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Ap World History Unit I Multiple choice test Flashcards

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238821195What staple crop is associated with mesoamerica?maize0
238821196what occured as a result of the development of agriculature in societies that previously relied on hunting and gathering?population density increased1
238821197What religion system is characterized by a sacred text and a strong missionary thrust?Buddhism2
238821198What best describes patriarchial gender systems?Women are inferiors and must be protected by men3
238821199What metal was the earliest to be sucesfully mined and fashioned into tools?Bronze4
238821200What areas developed domesticated animals for food and clothing?Europe, East Asia, South Asia, and East Africa5
238821201What is are essential characteristics of early civilizations?Occupational specialization, cities that dominate or control smaller towns and villages, the existence of different classes in society, and a government that requires a bureaucracy for its operation6
238821202What area of Mesopotamian life deeply influenced the Hebrews and the Phoenicians?A tradition of writing that enabled both worship and trade7
238926891The religious system developed by Zoroaster in Peri is characterized by what?a collection of sacred writings, belief in the existence of a supreme diety, the assumption that the earth is an arena for the struggle between good and evil, the expectation that man enjoys free will8
238926892In order to maintain an orderly state, King Hammurabi of Babylon is believed to have developed a code of laws from what?his personal ideas of legality9
238926893Whats the most likely cause for the decline of the Harappan society after 1990 BCE?ecological degradation due to deforestation10
238926894According to Barber et.al. (1998), what are the characteristics of civilizations?urbanism, class stratification, long-distance trade, agricultural dependence11
238926895The shedding of blood was critical to Mayan culture becausethe bloodletting rituals were believed to provide the necessary rainfall for mayan agriculture12
238926896What effect did the growth of teh Chinese state have on the status of women in society?Women became less powerful as political authority was no longer claimed through the female line of descent13
238926897Which of the following is a chief source of information about the Bantu history and migrations?traditional oral histories14
238926898During the early Vedic era, what were social distinctions based on?an individual's occupation and roles in society15
238926899What's a satrap?A term for the ruler of a Persian province.16
238926900What was an unintended result of the Persian monarchy's standardization of coinage?It facilitated trade throughout the Persian empire17
239103607Why is the Axial Age (c. 800-c.200 BCE) during the classical era is viewed as significant by many scholars?The foundations of major religions and philosophical systems emerged during this period across much of Africa-Eurasia18
239103608What development is Moses associated with?The obligation to worship a single supreme diety.19
239103609What's the best way to describe the basis of the ruler's authority in Zhou China?The ruler was chosen and favored by heaven, and held power as long as he as a wise and principled guardian of his people.20
239103610Women were important contributors to the agricultural revolution because they were likely the gender who...gathered edible plants and knew where the grains were21
239103611The continuing importance of written language in Chinese culture may be traced to its earliest use for...communication with the ancestors22
239103612What's the the best explanation for why the concept of civilization is controversial as an organizing principle of world history?The concept assumes that settled people are superior to nomads23
239103613What central feature of HInduism did Buddhism reject?The caste system24
239103614The decline of the political authority of the Zhou dynasty in China from the 8th century BCE was due to what?The growing independence of regional subordinates25
239103615Egypt achieved political unification when...an Egyptian army brought most of the Nile river valley under the control of a single dynasty26
239103616The Sumerian and Hebrew accounts of the Flood differ in what way?The reasons for the divine decision to wipe out mankind27
239103617What relationships are basic to Confucianism?Ruler and subject, father and son, elder brother and younger brother, husband and wife, friend and friend28
239103618What're features that are a part of civilizations in Mesopotamia, Mesoamerica, and the Yellow River valley?craft specialization, social stratification, architectural monuments, and development of water control systems29
239103619According to herodotus, the Greek victory over Xerxes the Great and the Persians was caused by...the decision by the gods to punish the Persians for arrogance30
239103620What's the difference between the development of Mesoamerican and Afro-Eurasian societies?Mesoamerican societies developed in places marked by regular and adequate rainfall31
239103621What's the function of Sumerian ziggurats?Buildings whose temples and altars were dedicated to the city's principal diety32
239103622Which of the following best describes the message of the Upanishads?The desires of this world could be rejected by a program of asceticism and meditation.33
239103623Indo-European pastorialists like the Hyksos and Aryans are associated with which development in the conduct of war?The introduction of chariots in warfare34
239103624According to Confucius, the most important role of the scholar-gentry class was topromote harmony through the administration of the state35
239103625Which of the following statements best describes the significance of the Bantu migration?The migration resulted in the spread of Bantu agriculture, culture and language throughout much of Africa36
239103626The Vedic Age of Indian civilization gave rise to what important traditions?Hinduism, Sanskrit as a writing, literary epics, and a caste system37
239103627In Ancient China, tortoise shells were used for what purpose?To communicate with the ancestors38
239103628What best describes the ideas of Greek philosophers like plato and aristotle?They supported efforts to understand the world in a rational manner.39
239103629What public profession was open to women in Classical Greece?Priestess40
239103630What did mystery religions of teh hellenistic era promise believers, which was not available through traditional religion or Greek philosophy?The promise of a rewarding afterlife41
239103631What was a direct consequence of the military campaigns of Alexander the Great?Greek cultural values and ideas spread from the eastern Mediterranean as far as India42
239103632What's the concept behind legalism?Fear of punishment ensures people's obedience to the state43
239103633What's the historical significance of the apostle Paul?He transformed Christianity into a universal religion.44
239103634Before the Twelve Tables, what powers did the pater familias have over members of his household?arrangement of marriages for his children, the purchase and sale of slaves, management of family properites, the punishment of members of his family45
239103635How did the Roman historian Tacitus view the political settlement enacted by Augustus?Augustus acquired control of the Roman state with the consent of the elite46
239103636How did the Greek historian Polybius account for the Roman sucess in the acquisition of control over the Mediterranean?Rome's political system promoted stability and a greater sense of civic duty47
239103637When did schools of thought like Confucianism and Daoism come into play in China?during disunity and war among the various Chinese states48

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