81615627 | Globalization | The process of developing economic, social, cultural and political interdependence across international borders. | 0 | |
81615628 | Specialization | A specific occupation practiced by an individual. | 1 | |
81615629 | Capitalism | An economic system in which the factors of production are privately owned, and operated for the good of all. | 2 | |
81615630 | Socialism | An economic system in which the factors of production are publically owned,and operated ofr the good of all. | 3 | |
81615631 | Syncretism | The blending of two or more religious or cultural traditions. | 4 | |
81615632 | Diffusion | The spread of cultural traditions from one area or group of people to another. | 5 | |
81615633 | Empire | A major political unit controlling territory or people to another. | 6 | |
81615634 | Colony | A body of people living in a territory under the authority of a parent state. | 7 | |
81615635 | Hegemony | Dominant influence or authority over others. | 8 | |
81615636 | Demographics | the statistical characteristics of human populations. | 9 | |
81615637 | Diaspora | The breaking up and scattering of people. | 10 | |
81615638 | Temporally | Relating to the sequence of time;"over time." | 11 | |
81615639 | Spatially | Relating to, or occupying space; "across space." | 12 | |
81615640 | Monarchy | Rule by a single person. | 13 | |
81615641 | Oligarchy | Government by a small group of elites. | 14 | |
81615642 | Democracy | A government by the people based on direct or inderect representation. | 15 | |
81615643 | Hierarchy | The classification of people based on economic , social or professional standing. | 16 | |
81628498 | Patriarchy | Social organization marked by the supremacy of the father, legal dependence of wives and children, and inheritance through the make line. | 17 | |
81628499 | Matriarchy | Social organization in which descent and inheritance are traced trough the female line. | 18 | |
81628500 | Gender | The behavioral and cultural traits typically associated with one sex i.e male or female. | 19 | |
81628501 | Point of View | A person's perspective,typically influenced by class, gender and culture. | 20 | |
81628502 | Bias | An inclination to observe situations from a preconcieved point of view. | 21 | |
81628503 | Continuity | Uninterrupted connection; the continuation of a preexisting entity. | 22 | |
81628504 | Suffrage | The legal right to vote. | 23 | |
81628505 | Franchise(enfranchisement) | A right or freedom granted by the government; the right to vote. | 24 | |
81628506 | Sovereignty | Supreme authority within territorial boundaries. | 25 | |
81628507 | Autonomy | The right or power to govern oneself; self-determination. | 26 | |
81628508 | Revolution | A drastic and far reaching change in ways of thinking and behaving. | 27 | |
81628509 | Cosmopolitan | Common to or representive of many parts of the world; not national or local. | 28 |