city was Chan Chan77
11165777013chinampasRaised fields constructed along lake shores in Mesoamerica to increase agricultural yields78
11165777014llamaA hoofed animal indigenous to the Andes Mountains in South America. It was the only domesticated beast of burden in the Americas before the arrival of Europeans. It provided meat and wool. Their use to transport goods made possible specialized production and trade among people living in different ecological zones and fostered the integration of these zones by Chavin and later Andean states79
11165777015MayaA Mesoamerican civilization concentrated in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and in Guatemala and Honduras but never unified into a single empire. Major contributions were in mathematics, astronomy, and development of the calendar.80
11165777016mitaAndean labor system based on shared obligations to help kinsmen and work on behalf of rulers or religious organizations81
11165777017MocheCivilization of north coast of Peru (200-700 CE). An important Andean civilization that built from extensive irrigation networks as well as impressive urban centers dominated by brick temples82
11165777018OlmecThe first Mesoamerican civilization. Between ca. 1200 and 400 BCE, these people of central Mexico created a vibrant civilization that included intensive agriculture, wide-ranging trade, ceremonial centers, and monumental construction. They had great cultural influence on later Mesoamerican societies, passing on artistic styles, religious imagery, sophisticated astronomical observation for the construction of calendars, and a ritual ball game.83
11165777019TeotihuacanA powerful city-state in central Mexico (100-750 CE). Its population was more than 125,000 at its peak in 450 CE84
11165777020TiwanakuName of the capital city and empire centered on the region near Lake Titicaca in modern Bolivia (500-1000 CE)85
11165777021ToltecsPowerful postclassic state in central Mexico (900-1175 CE) that influenced much of Mesoamerica. Aztecs later claimed ties to this civilization86
11165777022WariAndean civilization culturally linked to Tiwanaku, perhaps beginning as a colony of Tiwanaku87

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