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AP World History Unit III Flashcards

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166009789Commercial Revolutioneconomic and political expansion, spurred mercantilism and colonialism0
166009790Prince Henry the Navigatorsponsored early voyages of exploration (Portugal)1
166009791Christopher ColumbusNew World2
166009792Ferdinand Magellanfirst trip around the world3
166009793Dutch East India Companygovt sponsored joint stock, controlled spice trade4
166009794British East India Companycontrolled India, spice trade after Dutch5
166009795Treaty of Tordesillassplit west between Portugal and Spain6
166009796Columbian Exchangeplants, animals, disease b/t New and Old Worlds7
166009797Northwest Passageroute to Indies through Canada8
166009798Middle Passageslave route9
166009799Bartolome de Las Casasfought against harsh treatment of natives10
166009800Potosisilver mine in Bolivia11
166009801conquistadorSpanish conqueror of Americas12
166009802colonizationtaking over another place and bringing in your own settlers13
166009803joint-stock companyearly corporation, raised money to fund explorations14
166009804mercantilismeconomic system, must have favorable balance of trade15
166009805creolesEuropean born in America16
166009806mestizosSpanish and native mix17
166009807mulattoAfrican/European mix18
166009808peninsularesborn in Europe19
166009809encomiendasystem which person received grant of land and used natives who lived there20
166009810viceroyaltySpanish province in the Americas21
166009811caravelPortuguese ships22
166009812triangular tradeAmericas/Europe/Africa23
166009813sugar plantationhigh need for labor, extended slavery24
166009814Louis XIVabsolutist ruler of France25
166009815Act of Tolerationreligious freedom-Christianity26
166009816Enlightenmentintellectual movement based on reason27
166009817Italian Renaissancecultural movement28
166009818Northern Renaissancecultural movement29
166009819JesuitsCatholic religious order (missionary)30
166009820Cossackspeasants recruited to settle Siberia31
166009821Estates Generalmeeting of the three states of France32
166009822ReconquistaSpanish overthrow of the Moors33
166009823Protestant Reformationreligious movement to reform the Catholic church34
166009824Ninety Five ThesesLuther's list of complaints against the Catholic church35
166009825Martin Lutherleader of Protestant Reformation36
166009826Scientific Revolutionbegan using Scientific Method (experimentation)37
166009827Adam Smitheconomist, free trade and capitalism38
166009828baroque architectureused to show power (Louis XIV)39
166009829philosophesthinkers of the Enlightenment40
166009830absolute monarchyall power rests with the queen/king41
166009831boyarsRussian nobles42
166009832divine rightGod given right to rule43
166009833nation statesingle government, common culture/identity44
166009834parliamentary monarcyshared power b/t royalty and parliament45
166009835sovereigntyfreedom from control46
166009836heliocentric theoryearth revolves around the sun47
166009837indulgencepardon from sins48
166009838laissez fairehands off49
166009839proto-industrializationshift from ag. to making products at home50
166009840Tokugawa ShogunateJapanese ruling dynasty, isolation51
166009841Ming Dynastyvoyages to show power52
166009842Zheng Heleader of Ming voyages53
166009843JanissariesOttoman troops54
166009844Isfahancapital of Safavid55
166009845Tanzimat Reformswestern influenced, railroads, postal, etc.56
166009846viziersbureaucrat of Ottomans57
166009847millet systemdivision under a religious leader58

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