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AP World History Vocabulary Terms Flashcards

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2849330907Assess/EvaluateTo judge the value or character of something0
2849333243CompareTo examine for the purpose of noting similarities and differences1
2849338030ContrastTo examine to show points of differences2
2849339910DescribeTo give a word picture through details3
2849342355DiscussTo present different sides or views of something--Debate4
2849346116ExplainTo give the reason for or cause of something5
2849348932InferencesInformation not stated directly in the text6
2849351311AnalyzeTo study or find the nature and relationship of the parts of something7
2849356479SynthesizeTo create a meaningful whole out of various pieces of information8
3385532350Terms for Similaritiesboth, like, likewise, similarly, resemblance, in the same way, in a like manner9
3385535761Terms for Differencesalthough, however, whereas, unlike, in spite of, in contrast, a clear difference, another distinction, on the other hand, different from10
3385537918Causebecause, since, on account off, for that reason11
3385538847Effecttherefore, consequently, accordingly, thus, hence, as a result12
2849380989PrehistoryThe period before writing was developed13
2849384261Stone Agethe earliest period of human history, in which tools and weapons were made of stone rather than metal14
2849389032PaleolithicOld Stone Age--Lasted until 10,000 years ago15
2849392215NeolithicNew Stone Age; associated with the beginnings of agriculture--Agricultural Revolution16
2849398801Agricultural or Neolithic RevolutionA gradual change from food gathering to food producing; it occurred several times in different regions of the world17
2849406291ForagersHunting and food gathering people18
2849409865AgricultureThe raising of crops for food19
2849412035ArtisansSkilled Workers20
2849413504ArtifactsObjects made by humans21
2849416114DomesticationThe taming of animals such as cattle, pigs, sheep, and goats22
2849420561PastoralismThe nomadic way of life dependent on large herds of livestock23
2849424516ArchaeologyStudy of ancient cultures through remains24
2849428849AnthropologyStudy of human life and culture25
2868168460NomadsPeople who wonder from place to place in search of food26
2868170441Metallurgythe science of the study of metals27
2868171355Bronze AgeBronze an alloy of tin and copper was so impacting during the years 3300-2300 BCE that this period its name after it28
2868174139CultureA way of life of a group of people29
2868174875Cultural DiffusionThe spreading of culture; it can come through trade, war, immigration, travel, and technology. The results can be assimilation, acculturation, and/or accommodation30
2869437578CivilizationAn advance form of culture/ composed of cities, government, technology, religion, writing, artisans and class divisions31
2869439439BarterThe exchange of one good or service for another32
2869440442DeityGod or Goddess33
2869440781ScribeA record keeper34
2869441171MesopotamiaGreek term meaning land between the rivers; Tigris-Euphrates--present day Iraq; Sumer and Akkad are two of the earliest societies. Because many civilizations arose there, the region is called the "cradle of civilization."35
2869445630Fertile CrescentArea of fertile land in crescent shape from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean Sea36
2869447498ZigguratMesopotamian temple made of baked bricks placed in layers37
2869450045CuneiformThe writing of the Sumerians and later people of Mesopotamia. Over 700 symbols which stood for things and/or sounds38
2869453182City-StateThe city and the surrounding agricultural countryside it controlled39
2869454152UrbanReferring to the city40
2869454946RuralReferring to the farm41
2869455480CitadelA fortress42
2869455747EmpireA large political unit usually under one leader43
2869456577MonotheismThe belief in one god44
2869457151PolytheismThe belief in many gods45
2869457688Social StratificationClass divisions46
2869458019PatriarchalSystem of social organization in which males dominate the family and everything else47
2869459129Lex talionis"Law of retaliation," laws in which offenders suffered punishments similar to their crimes; Hammurabi Code is an example48
2869461273PharoahEgyptian Ruler-- term means "Great House"49
2869462257HieroglyphicsEgyptian sacred writing50
2869463251Rosetta StoneA stone tablet found in 1799 near Rashid in Egypt that contained the same text repeated in Egyptian hieroglyphics. It was translated by a teenager Frenchman named Champollion51
2904353791MummificationEgyptian embalming process which took about 70 days52
2904355915MastabasFlat-topped rectangular Egyptian tombs53
2904357138PyramidsTombs for the pharaohs54
2904361549Amon-ReThe creater god, identified with the sun55
2904363194OsirisEgyptian god of the underworld56
2904364021AnubisEgyptian guide of the underworld; Jackal-headed god of cemetaries57
2904367942Egyptian Book of the DeadIt contained rituals and spells to protect the traveling spirits58
2904369877PapyrusWriting material made from the papyrus plant; the term paper comes from this word59
2904371704DynastyA family of rulers60
2904372183AbrahamFather of the Hebrews61
2904372818Hebrewsbecame known as Israelites and later as Jews62
2904375095Ten CommandmentsThe heart of the Hebrews religious code of conduct. There are 613 commandments dealing with the different walks of life63
2904377995TalmudThe collection of Rabbinic writings consisting of the Mishnah and the Gemara, constituting the basis of religious authority in Othodox Judaism. It contains centuries of discussion and interpretation of the Torah64
2904383363SabbathSeventh day of the week; a day of rest and spiritual enrichment65
2904385301CircumcisionRemoval of the foreskin performed on the 8th day of a male child's life or upon conversion to Judaism66
2904387522RabbiA teacher in Judaism authorized to make decisions on issues of Jewish law; not a priest67
2904395561TorahCompilation of teachings that guide Judaism. It can refer to the first five books or the whole of Jewish scripture; the Christian Old Testament68
2904399149Star of Davidthe six-pointed star emblem associated with Judaism69
2904400728PassoverJewish holiday commemorating the Exodus from Egypt by the Hebrews70
2904402448Yom KippurProbably the most important holiday of the Jewish Year. It is the "Day of Atonement" set aside to afflict the soul and atone for the sins of the past year71
2904408043Rosh HashanahThe Jewish New Year, a time of looking back at the mistakes of the past year and planning the changes to make in the new year72
2904410764Menoraha nine or seven branch candelabrum73
2904411746Kittelin Judaism, the white robes used to bury the dead74
2904413542Kashrut LawsDietary laws followed by Jews75
2904414471Kosherfood that is proper to eat under Jewish dietary laws76
2904416040Messiaha man chosen by God to put an end to all evil in the world, rebuild the Temple and usher the world to come77
2992158007Templeplace of worship in Jerusalem from the time of Solomon to 70 CE. This was the one and only where sacrifices were performed. Solomon's Temple was destroyed by the Chaldeans in 586 BCE later rebuilt and destroyed the second time by the Romans in 70 CE78
2992164703SynagougeJewish house of worship, study and education; the Jewish equivalent of a church, mosque or temple79
2992167752MosesBrought the Hebrews out of Egypt to the outskirts of the Promised Land; the greatest of all the prophets80
2992170565FalashasThe Black Jews of Ethiopia81
2992180518HinduismMain religion of India, a combination of Dravidian and Aryan beliefs82
2992183385MonsoonsWinds that mark the seasons in India83
2992185279SanskritWritten Indian language84
2992187200Guru/SadhuA holy man in Hinduism85
2992188349VedasSacred writings in Hinduism; there are 486
2992190491Caste SystemThe division of Indian society87
2992192784AtmanThe soul in Hinduism88
2992193773VishnuThe preserver in Hinduism89
2992195290KrishnaThe most popular avatar, or incarnation, the god of Vishnu90
2992197521ShivaThe destroyer in Hinduism91
2992199043DharmaOne's duty in Hinduism92
2992199821KarmaThe belief that a person experiences the effects of his/her actions and thoughts93
2992201738ReincarnationThe rebirth into a new body whether human or animal94
2992203569MokshaThe liberation from the cycle of reincarnation in Hinduism-- A state of changeless bliss. The goal of the followers of Hinduism95
2992208774Lawbook of ManuA moral code prepared in the first century BCE in India dictating the role of women in Indian Society96
2992212396SatiAlso known as suttee, Indian practice of a widow throwing herself on the funeral pyre of her husband97
2992215595Syncretismthe amalgamation or combining, of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought98
2992219157BuddhaSidhartha Gautama--Founder of Buddhism--he did not accept the caste system or the many reincarnations of Hinduism99
2992225997Four Noble Truthslife is full of suffering, the cause of suffering is desire, suffering is eliminated by extinguishing desire, and desire is eliminated by following the eightfold path100
2992230569Eightfold pathIt is the path of good conduct--know the truth, resist evil, respect all forms of life, practice meditation and so on101
2992235407StupasBuddhist shrines shaped like a dome or mound102
2992236648NirvanaThe ultimate reality in Buddhism, enlightenment. The release from reincarnation103
3085659076AhimsaThe doctrine of non-violence to living beings104
3085660470DravidiansPeoples who produced the brilliant Harappan society in India, 3000-1500 BCE105
3085664479Mauryan Empire(321-185 BCE) Indian dynasty founded by Chandragupta Maurya and reaching its peak under Ashoka106
3085668002Gupta(320-550 CE) Indian dynasty that briefly reunited India after the collapse of the earlier Mauryan dynasty107
3085669591Ancestor venerationChinese belief that the spirits of their ancestors had the power to support and protect their surviving families108
3085671777Mandate of HeavenThe idea that a just ruler's authority was bestowed by the gods as long as he governed wisely and fair. Invasions, famines, natural disasters were often taken as a sign that a ruler no longer had the Mandate109
3085675471BureaucracyThe non elected officials of a government110
3085676108Silk RoadA 5,000 mile overland trade route from China to the Mediterranean Sea region and the Middle East111
3085678108Oracle bonesThe use of bones of sheep or turtle shells as means of foretelling the future during the Shang Dynasty112
3085679364JunksLarge Chinese sailing ships during the Tang and Song dynasties113
3085680523ConfuciusKongzi--Chinese philosopher whose teachings became the dominant political philosophy and the core of the educational system for government officials114
3085681991AnalectsCollection of moral and social teachings of Confucius, including the concept of the Five Relationships compiled by his disciples (551-479 BCE)115
3085686499Legalisma social belief system that maintains human nature is essentially wicked and that people behave in an orderly fashion only if compelled by strict laws and harsh punishment116
3085690314DaoismTaoism-- Chinese philosophy that advocates a simple life and a policy of noninterference with the natural course of things. It was founded in the 6th century BC by the mystic and philosopher Lao-tzu-- Laozi117
3085692568Yin YangThe two forces that balance everything in the world. One is female, dark and passive. One is male, bright and active118
3085694702ConfucianismPhilosophy, based on the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Kong Fuzi (551-479 BCE), or Confucius, that emphasizes order, the role of the gentleman, obligation to society, and reciprocity119
3085698966DaoKey element in Chinese philosophy that means the "way of nature" or the "way of the cosmos"120
3085700571WuweiDaoist concept of a disengagement from the affairs of the world121
3085702379LegalismChinese philosophy from the Zhou dynasty that called for harsh laws and punishments122
3085704124RenThe Confucian value of propriety, courtesy, respect, and deference to elders123
3085705067AhimsaJain term for the principle of nonviolence to other living things or their souls124
3085705788AztecsAlso known as Mexica-- powerful empire in Central Mexico 1325-1521125
3085707553TenochitlanCapital of the Aztec Empire-- Mexico city was constructed on its ruins126
3085708673ChinampasPlatforms of twisted vines and mud used as floating gardens by the Aztecs to increase their agricultural yield127
3085712591MayaMesoamerica civilization concentrated in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula, Guatemala and Honduras, but never unified as a single empire-- concept of zero, calendar128
3085714241TikalMaya political center from the fourth through the ninth centuries129
3129729100ZarathustraPersian prophet who founded Zoroastrianism130
3129730340Ahura MazdaMain god of Zoroastrianism who represented truth and goodness and was perceived to be in an eternal struggle with the malign spirit Angra Mainyu131
3129731805AvestaBook that contains the holy writings of Zoroastrianism132
3129732599QanatUnderground canals in the Persian Empire which reduced the evaporation of the water as it traveled to the fields133
3129733969SatrapsThe governors of the provinces in the Persian Empire134
3129734602Persian WarsA series of conflicts between the Greeks and the Persians beginning in 499 BCE. The result of the conflicts began to undermined the strength of the Persian Empire135
3129735981PolisGreek city-state136
3129736130AgoraGreek market place in polis137
3129737066AcropolisIn Greece, the highest point in the city-- in Athens the acropolis housed the Parthenon138
3129737988ParthenonGreek temple built by Pericles in honor of Athena and the agora, or market place139
3129739470OraclesSpecial places where the Greeks believed that the gods spoke to them through priests and priestesses140
3129740474HelotsSpartan slaves owned by the government141
3129740721TragediesGreek dramas that dealt with death, war, justice and the relationship between gods and ordinary people142
3129741506Hellenistic EraThe era in which Greek culture diffused and blended with Persian and other Eastern influences. It lasted from the time of Alexander the Great's death and the Roman conquest of Greece143
3129743091EpicureansGreek philosophers who taught that pleasure- as in quiet satisfaction- was the greatest god144
3129745320Peloponnesian WarA war between camps led by Athens and Sparta that ended in 404 BCE with the unconditional surrender of Athens145
3129746439Golden AgeA period in a society of relative peace, prosperity and innovation146
3129747301Classical civilizationsCivilizations or empires that leave a mark way beyond their time of existence-- Han, Gupta, Greeks, Romans147
3129748196RepublicVoters elect officials to run the government148
3129748530DictatorAbsolute ruler149
3129748997PatriciansIn Rome a class of wealthy landowners-- only they could be members of the Senate150
3129750172PlebeiansRoman citizens, who could not hold high government positions151
3129750566Twelve TablesCollection of Roman laws which gave the common people protection against the unfair decisions by Patrician judges152
3129751731Pax RomanaA two hundred year period of Roman peace and prosperity153
3129752073AqueductLong elevated or underground pipe or channel which carried water to an urban center, using only the force of gravity154
3129753094CarthageNorthern African Kingdom, main rival to early Roman expansion, that was defeated by Rome in the Punic Wars155
3385540050LatifundiaLarge farms in ancient Rome worked by slaves156
3385540454ChristianityReligion emerging in the Middle East in the first century C.E. holding Jesus to be the son of God who sacrificed himself and resurrected to bring salvation to mankind157
3385542606JesusA Jew who claimed to be the Messiah and was crucified by the Romans in 30 A.D. Founder of Christianity158
3385543841BibleHoly book of Christianity--66 books divided into the New and Old Testament159
3385545524GospelsFirst 4 books of the New Testament containing the life and ministry of Christ160
3385546540MessiahHebrew term meaning the "anointed one"; Christians believe that Jesus was the anointed one. The Greek term is Christos161
3385548512ProphetA man or woman who acts as a messenger from God, either in messages or actions162
3385549571FaithTo be of the opinion that something is true without absolute proof163
3385550510SalvationDeliverance from the consequences of sin through Jesus Christ's death on the cross164
3385552785ApostlesThe name given to the 12 original followers of Christ165
3607545620PaulA Jew who spread Christianity throughout the Mediterranean world--writer of most of the New Testament166
3607551254Edict of MilanIn 313 C.E. Emperor Constantine declared that Christianity was a legitimate religion in the Roman Empire167
3607552449IslamMonotheistic religion founded by Muhammad in the 7th Century168
3607553215MuslimA follower of Islam169
3607553571MeccaHoly City in Islam--birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad--home of the Kaaba170
3607555024Five PillarsThe five central beliefs of Islam; 1) profession of faith, 2) prayer, 3) fasting during Ramadan, 4) alms, and 5) pilgrimage, or hajj171
3607559473MosqueMuslim house of worship172
3616053597MinaretTower from which the muezzin calls the faithful to prayer 5 times a day173
3616060222CaliphateOffice established to rule the Islamic Empire174
3616065940QuranHoly book of Islam--is made up of 114 Suras or chapters--the first chapter is recited during the 5 daily prayers--the verses are randomly organized without a coherent narrative thread175
3616081895HadithThe sayings of the prophet Muhammad--it complements the Quran and its the final authority when the Quran is silent176
3616109062ShariahThe code of law that governs Islamic society. It is based on the Quran and the sayings of Muhammad (Hadith). It does not separate religious matters from civil or political177
3616125293JihadMuslims defending their faith against individuals, organizations, or countries regarded as hostile to Islam178
3616134332Shi'itesBranch of Islam which considers Ali, the cousin of Muhammad, and his descendants as Muhammad's true successors; leadership should reside in the line descended from Ali179
3616577800SunniThe largest branch of Islam. Accepts the first four caliphs as rightful successors to Muhammad180
3616587365JizyaTax in Islamic empires that was imposed on non-muslims181
3616598060MadrasasIslamic institutions of higher education that originated in the tenth century182
3616605479Al-AndalusIslamic Spain183
3786761253BedouinsNomadic Arabic tribespeople184
3786765557Dar-al-IslamThe "house of Islam," a term for the Islamic world. Lands ruled by Islam185
3786772817UmmaIslamic term for "community of the faithful"186
3786776888UmayyadArabic dynasty (661-750), with its capital at Damascus, that was marked by a tremendous period of military expansion to Spain in the west and India in the east187
3786789120AbbasidThey overthrew the Umayyads and set up their capital in Baghdad on the Tigris River. Baghdad became the center of a large trade empire that extended into Asia, Africa and Europe. The spread of Islam was mostly by trade instead of conquest188
3786811287Sultan"Holder of power" the ruler of an Islamic country189
3786816364SufisMuslim mystics who encouraged a personal, emotional and devotional approach to Islam190
3786823530Grand CanalA 1240 mile artificial waterway linking the Yellow River in the north to the Yangtze River in the south. It made the abundant supplies of rice and other crops from the Yangtze River valley available to the population of northern regions191
3786840786BushidoJapanese warrior code192
3786842970SamuraiJapanese mounted soldiers who lived by a strict code of conduct193
3786847896ShogunJapanese military leader who ruled in place of the emperor194
3786852795DaimyoHeads of noble families in Japan195
3786855555KamiSpirits worshiped in the Japanese religion Shinto196
3786861036Tale of GenjiThe fictitious tale of a prince named Genji living amid gardens and palaces reflecting Heian court life. Lady Murasaki wrote in Japanese syllabic script rather than Chinese character197
3786902640Byzantine EmpireWas created by the division of the Roman Empire and was the only classical society to survive into the early modern age; its capital was the city of Constantinople and reached its early peak during the reign of Justininan (483-565)198
3786933265Justinian CodeAn organized collection of Roman laws that would influence civil law codes in most of Europe199
3786939286IconsImages of Jesus, Mary or the saints200
3786942457BoyarsRussian nobles201
3786947144IconoclastsSupporters of the movement, begun by the Byzantine Emperor Leo III to destroy icons, or images, because their veneration was considered sinful202

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