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AP World History Vocab Flashcards

all the terms on the terms to know page, cities and people included
(in alphabetical order)

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190870073Agrarian societyculture or community in which agriculture is the primary means of subsustence; an economy that relies heavily on agricultural production0
190870074anthropologistscientist who studies the physical characteristics and cultures of humans and their ancestors1
190870075Anyangancient city in northern China built during the Shang dynasty, it was China's first capital2
190870076Archaeologista scientist who learns about ancient people by studying the things they left behind3
190870077aristocracygovernment headed by a privileged minority or upper class4
190870078AustralopithecinesFirst Hominids. 4 million to 1 million B.C.E. Found in Southern and Eastern Africa. Brain size 500 cm^3 (cubic centimeters). First humanlike creature to walk upright. traveled around 15 kilometers, had well developed thumbs and opposable thumbs5
190870079Barterthe direct exchange of sets of goods for services for another set of goods6
190870080China ( which dynastys are from)Xia, Shang, Zhou7
190870081City-Statea city with political and economic control over the surrounding countryside/agricultural land that are under the influence of a larger empire8
190870082civilizationa society with cities, a central government, job specialization, a high level of culture, an organized beleif system and social classes9
190870083Cro-Magnon-40,000 to 8,000 BCE -Europe -brain size 1,400 cm3 -fully modern humans10
190870084Culturethe shared beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular nation or people11
190870085Cultural Diffusionthe spreading of ideas through contact such as trade or war12
190870086Cuneifromwritten language of the summerians, probably the1st written script in the world13
190870087Domesticationto tame animals so that they can be used to benifit a community14
190870088Dynastya succession of rulers of a region from the same family15
190870089Egyptold kingdom, middle kingdom, new kingdom, hyksos16
190870090Empirea collection of nations or peoples ruled by a single authority, usualy a monarch17
190870091FeudalismA social, political, & economic system that dominated all aspects of medevil European life18
190870092Hammurabi1792-1750 B.C.E. "king of the four quarters of the world" created Hammurabi's laws19
190870093HarappaMohenjo-Dara Harappa Kalibangan20
190870094HieroglyphicsAncient Egyptian written language21
190870095Hominida creature belonging to the family hominidae, which includes human & humanlike species22
190870096Homo Erectus"upright walking human" existed 1.5 million to 200 thousand years ago used cleavers & handaxes learned how to control fire23
190870097Homo Habilisan upright Eastern African hominid having some advanced human like characteristics 1.5 to 2 million years ago24
190870098Homo Sapiens"consciously thinking human" posses a remarkable intelligence that enabled individuals to understand the structure of the world around them25
190870099Homo Sapiens Sapiens(Us) subspecies of the genus Homo in which modern Humans are classified26
190870100Imperialismexpansion of European powers & their conquest & colonization of African & Asian societies mainly from the 16th through the 19th centuries27
190870101Leakey (family)spent most of life searching for the fossilized remains of early hominids in east Africa28
190870102Luoyang (city)in China, Buddhist centre in 5th and 6th centuries, near the yellow river, Capital of 9 dynasties Henan Provence29
190870103Mandate of HeavanChinese belief that the emperors ruled through the mandate, or approval of heavan contingent on their ability to look after the welfare of the population30
190870104Memphis (city)the ancient capital of Egypt, located on the nile in Lower Egypt, and was sacred to Ptah31
190870105Menes (Narmer)3100 B.C.E. brought unified rule to Egypt was an ambitious mino offical from southern Egypt who rose to power & extended authority north & into the delta. he founded the city of Memphis also known as Narmer32
190870106Mesopotamian SocietiesHebrews, Israelites, Jews Phoenicians Sumerians Akadians Babylonians Hittites Assyrian33
190870107Migrationthe mass movement of people from one area to another34
190870108Monarchthe single ruler of a gov't35
190870109Monotheismbelief in only one god, rare in the ancient world36
190870110NeanderthalEarly humans who were prevalent during the Paleolithic Period37
190870111Neolithic age"new stone age" marked by the discovery & mastery of agriculture38
190870112Neolithic revolutionthe development of agriculture & domestication of animals as a food source. this led to the development of permanent settlements & the start of Civilization39
190870113Nubiakush was the main empire ancient region of N.E. Africa, below Egypt on the Nile, important trade partner with Egypt even during time of war extended from Aswan to Khartoum40
190870114Oligarchya political system in which the gov't is under the control of the merchant class41
190870115Paleolithic age"old stone age" a long period of human development before the development of agriculture42
190870116Paleontologista person who studies the fossil remains of life from previos geological periods43
190870117Pastoralismthe practice of herding as the primary economic activity of a society44
190870118Patriarchal societya community where men are the decision makers & hold positions of power & prestige (if you don't know this, why are you in A.P. World History?)45
190870119Placea location46
190870120Polytheismbelief in many gods47
190870121Queen HatshepsutQueen of Egypt (1st female pharoh), co ruled with her step son Thutmose III, 1473-1458 B.C.E. to make her more respected as a female ruler, her statues depicted her with the typical beard of a male Egyptian ruler48
190870122Ramses IIking of ancient Egypt marked by the war with Hittites & construction of monuments such as the Rock temple at Abu Simbel49
190870123Regionarea, section,or portion of a country50
190870124Sargon of Akkad2370-2315 B.C.E. creator of the Mesopotamian Empire began as minister to the king of Kish in 2334 B.C.E he conquered the cities and destroyed walls, took control of trade routes and began to tax trade his empire lasted until it's collapse in 2000 B.C.E:51
190870125Slash-Burn Farmingan agricultural technique which involves cutting & burning of forests or woodlands to create feilds for farming52
190870126Subsistance Farmingself sufficiency farming in which farmers produce just enough to feed their families, (only enough to survive, no excess)53
190870127Theocracya form of gov't in which a god/ deity is recognized as the supreme civil ruler, the god's/deity's laws being interpreted by the ecclesiastical authorities54
190870128Thutmose IIIstep-son of Queen Hatshepsut, co ruled Egypt with her55
190870129Ur (city)an ancient summerian city on the Euphrates56

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