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AP World History - World War I Flashcards

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13276223041long-term causesnationalism (feelings of each major country involved), imperialism, militarism, alliances (Triple Alliance and Triple Entente)0
13276223042nationalismpride in one's country and ethnicity1
13276223043imperialismbelief in having an empire, colonialism - The policy of extending a nation's territory or power by establishing dominance over other countries. - having an empire of colonies2
13276223044militarismbelief in having strong armed forces - readiness for war - mobilization - glorification of military - arms race3
13276223045alliancesagreements to work together in order to advance common goals and secure common interests - created b/c safety/protection, common enemy/target, resources - ex. Triple Entente/Allied Powers and Triple Alliance/Central Powers4
13276223046immediate causes- assassination of Franz Ferdinand - Germany's support of Austria-Hungary - Russia's support of Serbia - A-H's ultimatum of Serbia - G's aggression thru Belgium5
13276223047ultimatum- a final demand or statement of terms - a threat - if....or else...6
13276223048declarations of war1) Austria-Hungary → Serbia - Serbia did not accept all of A-H's ultimatum 2) Germany → Russia - Russia refused to stop mobilizing to defend Serbia and itself from A-H and G 3) Germany → France - France did not reply to G's ultimatum demanding what F's intentions were if G and R went to war 4) Britain → Germany - G refused to stop mobilizing thru Belgium (who is allied with Britain) and to respect Belgium's neutrality7
13276223049Schlieffen Plan- G now faces a "two-front war" - in b/w eastern and western fronts - German General Schlieffen devised plan to defeat France quickly then focus on Russia → F-G border heavily fortified so G asked to march thru Belgium but it was not allowed b/c of Belgium's neutrality8
13276223050Triple Entente- aka Allied Powers during war - Britain, France, Russia - F needs allies to retain Alsace-Lorraine; 1894 - F helped R financially so as payback R allied w/ F - tensions growing b/w Britain and G → competition for colonies, naval race - F & R had secret treaty w/ Italy - aka the Allies and the Associated Powers - consisted of 28 nations during ww19
13276223051Triple Alliance- aka Central Powers during war - Germany feels France will seek revenge for 1871 war by retaking Alsace-Lorraine - So G wants to keep F isolated w/o allies esp. b/w F and Russia b/c they will be attacked on both sides if F and R form alliance - 1881 - G, A-H, and R form Three Emperors' League - agreement to stay neutral if one went to war - 1882 - G, A-H, and Italy form alliance securing G's east and south borders and to isolate F - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy - consisted of Germany, A-H, Ottoman empire, and Bulgaria during WW110
13276223052trench warfare- aka "war of attrition" or "stalemate in conflict" - called "lions led by donkeys" - form of war in which both opposing armies have permanent lines of defense dug into the ground - connected bunkers, communication trenches, supply rooms - soldiers roasted or frozen - rats, lice, frostbite, and mud were common - majority of soldiers' time was boring - "Race of the Sea" - F and G raced to get to the sea11
13276223053new weapons- led to dramatic change in war - machine guns (not new as it was in Civil War but highly effective in WW1) - tanks - u-boats/submarines - airplane - poisonous gas12
13276223054Joseph Glidden- farmer who created barbwire13
13276223055reasons US entered war- Britain propaganda - Zimmermann Note - German submarine warfare - Sinking of Lusitania - "Make world safe for democracy"14
13276223056immediate effects- Russian revolution - costs of war - Paris Peace Conference - Treaty of Versailles - New countries formed - 14 Points - League of Nations15
13276223057long-term effects- break up of empires - resentment of Germany and Italy - US power and wealth - decline in European power - rise of fascism - World War II16
13276223058entente- French for agreement to cooperate17
13276223059self-determination- idea that peoples with the same ethnic origins, language, and political ideals had the right to form sovereign states - what W. Wilson believed was the key to international peace and cooperation - ex. Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia for Slavs18
13276223060stalematea position in which a player is not in check but cannot move except into check. - no movement allowed19
13276223061total warcountry turns all of its resources to efforts for war20
13276223062war of attritiona prolonged war or period of conflict during which each side seeks to gradually wear out the other by a series of small-scale actions.21
13276223063pan-Slavismthe principle or advocacy of the union of all Slavs or all Slavic peoples in one political organization. - Russia supported to protect/unify all Slavs22
13276223064Black Hand- terrorist group from Serbia that planned to assassinate A-H archduke Franz Ferdinand - dedicated to the unification of all south Slavs, or Yugoslavs, to gorm a greater Serbia - Gavrilo Princip was part of this organization23
13276223065other names for WWI- The Great War - War of Nations - War in Europe - The War to End All Wars24
13276223066u-boatnickname for unterseebooten (German submarine)25
13276223067the Zimmermann Note/Telegram- Arthur Zimmermann of the German foreign ministry sent this telegram to G ambassador in Mexico - G would help M regain Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas if Mexico would fight w/ Germany vs the US - intercepted and decoded by Britain - Published in American papers26
13276223068Woodrow Wilson- US president during WWI - created the 14 Points -27
13276223069nothingwhat is war good for?28
13276223070difference between stalemate and drawdraw = can still move stalemate = no movement29
13276223071Italy and Russiacountries that had treaties with both the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente30
13276223072balkanTurkish word for "rough, mountainous territory" or "mountainous"31
13276223073armistice- agreement to stop fighting in order to discuss peace - "cease fire" - Germany signed this 11am Nov. 11, 1918 - under this Germany had to: → cancel Treaty of Brest-Litovsk w/ Russia → destroy all submarines → turn over most munitions → release war prisoners - the Allies would occupy G west of Rhine32
132762230748.5 million or 15 million (TB)number of military deaths33
13276223075costs of war- 8.5 million soldiers dead (15 million in Textbook) - 21 million soldiers wounded (20 million in TB) - countries had to commit total war - famine - 1918 flu epidemic (20 million died) - destruction of land and property - huge war debts - total cost of war: $300 billion34
13276223076reparations- the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged. - the compensation for war damage paid by a defeated state - compensation imposed upon the Central Powers, following their defeat in the First World War, by the victorious Allied and Associate Powers during the Paris Peace Conference. Each of the defeated powers was required to make payments in either cash or kind.35
13276223077YugoslaviaLand of the South Slavs36
13276223078CzechoslovakiaLand of the North Slavs37
13276223079the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th monthanother name for armistice day: Nov. 11 1918 (11am) - day Germany signed armistice38
13276223080atrocities- extremely wicked or cruel acts, typically involving physical violence or injury. - war crimes - use of poison gas - Armenian genocide - Rape/Invasion of Belgium by Germans39
13276223081Britain vs Germany rivalry- G's rapid industrialization threatened B economic predominance - 1870 B was 1st industrialized nation, produced 32% of world industrial output; G only had a 13% share - 1914 - B's share dropped to 14% roughly = to Germany's share - the naval race - powerful navies = control of sea during war, decisive in determining outcome of any war, G and B fought to make the biggest and best naval fleet - battle for colonies - public pressure/opinions, propaganda40
13276223082dreadnoughtsBritish super battleships41
13276223083Eastern Front- between Germany and Russia - located in Germany and the Balkans - extended from Baltic Sea to Ukraine - battle lines were more fluid than in Western Front - Germany, A-H (Central Powers) vs Russia - Central Powers drove Russia out of East Prussia and Poland - Russian counterattacks failed42
13276223084economic sanctions- domestic penalties applied by one country (or group of countries) on another country (or group of countries) - may include various forms of trade barriers and restrictions on financial transactions. - actions that force change or withdrawal43
13276223085Gavrilo Princip- Bosnian-Serb assassin of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Duchess Sophie → shots fired on June 28, 1914 ("spark" of war) - part of Serbian terrorist group Black Hand - guilty of treason and murder, but was no executed b/c he performed crime before his 20th birthday, therefore he was sentenced to 20 years in prison - 1894-1918 - died from tuberculosis in April 1918 in prison44
13276223086genocide- the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation. - Armenian _______ - Armenians from Ottoman Empire, Armenians attacked by Turks from Turkey45
13276223087influenza pandemic of 1918- one of worst pandemics in history - vanished in mid-1919 - killed 20 million people - killed more people than the Great War - hit young adults - first outbreak in Spain → called the Spanish flu - wartime traffic on land and sea helped spread virus, but WWI was not the cause - spread from Arctic climate areas to India to US to Europe - wiped 25% of Pacific islands population - scientists believe virus strains could have attached to human cells directly with retaining characteristics of bird viruses - flu virus often originates from birds and pigs46
13276223088Japan nationalism and role in war- Aug. 15 1914 - Japan govt. claimed it desired to "Secure firm and enduring peace in Eastern Asia" so it sent an ultimatum to Germany demanding the handover of the German-leased territory of Jiaozhou (NE China) to Japanese authorities w/o compensation and G should withdraw warships from Japan and China waters - wanted G's island colonies for resources - G refused, so Japan entered war on the side of Allies on Aug. 23 1914 - J seized bases on Shandong peninsula in China and on Pacific islands - J used Allied support and European preoccupation to advance its imperial interests in China - 21 secret demands presented to China by Japan - this ultimatum would have reduced China to a protectorate of Japan and granted Japanese industrial monopolies in C. China → China leaked the note to British authorities who spoke up for China thus preventing total capitulation47
1327622308932How many nations involved in WW148
132762230905How many continents involved in ww149
13276223091August 1914-November 1918How long the Great War lasted50
13276223092Newly formed nations after WW1Yugoslavia Austria Hungary Czechoslovakia Poland Lithuania Latvia Estonia Finland51
13276223093Purpose of naval raceTo obtain naval power In order to secure trade routes and protect merchant shipping52
13276223094Italy in the warItaly left the Triple Alliance in favor on neutrality, but in 1915 Italy entered war and sided with the Allies as the Allies promised to cede to Italy A-H territories, specifically Tryol and the Dalmatian coast, once victory was secured (Treaty of London)53

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