2054414980 | What is the main difference between Islam's spread in West Africa and in India? | Violence! Islam spread peacefully on trade routes in West Africa, but was spread through warriors and conquered lands in India | 0 | |
2054414981 | What are the distinguishing features of Muslim art? | it uses many geometric figures | 1 | |
2054414982 | What was the main export/resource of Zimbabwe? | GOLD | 2 | |
2054414983 | What 2 languages make up Swahili? | Bantu and Arabic. Swahili is Bantu based and influenced by Arabic (as the Bantu migrated from Nigeria, their language mixed with Arabic to form Swahili) | 3 | |
2054414984 | Who are people of the book? | Jews and Christians (beliefs based on all or part of the Bible) | 4 | |
2054414985 | Why did non Muslims often convert to Islam? | it was easier to trade with the Arab Muslims, and Muslim citizens only had to pay taxes that supported charities | 5 | |
2054414986 | What is a griot? | a story teller (in AFRICA!!!) | 6 | |
2054414987 | Where did Algebra originate? | The Arabian Peninsula | 7 | |
2054414988 | Who invented paper and gun powder? | CHINA | 8 | |
2054414989 | How did Muslims view people of the Book? | They were tolerant of other religions, and thought that Christians and Jews were early versions of Muslims | 9 | |
2054414990 | How were Greek and Roman literary works preserved? | they were heavily studied in Madrasas by Muslim Scholars, and the Byzantine Empire still remained | 10 | |
2054414991 | What was the main unifying force during the post-classical period? | religion | 11 | |
2054414992 | How did Arabic spread? | with Islam, because the Qur'an is written in Arabic | 12 | |
2054414993 | What was the lifestyle of the Umayyad Caliphs like? | very lavish and extravagent | 13 | |
2054414994 | Who was Marco Polo? When did he travel? | an Italian man sent on a mission, visited China and wrote a book about his adventures, THE LATE 13TH CENTURY | 14 | |
2054414995 | Who was Ibn Battuta? When did he travel? | a man from Morocco who made a hajj to Mecca and traveled through the Dar al-Islam, he wrote a book that showed the ties Islam had created, TRAVELED FROM 1325-1354, SO THE MID 14TH CENTURY | 15 | |
2054414996 | Who was Mansa Musa? | a descendant of Sundiata, he was from MALI, he went on a hajj and gave away so much gold that it's value decreased, built mosques, madrasas | 16 | |
2054414997 | Who were the first to convert to Islam in India? | citizens on the lower end of the caste system | 17 | |
2054414998 | Who took over the Abbasid Dynasty? | The Seljuk Turks, who lived on the borders of the dynasty | 18 | |
2054414999 | What were the East African Kingdoms? | Ghana, Mali, Songhay, and Axum | 19 | |
2054415000 | How did the Kingdom of Axum prosper? | through the gold-salt trade | 20 | |
2054415001 | Hey....Guess What?!?!?!?! | I believe that you will do AMAZING on this test! Love, Olivia :) | 21 | |
2054415002 | What was the Delhi Sultanate and where was it established? | Islamic state that was established in India (it was the first Muslim empire in India) | 22 | |
2054415003 | What are the 5 pillars of faith? | 1. confession of faith (must do to become a Muslim) 2. prayer (five times a day facing Mecca) 3. fasting (Ramadan, shows the umma your commitment to Islam) 4. alms (portion of wealth given to help the needy) 5. Hajj (must take one once in your life if you are able) | 23 | |
2054415004 | What is the shari'a? | law based on both of the Qur'an and the Hadith (it turned beliefs into a way of life) | 24 | |
2054415005 | What were the 2 "parties" created after the death of Muhammad (on caliph decisions) | The Sunni and the Shi'ites | 25 | |
2054415006 | Who was the first caliph? Was he related to Muhammad? What "party" supported him? | Abu Bakar, no, he was not related to Muhammad, the Sunni (majority) | 26 | |
2054415007 | Who supported Ali? | The Shi'ites | 27 | |
2054415008 | Who was Muawiya? Who supported him? What did he do that changed the election of Caliphs? | Muawiya was a caliph who founded the Umayyad Dynasty, supported by the Sunni, he made sure that his son was the successor to be the caliph, and the role became hereditary | 28 | |
2054415009 | What was the hijrah? Why is it significant/what did it mark? | Muhammad's flight from Mecca to Yathreb, it marked the first year of Islam | 29 | |
2054415010 | Who were sufis? What did sufi mystics do? | sufis were Muslims with a spiritual connection or view of Allah, they helped spread Islam | 30 | |
2054415011 | Why did the Umayyad Clan kick Muhammad out of Mecca? | Mecca was the crossroads/attraction of many religions, and the leaders feared that too many conversions to one religion (Islam) would deter people from visiting and Mecca would lose money | 31 | |
2054415012 | What was the Dar al-Islam? | the home of Islam | 32 | |
2054415013 | What was the economy of India/the Arabian Peninsula? | Agriculture | 33 | |
2054415014 | How did the Umayyad Dynasty decline? | the caliph's exclusion of non Arabs became a problem as the dynasty began to expand, in the 740's rebel mawalis (non arabs) overthrew the Umayyad Dynasty | 34 | |
2054415015 | How did the Abbasid Dynasty decline? | split between Sunni and Shi'ites, trouble with the unity of a vast, diverse territory, it began relying on the Seljuk Turks, became increasingly dependent on the Seljuk Turks, and the Turks eventually gained more power than the caliphs | 35 | |
2054415016 | Who was the leader of the Seljuk Turks? (In 1055) | Tughril Beg was the sultan | 36 | |
2054415036 | Good luck on the test! Here are some baby chicks that are rooting for you! | ![]() | 37 | |
2054415017 | How did the geography of Africa effect its people? | the geography was tropical wet and dry but varied throughout Africa's regions, making various small stateless societies | 38 | |
2054415018 | What is a stateless society and why were they used in Africa? | organization based on kinship groups, used because Africa had many independent villages that were isolated from one another and hard to travel between | 39 | |
2054415019 | How did Mali monopolize trade in Africa? | Kings in Mali taxed both gold and desert salt, making Mali a very wealthy kingdom | 40 | |
2054415020 | How did Songhay rise to power? How did it fall? | rose from the decline of Mali, new sources of gold discovered, technology (muskets) led to it's decline | 41 | |
2054415021 | What were the Hausa? | states in Sudanic Africa, came to power in the 1400's | 42 | |
2054415022 | What were the five themes that did not happen during the Post-Classical Period? | 1. no inter-hemisphere trade 2. no large numerous innovations, just wide spreading of them 3. no dominant political forms 4. no large environmental changes 5. most societies still patriarchies with social distinctions | 43 | |
2054415023 | What three themes run through the post classical period? | 1. religion was a unifying force 2. civilizations spread around the world 3. interdependence of civilizations increased because of trade and communication | 44 | |
2054415024 | What is the Hadith? | a collection of the sayings of Muhammad | 45 | |
2054415025 | What is the Harem? | a forbidden area of a city where an elite male's wives and concubines lived isolated from the world | 46 | |
2054415026 | What does jihad loosely translate to? | struggle, as in one's struggle to understand their faith | 47 | |
2054415027 | What are jinns? | spirits believed to reside in natural desert objects | 48 | |
2054415028 | What is the Ka'ba? | a shrine with many animistic idols that Muhammad destroyed, leaving only the Black Stone | 49 | |
2054415029 | What is a minaret? | the prayer tower of a mosque | 50 | |
2054415030 | What was the night journey? | Muhammad was transported to Jerusalem, then to heaven where he had an experience with Allah. | 51 | |
2054415031 | Who are ulamas? | religious scholars that created the shari'a | 52 | |
2054415032 | What is the umma? | the community of elite Muslims that began in Medina | 53 | |
2054415033 | What is a vizier? | a government head directed by a caliph | 54 | |
2054415034 | Describe Muhammad's successors | know them | 55 | |
2054415035 | Why is Jerusalem important to all 3 Abrahamic Religions? | Islam- the Dome where Muhammad was taken to heaven Judaism- the altar where Abraham was told to sacrifice Isaac Christianity- nearby road where Jesus traveled on to Calvary Hill for his crucifixion | 56 |
AP World History Unit Three Flashcards
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