5607124122 | babur | Founded Mughal dynasty (India) | 0 | |
5607128270 | Akbar | Greatest ruler of Mughals - accepted all religions - created "Din-I-Ilahi" (faith of the divine) - combo of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity | 1 | |
5607139215 | Sha Jahan | Mughal ruler - tried but failed to expand - built Taj Mahal | 2 | |
5607141605 | Charles V (5) | Holy Roman Emperor - heritage from Hapsburgs | 3 | |
5607144659 | Conquistador | Spanish soldier/explorer who came to americas | 4 | |
5607146471 | Henry of Navarre | 1st French monarch - bourbon dynasty - religious tolerance for Protestants - cared ab welfare of people | 5 | |
5607152224 | Ivan the Great | Size of Russia = x4 - Moscow = impressive capital of 3rd Roman Empire - foundation for Russian aristocracy - longest rule | 6 | |
5607156123 | Hideyoshi | Daimyo that unified Japan - only samurai class carried weapons - replaced by Tokugawa | 7 | |
5607169577 | Louis XIV (14) | "I am the state" - longest rule of Europe - France = absolute monarchy - france more powerful bc of foreign war - built Versailles - symbol of European absolutism | 8 | |
5607182408 | Prince Henry the Navigator | Pushed Portuguese attempts to explore African sea route to asia | 9 | |
5607198936 | Oliver Cromwell | British military leader, based on meritocracy (gov officials chosen based on abilities), England became 1st republic (even though it was military dictator) | 10 | |
5607271203 | ronin | Masterless samurai (1180-1868) | 11 | |
5607271204 | Sikhs | Ten Sikh gurus, northern India, started Sikhism religion, unique view of world = one god | 12 | |
5607271205 | Suleiman I | Ruler of Ottomans, same time period as Charles V, fair ruler/expanded, reconstructed legal system | 13 | |
5607271206 | Sunni Ali | 15th century, king of Songhai empire in sub-Saharan Africa, controlled Timbuktu (trade), bigger than Mali empire | 14 | |
5607271207 | Lepanto | 1571, coalition of catholic states' navy defeats Ottoman Empire's navy, beginning of west European (spain/Portugal) dominance in Mediterranean | 15 | |
5607408253 | Act of toleration | 1689, british law granting religious tolerance, ends generations of bloodshed | 16 | |
5607408254 | Capitalism | Economic system- gov. stays out of companies choices, goal is to make profit for company not gov. | 17 | |
5607408255 | Joint stock company | West European financial company w/ capital from investors, to make profit, before "corporations" | 18 | |
5607408256 | Dutch East India Company | Controlled trade for Britain, became even stronger than some gov. | 19 | |
5607408257 | Treaty of Tordesillas | Pope divides Latin America, Portuguese=Brazil, Spain=everywhere else | 20 | |
5607408258 | Parliament | France, people responsible for edicts (laws); eventually, they didn't record ones they didn't agree w/, power struggle | 21 | |
5607408259 | Elizabeth I | England monarch (1558-1603), religious issues, "Elizabethan Age" - golden age, Shakespeare, encourage colonization, didn't give out nobility | 22 | |
5607408260 | John Calvin | Calvinism- belief in predestination, anti witches | 23 | |
5607408261 | English enlightenment | (1649-1690), England reduces power of monarchy through overthrow of Cromwell, "Glorious Revolution", English bill of rights, writing by John Locke & Thomas Hobbes | 24 | |
5607408262 | Footbinding | During Tang (china) Dynasty (700), all classes, girls @ 6 years, status (femininity-pain for appearance) symbol, only rich could afford, | 25 | |
5607473503 | Huguenots | Protestants who lived in catholic France, (minority), often persecuted | 26 | |
5607473504 | Italian Renaissance | Rebirth of Classical (Greece/Rome) art & architecture, humanism, families like Medici & the Catholic Church, natural world blend w/ religion, thoughts leaving religion base | 27 | |
5607473505 | Jesuits | Soldiers for Pope, "society of Jesus", branch of Catholicism (after reformation), focused on education, missionary work, social justice | 28 | |
5607473506 | Northern renaissance | Northern Europe, literature & art (in common language for people), human form blend w/ religion, | 29 | |
5607591373 | Philosophes | French enlightened thinkers who tried to explain society/human nature, started enlightenment | 30 | |
5607591374 | Puritans | Part of protestants in England who dismiss Anglican Church, want pure form of Christianity based on Bible, predestination, kicked out to New England, known in USA as pilgrims | 31 | |
5607591375 | Architecture of the Renaissance | Architecture based on math precision, ex: columns, domes, perfect designs, revival of Roman architecture | 32 | |
5607591376 | Deism | Belief that God stays out of our daily lives, he's creator of universe, gave us everything we need & then just watches | 33 | |
5607591377 | Printing press | Gutenberg - led to increased literacy, takes power from Church monopoly on literacy (tells what is in bible incorrect bc they can't read it) | 34 | |
5608241762 | Absolute monarchy | Hereditary leadership that controls all power | 35 | |
5608241763 | Boyars | Member of the highest rank of feudal Russian & Romanian aristocracy, 2nd only to the ruling princes, 10th to 17th century | 36 | |
5608241764 | Cossacks | People from the southern steppe regions of Eastern Europe and Asiatic Russia, famous for military skill & used by Ivan the Great to expand their empire | 37 | |
5608241765 | Creoles | Spanish/Portuguese born in the americas, below those actually born in Europe | 38 | |
5608586332 | devshirme | giving a single son to the Ottoman sultans to become Janissaries as slave soldiers, a tax for not being Islamic & under their rule | 39 | |
5608586333 | Divine right | Like deism, belief god stays out of our daily lives, European (monarchs), it was their right to rule bc god said so, "born into monarchy, I must deserve it" | 40 | |
5608586334 | Dutch learning | Rangaku - how Japan kept in touch w/ western technology & medicine, (1641-1853), bc of Tokugawa shogunate' policy | 41 | |
5608586335 | Encomienda | System of Spanish rule in Americas, landowners have right to forced labor of all indigenous people living on that land | 42 | |
5608586336 | Enlightenment | Attempt to apply logic from scientific revolution to human nature/gov./economic | 43 | |
5608586337 | Estates-general | Meeting of French governing body, to find more income to state, backfired, led to French Revolution | 44 | |
5608586338 | Glorious revolution | 1688, overthrow king james of England | 45 | |
5608586339 | Hagia Sophia | Former Eastern Orthodox Church, converted to a mosque, now a museum, in Istanbul | 46 | |
5608586340 | Janissaries | Christian slave army that fought for Ottoman Empire, from devshirme tax | 47 | |
5608586341 | Mercantilism | Economic system, colonies market resources for sole use of mother country (colonization) | 48 | |
5608586342 | Mestizos | American that is half indigenous, half European | 49 | |
5608586343 | Mughal dynasty | Muslim dynasty in india | 50 | |
5608586344 | Mulattoes | Offspring of a European/african | 51 | |
5608586345 | Parliamentary monarchy | Attempt to control monarchy through parliament, 1st experiment w/ England, controlled budget which limited monarch | 52 | |
5608586346 | Peninsulares | Highest of Spanish colonial caste system in America, born in Spanish empire, held high official power | 53 | |
5608586347 | Purdah | Practice of requiring women to cover their bodies, separates genders, some places it was more cultural then religious | 54 | |
5608586348 | Qing Dynasty | Founded by Manchu, not native to china (foreign), last Chinese dynasty, couldn't keep out europeans | 55 | |
5608586349 | Reconquista | Re establishment of Christian rather than Muslim rule in the Iberian peninsula, (718-1492) | 56 | |
5608586350 | Sovereignity | Right to exercise supreme political power over area, people, etc | 57 | |
5608586351 | Taj Mahal | Finest example of Mughal architecture, created by Sha Jahan for his wife | 58 | |
5608586352 | Tokugawa Shogunate | A feudal military dictatorship of Japan, est. 1603 by Tokugawa Ieysu, ruled by shoguns in Tokugawa family until 1868, "Edo Period", capital city = Edo (now Tokyo), class hierarchy based from Hideyoshi, samurai @ top, followed by farmers, merchants, artisans | 59 | |
5608586353 | Viceroyalty | Royal official who governs country/province under monarch, colonization | 60 | |
5608586354 | Caravel | 3-masted ship used by Portuguese and Spanish, began in 15th century, could explore UP river | 61 | |
5608586355 | Colombian Exchange | Trade of Americans/Africans/Europeans, crops, disease, culture, people, animals -improved diets in Europe, massive immigration | 62 | |
5608586356 | Northwest Passage | Attempt to find water route through North America, none ever found, explored bays/rivers indtrad | 63 | |
5608586357 | Middle Passage | Sea voyage of Africans to Americas - 25/50% would die on trip | 64 | |
5608586358 | Triangular Trade | Trade of Slavs to Caribbean, sugar to England, goods to africa | 65 | |
5608586359 | Catholic reformation (counter reformation) | Instead of changing Catholic Church (did get rid of indulgences), they stopped the spread of Protestantism, reformed Catholic Church & persecuted some | 66 | |
5608586360 | Commercial revolution | European economic expansion, colonialism, & mercantilism - (1520-1650), voyages allowed Europeans to build vast networks of international trade, making wealth | 67 | |
5622582761 | Excommunication | Kicked out of the church | 68 | |
5622582762 | Heliocentric theory | Belief that earth rotates around the sun, opposite of geocentric theory & church idea that earth is revolved by sun | 69 | |
5622582763 | Indulgence | Selling of passes out of purgatory into heaven to pay for art in Rome by church, | 70 | |
5608760917 | Excommunication | Kicked out of the church | 71 | |
5608760918 | Heliocentric theory | Belief that earth rotates around the sun, opposite of geocentric theory & church idea that earth is revolved by sun | 72 | |
5608760919 | Indulgence | Selling of passes out of purgatory into heaven to pay for art in Rome by church, Martin Luther brought its issue to light | 73 | |
5623059605 | Laissez-faire economics | Belief that gov. shouldn't control business, let market decide success/fail of products | 74 | |
5623059606 | Natural laws | Belief that human interaction of law is governed by a set of laws, similes to those found in nature (gravity) | 75 | |
5623059607 | 95 theses | Complaints made by Martin Luther against Catholic Church, nailed to door, began Protestant reformation | 76 | |
5623059608 | Predestination | Belief that going to heaven is not based on actions, but is predetermined by God | 77 | |
5623100934 | Protestant Reformation | Attempt to reform Catholic Church, leads to divide, Protestant beliefs gain supporters, based on Bibles words not church's, bibles written in vernacular, divided nations in Europe - wars | 78 | |
5672475724 | Society of Jesus | Otherwise known as Jesuits, Catholic response to reformation - encouraged education & human rights | 79 | |
5672475725 | Martin Ltuher | Wrote the 95 theses, initiated Protestant reformation, refused to take back his ideas, protected by German princes, wanted clergy to be able to marry | 80 | |
5672475726 | Henry VII (7) | Created Anglican Church, split from Catholic Church bc Pope wouldn't let them marry to women who couldn't produce a male son | 81 | |
5672475727 | Saint Ignatius of Loyola | Leader of jesuits | 82 | |
5672475728 | Thirty Years War | 1618-1648, in current day Germany, involved most major powers in Europe, religious conflict between Protestant/ Catholic, self-preservation of Hapsburg also a cause | 83 | |
5672475729 | Enlightened monarchs/despots | Monarchs embraced the enlightenment, emphasis on rationality, applied ideas to their kingdoms - religious toleration, freedom of speech/press/property, fostered the arts, sciences, education | 84 | |
5623229223 | Society of Jesus | Otherwise known as Jesuits, Catholic response to reformation - encouraged education & human rights | 85 | |
5623229224 | Martin Luther | Wrote the 95 theses, initiated Protestant reformation, refused to take back his ideas, protected by German princes, wanted clergy to be able to marry | 86 | |
5623229225 | Henry VII (7) | Created Anglican Church, split from Catholic Church bc Pope wouldn't let them marry to women who couldn't produce a male son | 87 | |
5623229226 | Saint Ignatius of Loyola | Leader of jesuits | 88 | |
5623229227 | Thirty Years War | 1618-1648, in current day Germany, involved most major powers in Europe, religious conflict between Protestant/ Catholic, self-preservation of Hapsburg also a cause | 89 | |
5623229228 | Enlightened monarchs/despots | Monarchs embraced the enlightenment, emphasis on rationality, applied ideas to their kingdoms - religious toleration, freedom of speech/press/property, fostered the arts, sciences, education | 90 | |
5672532947 | Maria Theresa & Joseph 2 | She was only female head of hapsburgs, archduchess of austria, enlightened despot, 1 of most powerful rulers of her time, queen of Hungary&bohemia &other places from 1780 until her death/// he was holy Roman emperor | 91 | |
5672719356 | Copernicus | 1st modern creation of heliocentric theory | 92 | |
5672719357 | Galileo | father of modern astronomy/physics/ & science,, improved telescope, 1st & 2nd laws of motion, supported Copernicus | 93 | |
5672719358 | Sir issac newton | created Kepler' law of planetary motion, showed bodies were under same set of natural laws, helped scientific revolution & advancement of heliocentrism | 94 | |
5672719359 | Voltaire | Enlightened thinker who spoke against the Catholic Church | 95 | |
5672719360 | Jean-Jacques Rosseau | Political ideas impacted by French revolution, development of socialist theory, growth of nationalism, the famous line "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains | 96 | |
5672719361 | Class diversification in Europe | Growth of the middle class between aristocracy & peasantry | 97 | |
5672719362 | Adam Smith | The wealth of Nations author, put forth foundation of capitalism - laissez faire (moved away from mercantilism) | 98 | |
5672956011 | Proto-industrialization | 16th century, initially applied to countryside,, but it's when rural people were beginning to industrialize | 99 | |
5673225634 | Prince Henry the navigator | Sparked European interest in exploration, gave Portuguese a Head start, promoted early efforts to export an African route to Asia | 100 | |
5673225635 | Christopher Columbus | "Discoverer" of the Americas when looking for route to East Indies, treatment of indigenous peoples was horrible, started new wave of exploration & starts era of European dominance | 101 | |
5673225636 | Ferdinand Magellan | 1521, circumnavigation | 102 | |
5673225637 | Colonization | Markets, resources for industrializing nations, precious metals needed in Iberian peninsula for wealth, Europeans emigrated due to lack of land, overpopulation, chance to start ahakn | 103 | |
5673225638 | Jacques Cartier | discovery of Canada | 104 | |
5673225639 | North American fur trade | Indians/French worked together, massive export of fur, beaver skin caps were popular in Europe, French colonized differently (mostly men along Mississippi) | 105 | |
5673225640 | Henry Hudson | British explorer, discovered Scandinavia, Canada, looking for northwest apsaage | 106 | |
5673225641 | New amsterdam | 17th century settlement in new Netherlands, (1614-1674), protected trading center that later became NYC | 107 | |
5673225642 | Osman I | 1299,, founder of Ottoman Empire, from him that the Turks called themselves the osmanli until the Ottoman Empire ended | 108 | |
5673225643 | Sultan | Muslim ruler who claimed full power in practical terms without claiming overall caliphate, developed further means in some other contexts, dynasty/land ruled by sultan is called sultanahte | 109 | |
5673571014 | viziers | Ranking political advisor, often to Muslim monarch (Caliph, Amir, Malik(king), or Sultan) | 110 | |
5673571015 | Istanbul | Previously Constantinople until 1930 when it was officially Istanbul, 3,000 year old history = one of oldest existing cities of the world | 111 | |
5673571016 | Mehmet II | (1480), 1st ottoman ruler to claim title of Caesar of the Roman Empire (supreme ruler of all christians), beside typical title such as sultan, made this claim after conquering Constantinople in 1453 | 112 | |
5673571017 | Millet system | Method of working w/ religious minorities in Ottoman Empire, millets has great deal of power, set their own laws, collected their own taxes, as long as they were loyal to empire & abided by Muslim Sharia law | 113 | |
5673571018 | Harem | Place in which the wives of sultan would live in the Ottoman Empire, sultan had children w/ all Women, they would also get educated | 114 | |
5673571019 | Siege of Vienna | Failed attempt of ottomans to invade Europe, from them on Europe feared or had to keep peace w/ ottomans, farthest western advancement into Central Europe of the ottomans, of all battles between Christians & Islams -- this signaled end to previously unstoppable Turkish forces | 115 | |
5673571020 | Safavid Empire | Native Iranian dynasty, gunpowder empire, enemy to ottomans because they were Shiite, (1501-1736), united Iran's provinces under one rule, acted as bridge to modern Iran | 116 | |
5673571021 | Abbas The Great | most powerful of Safavid leaders, expanded trade to west, "Abbas' reign" -- military success, raised Iran to great power, skilled diplomat, tolerant of Christian subjects | 117 | |
5674154493 | Isfahan | Cultural/political center of Safavid empire, 3rd largest city in Iran today | 118 | |
5674154494 | Ming Dynasty | rules China from 1368-1644, last Chinese dynasty w/ Chinese natives ruling, vast army & navy, junk ships (1,500 tons & 4-masted), over 100,000 tons of iron produced per year, many books printed | 119 | |
5674154495 | Francis Xavier | Pioneered Christian missionary, cofounder of Jesuits, Roman Catholics church considers him to have converted more people than anyone since St. Paul | 120 | |
5674154496 | Qing Dynasty | (1644-1912), Took over after the Ming, came over the Great Wall built to keep them out, Manchu origin, allowed foreign trade bc they were foreign, last Chinese dynasty | 121 | |
5674154497 | Tea & Chinese trade w/ Europe | Portuguese discovered Chinese tea in 1560s, starts for wealthy people, eventually becomes daily life for those all across Europe (dominates life) | 122 | |
5674154498 | Kangxi | Greatest Chinese emperor in history, reign for 61 years (longest ever), took throne @ 8, did not exercise much (if any), his 4 guardians & grandmother Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang | 123 | |
5674154499 | Ashikaga Shogunate | (1336-1573), fetal military dictatorship ruled by the shoguns of the Ashikaga family, regional power still w/ daimyo, as the daimyo feuded between themselves, loyalty to the shoguns was strained & open warfare began | 124 | |
5674305585 | Toyotomi Hideyoshi | aka japans 2nd "greatest unifier", known for his invasion of Korea, cultural legacies: only samurais can carry weapons | 125 | |
5678142471 | Babur the Tiger | Founded the Mughal dynasty (India) & believed himself to be a descendant of Genghis Khan | 126 | |
5679408057 | Aurangzeb | (Tyrant) Ruler of Mughal (1658-1707), controversial figure in south Asian history bc he destroyed many Hindu temples & forced many Hindus to become Islamic | 127 | |
5679408058 | Askia Muhammad | King of the Songhai empire until the late 15th century, v strong & big empire, covered a lot of Africa (the Hausa states, Mali empire) in northwestern Africa, expansion of trade, built schools, & Islam was important | 128 | |
5679408059 | Gold trade in west/central affics | Made inlands rich, relied on slaves, slowed industrialization, made African nations dependent, needed to purchase European weapons in order to expand | 129 | |
5679408060 | Osei Tutu | Leader of Ashanti confederacy in Africa, firearms traded w/ Europeans for slaves/gold, expanded power of city-sfafe | 130 | |
5679408061 | Boers | Name given to Dutch immigrants in South Africa, moved inland, came into conflict w/ Zulu tribe | 131 | |
5679707464 | Zulu | South African tribe lead by Shaka Zulu, he united tribes through war & then posed threat to boers/British, one of the few instances in which non-Europeans were able to defeat Europeans | 132 | |
5679707465 | Atlantic Slave Trade | Purchase/transport of Africans to the new world, 1/3 of triangular trade between Europe, Americas & acrics | 133 | |
5679707466 | Sugar production and the slave trade | Labor was infensive /dangerous, had to keep transportinf because of death rates, males primarily brought over, overseers kept order V violently | 134 | |
5679707467 | Hernan Cortes | Defeated Aztecs due to guns, disease, & ateel | 135 | |
5679707468 | Francisco Pizarro | Defeated Incas due to guns, disease, steel, & a gullible montezuma | 136 | |
5679707470 | New spain | Viceroy ruled territory (1525-1821), current-day Central America | 137 | |
5679707471 | Spanish importation of smallpox and measles | Colombian exchange- immunity lacked in Latin America, so all indigenous people died, millions died | 138 | |
5679845822 | Bartolome de las Casas | Demonized role of Spanish / Columbus in treatment of Native Americans | 139 | |
5679707472 | Silver mining | Changed world trade, source of wealth for Portugal/Spain, currency for China, resource for Mexico, extracted materials from America sent to europee | 140 | |
5679845823 | Portuguese sugar production | Portuguese cultivated in Brazil 1532, surpassed honey as primary sweetener | 141 | |
5679707473 | Peter Stuyvesant | Last Dutch director/general of New Netherlands from 1647 until it was taken by English in 1664, became NYC | 142 | |
5679707474 | Jamestown | First British colony in the US | 143 | |
5679845824 | Plymouth rock | Pilgrims landed in US, religious focused colony | 144 | |
5679845825 | Massachusetts Bay Colony | First British colony in New England, became Massachusetts, started as joint-stock company | 145 | |
5679845826 | French and Indian wars | Wars between English & French over land, secession, & power -- in North America, colonists & British vs French & Indians, debt from wars leads to high British taxes which lead to American revolution | 146 | |
5679845827 | Russian- American company | Russian trading company that had monopoly over trade w/ alaska | 147 |
Ap World History unit 3 terms Flashcards
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