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ap world history vocabulary 2017 Flashcards

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7066352690abdicatestep down from power/position0
7066352691accessiongaining access to new office1
7066354313agrariancultivated land2
7066355268animismbelief that everything has a soul or spirit3
7066355270aristocracyprivileged class, nobility5
7066356350asceticismrejection of pleasures of the world6
7066356351assimilateto make alike or similar7
7066357861authoritarianabsolute rule8
7066357862barbarismuncivilized condition9
7066360926bureaucracy/cratsstate officials10
7066371173city-statecity forms independent state11
7066371862civicrelating/belonging to a city12
7166373713classicalhigh stage of early civilization13
7166374195colonialconcerning colony or colonies14
7166374566commercetransaction of goods and services15
7166375770concubinewoman who cohabits a man she is not married to, mistress16
7166431026conscriptioncompulsory military service17
7166455914cosmopolitanat ease with other countries18
7166456148coupdecision to change illegally or by force19
7166457135demography/icstudy of characteristics of human population20
7166457761despotcruel dictator21
7166684116dissentdifference in opinion, protesting22
7166684886dissidentperson who rebels from established policy23
7166690801domesticexisting or occurring inside a particular country; not foreign or international.24
7166691202dynastyleaders in the same family25
7166692022edictformal proclamation26
7166692660BCEBefore the Common Era, also known as Before the Christian Era. This is the period of time before the traditional date of Christ's birth. This has replaced B.C. (Before Christ)27
7166696255CECommon Era, also known as the Christian Era. This is the period of time that begins with the traditional date of Christ's birth. This has replaced A.D. (Anno Domini)28
7166697992amenitiesthe pleasantness of a place or a person.30
7166699395anarchychaos, no ruling government31
7166702156appeasementgiving something to an aggressive power to keep the peace32
7166705629autocracyruled by one person, one person has all the power33
7166706123communalconflict between different communities34
7166707663diasporadispersion of Jews beyond Israel35
7168665676egalitarianfavor social equality36
7168666961ethnocentricjudges other cultures by comparing them to his own37
7168668681feudalisma European political system in which a lord owned all the land while vassals and serfs farmed it.38
7168668983gentrypeople of good class below nobility39
7168670287guildassociation of people with similar interests40
7168670620hominidsape and human41
7168671266homogeneoussame or similar kinds42
7168672725ideologycharacterize thinking of group/nation43
7168673435lineagedescending from common ancestor44
7168674362manifestto notice45
7168675017maritimerelated to ships or navigation46
7168676745matrilinealtracing descent on female side47
7168677526mercenaryperson fighting country that is not their own48
7168678488monopoly/izemany buyers, 1 seller49
7168679497mysticalbeyond ordinary understanding50
7168680122nation-statestate whose citizens speak same language or common descent51
7168680940neolithiclatest part of stone age53
7168681315pantheontemple to all gods54
7168681922papal/cyrelating to pope55
7168684143parliamentary systemcongress56

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