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AP World History Unit 6 Identifications Flashcards

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147939192Camillo di CavourPrime minister of Piedmont and Sardinia and cunning diplomat. He expelled Austrian authorities from northern Italy in 1859. Eventually helped unify Italy by 1870.0
147939193Maximillien RobespierreKnown as "the Incorruptible," he was a ruthless radical that dominated the Committee of Public Safety, the executive authority of the Republic. He helped unleash a campaign of terror to promote the revolutionary agenda in France.1
147939194Otto von BismarckWealthy landowner appointed prime minister of Prussia by King Wilhelm I. He was the master of Realpolitik. Through "blood and iron" he was able to unify Germany in 1871.2
147939195Toissaint L'OvertureAn educated free slave in Saint-Domingue in the late 18th-century. Once the slave revolt broke out in the colony in 1791, he helped his masters escape to a safe place, then left to join.lead the rebels. By 1797 he led an army of 20,000 that controlled most of Saint-Domingue. He helped draft a constitution3
147939196JacobinsRadical group of the French Revolution that felt France needed major restructuring. They sought to eliminate the influence of Christianity, recognize the calendar, encourage citizens to display their revolutionary spirit by wearing working-class clothes, and made frequent use of the guillotine to execute suspected enemies of the revolution.4
147939197LudditesOrganized bands of English handicraft workers between 1811-1816 that went on a rampage and destroyed textile machines that they blamed for their low wages and unemployment.5
147939198Thomas MalthusEnglish economist and pioneer of modern population study; he authored, "Essay on the Principles of Population" whereby he argued that poverty and distress are the inevitable consequences of unchecked population growth and that the demand for food will exceed the means of subsistence6
147939199Factory SystemThis replaced the putting-out system and protoindustrial factories in the late 18th century and became the main method of production in industrial economies7
147939200Karl MarxOne of the most prominent socialists in the 19th century who believed that the social problems of his century were inevitable results of the capitalist economy. He argued that society was split between two classes, each with its own economic interests and social status8
147939201Sergei WitteRussian finance minister from 1892-1903 that oversaw construction of the trans-Siberian railroad. He worked to push Russian industrialization by reforming commercial law, protecting young industries and promoting nautical and engineering schools.9
147939202CapitalismAn economic system with origins in early modern Europe in which private parties make their goods and services available on the free market.10
147939203Trade UnionsThese organizations sought to advance the quest for a just and equitable society. Although they struggled in the early industrial society, over the long run, they gradually improved the lives of working people and made employers more responsive to their employees' needs and interests.11
147939204Meiji RestorationThe era of complete transformation and modernization of Japan between 1857-191212
147939205Manifest DestinyThe idea of many U.S. citizens supported in the 1840s that called for the occupation of North America from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean13
147939206Gauchos"Cowboys." They were most prominent in the Argentine pampas and led independent and self-sufficient lives that appealed broadly in hierarchical Latin American society14
147939207La ReformaThis program aimed to limit the power of the military and the Catholic church in Mexican society in the 1850s. It guaranteed universal male suffrage and other civil liberties, such as freedom of speech15
147939208Treaty of NanjingThis ended the Opium war and ceded Hong Kong to Great Britain. It also opened five Chinese ports for trade and granted extraterritorial rights to Britain16
147939209Tanzimat ReformsThe refers to the era of Ottoman history (1839-1876) in which great legal and educational changes were made to Ottoman society. It drew inspiration from Enlightenment thought.17
147939210Spheres of InfluenceForeign powers had carved China up into these areas of economic influence by the late 19th century18
147939211Nicholas IIThe last czar of Russia (1894-1917); he championed oppression and police control. He was well-intentions but weak.19
147939212Boxer RebellionA violent movement in China in 1899 led by militia units calling themselves the Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists. The rebels aimed to rid China of foreign influence. A heavily armed coalition of foreign troops quickly crushed the movement.20
147939213Taiping RebellionThis movement (1850-1864) raged throughout most of China and brought the Qing dynasty to the brink of collapse21
147939214Crimean WarThis conflict (1853-1856) between Russia and a coalition of Britain, France, the Kingdom of Sardinia, and the Ottoman Empire clearly demonstrated the weakness of Russia against the industrial nations of western Europe22
147939215Boer WarAlso known as the South African War (1899-1902). Happened because of the influx of British miners and prospectors in Afrikaner-populated territories that came in search of gold and diamonds. Fought white against white and 100,000 black Africans were taken in internment, and more than 10,000 people died.23
147939216Spanish-American WarWar that broke out as anticolonial tensions mounted in Cuba and Puerto Rico where U.S. business interests had made large investments. The U.S. leaders declared war on Spain and easily defeated them, taking control of Cuba and Puerto Rico, and also taking possession of Guam and the Philippines24
147939217Social DarwinismIdeas of Darwin which were adapted to explain the development of human societies leading the people to justify the domination of European imperialists over subject peoples as the inevitable result of natural scientific principles25
147939218Roosevelt CorollaryDocument added to the Monroe Doctrine by Theodore Roosevelt that exerted the U.S. right to intervene in the domestic affairs of nations within the hemisphere if they demonstrated an inability to maintain the security deemed necessary to protect U.S. investments26
147939219Sepoy RevoltRevolt by Indian troops under British imperial rule. Staged mutiny in May 1857 and killed British officers and proclaimed restoration of Mughal authority. Were joined by peasants and disgruntled elites, transforming mutiny into large-scale rebellion that seriously threatened British rule, but were crushed by British in May 1858 after episodes of violence27
147939220Indian National CongressThe most important of the reform groups that was founded in 1885 with British approval as a forum for educated Indians to communicate their views on public affairs to colonial officials28
147939221White Man's BurdenThe duty of European and Euro-American peoples to bring order and enlightenment to distant lands, as expressed by the English writer and poet Rudyard Kipling.29

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