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AP World History: Unit 4 Vocabulary (1450-1750) Flashcards

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8735625044Zheng HeAn imperial eunuch and Muslim, entrusted by the Ming emperor Yongle with a series of state voyages that took his gigantic ships through the Indian Ocean, from Southeast Asia to Africa.0
8735625045ArawakAmerindian peoples who inhabited the Greater Antilles of the Caribbean at the time of Columbus.1
8735625046Henry the Navigator(1394-1460) Portuguese prince who promoted the study of navigation and directed voyages of exploration down the western coast of Africa.2
8735625047caravelA small, highly maneuverable three-masted ship used by the Portuguese and Spanish in the exploration of the Atlantic.3
8735625048Gold CoastRegion of the Atlantic coast of West Africa occupied by modern Ghana; named for its gold exports to Europe from the 1470s onward.4
8735625049Bartolemeu DiasPortuguese explorer who in 1488 led the first expedition to sail around the southern tip of Africa from the Atlantic and sight the Indian Ocean.5
8735625050Vasco da GamaPortuguese explorer. In 1497-1498 he led the first naval expedition from Europe to sail to India, opening an important commercial sea route.6
8735625051Christopher ColumbusGenoese mariner who in the service of Spain led expeditions across the Atlantic, establishing contact between the peoples of the Americas and the Old World and opening the way to Spanish conquest and colonization.7
8735625052Ferdinand MagellanPortuguese navigator who led the Spanish expedition of 1519-1522 that was the first to sail around the world.8
8735625053conquistadorsEarly-sixteenth-century Spanish adventurers who conquered Mexico, Central America, and Peru.9
8735625054Hernan Cortes(1485-1547)Spanish explorer and conquistador who led the conquest of Aztec Mexico in 1519-1521 for Spain.10
8735625055Moctezuma IILast Aztec emperor, overthrown by the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes.11
8735625056AtahualpaLast ruling Inca emperor of Peru. He was executed by the Spanish.12
8735625057Francisco Pizarro(1478-1541) Spanish explorer who led the conquest of the Inca Empire of Peru in 1531-1533.13
8735625058papacyThe central administration of the Roman Catholic Church, of which the pope is the head.14
8735625059Renaissance (European)Period of intense artistic and intellectual activity said to be a rebirth of Greco-Roman culture. Italian ________________ was from mid 14th-mid 15th century, Northern ________________was from early 15th-early 17th century.15
8735625060indulgenceThe forgiveness of the punishment due for past sins, granted by the Catholic Church authorities as a reward for a pious act. Martin Luther protested against sale of this, often seen as a touching off of the Protestant reformation.16
8735625061Protestant ReformationReligious reform movement within the Latin Christian church beginning in 1519. Resulted in the protestors forming new Christian denominations, including Lutherans and reformed churches and the Church of England.17
8735625062Catholic ReformationReligious reform movement within the Latin Christian church, begun in response to the Protestant reformation. Clarified Catholic theology and reformed clerical training and discipline.18
8735625063witch-huntThe pursuit of people suspected of witchcraft, especially in Northern Europe in the late 16th and 17th centuries.19
8735625064Scientific RevolutionThe intellectual movement in Europe, initially associated with planetary motion and other aspects of physics, that by the 17th century had laid the groundwork for modern science.20
8735625065EnlightenmentPhilosophical movement in 18th century Europe that fostered the belief that one can reform society by discovering rational laws that governed social behavior and were just as scientific as the laws of physics.21
8735625066bourgeoisieIn early modern Europe, the class of well-off town dwellers whose wealth came from manufacturing, finance, commerce, and allied professions.22
8735625067joint-stock companyA business, often backed by a government charter, that sold shares to individuals to raise money for its trading enterprises and to spread the risks (and profits) among many investors.23
8735625068Stock exchangeA place where shares in a company or business enterprise are bought and sold.24
8735625069gentryThe class of land-holding families in England below the aristocracy.25
8735625070Little ice ageA century-long period of cool climate that began in the 1590's. Its ill effects on agriculture in Northern Europe were notable.26
8735625071deforestationThe removal of trees faster than forests can replace themselves.27
8735625072Holy Roman empireLoose federation of mostly German states an principalities, headed by an emperor elected by the princes. It lasted from 962-1806.28
8735625073HabsburgA powerful European family that provided may Holy Roman Emperors, founded the Austrian (later Austro-Hungarian) Empire, and ruled 16th and 17th century Spain.29
8735625074English Civil War(1642-1649) a conflict over Royal vs parliamentary rights, caused by King Charles I's arrest of his parliamentary critics and ending with his execution. It's outcome checked the growth of royal absolutism, and with the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and the English Bill of Rights in 1689, ensured that England would be a constitutional monarchy.30
8735625075VersaillesThe huge palace built for French King Louis XVI south of Paris. The Palace symbolized both French power and the triumph of Royal authority over French nobility.31
8735625076balance of powerThe policy of international relations in which, beginning in the 18th century, the major European states acted together to prevent any one of them becoming too powerful.32
8735625077tax farmerA system for collecting taxes and other state revenues from the population. Under this system, the state transfers the right of collection to private individuals or to groups of merchants called ___ _______ in exchange for a guaranteed fee. They accumulated great wealth since the taxes abs charges they collected generally exceeded by two or three times the amount paid to the treasury.33
8735625078Columbian ExchangeThe exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages.34
8735625079Bartolome de Las CasasFirst bishop of Chiapas, in southern Mexico. Devoted most of his life to protecting Amerindian people from exploitation. His major achievement was the New Laws of 1542, which outlawed the enslavement of Amerindians and limited other forced labor.35
8735625080PotosiLocated in Bolivia, one of the richest silver mining centers in the world and most populous cities in colonial South America.36
8735625081encomiendaA grant of authority over a population of Amerindians in the Spanish colonies. It provided the grant holder with a supply of cheap labor and periodic payments of goods by the Amerindians. It obliged the grant holder to Christianize the Amerindians.37
8735625082creolesIn colonial Spanish America, term used to describe someone of European descent born in the New World. Elsewhere in the Americas, the term is used to describe all nonnative peoples.38
8735625083mestizoThe term used by Spanish authorities to describe someone of mixed Amerindian and European descent.39
8735625084mulattoThe term used in Spanish and Portuguese colonies to describe someone of mixed African and European descent.40
8735625085indentured servantA migrant to British colonies in the Americas who paid for their passage by agreeing to work for a set term ranging from 4-7 years.41
8735625086House of BurgessesElected assembly in colonial Virginia, created in 1618.42
8735625087PilgrimsEnglish Protestant dissenters who established Plymouth colony in Massachusetts in 1620 to seek religious freedom after having lived briefly in the Netherlands.43
8735625088PuritansEnglish Protestant dissenters who believed that God predestined sounds to heaven or hell before birth. They founded Massachusetts bay colony in 1629.44
8735625089Iroquois ConfederacyAn alliance of five northeastern Amerindian peoples (six after 1722) that made decisions on military and diplomatic issues through a council of representatives. Allied first with the Dutch and later the English, it dominated the area from western New England to the Great Lakes.45
8735625090New FranceFrench colony in North America, with a capital of Quebec, founded in 1608. Following military defeat, New France was ceded to the British in 1763.46
8735625091coureurs de boisFrench fur traders, many of mixed Amerindian heritage, who lived among and often married with Amerindian peoples of North America.47
8735625092Tupac Amaru IIMember of inca aristocracy who led a rebellion against Spanish authorities in Peru in 1780-1781. He was captured and executed with his wife and other members of his family.48
8735625093Atlantic systemThe network of trading link after 1500 that moved goods, wealth, people, and cultures across the Atlantic Basin.49
8735625094chartered companiesGroups of private investors who paid an annual fee to France and England in exchange for a monopoly over trade to the West Indies colonies.50
8735625095Dutch West India CompanyTrading company chartered by the Dutch government to conduct its merchants' trade in the Americas and Africa.51
8735625096plantocracyIn the West Indian colonies, the rich men who owned most of the slaves and most of the land, especially in the 18th century.52
8735625097driverA privileged male slave whose job was to ensure that a slave gang did its work on a plantation.53
8735625098seasoningAn often difficult period of adjustment to new climates, disease environments, and work routines, such as that experienced by slaves newly arrived in the Americas.54
8735625099manumissionA grant of legal freedom to an individual slave.55
8735625100maroonA slave who ran away from his or her master. Often a member of a community of runaway slaves in the West Indies and South America.56
8735625101capitalismThe economic system of large financial institutions-- banks, stock exchanges, investment companies-- that first developed in early modern Europe. Commercial capitalism, the trading system of the early modern economy, is often distinguished from industrial capitalism, the system based on machine production.57
8735625102mercantilismEuropean government policies of the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries designed to promote overseas trade between a country and its colonies and accumulate precious metals by requiring colonies to only trade with their motherland country. The British system was defined by the Navigation Acts, the French system by laws known as the Exclusif.58
8735625103Royal African companyA trading company chartered by the English government in 1672 to conduct its merchants' trade on the Atlantic coast of Africa.59
8735625104Atlantic circuitThe network of trade routes connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas that underlay the Atlantic system.60
8735625105Middle PassageThe part of the Atlantic circuit involving the transportation of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic to the Americas.61
8735625106SonghaiA people, language, kingdom, and empire in western Sudan in West Africa. At its height in the 16th century, this empire stretched from the Atlantic to the land of the Hausa and was a major player in the trans-Saharan trade.62
8735625107HausaAn agricultural and trading people of central Sudan in West Africa. Aside from their brief incorporation into the Songhai empire, the Hausa city-states remained autonomous until the Sokoto caliphate conquered them in the early 19th century.63
8735625108BornuA powerful west African kingdom at the southern edge of the Sahara in the central Sudan, which was important in trans-Saharan trade and the spread of Islam. . Also known as Kanem-Bornu, it endured from the 9th century to the end of the 19th century.64
8735625109Ottoman EmpireIslamic state founded by Osman in northwestern Anatolia around 1300. After the fall of the Byzantine Empire, this empire was based at Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) from 1453-1922. It encompassed lands in the Middle East, North Africa, the Caucasus, and eastern Europe.65
8735625110Suleiman the MagnificentThe most illustrious sultan of the Ottoman Empire (r. 1520-1566). Also known as Suleiman Kanuni, or the lawgiver. He significantly expanded the empire in the Balkans and eastern Mediterranean.66
8735625111JanissariesInfantry, originally of slave origin, armed with firearms and constituting the elite of the Ottoman army from the 15th century until the corps was abolished in 1826.67
8735625112Tulip period(1718-1730) Last years of the reign of Ottoman sultan Ahmed III, during which European styles and attitudes became briefly popular in Istanbul.68
8735625113Safavid empireIranian kingdom (1502-1722) established by Ismail Safavi, who declared Iran a Shi'ite state.69
8735625114Shi'itesMuslims belonging to a branch of Islam believing that God vests leadership of the community in a descendant of Muhammad's son-in-law Ali. It's the state religion of Iran.70
8735625115Hidden ImamLast in a series of 12 descendants of Muhammad's son-in-law Ali, who Shi'ites consider the divinely appointed leader of the Muslim community. In occlusion since roughly 873, he is expected to return to the messiah at the end of time.71
8735625116Shah Abbas IThe fifth and most renowned ruler of the Safavid dynasty in Iran (r. 1587-1629). He moved the royal capital to Isfahan in 1598.72
8735625117Mughal EmpireMuslim state (1526-1858) exercising dominion over most of India in the 16th and 17th centuries before political fragmentation caused decline.73
8735625118AkbarMost illustrious sultan of the Mughal empire in India (r. 1556-1605). He expanded the empire and pursued a policy of conciliation with the Hindus.74
8735625119mansabsIn India, grants of land given in return for service by rulers of the Mughal empire.75
8735625120RajputsMembers of a mainly Hindu warrior cast from northwest India. The Mughal emperors drew most of their Hindu officials from this caste, and Akbar married a Rajput princess.76
8735625121nawabA Muslim prince allied to British India; technically, a semi-autonomous deputy of the Mughal Emperor77
8735625122MuscovyRussian principality that emerged gradually during the era of Mongol domination. This dynasty ruled without interruption from 1276-1598.78
8735625123tsar (czar)From Latin "caesar", this Russian title for a monarch was used in reference to a Russian ruler by Ivan III (r. 1462-1505).79
8735625124SiberiaThe extreme northeastern sector of Asia, including the Kamchatka Peninsula and the present Russian coast of the Arctic Ocean, the Bering Strait, and the Sea of Okhotsk.80
8735625125CossacksPeoples of the Russian Empire who lived outside the farming villages, often as herders, mercenaries, or outlaws. They led the conquest of Siberia in the 16th and 17th centuries.81
8735625126serfIn medieval Europe, an agricultural laborer legally bound to a lord's property and obligated to perform set services for the lord. In Russia some of these people worked as artisans and in factories; this system was not abolished there until 1861.82
8735625127Peter the GreatRussian tsar (r. 1689-1725), who enthusiastically introduced Western languages and technologies to the Russian elite, moving the capital from Moscow to the new city of St. Petersburg.83
8735625128Acheh SultanateMuslim kingdom in northern Sumatra. Main center of Islamic expansion in Southeast Asia in the early 17th century. It declined after the Dutch seized Malacca from Portugal in 1641.84
8735625129OmanArab state based in Musqat, the main port in the southeast region of the Arabian peninsula. This state succeeded Portugal as a power in the western Indian Ocean in the 18th century.85
8735625130SwahiliBantu language with Arabic loanwords spoken in the coastal regions of East Africa.86
8735625131BataviaFort established around 1619 as headquarters of the Dutch East India Company operations in Indonesia; today the city of Jakarta.87
8735625132ManchuA federation of Northeastern Asian peoples who overtook the Ming Empire and eventually founded the Qing Empire88
8735625133DaimyoJapanese Landowners whose armed samurai gave them control of Japanese lands from 8th-10th centuries. During the reign of the Tokugawa Shogunate, they were moved to imperial government.89
8735625134SamuraiHereditary military elite of the Tokugawa Shogunate.90
8735625135Tokugawa ShogunateThe last of three Shogunates of Japan; improved trading routes which improves Japan's economy, and takes over many of the rebelling Daimyo.91
8735625136YangbanIn Koryo and Choson Korea, this was a term for "Two Orders". Civil and military elite famimlies who dominated the bureaucracy and social life in Choson Korea92
8735625137Ming EmpireChinese empire established by Zhu Yuanzhang after the overthrowing of the Mongol-Yuan empire. Emperor Yongle sponsors the erection of the forbidden city and Zheng He's voyages.93
8735625138Qing EmpireEmpire established in China by the Manchus, who overthrew Ming empire in 1644. Last Qing emperor was overthrown in 1911.94
8735625139KangxiQing emperor who reigned from 1662-1722, who oversaw greatest expansion of Qing empire.95
8735625140Amur River ValleyRiver valley was a contested frontier between North China and Eastern Russia, until the treaty of Nerchinsk (1689)96
8735625141Macartney MissionAn unsuccessful attempt by the British empire to reestablish diplomatic relations with the Qing Empire. They seeked to expand trade from port of Canton.97

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