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AP World History:Summer Flashcards

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2699786654AbdicateDef: renounce one's throne App: Tsar Nicholas II abdicated from the throne because of the strikes that broke out in Petrogard.0
2699787054AbolitionDef: to prohibit or end something App: The United states abolished slavery from the country, but angered the southerners.1
2699787710AbsolutismDef: a government with absolute power and authority App: King Louis XIV had absolute power over France, which is an example of absolutism.2
2699787711AllianceDef: a relationship between groups, countries,etc. in order to work together App: During WWI, France had an alliancewith Britain because they were both against Germany3
2699788565AnarchyDef: an unorganized state due to an absence of authority App:Manchester police tried to control the anarchy,since the bombs were thrown and people were looting in stores in chaos.4
2699789224AnimosityDef:strong hostility or hatred App:France had a strong animosity towards Germany,and wanted Germany to pay the reparations of the war.5
2699789998AnthropomorphicDef:described as something human, or having human qualities App:In Disney, Mickey Mouse is an anthromorphic mouse;he has human characteristics.6
2699792923Anti-SemitismDef:hatred of Jews App:In Nazi Germany,there is anti-semitism,since they despise Jews.7
2699792924AppeasementDef:to make someone less angry bey giving them something they desired App:Many democrats appeased Hitler by giving him land, so that another war does not need to occur.8
2699793543AristiocracyDef:a high social class where people have money,land and power App:Born into aristocracy,he had so much money that he didn't know what to do with it.9
2699793921AutonomyDef: the right for a country to govern itself App:China wanted to have its own autonomy since it didn't want to be ruled or to be governed by another country.10
2699795886BelligerentDef: fighting in a war;engaged in a war App:The belligerent troops were heading to France to invade them.11
2699796162BureacracyDef:a group of people who were not elected to govern, but are running the government App:The bureaucracy is governing the country until there was a new government in place.12
2699796163CaliphDef:a Muslim political and religious leader App:The first caliph of the Fatimite dynasty from North Africa was Obaidallah al-Mandi,who reigned for 21 years.13
2699796817CelibacyDef:state of not being married App:The couple were in celibacy ,but were thinking about getting married.14
2699796818CentralizedDef:to bring something to be controlled by one authority App:Austria-Hungary was centralized by Germany, or annexed.15
2699797573ChastityDef: an abstention of unlawful sex App:The nuns do an act of chastity and are dedicated to the church.16
2699797574ChivalryDef:a system of rules, with loyalty and honor, that knights had to follow App:Knights follow chivalry and are loyal to their ruler.17
2699799687ClanDef:a large group of people who are related to each other App:My clan had come to celebrate my birthday.18
2699799688ClergyDef:people who are leaders of a religion App:The clergy refused king Henry's divorce.19
2699800222ColonizationDef:to settle in a certain place App:People from Europe colonized in the New World to start a new life.20
2699800223CommerceDef:buying and selling goods App:The international commerce between the US and China has gone so well, that it's really rare to find an American-made product.21
2699800615CultDef:a small religious group, and is not well known as the bigger and well known religions App:The Jonestown Massacre occurred because of a religious cult that Jones lead,a religion that was not recognized in the US.22
2699800616DecentralizedDef:the delegation of power from central authority App:Austria-Hungary decentralized from Germany after the end of war.23
2699801084DeityDef: a god or goddess App:In ancient Greece, they believed in a deity named Zeus, god of thunder.24
2699801085DemocracyDef:a government where the people rule or vote App:In Ancient Greece, the city of Athens formed the idea of democracy.25
2699801652DemographicDef:a structure of a population App:Based on the demographic data,more people preferred to live in the suburbs,than in the city.26
2699802228DespotDef:a ruler with absolute power, usually using it in a cruel way App:Many countries do not want to give power to a despot.27
2699802229DiasporaDef:Jews living outside of Israel App:Many diaspora decided to live in Palestine,which is close to Israel.28
2699802965DiffusionDef:the spreading of something App:The diffusion of Christianity spread throughout Europe.29
2699804624DoctrineDef:ideas that are taught to be true;to brainwash App:Stalin indoctrinated the children to believe that he is a great person.30
2699804997EcclesiasticalDef:relates to the christian church or clergy App:The ecclesiastical architecture of the church can be seen inside,where there are paintings in the ceiling of the saints.31
2699804998EgalitarianDef:giving equal wealth and status to everyone App:The egalitarian society gives us equality in wealth,so we do not have the nobility.32
2699805299EliteDef:most successful and powerful people in society App:The elite class was the nobility in our country, the lowest were the slaves.33
2699805300EmpireDef:a group of countries that are controlled by a ruler App:The Roman Empire took over a huge part of Europe,but then fell apart because of barbarians taking over and many other reasons.34
2699805799EpidemicDef:affecting a large population in a community App:The disease is a dangerous epidemic in our community.35
2699808364EthnocentricDef:the that your group or race is better than the others App:Many Americans today see that saying the n word is ethnocentric,because it is racist.36
2699808913ExpropriationDef:taking or modifying property rights of its sovereignty App:The expropriation of the landlords ,and the abolition of capital punishment was done in the sovereignty.37
2699809691ExtraterritorialityDef:Right of foreigners to be protected by the laws of their own nation. App:The foreigners from France were given extraterritoriality in England,so they had to follow the rules from their homeland.38
2699809950FeudalismDef:a political system that was used in medieval Europe,where the poor would work for the rich so that they may have protection App:The system of feudalism works by growing the crops for the rich,so that they could get paid in return.If they fail,they won't get paid.39
2699810629Filial PietyDef:In Confucian thought, one of the virtues to be cultivated, a love and respect for one's parents and ancestors. App:Children are taught filial piety and respect their parents.40
2699810630FloraDef:plants of a particular region App:The flora of India are the Nelumbo Water Lily.41
2699811130FragmentationDef:state in where it is breaking apart App:Austria Hungary fragmentation after WW1,so they were not given the responsibility of the reparations.42
2699811131GenocideDef:a mass murder App:Germany caused one of the most known genocide in history, in concentration camps.43
2699811650GlobalizationDef:actions that involve or affect the world App:The globalization of gay marriage has started to be seen more often in different countries,and on TV.44
2699811651HegemonyDef:domination over a group App:Germany was united under Prussian hegemony after 1871.45
2699812432HierarchyDef:a group organized by rank App:The Mayans were ruled by hierarchy,where many people were rank by their jobs,like being king,or being a slave.46
2699812433IdealismDef:the practice of performing ideas App:The idealism of youth is to learn from your mistakes so that you don't do it in the future.47
2699812881IdeologyDef:a system of ideas App:The ideology of war is a huge military and smart tactics.48
2699812882ImperialismDef:a strong country takes over a smaller country App:Britain imperialized India because they needed more resources.49
2710312430IndenturedDef:to bind someone to be an apprentice App:The banker hired indentured bankers,so that they could get experience.50
2699814040IndigenousDef:operating in a different place:native App:Frogs are indigenous in the west,but were brought to Australia to save their crops.51
2699814041IndustrializationDef:development of industries to produce goods App:Many parts of the US industrialized ,which caused many people to move to the cities.52
2699814753InfrastructureDef:basic organizational structure App:The infrastructure of the leaning tower of Pisa was built on land that was not strong,so that is why it leans.53
2699815119IntergrityDef: state of being whole App:The country held territorial integrity until they went to war,causing them to break into different countries.54
2699815120IsolationismDef:to avoid involvement with other countries App:Japan was isolated from the world for centuries,and did not want to open to the western civilizations.55
2699816223KinshipDef:blood relationship App:The noble had a kinship with the king who ruled the land;they were cousins.56
2699817171LevyDef:impose a tax App:The British levied taxes on the goods that were sent to America,like tea.57
2699817172LiberationDef:to be freed App:The man in prison was liberated and returned to his family.58
2699817502MaritimeDef:related to the sea App:There were fish and maritime mammals that lived in the sea.59
2699818205MatryrDef:a person who is killed because of their beliefs App:She was martyred because her religious beliefs were seen as something wrong.60
2699818665MatriarchicalDef:society dominated by women App:Many tribes in Africa lived in a matriarchal society,where women were in charge.61
2699818666MeritDef:worthy or deserving something App:Her music led them to merit a scholarship to a different school.62
2699818984MessiahDef:a savior sent by God to save the Jews App:The people of Israel were waiting for the messiah to save them from the Romans.63
2699819354MetallurgicalDef:technique or science of working with metals App:Scientists were studying metallurgy ,and trying to find out how to extract the metal from the object.64
2699819355MilitarismDef:a country should maintain an army for war App:Germany wanted a strong militarism during WW1 so that they could fight against the other European countries.65
2699820159MobilizationDef:gathering resources and preparing for war App:The mobilization of the Americans meant that they were going to go to war against Japan.66
2699820160MonarchyDef:a government ruled by a king or queen App:England is governed under a British monarchy and is still being ruled by it today.67
2699820855MonogamyDef:practice of being married to one person at a time App:Many countries only allow monogamy ,and marrying more than one person is not allowed.68
2699820856MonopolyDef:market where there are many buyers but only one seller App:During the war,the U.S was the monopoly;they took the opportunity to sell war supplies to the European countries.69
2699821785MonotheismDef:belief in one God App: Christianity is a monotheistic religion,since they believe in only one god.70
2699821786NationalismDef:pride to one's country App:The people who assassinated the Archduke of Austria-Hungary were strong nationalists and were furious that Austria-Hungary had annexed Bosnia.71
2699822574NomadicDef:a group of people that settle in different places App:The nomadic group had gone from China to Egypt ,since they don't have an actual home.72
2699822575OasisDef:fertile spot in a desert where water is found App:The man had found an oasis in the middle of the desert and had saved himself from death.73
2699823133OligarchyDef:a government ruled by a few powerful people App:Sparta was ruled by an oligarchy who were a really small group,and were older than 30.74
2699823134PaganDef:a person holding religious beliefs other than those of main world religions App:He believed in a pagan god that I have never heard of before.75
2699823135PapacyDef:office or authority of the pope App:The papacy of Pope John Paul II ended in 2005,after his death.76
2699823651PastoralDef:giving spiritual guidance App:There were pastoral events at the church for those who had trouble in their lives.77
2699823652PatriarchyDef:a society where men have the authority and women are excluded App:Even during the 1800's in the U.S ,the country was dominated by patriarchy;women did not have the right to speak.78
2699824062PolygamyDef:having more than one wife or husband at the same time App:In the bible, many men had more than one wife,which is an example of polygamy.79
2699824749PolytheisticDef:belief in many gods App:The Romans were polytheistic,and believed in many gods.80
2699825691PredecessorDef:person who held a job or office before the current holder App:The king's predecessor used to punish the people in a harsh manner.81
2699825692PromulgateDef:promote or make widely known App:Many religions try to promulgate their religion,so that many people join it.82
2699827517ProphetDef:a person seen as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God App:The prophet called Moses was sent from God to lead the Hebrews to freedom.83
2699828835PropagandaDef:information,usually biased,used to promote a point of view App:During the war, America used propaganda to convince others to join the army.84
2699829563ProvinceDef:division of certain countries or empires App:Maine is an example of province since the U.S have 50 states or similar to it.85
2699829564ProvisionalDef:arranged or existing for the present:possibly to be changed later App:There was a provisional government,just until a new leader is chosen.86
2699830657RadicalDef:person who advocates in a political or social reform, or supporting an extreme political party App:A radical American activist was speaking about how we should do whatever we want,without the government telling us what to do.87
2699830658ReignDef:Rule as king or queen App:The reign of King Louis XIV had lasted 72 years until his death.88
2699830988RevolutionDef:a major change in a short period of time App:The revolution for a different government in the country only lasted for a month.89
2699831498SalvationDef:the forgiveness of sins,so that you can go into heaven;to be saved App:The thief wanted salvation for his sins,so that he could live in peace.90
2699831499SecularismDef:people of different religions are equal before law App:People moved to the New World so that they could have secularism,where everyone is equal,no matter what religion you believe in.91
2699832070SegregationDef: the separation of someone or something App:In the early 1900s,many Americans had the idea of segregation;separated,but equal.92
2699832286Self-DeterminationDef:a country determines its own statehood,allegiances,and government App:America self-determines its own government and laws.93
2699832287SerfdomDef:a system where the serfs work the land in exchange for the protection from invasions App:In Medieval times, the landlords payed the serfs with serfdom,so that they could feel safe.94
2699832767ServitudeDef:state of being a slave or subject to someone more powerful App:The boy was born into a life of servitude and would be a slave for the rest of his life.95
2699833378Social MobilityDef:movement of people,families,households,etc.,between a social strata in a society. App:The merchant was successful in his business,so his family went through a social mobility to become a noble.96
2699833379SocialismDef:a system in where the public owns the production and exchange App:Lenin wanted the country to be ruled in socialism ,but had to improve the state of the country.97
2699834100SovereigntyDef:Government free from external control App:The U.S had their sovereignty after defeating Britain.98
2699834101SteppeDef:large area of flat unforested grassland in Europe or Siberia App:There are large steppes in different parts of Europe where the sheep graze,because there is plenty of grass.99
2699834981StratificationDef:formation of layers,classes, or categories App:The country was stratified , and had started to see nobles in the cities.100
2699834982SubjugationDef:one group of people dominating another group by taking their freedom App:The southerners were subjugated at the African-Americans ,and were forced to work.101
2699836084SubordinationDef:placing in lower rank or position App:The noble was subordinated to a lower class,which is the merchant.102
2699836085SuccessorDef:person that succeeds another App:The king's successor was his son, and is going to take his place after he dies.103
2699836722SultanDef: a "holder of power" during the Ottoman empire App:The Sultan began to expand the Ottoman Empire by taking over parts of Europe.104
2699836723SultanateDef:a state ruled by a sultan App:The sultanate was in danger of being taken away from the sultan because of the small military that was available.105
2699837395SyncretismDef:the reconciliation of opposing principles,practices,or parties, as in philosophy or religion App:The idea of believing in saints were given syncretism with Christianity,forming Catholicism.106
2699837811TacitDef:silent;not able to talk App:The student was tacit during the exam,so that he could concentrate.107
2699838511TexilesDef:cloth products App:The texiles in the store are used to make dresses.108
2699838512TheocracyDef:priests rule in the name of god App:Iran is ruled by theocracy and most laws are based from their religion,or Muslim.109
2699839674TotalitarianismDef:to control every aspect in life, used in fascist government App:There was totalitarianism when Stalin was in power;anyone against him would disappear.110
2699839675TransientDef:lasting only for a short time App:The fireworks were transient ,and only lasted for 5 seconds.111
2699840052TreatyDef:an agreement under international law App:The treaty of Versailles caused Germany to pay the reparations of the war, since they were the ones who were blamed.112
2699840053TyrannyDef: a government where a dictator rules App:The Roman empire was ruled in tyranny by Julius Caesar.113
2699840897UnificationDef: uniting or joining together App:Germany tried to unify other parts of Germany so that they could become bigger and stronger.114
2699840898UrbanizationDef:City building and the movement of people to cities App:Urbanization occurred during the Industrial Revolution,when many jobs were available for the people,and cities started to grow in the U.S.115
2699841908VernacularDef:a language spoken by people in a particular country or region App:The author wrote in the Vernacular,Spanish,so that they could understand what he was writing.116

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