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AP World History Unit 5 #1 Flashcards

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161673543Allied PowersIn World War I, the nations of Great Britain, France, Russia, the United States, and others that fought against the Central Powers; in World War II, the group of nations including Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and the United States, that fought against the Axis Powers.0
161673544AnschlussThe German annexation of Austria prior to World War II.1
161673545AppeasementPolicy of Great Britain and France of making concessions to Hitler in the 1930s.2
161673546British CommonwealthA political community consisting of the United Kingdom, its dependencies, and former colonies of Great Britain that are now sovereign nations; currently called the Commonwealth of Nations.3
161673547FascismA political movement that is characterized by extreme nationalism, one-party rule, and the denial of individual rights.4
161673548Great DepressionThe severe worldwide economic downturn that began in the late 1920s and continued throughout the late 1930s throughout many regions in the world.5
161673549HolocaustThe Nazi program during World War II that killed 6 million European Jews and other groups considered undesirable.6
161673550League of NationsInternational organization founded after World War I to promote peace and cooperation among nations.7
161673551MandateA type of colony in which the government is overseen by another nation, as in the Middle Eastern mandates placed under European control after World War I.8
161673552Pan-Slavic MovementA Russian attempt to unite all Slavic nations into a commonwealth relationship under the influence of Russia9
161673553Potsdam ConferenceA 1945 meeting of the leaders of Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union in which it was agreed that the Soviet Union would be given control of eastern Europe and that Germany would be divided into zones of occupation10
161673554ReparationsThe payment of war debts by the losing side11
161673555RussificationA tsarist program that required non-Russians to speak only Russian and provided education only for those groups loyal to Russia12
161673556Spanish Civil WarA conflict form 1936 to 1939 that resulted in the installation of fascist dictator Francisco Franco as ruler of Spain; Franco's forces were backed by Germany and Italy, whereas the Soviet Union supported the opposing republican forces13
161673557Tehran ConferenceA 1943 meeting of leaders of the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union; it agreed on the opening of a second front in France14
161673558Treaty of Brest-LitovskThe 1918 treaty ending World War I between Germany and the Russia15
161673559United NationsInternational organization formed in the aftermath of World War II; included all of the victorious Allies; its primary mission was to provide a forum for negotiating disputes16
161673560Yalta ConferenceA meeting of the leaders of the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States in 1945; the Soviet Union agreed to enter the war against Japan in exchange for influence in the Eastern European states. The Yalta Conference also made plans for the establishment of a new international organization17
161673561AfrikanersSouth Africans who were descendants of the Dutch who settled in South Africa in the seventeenth century18
161673562Alliance for ProgressA program of economic aid for Latin America in exchange for a pledge to establish democratic institutions; part of U.S. President Kennedy's international program19
161673563ApartheidThe South African policy of separation of the races20
161673564AyatollahA traditional Muslim religious ruler21
161673565Berlin WallBarrier that surrounded West Berlin and prevented access to it from East Berlin and adjacent areas of East Germany during the period from 1961 to 1989.22
161673566BrinkmanshipThe Cold War policy of the Soviet Union and the United States of threatening to go to war at a sign of aggression on the part of either power23
161673567CoalitionA government based on temporary alliances of several political parties24
161673568Cold WarThe tense diplomatic relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II25
161673569CollectivizationThe combination of several small farms into a large government-controlled farm26
161673570ContainmentCold War policy of the United States whose purpose was to prevent the spread of communism27
161673571Cuban Missile Crisis (October 1962)US and Soviet Union confrontation over the installation of Soviet nuclear rockets in Cuba, perhaps the closest the world has yet come to nuclear war.28
161673572Cultural RevolutionChinese movement from 1966 to 1976 intended to establish an egalitarian society of peasants and workers29
161673573Five Year PlansPlans for industrial production first introduced to the Soviet Union in 1928 by Stalin; they succeeded in making the Soviet Union a major industrial power by the end of the 1930s30
161673574Geneva ConferenceA 1954 conference that divided Vietnam at the seventeenth parallel31
161673575GenocideThe systematic killing of an entire ethnic group32
161673576GlasnostThe 1985 policy of Mikhail Gorbachev that allowed openness of expression of ideas in the Soviet Union33

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