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ap world history: unit three Flashcards

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8154601130silk roadcaravan routes connecting china and the middle east across central asia and iran.0
8154605137parthiansiranian ruling dynasty between ca. 250 B.C.E. and 226 C.E.1
8154605138stirrupdevice for securing a horseman's feet, enabling him to wield weapons more effectively. first evidence of the use of stirrups was among the kushan people of northern afghanistan in approximately the first century C.E.2
8154609182indian ocean maritime systemin premodern times, a network of seaports, trade routes, and maritime culture linking countries on the rim of the indian ocean from africa to indonesia.3
8154614208trans-saharan caravan routestrading network linking north africa with sub-saharan africa across the sahara.4
8154617231sahelbelt south of the sahara; literally "coastland" in arabic.5
8154630772sub-saharan africaportion of the african continent lying south of the sahara.6
8154630773steppean ecological region of grass- and shrub-covered plains that is treeless and too arid for agriculture.7
8154633004savannatropical or subtropical grassland, either treeless or with occasional clumps of trees. most extensive in sub-saharan africa but also present in south america.8
8154633005tropical rain foresthigh-precipitation forest zones of the americas, africa, and asia lying between the tropic of capricorn.9
8154638169"great traditions"historians' term for literate, well-institutionalized complex of religious and social beliefs and practices adhered to by diverse societies over a broad geographical area.10
8154638170"small traditions"historians' term for localized, usually nonliterate, set of customs and beliefs adhered to by a single society, often in conjunction with a "great tradition".11
8154645332meccacity in western arabia; birthplace of the prophet muhammad and ritual center of the islamic religion.12
8154640226bantucollective name of a large group of sub-saharan african languages and of the peoples speaking these languages.13
8154645331ethiopiaeast african highland nation lying eats of the nile river.14
8154640227armeniaone of the earliest christian kingdoms, situated in eastern anatolia and the western caucasus and occupied by speakers of the armenian language.15
8154645395muhammadarab prophet (570-632 C.E.); founder of the religion islam.16
8154647960musliman adherent of the islamic religion; a person who "submits" (in arabic, islam means "submission") to the will of god.17
8154647961islamreligion expounded by the prophet muhammad on the basis of his reception of divine revelations, which were collected after his death into the quran. in the tradition of judaism and christianity, and sharing much of their lore, islam calls on all people to recognize one creator god- allah- who rewards or punishes believers after death according to how they led their lives.18
8154651335medinacity in western arabia to which the prophet muhammad and his followers emigrated in 622 to escape persecution in mecca.19
8154651336ummathe community of all muslims. a major innovation against the background of seventh- century arabia, where traditionally kinship rather than faith had determined membership in a community.20
8154651337caliphateoffice established in succession to the prophet muhammad, to rule the islamic empire; also the name of that empire.21
8154654392quranbook composed of divine revelations made to the prophet muhammad between around 610 and his death in 632; the sacred text of the religion of islam.22
8154654393shi'itesmuslims belonging to the branch of islam believing that god vests leadership vests leadership of the community in a descendant of muhammad's son-in-law ali. shi'ism is the state religion of iran.23
8154658262umayyad caliphatefirst hereditary dynasty of muslim caliphs (661 to 750). from their capital damascus, the umayyads ruled an empire that extended form spain to india. overthrown by the abbasid caliphate.24
8154658263sunnismuslims belonging to the branch of islam believing that the community should select its own leadership. the majority religion in most islamic countries.25
8154661588abbasid caliphatedescendants of the prophet muhammad's uncle, al-abbas, the abbasid's overthrew the umayyad caliphate and ruled an islamic empire from their capital in baghdad (founded 726) from 750 to 1258.26
8154661589mamluksunder the islamic system of military slavery, turkic military slaves formed and important part of the armed forces of the abbasid caliphate of the ninth and tenth centuries. mamluks eventually founded their own state, ruling egypt and syria (1250-1517).27
8154661590ghanafirst known kingdom in sub-saharan west africa between the sixth and thirteenth centuries C.E. also the modern west africa country once known as the gold coast.28
8154664382ulamamuslim religious scholars. from the ninth century onward, the primary interpreters of islamic law and the social core of muslim urban societies.29
8154664383haditha tradition relating the words or deeds of the prophet muhammad; next to the quran, the most important basis for islamic law.30
8154667350charlemagneking of the franks (r. 768-814); emperor (r. 800-814). through a series of military conquests he established the carolingian empire, which encompassed all of gaul and parts of germany and italy. though illiterate himself, he sponsored a brief intellectual revival.31
8154667351medievalliterally "middle age", a term that historians of europe use for the period around 500 to 1500, signifying its intermediate point between greco- roman antiquity and the renaissance.32
8154671380byzantine empirehistorians' name for the eastern portion of the roman empire from the fourth century onward, taken from "byzantium", an early name for constantinople, the byzantine capital city. the empire fell to the ottomans in 1453.33
8154671381kievan russiastate established at kiev in ukraine around 880 by scandinavian adventurers asserting authority over a mostly slavic farming population.34
8154674882schisma formal split within a religious community.35
8154674883manorin medieval europe, a large, self-sufficient landholding consisting of the lord's residence (manor house), outbuildings, peasant village, and surrounding land.36
8154674884serfin medieval europe, an agricultural laborer legally bound to a lord's property and obligated to perform set services for the lord.37
8154674885fiefin medieval europe, land granted in return for a sworn oath to provide specified military service.38
8154677741vassalin medieval europe, a sworn supporter of a king or lord committed to rendering specified military service to that king or lord.39
8154677742papacythe central administration of the roman catholic church, of which the pope is the head.40
8154677811holy roman empireloose federation of mostly german states and principalities, headed by an emperor elected by the by princess. it lasted from 962 to 1806.41
8154683577investiture controversydispute between the popes and holy roman emperors over who held ultimate authority over bishops in imperial lands.42
8154683578monasticismliving in a religious community apart from secular society and adhering to a rule stipulating chastity, obedience, and poverty. it was a prominent element of medieval christianity and buddhism. monasteries were the primary centers of learning and literacy in medieval europe.43
8154686544horse collarharnessing method that increased the efficiency of horses by shifting the point of traction form the animal's neck to the shoulders; its adoption favors the spread of horse-drawn plows and vehicles.44
8154686545crusades(1095-1204) armed pilgrimages to the holy land of christians determined to recover jerusalem from muslim rule. the crusades brought an end to western europe's centuries of intellectual and cultural isolation.45
8154688738pilgrimagejourney to a sacred shrine by christians seeking to show their piety, fulfill vows, or gain absolution for sins. other religions also have pilgrimage traditions, such as muslim pilgrimage to mecca and the pilgrimages made by early chinese buddhists to india in search of sacred buddhist writings.46
8154693940grand canal47
8154696576tang empire48
8154699709tributary system49
8154699710song empire50
8154706994movable type55
8154712977champa rice60
8154715675genghis khan62
8154718272yuan empire65
8154721450bubonic plague66
8154724542golden horde68
8154728174rashid al-din70
8154728175nasir al-din tusi71
8154731330alexander nevskii72
8154731332ottoman empire74
8154737962ming empire78
8154741108zheng he80
8154744289latin west82
8154744290three-field system83
8154747740black death84
8154750063water wheel85
8154753503hanseatic league86
8154753505gothic cathedral88
8154761944printing press93
8154761945great western schism94
8154765709hundred years war95
8154767899new monarchies96
8154767900reconquest of iberia97
8154770928ibn battuta99
8154773118delhi sultanate101
8154775183mansa musa103
8154780144swahili coast106
8154780145great zimbabwe107
8154788744henry the navigator113
8154790923gold coast115
8154793881barrolomeu dias116
8154796954vasco da gama117
8154801911christopher columbus118
8154804974ferdinand magellan119
8154807885hernan cortes121
8154807886moctezuma 2122
8154811174francisco pizarro124

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