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AP World History Vocab Chapters 1-13 Flashcards

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256869955Paleolithic-period of the Stone Age associated with the evolution of humans -1st0
256869956Neolithic-period of the Stone Age associated with the ancient Agricultural Revolution(s) -2nd1
256884128Agricultural (Neolithic) Revolution(s)-the change from food fathering to food production -(8000-2000 BCE)2
256884129megalith-structures and complexes of very large stones -constructed for ceremonial and religious purposes -Neolithic times3
256884130city-state-a small independent state consisting of an urban center and the surrounding agricultural territory -(Characteristic political form in early Mesopotamia, Archaic and Classical Greece, Phoenicia, and early Italy.)4
256884131Hammurabi-Amorite ruler of Babylon (r. 1792-1750 BCE) -conquered many city-states in S and N Mesopotamia -best known for a code of laws, inscribed on a black stone pillar, illustrating the principles to be used in legal cases.5
256884132ziggurat-a massive pyramidal stepped tower made of mudbricks -associated with religious complexes in ancient Mesopotamian cities -function unknown6
256884133cuneiform-system of writing -wedge-shaped symbols represent words or syllables -originated in Mesopotamia -used for Sumerian and Akkadian -later adapted to represent other languages of W Asia -literacy of this confined to small group of admins7
256884134papyrus-reed that grows along banks of Nile -from it produced a coarse paper-like writing medium -for Egyptians and surrounding areas8
256884135hieroglyphics-system of writing where picture symbols represent sounds, syllables, or concepts -used for official and monumental inscriptions in ancient Egypt -confined to small group of admins9
256884136loess-light silt deposited by wind and water -fertile soil of Yellow River Valley -not compact, gives Yellow River color10
256884137divination-techniques for ascertaining the future or the will of gods by interpreting natural phenomena -China use cracks of oracle bones -Greece use flight of birds through sky11
256884138Mandate of Heaven-Chinese religious and political ideology -developed by the Zhou -chief deity grant power to ruler of China -if ruler fail to do what best for people can be replaced12
256884139Legalism-Chinese -political philosophy that emphasize unruliness of human nature -justified state state control -Qin used to validate authoritative nature of regime13
256884140Confucius-Kongzi -doctrine of duty and public service influence Chinese thought and code of conduct for gov officials -hierarchy and duty14
256884141Dao-PATH OF NATURE -Chinese school of thought by Laozi -alternative to Confucian emphasis of hierarchy and duty -world always changing -accept world as they find it15
256884142yin/yang-complementary factors help maintain equilibrium of world -1st with female--dark passive qualities -2nd with male--light active qualities16
256884143Akhenaten-Egyptian pharaoh -earliest instance of monotheism -built new capital of Amarna -impose worship of sun-disk (Aten- supress traditional gods) -letters from under his rain preserve official correspondences17
256884144Minoan-civilization of Aegean island of Crete -people engaged in far-flung commerce in Med -cultural influence on early Greeks18
256884145Israelites-people of Israel -freed from Egyptians by Moses -40 years in desert19
256884146monotheism-belief in existence of single divine entity -Akhenaten and Yahweh20
256884147diaspora-communities of given ethnic groups living outside their homeland -means dispersal -eg. Jews21
256884148Carthage-city founded by Phoenicians about 800 BCE -major commercial center and naval power in Med -defeated by Rome22
256884149satrap-governor of province in Persian Empire -responsible for protection of province and forwarding tribute to central admin -farther out = more freedom23
256884150Cyrus-founder of Persian Empire -conqueror -Iran and subject people traditions -Persians and Medes in admin -respected institutions and beliefs of subject peoples24
256884151Zoroastrianism-Iran religion with prophet Zoroaster -single deity-- Ahuramazda -ideas of heaven and hell, etc. -influence Judaism, Christianity, more25
256884152polis-Greek term for city0state -urban center and agricultural territory under its control -characteristic of Greek political organization -some oligarchic and some democratic26
256884153hoplites-heavily armed Greek infantry -fight in close-packed formation -middle and upper class, own equipment -superior force27
256884154tyrant-someone who seize and hold power in violation of normal procedure and tradition of community -Greek -take advantage of disaffection of middle class -contribute advancement of democracy28
256884155Pericles-aristocratic leader who guide Athens state from transformation to democracy for male citizens -construct Acropolis -expansions led to Peloponnesian War29
256884156trireme-Greek and Phoenician warship -sleek, light -170 oars in 3 vertical tiers -manned by skilled sailors -short bursts of speed and complex maneuvers30
256884157Hellenistic Age-time when Greek culture spread across W Asia and NE Africa -conquests of Alexander the Great31
256884158Alexander-king of Macedonia in N Greece -conquer Persian Empire -found many Greek-style cities -spread Greek culture across Mid East32
256884159Roman Republic-Period when Rome ruled by Roman Senate -A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president33
256892234paterfamilias-male head of houshold34
256892235latifundia-large estates in ancient Rome -purchase farmers who are in army's land and run it by slaves -cash crops -make Italy dependent on foreign grain35
256892236princeps-term used for 'emperor' of Rome -after Republic -really an empire -'first among equals'36
256892237Augustus-name for Octavian -found Roman Principate, military dictatorship -defeat all rivals -time of stability and prosperity37
256892238pax romana-'Roman peace' -refer to stability and prosperity of Roman Empire -spread of culture, technology, and religion38
256892239aqueducts-water carrying elevated or underground -use gravity to carry water from source to location-- usually to city -Romans use39
256892240Jesus-Jew, reform Jewish beliefs and practices -Executed as a revolutionary by Romans -hailed as Messiah and son of God by followers -central figure in Christianity-- developed after death40
256892241Constantine-Roman emperor -reunite Roman Empire, move capital to Constantinople and Christianity favored religion41
256892242Shi Huangdi-founder of Qin dynasty and Chinese Empire -ruthless conquests -standardization of practices -forcible organization of labor for military and engineering tasks -terracotta warriors42
256892243gentry-Chinese class of prosperous families -next in wealth below rural aristocrats -admin personnel -privileged group and made gov more efficient and responsive43
256900111atman-breath -immortal essence separated from body at death -reborn in another body -Vedic belief44
256900112karma-residue of deeds performed in past and present lives that adheres to a spirit and determines form it will assume in next life cycle -India elite use to encourage acceptance of social position and duty45
256900113Vedas-early Indian sacred knowledge -religious texts passed down orally for a long time -main source of info of Vedic period46
256900114jati-smaller social classes within the larger varna castes47
256900115Brahmins-Indian priest class (highest ranking)48
256900116moksha-Hindu concept of spirit's liberation from endless cycle of rebirths -achieved through discipline, meditation, and acts of devotion to gods -spirit merge with divine force and animates of universe49
256900117Buddha-Siddhartha Gautama -Indian prince renounce wealth and social position -become enlightened and spread beliefs through India and Asia50
256900118boddhisattva-person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to save suffering beings51
256900119Ashoka-Third ruler of Mauryan Empire in India -convert to Buddhism and broadcast beliefs on stones and pillars -- earliest surviving Indian writing52
256900120theater-state-state that acquires prestiege and power by developing attractive cultural forms and staging elaborate public ceremonies -attract and bind subjects to the center -eg. Gupta in India53
257136094Silk Road-caravan routes connecting China and the Middle East across Central Asian and Iran54
257136095stirrup-device for securing a horseman's feet -enable to wield weapons better -1st in N Afghanistan55
257136096savanna-tropical or subtropical grassland -treeless or clumps of trees -extensive in sub-Saharan Africa,56
257136097Sahel-belt south of Sahara -"coastland" in arabic57
257136098Bantu-name for group of sub-Saharan African languages and people who speak them58
257136099Shi'ites-Muslims who believe God vests leadership of Islam community in Ali -religion of Iran59
257136100Sunni-Muslims who believe Islam community should select own leadership -most common Islamic belief60
257136101Mecca-city in W Arabia -birthplace of Muhammad -ritual center of Islamic religion61
257136102Muhammad-Arab prophet -founder of Islam62
257136103umma-community of all Muslims -against traditional Arabia -- usually held together by kinship63
257136104caliph-chief Muslim leader of Islamic empire -successor of Muhammad64
257136105Islam-religion by prophet Muhammad -based on his works compiled in Quran -recognize one god, Allah65
257136106Muslim-someone who follows Islam religion -submits to will of God66
257136107Mamluks-Turkic military slaves important to Islamic military system -Abbasid Caliphate -eventually found own state (Egypt and Syria)67
257136108ulama-Muslim religious scholars -work with Islamic law68
257136109Charlemagne-emperor of Carolingian Empire -encompasses all of Gaul, and parts of Germany and Italy -illiterate but sponsor intellectual revival69
257136110medieval-'middle age' -Europe between 500-1500 -between Greco-Roman and Renaissance70
257136111schism-formal split within religious community -Christianity71
257136112manor-medieval Europe -large self-sufficient landholding -consisting of lord's residence, outbuildings, peasant village, and surrounding land72
257136113serf-medieval Europe -agricultural laborer legally bound to a lord's property -obligated to perform set services for lord73
257136114fief-medieval Europe -land granted in return for sworn oath to provide specific military service74
257136115vassal-medieval Europe -sworn supporter of king or lord committed to rendering specified military service to that king or lord75
257136116papacy-central admin of Roman Catholic Church -Pope is head of this76
257136117monasticism-living in religious community away from secular society -adhere to rule stipulating chastity, obedience, and poverty -prominent in medieval Christianity and Buddhism -primary literary centers77
257136118Crusades-armed pilgrimages to Holy Land by Christians determined to recover Jerusalem from Muslim rule -end to western Europe's isolation from intellect and culture78
257136119pilgrimage-journey to sacred shrine by Christians -seeking to show their piety, fulfill vows, or gain absolution for sins -other religions too (Muslims to Mecca)79
257136120Li Shimin-one of Tang founders, second emperor -expanded empire into Central Asia80
257136121Grand Canal-1100 mile waterway linking Yellow and Yangzi rivers -begun during Han period and completed during Sui81
257136122tributary system-in Han Empire -countries in E and SE Asia not under direct control acknowledge superiority of Chinese emperors -in exchange trading rights or strategic alliances82
257136123Uighurs-Turkic-speakers who control own centralized empire in Mongolia and C Asia83
257136124junk-large flatbottom sailing ship from Tang, Ming, and Song Empires -designed for long-distance commercial travel84
257136125movable type-type where each individual character is cast on separate piece of metal -replaces woodblock printing85
257136126Fujiwara-aristocratic family that dominated Japanese imperial court between 800-110086
257136127Champa rice-quick maturing rice can allow two harvests in one growing season -from Champa to India and then China as tribute87
257136128chinampas-raised fields constructed along lake shores in Mesoamerica to increase agricultural yields88
257136129khipu-system of knotted colored cords used by preliterate Andean peoples to transmit information89
257136130ayllu-Andean lineage group or kin-based community90
257136131mit'a-Andean labor system based on shared obligations to help kinsmen and work on behalf of the ruler and religious organizations91
257136132Teotihuacan-powerful city-state in central Mexico92
257136133Tenochtitlan-capital of Aztec Empire -Mexico City constructed on ruins93
257136134tribute system-system where defeated peoples forced to pay a tax in form of goods and labor -subsidized development of large cities -Inca and Aztec important94
257136135Genghis Khan-Temujin's title meaning oceanic or universal leader -founder of Mongol Empire95
257136136Yuan Empire-Chinese Mongol Empire by Khubilai Khan96
257136137Timur-member of prominent Jagadai Khanate Mongol family -control much of C Asia and Iran -Mughal Empire in India97
257136138Golden Horde-Mongol khanate founded by Batu -S Russia and adopt Turkic language and Islam98
257136139Il-Khan-khan based in Persiam founded by Hulegu -control much of Iran and Iraq99
257136140tsar-Russian title for monarch -first used by Ivan III100
257136141lama-Tibetan Buddhism teacher101
257136142Zheng He-imperial eununch and Muslim -Ming emperor Yongle send on voyages through Indian ocean to gain tributary states102
257136143Yongle-Zhu Di, 3rd Ming emperor -building of Forbidden City -sponsor Zheng He voyages -reopen China borders to travel and trade103
257136144bubonic plague-bacterial disease of fleas transmitted to rodents and humans -spread through Mongols104
257136145kamikaze-'divine wind' -Japanese credit with blowing Mongol invaders away form their shores105
257136146monsoon-seasonal winds of Indian Ocean -caused by changes in temperature between rapidly heating and cooling landmasses and slow changing ocean waters -sailors use winds to ride for trade106
257136147Ibn Battuta-Moroccan Muslim scholar -most widely traveled individual of his time -wrote of visits to Islamic lands107
257136148Delhi Sultanate-centralized Indian empire of varying extent -created by Muslim invaders108
257136149Mali-empire created by indigenous Muslims in W Sudan of W Africa -trans-Saharan gold trade109
257136150Mansa Musa-ruler of Mali -pilgrimage from Egypt to Mecca establish empire's reputation for wealth110
257136151dhow-ship of small to moderate size -used in W Indian Ocean -triangular sail and sewn timber hull111
257136152Swahili Coast-E African shores of the Indian Ocean112
257136153Timbuktu-city of Niger River -founded as seasonal camp by Tuareg -part of Mali empire -center for trans-Saharan trade & Islamic learning113
257136154Malacca-port city in SE Asia -trading center on Strait of Malacca114

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