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AP World History Vocabulary Flashcards

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13535918112PaleolithicOld Stone Age, a long period of human development before the development of agriculture.0
13535918113Pastoral Societysocial system in which the breeding and herding of domestic animals is a major form of production for good and other purposes1
13535918114Neolithiclate phase of Stone Age, advanced stone tools used2
13535918115Bantu Migrationsseries of migrations of the Bantu people from the Congo area to present day Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania,3
13535918116Mesopotamiaregion in West Asia situated within the Tigris-Euphrates river system4
13535918117Hammurabi's CodeSophisticated law code associated with the Babylonian king Hammurabi5
13535918118Iron Metallurgytechnique or science of working or heating metals into tools6
13535918119PatriarchyA system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line7
13535918120PhoeniciansAncient Semitic people living in the Eastern Mediterranean, responsible for creating an alphabet that has influenced many modern day alphabets8
13535918121Indus River Valley CivilizationCivilization along one of the longest rivers in South Asia9
13535918122Caste SystemA Hindu social class system that controlled every aspect of daily life10
13535918123Yellow River ValleyCradle of Chinese civilization, along one of the longest rivers in East Asia11
13535918124Mandate of HeavenChinese belief that the emperors ruled through the mandate, or approval, of heaven contingent on their ability to look after the welfare of the population12
13535918125Warring States Periodthe period from 475 BC until the unification of China under the Qin dynasty, characterized by lack of centralized government in China. It followed the Zhou dynasty.13
13535918126OlmecsOne of the earliest known major civilization in Mexico14
13535918127Persian WarsSeries on wars between Greece and Persia15
13535918128ZoroastrianismMonotheistic religion; influenced future religions like Judaism, Islam, and Christianity16
13535918129ConfucianismA system of thought based on the teachings that turned into the ruling ideology of the Chinese state, involves ancestor reverence and a profound human-centered religiousness17
13535918130DaoismPhilosophy that teaches that everything should be left to the natural order; rejects many of the Confucian ideas but coexisted with Confucianism in China18
13535918131LegalismA Chinese philosophy that argued that people were by nature evil and would follow the correct path if coerced by laws19
13535918132Jainisman Indian religion that stresses extreme simplicity and non violence towards all living creatures20
13535918133BuddhismReligion, based on Four Noble Truths, associated with Siddhartha Gautama; its adherents desired to eliminate all distracting passion and reach nirvana.21
13535918134HinduismMain religion in India,emphasizes reincarnation and the desire to end the cycle and death and reincarnation22
13535918135Polisancient Greek city state23
13535918136SpartaGreek city state, known for its emphasis on military service and strength24
13535918137AthensGreek city state, birthplace of democracy25
13535918138Hellenisticrelating to Greek history, language, and culture from the death of Alexander the Great to the defeat of Cleopatra and Mark Antony26
13535918139SocratesGreek philosopher, father of western philosophy27
13535918140AristotleGreek philosopher and scientists, student of socrates28
13535918141Julius CaesarRoman military general and politician, assassinated by a group of nobles29
13535918142ChristianityReligion based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth30
13535918143Silk RoadNetwork of trading routes connecting East and West31
13535918144Justinian CodeLaws developed under Justinian, the Byzantine Emperor32
13535918145Lateen Saila triangular sail, made sailing in the wind easier33
13535918146Dhowship of small to moderate size used in W Indian Ocean; triangular sail and sewn timber hull34
13535918147Magnetic CompassNavigational Tool, indicates direction of travel35
13535918148IslamMonotheistic religion announced by the prophet Muhammad; influenced by Judaism and Christianity36
13535918149Indian Ocean Trade NetworkTrade network throughout the Indian Ocean, connected places like India, China, East Africa and the Middle East37
13535918150Neo-ConfucianismPhilosophy that attempted to merge certain basic elements of Confucian and Buddhist thought38
13535918151FeudalismA political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to a king in return for loyalty and military service39
13535918152Holy Roman EmpireMulti ethnic group of territories in central Europe during the Middle Ages, first emperor was Charlemagne40
13535918153FeudalismA political system in which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally belong to a king in return for loyalty and military service41
13535918154MongolsCentral Asian group, created a largest land based empire through brutal conquest and military warfare.42
13535918155Ibn BattutaMoroccan traveler, made the pilgrimage to Mecca and helped spread Islam throughout Africa43
13535918156Marco PoloItalian merchant whose accounts of his travels to China and other lands became legendary44
13535918157Crusades(1095-1204) Armed pilgrimages to the Holy Land by Christians determined to recover Jerusalem from Muslim rule. The Crusades brought an end to western Europe's centuries of intellectual and cultural isolation.45
13535918158ToltecsCentral American society, predates the Aztecs46
13535918159AztecsCentral American empire constructed by the Mexica and expanded greatly during the 15th century47
13535918160MercantilismEconomic policy common to many absolute monarchies. Government control of foreign trade is of paramount importance for ensuring the military security of the country. In particular, it demands a positive balance of trade and desires new sources of gold and silver bullion, thus fueling more colonialism.48
13535918161Trading Post EmpireFirst used by the Portuguese to control trade routes by forcing merchants to pay taxes in trading ports49
13535918162Joint Stock CompanyA business, often backed by a government charter, that sold shares to individuals to raise money for its trading enterprises and to spread the risks (and profits) among many investors.50
13535918163DiffusionThe spread of ideas, objects, or traits from one culture to another51
13535918164Zheng HeChinese explorer who traveled throughout the Indian Ocean52
13535918165RenaissanceA period in European history where ancient Greek and Roman art and culture was revived53
13535918166Bubonic PlagueDeadly disease that spread through Europe, believed to be brought to Europe by traders from Asia54
13535918167Trans-Saharan Tradetrade route that traveled across the Sahara desert55
13535918168JunksChinese sailing ship56
13535918169SikhismIndian syncretic religion that combines elements of Hinduism and Buddhism57
13535918170CaravelsEuropean fast sailing ship58
13535918171Columbian ExchangeAn exchange of goods, ideas and skills from the Old World (Europe, Asia and Africa) to the New World (North and South America) and vice versa.59
13535918172Encomienda SystemA labor system set up by the Spanish government where Spanish colonists could work the native Americans on their land while compensating them and agreeing to educate some of them and teach them about Christianity60
13535918173Haciendasa large estate or plantation with a dwelling house found in Spanish America61
13535918174Indentured LaborLabor source for plantations; wealthy planters would pay the laboring poor to sell a portion of their working lives in exchange for passage62
13535918175Martin LutherAuthor of the 95 thesis, began the protestant reformation by protesting against the Catholic church63
13535918176Protestant Reformation16th century, European movement where religious figures broke away from the Catholic church64
13535918177Printing PressMachine used to mass produce text, responsible for increasing literacy rates and spreading information at a faster rate65
13535918178Scientific RevolutionStarted in the 1500's, that brought about major advancements in math, physics, astronomy, and biology66
13535918179Industrial Revolutionthe process of change from an agrarian society to one dominated by industry and machine manufacturing67
13535918180Factory SystemMethod of manufacturing using machines and division of labor68
13535918181The EnlightenmentIntellectual and philosophical movement in Europe that emphasized natural rights, reason, and changes in government to meet the needs of the people69
13535918182Haitian Revolutionsuccessful anti-slavery and anti-colonial revolt led by self-liberated slaves against French colonial rule70
13535918183Simon BolivarLeader of the revolutions that took place in Latin America71
13535918184NationalismExtreme pride in ones country or advocacy of political independence72
13535918185LiberalismPolitical view that emphasizes liberty and equality, civil rights73
13535918186ConservatismPolitical view that holds that society changes slowly overtime against rapid change74
13535918187SocialismPolitical theory that advocates that the community should own he means of production75
13535918188CommunismPhilosophy that states means of production should be owned by the working class. Violent revolution is needed to destroy the bourgeois and create a new order led by the Proletariat76
13535918189Social DarwinismAttempt to apply Darwin's "survival of the fittest" to social and political realm. Used to justify the war and the conquering of "weaker" nations77
13535918190Scramble for AfricaPeriod between 1875 and 1900 where European powers sought to colonize as much of Africa as possible78
13535918191Indian Revolt, 1857unsuccessful rebellion of North and Central India by a large portion of the Bengal Army and civil population against British rule79
13535918192"White Man's Burden"A poem by Rudyard Kipling that states it is the white mans job or duty to civilize the colonies in Africa and Asia80
13535918193National AssemblyOrganization formed by the Third Estate during the French Revolution with the goal of creating a constitution81
13535918194French RevolutionPeriod of social and political change to took place in France from 1789 to about 1799, resulted in the overthrow of the monarchy82
13535918195Indian National CongressIndian political party founded in 1885, worked to gain independence from Great Britain83
13535918196King LeopoldKing of Belgium, known for colonizing the Congo and allowing brutal exploration84
13535918197Opium WarSeries of wars between 1839 and 1860 between Great Britain and China over the sale of Opium in China. Resulted in China being forced to sign a number of unequal treaties85
13535918198Berlin ConferenceMeeting organized by German chancellor Otto von Bismarck in 1884-1885 that provided the justification for European colonization of Africa86
13535918199Taiping RebellionLarge rebellion that took place in 1850 in China over the increasing poverty and discontent among the Chinese peasantry87
13535918200Self-strengthening MovementChinese attempt to blend Chinese cultural traditions with European industrial technology88
13535918201Sphere of InfluenceAn area in which another country has economic power, an example is the European control of Chinese ports89
13535918202Boxer RebellionViolent anti-foreign, anti-colonial uprising that took place in China between 1899 and 190190
13535918203Seneca Falls ConventionFirst women's rights convention, took place in New York in 184891
13535918204Meiji Restorationrestoration of imperial rule in 1868 in Japan, focused on western reforms to strengthen Japan92
13535918205Mexican RevolutionArmed struggle from 1910 to 1920 in Mexico that resulted in the end of a dictator ship and the establishment of a constitutional republic.93
13535918206Paris Peace ConferenceMeeting of various nations after WWI to decide how to set peace terms for the Central Powers94
13535918207Armenian GenocideCampaign of extermination undertaken by the Ottomans against two million Armenians living in Ottoman territory during World War I.95
13535918208Treaty of Versailles1919 treaty between Entente Powers and Germany after WWI, blamed the war on Germany and applied harsh reparations96
13535918209League of NationsForerunner of the United Nations, the dream of American president Woodrow Wilson, although its potential was severely limited by the refusal of the United States to join.97
13535918210Great Depressionsevere worldwide economic depression that took place mostly during the 1930s, beginning in the United States98
13535918211Russian RevolutionTime period in Russia between 1917 and 1918 which saw the abdication of Czar Nicholas and the establishment of the Communist party led by Lenin99
13535918212Mandate SystemSystem that developed in the wake of World War I when the former colonies ended up mandates under European control100
13535918213New DealSeries of programs put into place by FDR in the U.S. to establish public works projects, financial reforms and government regulation after the Great Depression101
13535918214FascismPolitical ideology used in Italy under Mussolini, a form of totalitarian government102
13535918215Benito MussoliniLeader of the fascist party in Italy and and Prime Minister of Italy during WWII103
13535918216Adolf HitlerLeader of the Nazi party in Germany and Fuehrer during WWII104
13535918217Stalin's Five Year PlanEconomic goals implemented between 1928 and 1932 in Russia with the goal of industrial and economic advancement105
13535918218Mao ZedongChinese communist revolutionary leader and leader of China106
13535918219Mohandas GandhiLeader of the non-violence movement in India which sought to gain independence for India from British rule107
13535918220Nazi-Soviet PactNeutrality pact between Stalin and Hitler108
13535918221Mukden IncidentStaged event in which Japanese military members destroyed their own railroad track in Manchuria in order to provide justification for an invasion of China109
13535918222Rape of NanjingJapanese conquest and destruction of the Chinese city of Nanjing in the 1930's110
13535918223HolocaustGenocide during WWII that targeting Jews in Germany111
13535918224United NationsSuccessor to the League of Nations, an organization of nations with the goal of finding solution to global issues112
13535918225Cold WarConflict or rivalry between U.S. and Soviet Union that included their allies113
13535918226Iron CurtainName given to the boundary dividing Europe into Soviet/communist block and Western capitalist nations114
13535918227Truman Doctrine1947 U.S. Policy that states the country would intervene in foreign nations to stop the spread of communism115
13535918228Marshall PlanU.S. Plan that offered financial aid to all European states that suffered from WWII116
13535918229NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization, established by the U.S. in 1949, military alliance against Soviet expansion117
13535918230Warsaw Pactmilitary alliance formed by Soviet bloc nations in 1955 in response to rearmament of West Germany and its inclusion in NATO118
13535918231Green RevolutionMovement to increase agricultural production in countries like India119
13535918232U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1965Laws passed by President Johnson in order to overcome barriers that prevented African Americans from voting120
13535918233ApartheidSouth African system of "separateness" that was implemented in 1948 and that maintained the black majority in a position of political, social, and economic subordination.121
13535918234Decolonizationprocess by which former colonies achieved their independence from European powers122
13535918235Zionismnational movement of the Jewish people that supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory defined as the historic Land of Israel123
13535918236Geneva ConferenceMeetings between nations to solve major problems between France and the Vietnamese nationalists. Resulted in the Geneva Accords124
13535918237Pan-AfricanismMovement that seeks to unite the indigenous people of Africa and create solidarity in Africa125
13535918238Pan-Arabismidea of the unification of the Muslim countries of North Africa and West Asia, Arab nationalism126
13535918239Iranian RevolutionEvents leading to the overthrow of Iranian leader Pahlavi127
13535918240Globalizationthe breaking down of traditional boundaries in the face of increasingly global financial and cultural trends128
13535918241Climate Changea change in global or regional climate patterns129
13535918242Rwandan GenocideMass slaughter of Tutsi's in Rwanda. Led by the Hutu people130
13535918243Satellite NationsCold War, nations that were under the influence of the Soviet Union and Communism131
13535918244AbsolutismPolitical philosophy that stressed the divine right theory of kingship: the French king Louis XIV was the classic example.132
13535918245capitalismAn economic system with origins in early modern Europe in which private parties make their goods and services available on a free market.133
13535918246Agricultural Revolutionchangeover from food gathering to food production that occurred between ca. 8000 and 2000 B.C.E.134
13535918247SyncretismCombination of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought, the merging of different inflectional varieties of a word during the development of a language135
13535918248Fertile CrescentThe Tigris and Euphrates Rivers gave life to the first known agricultural villages in this area about 10,000 years ago and the first known cities about 5,000 years ago. Includes Mesopotamia, Palestine, and the Nile.136
13535918249MitaWhen colonists were allowed to use Indians for forced labor in colonial South America as a form of taxation. The Inca had previously used a similar practice.137
13535918250Mansa MusaRuler of Mali who made a pilgrimage from Egypt to Mecca138
13535918251Filial PietyIn Confucian thought, one of the virtues to be cultivated, a love and respect for one's parents and ancestors139
13535918252Irrigation systema means of supplying land with water140
13535918254Specialization of LaborTo train or specialize people in certain areas of work so that people can accomplish tasks quicker142
13535918255AnimismBelief that objects, such as plants and stones, or natural events, like thunderstorms and earthquakes, have a discrete spirit and conscious life.143
13535918256codificationa set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones)144
13535918257MonasticismLiving in a religious community apart from secular society and adhering to a rule stipulating chastity, obedience, and poverty.145
13535918258CaliphateOffice established in succession to the Prophet Muhammad, to rule the Islamic empire; also the name of that empire.146
13535918259Tribute systemA system in which defeated peoples were forced to pay a tax in the form of goods and labor. This forced transfer of food, cloth, and other goods subsidized the development of large cities147
13535918260appeasementBritish and French policy in the 1930's that tried to maintain peace in Europe in the face of German aggression by making concessions148
13535918261BrahmanHindu caste of priests149
13535918262CaliphIslamic leader after the death of Muhammad150
13535918263Catholic Reformation16th century Catholic attempts to cure internal ills and confront Protestantism.151
13535918264Chinampasgardens used by Aztecs in which fertile ground from lake bottoms was dredged and built up into small plots for farming152
13535918265Civil Service Examtests given at the district, provincial, and metropolitan levels that determined entry into the Chinese civil service during the Ming and Qing dynasties153
13535918266ConquistadorsSpanish adventurers such as Cortez and Pizarro who conquered Central and South America in the 16th Century154
13535918267ContainmentGoal of the Truman Doctrine, stop or contain the spread of Communism155
13535918268CreolesPeople born in the Americas of Spanish or Portuguese ancestry156
13535918269Daimyopowerful territorial lords in early modern Japan157
13535918270DetenteA reduction in cold war tension between the U.S. and Soviet Union from 1969-1975158
13535918271Direct Rulea system of government used by Europeans towards their colonies. Officials were sent from the European nation to rule over the colony159
13535918272Indirect Rulea system of government used by Europeans towards their colonies. It allowed local leaders to remain in place under British rule160
13535918273Foot bindingChinese custom of applying tight binding to the feet of young girls to modify the shape of their feet. It was practiced in China from the Song dynasty until the early 20th century, bound feet were considered a status symbol as well as a mark of beauty161
13535918274GlasnostRussian term meaning openness, introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985 to describe the process of opening of Soviet society162
13535918275Good Neighbor PolicyU.S. foreign policy under FDR, emphasized cooperation and trade rather than military force in Latin America163
13535918276Great Leap ForwardEconomic and social program in China under Mao. Attempt to address the problems with China's industrial and agricultural sectors.164
13535918277IndulgenceA forgiveness of sins, sold by the Catholic church, one of the causes of Martin Luthers unhappiness with the church165
13535918278Laissez FaireBelief that the government should not be involved in a free market166
13535918279PlatoGreek philosopher, student of Socrates, author of the allegory of the cave167

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