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AP World History Unit One Flashcards

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91325069hominidsthe earliest human-like lifeforms91325069
91325070Paleolithic Agethe time of simple stone tools (2500000 BC - 10000 BC)91325070
91325071Neolithic Revolutionthe development of agriculture and animal domestication (10000 BC)91325071
91325072paleolithic peoplepeople who were nomadic, had gender equality, and developed harpoons, spears, and fire91325072
91325073Çatal Hüyüka neolithic farming village in modern Turkey91325073
91325074trueNeolithic villages had walls surrounding them (true, false)91325074
91325075falseNeolithic villages were composed of spread out, crude wood shacks (true, false)91325075
91325076falseThere were few food surpluses during the neolithic age and as a result, few people had jobs not concerning food production (true, false)91325076
91325077trueThere was an abundance of religious shrines during the Neolithic period, especially exalted women (true, false)91325077
91325078urbanAn __________ focus makes a civilization91325078
91325079political, militaryThe prescence of these two structures make a civilization91325079
91325080social, economicA ___________ structure based on ___________ power makes a civilization91325080
91325081materialThe development of more complexity in this sense makes a civilization91325081
91325082religiousA distinct __________ structure makes a civilization91325082
91325083writingThe development of this form of communication makes a civilization91325083
91325084artistic, intellectualNew and significant _________ and ________ activity makes a civilization91325084
91325085MesopotamiaThis civilization was formed between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in an area known as the Fertile Crescent91325085
91325086SumeriansThe creators of the first Mesopotamian society91325086
91325087MesopotamiaUr, Uruk, Eridu, Umma, and Lagash were all cities within this civilization91325087
91325088ziggurata religious tower built to worship gods, within Sumer91325088
91325089Akkadiansthis group of people that lived to the north of Mesopotamia invaded under Sargon91325089
91325090Babyloniansin 1792 BC, Hammurabi led this group of people to take over Sargon's empire91325090
91325091Sargonthis Akkadian ruler led his people to conquer Mesopotamia91325091
91325092Hammurabithis Babylonian ruler led his people to conquer Sargon's empire91325092
91325093The Code of Hammurabithis primary source idealizes the 'eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth' justice system91325093
91325094familythe largest part of The Code of Hammurabi appealed to _________ life91325094
91325095divinationthe practice of seeking to fortell future events91325095
91325096cuneiformthis wedge-shaped style of writing was primarily used in Sumer91325096
91325097The Epic of Gilgameshthis Mesopotamian epic was written about a hero who sought immortality91325097
91325098Nilethis river provided the ideal geographic setting for many Egyptian empires91325098
91325099dynastyrule circulated through generations by family91325099
91325100Old KingdomAround 2600 BC, this kingdom contained a united Upper and Lower Egypt to around 2100 BC and a capital of Memphis91325100
91325101Menesthis king ruled Egypt from 3100 BC; he was the first dynastic ruler91325101
91325102pharoahan Egyptian ruler91325102
91325103vizierEgyptian "stewards of the land", they were in charge of the bureaucracy91325103
91325104Middle KingdomThis kingdom was defined by a new concern of the pharoahs for the people (2000 BC - 1600 BC)91325104
91325105upper classnobles, priests, and the pharoah made up this class91325105
91325106middle classmerchants and artisans made up this class91325106
91325107lower classserfs and laborers made up this class91325107
91325108hieroglyphicsa largely pictoral writing system of ancient Egypt91325108
91325109New KingdomThis kingdom was defined by new weapons, massive wealth, and a defeat of Hyksos rule (1550 BC -1070 BC)91325109
91325110Hyksosthese people from West Asia captured and ruled Egypt between 1650 BC and 1550 BC91325110
91325111MegalithsGreek for "large stone", these large rock monuments were built primarity in Neolithic Europe91325111
91325112Stonehengethe most famous megalith, located in England91325112
91325113HittitesA people composed of Indo-Europeans and native peoples located in Asia Minor and modern Turkey91325113
91325114PhoenicansA Semitic people living in Palestine along the Mediterranean, established after the fall of the Hittites91325114
91325115HebrewsThis group of people lived to the south of the Phoenicans and were known as the children of Israel91325115
91325116monotheismbelief in one god91325116
91325117King Saulthe first king of the Israelites (1020 - 1000 BC)91325117
91325118King Davidthe second king of the Israelites, succeeded King Saul (1000 - 970 BC)91325118
91325119King Davidthis king was known as a warrior and established Jerusalem as the capital of Israel91325119
91325120King Solomonthis king was King David's son (970 - 930 BC)91325120
91325121King Solomonthis king was known as a wise king and built the first temple of Israel91325121
91325122YahwehGod (Hebrew)91325122
91325123Judaismthe religion of the Hebrews91325123
91325124Torahthe religious book of laws in Hebrew scripture91325124
91325125Assyriansthis group of people captured North Israel in 722 or 721 BC91325125
91325126IsraelThe northern region of Israel after its separation from southern Israel91325126
91325127JudahThe southern region of Israel after its separation from northern Israel91325127
91325128PersiansThis group of people destroyed the Chaldeans and rebuilt Judah under their control91325128
91325129Chaldeansthis group of people captured Judah in 586 BC91325129
91325130covenantGod's contract with the Israelites promising them special care91325130
91325131propheta religious teacher; a mouthpiece for God91325131
91325132Cyrus the Greata Persian ruler who extended their control over the Medes and captured Mesopotamia and Babylon in 539 BC91325132
91325133satrapya province, especially in ancient Persia91325133
91325134King Dariusthis king largely expanded the Persian empire (521 - 486 BC)91325134
91325135Great Kingsthe names by which Persian rulers went as they were exalted as something close to gods91325135
91325136Zoroastrianisma monotheistic Persian religion formed in the seventh century BC91325136
91325137ethical dualismthe continuous struggle between good and evil91325137
91325138Ganges Riverthis river is south of the Himalayas and deemed India's "holy river"91325138
91325139Indus River Valleythis area is west of the Ganges River and housed Indian civilizations91325139
91325140Dravidiansthese people descended from the Indus River culture over four thousand years ago91325140
91325141Harappaagricultural settlements within the Indus River valley from over 6000 years ago91325141
91325142Mohenjo-Daromeaning "city of the dead", a major city of Harappa near the mouth of the Indus River91325142
91325143Aryansa group of pastoral peoples descended from the north, Central Asia91325143
91325144Rigvedaone of several collections of sacred instructionas and rituals based on ancient Aryan oral traditions91325144
91325145Rajaan Aryan chieftain91325145
91325146KshatriyaIndo-European societies' warrior class; Indian second class91325146
91325147Maharajaa king, a "great raja"91325147
91325148dharmaa set of moral and behavioral standards that every individual was required to follow91325148
91325149Alexander the Greatthe leader of Macedonia, he conquered Persia in 330 BC and attempted to spread his empire through India91325149
91325150Mauryan Empirethis empire was founded by Emperor Chandragupta after Alexander the Great's departure91325150
91325151Arthasastraa political treatise written by Kautilya emphasizing the importance of dharma, law, and the caste systems91325151
91412966Varnaliterally "color", the division of Indian society based on economic function91412966
91412967Castethe social classes of ancient India91412967
91412968Brahminthe priest class of ancient India; the highest class91412968
91412969Vaisyathe third class of ancient India; the "commoners" or merchant class91412969
91412970Sudrathe fourth class of ancient India; the laborers91412970
91412971Untouchablesthe lowest, poorest social level in ancient India91412971
91412972Jatia kinship group that identified with a particular varna91412972
91412973twice-bornmales who are initiated into Indian society are known as this91412973
91412974extended familythe idea social unit of ancient India was the ______ family, consisting of three generations living under one roof91412974
91412975falsethe families of ancient India cared more for their living relatives than their deceased ancestors (true, false)91412975
91412976truethe males in a family were considered more important than the females (true, false)91412976
91412977gurua teacher, usually associated with teaching the Vedas91412977
91412978truehusbands could take a second wife if his first was barren (true, false)91412978
91412979falsewives could not seek divorce under any circumstance (true, false)91412979
91412980trueproducing children was an important part of marraige91412980
91412981satithe custom of commiting suicide at one's husband's funeral by throwing oneself onto his funeral pyre91412981
91412982falsewomen were discouraged from committing sati91412982
91412983monsoona seasonal wind pattern that causes changes in precipitation91412983
91412984Hinduisma religion centered around sacrifice, reincarnation, and ascetism91412984
91412985poytheismthe belief in multiple gods91412985
91412986ascetismthe act of self-harm and self-discipline to appease the gods91412986
91412987yogaa form of Indian body-training91412987
91412988sacrificea key element in Aryan religion, including the slaughter of both humans and animals91412988
91412989Dyausthe initial Aryan parent god91412989
91412990Indrathe war and storm Aryan god91412990
91412991Varunalord of justice91412991
91412992Upanishadsa set of commentaries on the Vedas compiled in the sixth century BC91412992
91412993Brahmanin Hinduism, the final destination in union with the great world soul91412993
91412994reincarnationthe idea that one's soul can be reborn91412994
91412995karmaone's actions in life that are either rewarded or punished91412995
91412996Buddhisma religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama and centered on escape and minimalism91412996
91412997Siddhartha Gautamathe founder of Buddhism91412997
91412998Nirvanaan extinction of selfhood, a dreamless sleep in Buddhism91412998
91412999Atmanthe Hindu concept of the individual soul91412999
91413001Middle Pathright knowledge, purpose, speech, conduct, occupation, awareness, and meditation; the Buddhist idea of a balance between too much and too little91413001
91413002Jainismfounded by a Mahavira, this religion centered around extreme minimalism91413002
91413003stupasstone towers housing relics of Buddha91413003
91413004Asokaa ruler of India between 269 and 232 BC; an initial warlord but eventual Buddhist monarch91413004
91413005Kushan Kingdoma kingdom founded by Indo-European speaking people fleeing Central Asia91413005
91413006Vedasrecords of instructions, hymns, and oral traditions passed down through generations in India91413006
91413007Sanskritthe language of the Vedas91413007
91413008Prakitthe language that eventually replaced Sanskrit in northern India91413008
91413009Mahabharataa historical epic depicting India's culture, moral confrontations, and dharma; written in around 100 BC91413009
91413010Ramayanaan epic account of Indian ruler Rama, a story of triumph of good over ecil91413010
91413011pillarstone columns alongside roads built to commemorate events in Buddha's life91413011
91413012rock chambercarved out of a cliff, these settlements provided housing to monks and ascetics and a setting for religious services91413012
91413013Fu-Xithe ox-tamer, the first recorded ruler of China; introduced family life and domesticated animals91413013
91413014Shen Nongthe farmer, the successor of Fu-Xi who introduced agriculture91413014
91413015Huang Dithe Yellow Emperor, who succeeded Shen Nong and invented the writing system and the bow and arrow91413015
91413016Yangshao, Longshanthese were two neolithic communities located in the Yangtze valley, the core of the development of Chinese civilization91413016
91413017Yellow Riverlocated in northeastern China, this river was one of two to cradle Chinese civilization91413017
91413018Yangtze Riverlocated in central China, this river was one of two to cradle Chinese civilization91413018
91413019oracle bones...91413019

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