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AP world history unit 6 study guide part 1 Flashcards

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6437790696Francisco Pancho VillaRevolutionary who led a band of peasants against the Mexican government, capturing the city of Juarez in 19110
6437850821Emiliano ZapataRebel who led a group of indigenous peasants against the government and called for land reform1
6437938614Venustiano CarranzaVenustiano is a politcal rival of pancho villa , he became president in 19162
6438012690ZionismA movement that established the development and protection of Jewish nation called Israel.3
6438054626Congress of ViennaAn international conference in 1814-15 , was held at Vienna after napoleons banishment to Elba , with Metternich as the dominant figure4
6438189871Victoriano HuertaMexican military officer and 35th president of mexico5
6438227561Alvaro ObregeonWas a general in the Mexican revolution who became president of mexico 1920 to 19246
6438253761Mexican ConstitutionA document under which colonist were emigrated to mexico and swore to defend it .7
6438304636Tierra y libertad8
6438367743luis rielCanadian politician of his people .9

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