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AP World History Unit 5 Terms Flashcards

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6351661213Abolitionistsa person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution, especially capital punishment or slavery.0
6351663270Balance of Powera situation in which nations of the world have roughly equal power.1
6351664348Otto von Bismarcka conservative Prussian statesman who dominated German and European affairs from the 1860s until 1890. Was the man who did most to unite the German states2
6351669389Simon BolivarVenezuelan statesman who led the revolt of South American colonies against Spanish rule; founded Bolivia in 1825 (1783-1830) "The Liberator"3
6351671580Bourgeoisiethe middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes.4
6351675109Count Camillo di Cavouran Italian statesman and a leading figure in the movement toward Italian unification.5
6351677347Congress of Viennaconvened in 1815 by the four European powers which had defeated Napoleon. The first goal was to establish a new balance of power in Europe which would prevent imperialism within Europe, such as the Napoleonic empire, and maintain the peace between the great powers.6
6351689764Conservativesholding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.7
6351690081Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizenpassed by France's National Constituent Assembly in August 1789, is a fundamental document of the French Revolution and in the history of human and civil rights.8
6351692058Federalist SystemA system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units.9
6351694124French and Indian WarA series of military engagements between Britain and France in North America between 1754 and 1763, where French troops engaged and allied against different tribes of Natives10
6351697449Gens de CouleurFrench term for "free people of color". The term was commonly used in France's West Indian colonies prior to the abolition of slavery.11
6351702663Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costillaknown as the man who called upon Mexicans to revolt against their Spanish rulers.12
6351704899Augustin de InterbideMexican revolutionary leader who established Mexican independence from Spain (1821) and served as emperor of Mexico from 1822 to 1823, when he was overthrown by a liberal counterrevolution.13
6351709334Juntaa deliberative or administrative council in Spain or Portugal.14
6351713508Louis XVIKing of France (1774-1792). In 1789 he summoned the Estates-General to undertake fiscal reforms, an event that eventually led to the French Revolution15
6351718915Liberalsopen to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.16
6351715915Napoleon Bonapartea French military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century17
6351721693Napoleonic Codethe French civil code established in 1804.18
6351723437Nationa large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory.19
6351726460Nationalismpatriotic feeling, principles, or efforts.20
6351727196Radicalsa person who advocates thorough or complete political or social reform intensely; a member of a political party or part of a party pursuing such aims.21
6351729101Reign of Terrora period of remorseless repression or bloodshed during the period of the French Revolution.22
6351730890Jose de San MartinSouth American general and statesman, born in Argentina: leader in winning independence for Argentina, Peru, and Chile23
6351732661Alexis de Tocquevillea political scientist, historian, and politician, best known for Democracy in America, a perceptive analysis of the political and social system of the United States in the early 19th century.24
6351735561Touissant L'Ouverturethe best-known leader of the Haitian Revolution.25
6351738767The Declaration of Indepedencethe formal statement written by Thomas Jefferson declaring the freedom of the thirteen American colonies from Great Britain.26
6351741174George WashingtonThe first president of the United States, and the commanding general of the victorious American army in the Revolutionary War.27
6351742326Battle of WaterlooA battle in Belgium in 1815 in which the British and Prussians defeated the French under Napoleon Bonaparte.28
6351743392Mary Wollstonecraftan English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women's rights. During her brief career, she wrote novels, treatises, a travel narrative, a history of the French Revolution, a conduct book, and a children's book.29
6351746672Break-of-Bulkthe transfer of cargo from one carrier to another30
6351748156The Communist Manifestoan 1848 political pamphlet by German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels introducing Marxism.31
6351749775Corporationa company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law.32
6351752150Cult of Domesticitya term identifying a nineteenth-century ideology that women's nature suited them especially for tasks associated with the home.33
6351754970Demographic Transitionthe transition from high birth and death rates to lower birth and death rates as a country or region develops from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system.34
6351755973Electric Telegraphan apparatus for communication at a distance by coded signals invented by Samuel Morse35
6351757174Enclosure Movementwealthy farmers bought land from small farmers, then benefited from economies of scale in farming huge tracts of land36
6351757963Samuel Gompersan English-born, American labor union leader and a key figure in American labor history. Gompers founded the American Federation of Labor, and served as the organization's president from 1886 his death in 1924.37
6351760774Industrial Revolutiona period of major industrialization that took place during the late 1700s and early 1800s. ... This time period saw the mechanization of agriculture and textile manufacturing and a revolution in power, including steam ships and railroads, that effected social, cultural and economic conditions.38
6351763849Interchangeable Partsparts that are, for practical purposes, identical. They are made to specifications that ensure that they are so nearly identical that they will fit into any assembly of the same type.39
6351764741Laissez-fairea policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering.40
6351766033Karl Marxa philosopher and economist famous for his ideas about capitalism and communism41
6351766790Mass Productionthe manufacture of large quantities of standardized products, frequently utilizing assembly line technology.42
6351767985Monopolythe exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.43
6351770086Proletariatworkers or working-class people, regarded collectively (often used with reference to Marxism).44
6351771868Adam Smithone of the world's most famous economists. Modern capitalism owes its roots to him and his Wealth of Nations, which many consider the single most important economic work in history.45
6351772876Socialisma political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.46
6351773806Steam Enginean engine that uses the expansion or rapid condensation of steam to generate power.47
6351776634Utopian Socialismsocialism achieved by the moral persuasion of capitalists to surrender the means of production peacefully to the people.48
6351777193James Watta Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer, and chemist who improved on Thomas Newcomen's 1712 Newcomen steam engine with his Watt steam engine in 178149
6351780594The Wealth of Nationssaid that more wealth to common people would benefit a nation's economy and society as a whole. In the book, Smith described a self-regulating market.50
6351782743Josiah WedgwoodEnglish pottery designer and manufacturer, outstanding in his scientific approach to pottery making51
6351786670Eli Whitneyan American inventor best known for inventing the cotton gin52
6355313204"The Bully of the North"nickname given to America for its aggression and intervention in the South and Central Americas53
6355348753Caudilloa military or political leader in Spanish-speaking regions54
6355356151Charles DarwinA British naturalist of the nineteenth century. He and others developed the theory of evolution.55
6355362085Porfirio Diaza Mexican general and politician who served seven terms as President of Mexico56
6355372135Dominion of Canadathe process by which the British colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick were united into one57
6355384671Sigmund Freudan Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst.58
6355395096Isolationisma policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries.59
6355399233Andrew JacksonA general and political leader of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. As a general in the War of 1812, he defeated the British in the Battle of New Orleans.60
6355451428Benito Juarezan important Mexican liberal during the time of the U.S.-Mexican War, and emerged as one of the nation's most important figures in the Nineteenth Century. A Zapotec Indian from Oaxaca, Juárez was born into a peasant family in 1806.61
6355462828La Reformaliberal political and social revolution in Mexico between 1854 and 1876 under the principal leadership of Benito Juárez.62
6355468815Monroe Doctrinea principle of US policy, originated by President James Monroe in 1823, that any intervention by external powers in the politics of the Americas is a potentially hostile act against the US.63
6355473177Jose Antonio Paeza Venezuelan leader who fought the Spanish Crown under Simón Bolívar during the Venezuelan Wars of Independence. He later led Venezuela's breakaway from Gran Colombia.64
6355478881Parliamentary Systema system of government in which the executive is dependent on the direct or indirect support of the legislature65
6355488110Presidential Systemthe executive leader, the President, is directly voted upon by the people or via a body elected specifically for the purpose of electing the president, and no other purpose66
6355513673Personalista modern philosophical movement locating ultimate value and reality in persons, human or divine.67
6355519943Regionalismthe theory or practice of regional rather than central systems of administration or economic, cultural, or political affiliation.68
6355523471Romanticisma movement in the arts and literature that originated in the late 18th century, emphasizing inspiration, subjectivity, and the primacy of the individual.69
6355542711Juan Manuel de Rosasa politician and army officer who ruled Buenos Aires Province and briefly the Argentine Confederation.70
6355545100Spanish American WarA war between Spain and the United States, fought in 1898. The war began as an intervention by the United States on behalf of Cuba. ... The United States acquired Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines in the war and gained temporary control over Cuba.71
6355607309Washington's Farewell AddressThe final address by George Washington to his fellow citizens as he was leaving the presidency. He wrote the address in 1796 but never delivered it.72
6355611933Anarchistsa person who believes in or tries to bring about anarchy.73
6355615390Boxer Rebelliona Chinese secret organization called the Society of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists led an uprising in northern China against the spread of Western and Japanese influence there.74
6355617962Canton Systemserved as a means for China to control trade with the west within its own country by focusing all trade on the southern port of ______ (now Guangzhou).75
6355621895Cult of the Emperora form of state religion in which an emperor, or a dynasty of emperors, are worshipped as demigods or deities.76
6355630985Decembrist Revolttook place in Imperial Russia on 26 December 1825. Russian army officers led about 3,000 soldiers in a protest against Nicholas I's assumption of the throne after his elder brother Constantine removed himself from the line of succession.77
6355685999DietJapan's bicameral legislature. It is composed of a lower house called the House of Representatives, and an upper house, called the House of Councillors.78
6355711302Dumaa legislative body in the ruling assembly of Russia and of some other republics of the former Soviet Union.79
6355747902Holy Alliancea coalition created by the monarchist great powers of Russia, Austria and Prussia.80
6355753398Hong XiuquanChinese leader of the Taiping Rebellion against the Qing Dynasty, establishing the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom over varying portions of southern China, with himself as the "Heavenly King"81
6355761476Intelligentsiaintellectuals or highly educated people as a group, especially when regarded as possessing culture and political influence.82
6355767704Macartney Missionthe first British diplomatic mission to China, which took place in 1793.83
6355772169Meiji Restorationevent of change that restored practical imperial rule to Japan in 1868 under Emperor Meiji.84
6355777011Most Favored-Nation StatusA country grants this clause to another nation if it is interested in increasing trade with that country. Countries achieving this are given specific trade advantages, such as reduced tariffs on imported goods.85
6355785778Muhammad AliAlbanian soldier in the service of Turkey who was made viceroy of Egypt and took control away from the Ottoman Empire and established Egypt as a modern state86
6355790072Florence NightingaleAn English nurse of the nineteenth century, known for establishing a battlefield hospital for British soldiers wounded in the Crimean War.87
6355793989Opium Warsa war between Great Britain and China that began in 1839 as a conflict over the opium trade and ended in 1842 with the Chinese cession of Hong Kong to the British, the opening of five Chinese ports to foreign merchants, and the grant of other commercial and diplomatic privileges in the Treaty of Nanking.88
6355797786Matthew PerryUnited States admiral who led a naval expedition to Japan and signed a treaty in 1854 opening up trade relations between United States and Japan89
6355812874Black Shipswas the name given to Western vessels arriving in Japan in the 16th and 19th centuries.90
6355815612Self-strengthening Movementa period of institutional reforms initiated in China during the late Qing dynasty following a series of military defeats and concessions to foreign powers.91
6355842568Spheres of Influencea country or area in which another country has power to affect developments although it has no formal authority.92
6355851549Taiping Rebelliona massive rebellion or civil war in China that lasted from 1850 to 1864 fought between the established Manchu-led Qing dynasty and the millenarian movement of the Heavenly Kingdom of Peace.93
6355855846Tanzimatthe unsuccessful reorganization of the Ottoman Empire, was a period of reformation that began in 1839 and ended with the First Constitutional Era in 1876.94
6355869239Trans-Siberian Railroada railway in S Russia, extending from Moscow to Vladivostok on the Pacific: constructed between 1891 and 191695
6355886277Treaty of Nankinga peace treaty which ended the First Opium War between the United Kingdom and the Qing dynasty of China on 29 August 1842. It was the first of what the Chinese later called the unequal treaties on the ground that Britain had no obligations in return. Resulted in Britain gaining Hong Kong96
6355906698Vanguardisma strategy whereby the most class-conscious and politically advanced sections of the proletariat or working class form organizations in order to draw larger sections of the working class towards revolutionary politics97
6355923444The Young Turksmembers of a revolutionary party in the Ottoman Empire who carried out the revolution of 1908 and deposed the sultan Abdul Hamid II.98
6355934497Zemstvoone of a system of elected councils established in tsarist Russia to administer local affairs after the abolition of serfdom.99
6355974041Berlin Conferenceregulated European colonization and trade in Africa during the New Imperialism period, and coincided with Germany's sudden emergence as an imperial power.100
6355985312British rajwas the rule of the British Crown in the Indian subcontinent between 1858 and 1947.101
6355988575Captain James CookEnglish navigator who claimed the east coast of Australia for Britain and discovered several Pacific islands102
6355992554Thomas EdisonUnited States inventor; inventions included the phonograph103
6355997989Colonial Imperialismrefers to the process of a country taking physical control of another104
6356001138Political ImperialismThe process through which a dominant country establishes political control -- called a sphere of influence -- over a poor country105
6356007010Economic Imperialismthe practice of using capitalism, globalization and cultural imperialism to influence a developing country in lieu of direct military control106
6356013394Social-Cultural Imperialismthe economic, technological and cultural hegemony of the industrialized nations, which determines the direction of both economic and social progress, defines cultural values, and standardizes the civilization and cultural environment throughout the world.107
6356099974Indentured ServantA person under contract to work for another person for a definite period of time, usually without pay but in exchange for free passage to a new country.108
6356104058Indian Civil Servicethe elite higher civil service of the British Empire in British India during British rule in the period between 1858 and 1947.109
6356109951Indian National CongressIndian political party, founded in 1885. Its founding members proposed economic reforms and wanted a larger role in the making of British policy for India.110
6356115163David Livingstonea Scottish congregationalist pioneer medical missionary with the London Missionary Society and an explorer in Africa, one of the most popular national heroes of the late-19th-century in Victorian Britain.111
6356118109Nawaba native governor during the time of the Mogul empire.112
6356121401Panama CanalWaterway across the Isthmus of Panama. The canal connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. The United States built it from 1904 to 1914 on territory leased from Panama.113
6356137400Cecil Rhodesa British businessman, mining magnate and politician in South Africa, who served as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896.114
6356146735Rammohun RoyIndian religious, social, and educational reformer who challenged traditional Hindu culture and indicated lines of progress for Indian society115
6356150019Scientific RacismRacism as supposedly justified by scientific evidence (social Darwinism)116
6356156174Scramble for Africathe invasion, occupation, division, colonization and annexation of African territory by European powers during the period of New Imperialism117
6356160016Second Industrial Revolutionalso known as the "Technological Revolution," was a phase of the larger Industrial Revolution corresponding to the latter half of the nineteenth century until World War I.118
6356163734Sepoyan Indian soldier serving under British or other European orders.119
6356169524Sepoy Rebelliona revolt of the sepoy troops in British India (1857-59), resulting in the transfer of the administration of India from the East India Company to the crown.120
6356174311Hebert Spenceran English philosopher, biologist, anthropologist, sociologist, and prominent classical liberal political theorist of the Victorian era. Strong believer in social Darwinism.121
6356178100Shakaone of the most influential monarchs of the Zulu Kingdom, making his empire one of the most powerful in Africa122
6356195066Henry Stanleya Welsh-American journalist and explorer who was famous for his exploration of central Africa and his search for missionary and explorer David Livingstone.123
6356197831Suez Canaln artificial sea-level waterway in Egypt, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea through the Isthmus of Suez.124
6356200457Tropical DependenciesSuch colonies were created by European countries not for settlement, but for economic gain.125

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