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AP World History (Unit 5) Flashcards

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146021435Archduke Franz Ferdinand- 1863-1914 - on record as favoring greater autonomy for the provinces of Bosnia-Herzegovina - heir to the Autro-Hungarian throne - despised by Serbian nationalists.... he represented the dynasty they hated - he and his wife were shot while on a visit to Sarajevo (planned by the Black Hand but shot by Gavrilo Princip on 28 June 1914) - his assassination sparked World War One by bring to a head the tensions between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the neighboring kingdom of Serbia0
146021436Self-determination- belief that people with the same ethnic origins, language, and political ideals had the right to form sovereign states -inherent in nationalism - the belief was often cited but ignored by the Great Powers1
146021437Pan-Slavic Movement- a 19th century movement that stressed the ethnic and cultural kinship of the various Slav peoples of eastern and east central Europe and that sought to unite those peoples politically - advocated by Russian leaders (they supported Slav nationalism in lands occupied by Austria-Hungary which set the stage for international conflict)2
146021438Triple Alliance- GERMANY, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, ITALY - also known as the central powers - a defensive pact that ensured reciprocal protection from a Russian attack and neutrality in case of attack from any other power - fear of a hostile France motivated Germans to enter into this pact, whereas Austrians viewed it as giving them a free hand in pursuing their Balkan politics without fear of Russian intervention, and they were joined by Italy (who were fearful of France) in 18823
146021439Triple Entente- BRITAIN, RUSSIA, FRANCE - referred to as the Allies - originated in a series of agreements between Britain and France (1904) and between Britain and Russia (1907) that aimed to resolve colonial disputes.... became a military pact between Britain, France, and Russia (summer of 1914)4
146021440Schlieffen Plan- called for a swift knockout of France, followed by defensive action against Russia - GERMAN PLAN - because Germany knew the Russians couldn't mobilize their soldiers and military supplies as quickly as the French (thus giving Germany a few weeks of complete focus on France)5
146021441Central Powers- GERMANY, AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, ITALY - also known as the Triple Alliance - a defensive pact that ensured reciprocal protection from a Russian attack and neutrality in case of attack from any other power - fear of a hostile France motivated Germans to enter into this pact, whereas Austrians viewed it as giving them a free hand in pursuing their Balkan politics without fear of Russian intervention, and they were joined by Italy (who were fearful of France) in 18826
146021442Allies- BRITAIN, RUSSIA, FRANCE - referred to as the Triple Entente - originated in a series of agreements between Britain and France (1904) and between Britain and Russia (1907) that aimed to resolve colonial disputes.... became a military pact between Britain, France, and Russia (summer of 1914)7
146021443Home Front- term made popular in World War I for the civilian "front" - symbolic of the greater demands of total war -mobilization of economy and activation of citizens to support the war effort8
146021444Twenty-one Demands- extremely secretive - on 18 January 1915 (by JAPAN) - the terms, if accepted, would have reduced China to a protectorate of Japan - China submitted to most of the demands, but rejected others - Chinese diplomats leaked the note to British authorities, who spoke up for China, thus prevented total capitulation - this reflected Japan's determination to dominate East Asia and served as the basis for future Japanese pressure on China9

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