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AP World History Vocab Words Flashcards

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7234819759AbolitionismMovement or doctrine advocating the abolition (elimination) of slavery0
7234821807Agricultural Revolutiondevelopment of raising crops and animals as major food source among human communities replacing hunting and gathering1
7234823888Aristocracynobility; ruling class based on heredity and privelege2
7234831423Artisancraftsman; skilled worker practicing a specific trade or craft3
7234832461Authoritariansystem of leadership based on absolute obedience to a single ruler4
7234835347Biological Exchangeprocess of plants, animals, and often disease being transferred from one region or society to another5
7234836942Bronze Ageperiod from 4000 to 1500 BCE; characterized by the production of bronze tools and weapons6
7234840520Buddhismreligion, practiced primarily in Asia, based on the teachings and doctrine of Buddha, in particular the notion that human suffering will end with cessation (end) of desires7
7234847125Bureaucracysystem of nonelected government officials8
7234848778Caliphatea leader of islamic jurisdiction; also a political system in Middle East- North Africa in the post-classical period (period 3)9
7234854295Capitalisman econic system based on private ownership, profit motive, and free trade10
7234856013Caste Systema social structure in which social class and status is defined primarily by heredity11
7234857643Christianityreligion based on the teachings of Jesus and the belief that Jesus was the son of God12
7234859554Chronologyunderstanding based on the arrangements of events in time and the close study of dates13
7234862775Civilizationa complex form of human organization; a society defined by shared values and institutions14
7234866777Class Structurean organization of unequal social strata within a particular society15
7234870507Classicalperiod from 1000 BCE to 500 CE; characterized by the expansion of key civilizations, integration of regional territory, and increase in regular interregional trade16
7234873322Climate Zonegeographical region sharing a specific climate17
7234874711Cold Warperiod of political hostility between the soviet union (USSR), it's satellite states, and western societies, particularly the United States, extending from 1945-199118
7234881205Colonizationcontrol of one country by another from afar; implies expolitaition of the smaller or less powerful country by the larger one19
7234884296Columbian Exchangea far-reaching transfer of plants, animals, humans, diseases, and cultural phenomena between the Eastern and Western Hemisperes20
7234886903Commercial Agricultureproduction of agricultural goods for sale21
7234888111Commercialismoutlook in which commerce, business, and trade take priority22
7234890580Communismsystem of social organization based on marxist theories advocating the elimination of private property in favor of collective ownership23
7234924156Confucianismphilosophy based on the teachings of confucius; placing high value on devotion to family and ancestors, charitable outlook on humanity, education, and political order24
7234931728Consumerismmovement toward or value placed on increased consumption of goods25
7234933222Constitutionfundamental law, set of laws or doctrin defining a government26
7234934533Contemporaryperiod from 1914 on including rebalancing of world power/decolonization, population explosion, globalization, replacement of agricultural institutions27
7234937326Continuityuninterrupted pattern, something that goes on or repeats without essential change28
7234938766Core societyin world economy theory, a society exporting disproportionately from global trade29
7234943359Crusadesreligious military campaign waged by Eurpopean christians in the Middle East between 1095 and 129130
7234945892Culturebasic beliefs and ssumptions often also expressed in the arts31
7234946891Decolonizationelimination of colonialism; freeing a colony from dependent status32
7234948344Democracya government carried out by the people or representatives they have elected33
7235212130Demographythe characteristics of a human population, or the study of those characteristics35
7235214882Diplomacythe practice of international relations; the developement of relationships among different governments36
7235216785Disciplinebranch of knowledge or field of study37
7235218232Dynastya succesion of rulers from one family; the period of time defined by leadership of one such sucession38
7235221072Early Modern Period1450-1750, rise of global trade, inclusion of the Americas, gun powder empires39
7235223517Economysystem of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and/or services in a particular society or group of societies40
7235226542Emancipationthe act of freeing a person or group of people from the control of another41
7235228788Empirethe domain ruled by an emperor or empress, often characterized by absolute power or authoritarian rule; sometimes involves territorial expansion42
7235233145Environmentalismconcern with protecting the natural environment from pollution and other destructive forces43
7235234779Epidemicwipespread outbreak of infectious disease44
7235236421Evolutiongenetic changes or developements in populations or societies over a period of time45
7235237988Exchangetrade or transfer of goods, services, and diseases within or among populations, cultures, or societies46
7235240551Expansionthe process of a territory or state growing, sometimes involving conquering another state; also refers to economic growth or recovery47
7235245083Fascismpolitical theory advocating authoritarian and often totalitarian rule, hierarchical government system48
7235248442Feminismdoctrine and political/social movements advocating equal rights for women49
7235250618Feudalismsocial and political system in post-classical Europe and Japan, based on land ownership by a ruling military class and relationship with vassals (servants)50
7235253756Global Economyinterrelated and interdependent economies of the world51
7235255211Globalizationthe process of transforming local phenomena into global ones and intestifying interregional contacts52
7235260161Governmentorganization of administration that is in charge of a political unit53
7235262367Guerilla Warfaremilitary initiatives taken on by individuals or organizations operating independently from a government54
7235266192Gunpowder Empireempire, both land- based and overseas, in the early modern period based on use of guns55
7235269523Heredityinheritance of title, office, or right56
7235270518Hinduismreligion and philosophy predominantly the Indian subcontinent and some other parts of South Asia; characterized by beliefs in reincarnation, dharma, and a divine order that takes on various natures and forms57
7235274675Hunter Gatherersociety characterized by obtaining food via hunting and foraging; earliest form of human society58
7235310814Immigrationmigration into a new country or society59
7235311869Imperialismpolicy of extending new rule or authority over another country or region60
7235314072Individualismphilosophy or a way of life advocating the primary of the individual, individual rights and desires61
7235316962Industrial Agelong nineteenth century plus contemporary period62
7235318337Industrial Revolutiontransformation from agriculturally based societies63
7235320035Infanticidepractice of killing newborn infants64
7235323473Internationalisminternational in character or discipline; doctrine advocating that nations should cooperate65
7235326484Interwar Years1918-193966
7235329142Iron Age1500 BCE through 1450 CE, encompassing the classical and post-classical periods; but in someways continues to the present67
7235333659Islammonotheistic religion predominant in North Africa and the Middle East and other parts of Asis and Africa, characterized by belief in the teachings of the prophet muhammad and worship of Allah68
7235339493Judaismmonotheistic religion based on the teaching of the Torah and Talmud69
7235341487Kingdompolitical or territorial unit ruled by a monarch or other sovereign70
7235343439Kinship Systemsystem of social relationship and often family characterizing a particular society71
7235346171Latissez-fairethe notion that government should not interfere in individual affairs; doctrine advocating individualism, particularly in the economic realm72
7235350266Leisuretime spent away from work73
7235351644Localrelating to a particular place, city, or town74
7235353308Long Nineteenth Centuryperiod from 1750-1914, characterized by Industrial Revolution, rise of Western power and Imperialism, greater global economic inequality, emancipation75
7235356516Marxismtheory based on the teachings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, advocating the notion that all human behaviors and social developement have their basics in economis, and class struggle plays accentral role in developement76
7235361708Merchantbusiness person enganged in buying and/or selling of goods77
7235363404Migrationmovement of people from one country or world region to another78
7235364654Militaryof or relating to warfare; system developed within a society fro carrying out warfare79
7235366624Missionarya person, religion, or philosophy aiming to convert others to a particular cause or belief system80
7235372412Modernussually assigned to periods since around 170081
7235373342Modernizationbelief that various changes are linked in political function, education and technology; and that societies will change in similar directions82
7235380004Monarchygovernment run by a single leader (monarch) who may claim absolute rule; usually an inherited system of authority83
7235382879Nationgroup of people politically organized under a single government with explicit geographical boundaries, often claiming a distinctive culture and cultural coherence84
7235391467Nation-Statepolitical unit compromised of an autonomous state, populated by people who tend to share common culture and history85
7235396335Nationalismdevotion to the interests and developement of one's nation; often includes belief in the supremacy of one's nation over others86
7235402189Neolithic Period (new stone age)period from about 8000 BCE to 4000 BCE, characterized by the Agricultural Revolution and rise of patriarchy87
7235405567"New Global" historianshistorians arguing that recent globalization creates a dramatically novel historical context88
7235407746"New Nations" Theoryidea that newly independent nations are often politically unstable because of internal conflicts, lack of experienced leadership, and economic setbacks89
7235410883Nomadperson or group of people with no defined home or territory; roaming lfestyle pattern, usually in a herding economy90
7235416235Nongovernmental Organizationorganization characteristic of the complementary period, operating independently of government and often without the goal of profit91
7235418615Orthodox Christianityform of Christianity prevalent in the Byzantine Empire, the Baikans and Russia; rift with Roman Catholism in the llth century92
7235423748Parliamentlegislative assembly participating in the government of a country and sometimes characterizing the governmental system93
7235429052Patriarchysystem of social and/or familiar organization based on the supremacy and centrality of the father of other males94
7235436200Peasantmember of a social class comprised of farmers usually tightly ties to a village structures95
7235440785Periodizationthe system of historians use to define change and a resultant coherent set of friends, dividing chronology into periods96
7235445486Peripheral Societyin world economy theory, a society that exports cheap goods with exploited labor97
7235447294Political Structuresystem of government characterized a specific region98
7235449178Post-Classicalperiod from 600-1450 CE, characterized by spread of civilizations and world regions, rise of wider transregional trade networks, expansion of regional influences and imitations99
7235452983Public Healthscience of and policyy relating to preventing and curing disease and promoting health on a broad scale, societal and international level100
7235456791Racecharacterization of people based on inherited characteristics, often associated with skin color101
7235458743Regimepolitical organization governing a society; government and rulers102
7235460851Regionalcharacteristics of a specific place or geographical area103
7235463576Religionsystem of beliefs and rituals focused on ethics, a divine order, and afterlife104
7235465499Renaissanceperiod of European history from the fourteenth through mia-sixteenth century, defined particularly by new artistic styles105
7235468104Revolutiondrastic and far-reaching change, can be used to refer to either political or social changes of great magnitude; a revolution can also mean a violent uprise from below that seeks to after political and social structures106
7235473441River-Valley Civilizationsearly civilizations that developed along river banks, as in Egypt or mesopotamia, primarily because of ease of irrigation and therefore agriculture107
7235476540Sciencesystematic set of knowledge usually based on facts, truths or ideas that can be proven; usually focused on the workings of nature108
7235479377Secularnot related to religion nor spirituality109
7235484671Settler Societiessocieties formed mainly by European settlers, as in the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand110
7235487486Silk Roadsqwidely used trade routes established in the classical period, from China to the Middle East and Meditterranean111
7235490629Slaverybondage; human labor owned and controlled by other people usually without pay and sometimes characterized by inhumane treatment112
7235492700Socialismpolitical theory calling for collective ownership of industry and government control over resources and services113
7235494581Societyenduring social group whose members have organized patterns of interaction through trade, culture, and/or politics114
7235496821Statenation (or other political unit) or organized government115
7235498451Syncretismprocess in which beliefs or practices blend feautures from different groups or societies in contact116
7235501023Technologypractical application of science to industry, knowledge, or daily life117
7235925235Terrorismuse of violence against individuals or a society of religious or political goals118
7235928113Third Worldinitially, countries like Egypt or India, not aligned with either side in the Cold War; came to mean poorer, economically developing regions119
7235931841Topographyshape or features of an area of the Earth's surface120
7235933435Tradecommercial exchange of goods and/or services121
7235934579Traditionlong-standing custom; inherited pattern of thought or behavior122
7235935853Trans-regionalcomprising or relating to two or more regions and/or their relationships123
7235945183Tribea social division or group of people, sometime a family, who live or travel together124
7235945184United Nationspolitical organization formed from a group of independent states in 1045 with the goal of promoting international peace and security125
7235945185Urbanrelating to a city or other area of a dense population126
7235946835Westernizationassimilation of or conversion to western culture, values, and belief systems127
7235948266World Economy Theoryfocuses on unequal trade relations from the early modern period onward, and their long-term economic, political, and social results128
7235952145World Wara war involving most of the major nations of the world129
7235952974Writing Systemmethod for representing spoken language orthographically, using letter, signs, or symbols130
7235954913Zoroastrianismsystem of religion founded in Persia in the sixth century BCE, based on the notion of the struggle between good and evil131

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