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AP World Jeopardy qtr 4 test 2 (ch. 25-29) Flashcards

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158497158Benito MussoliniHe was the creator of Fascism0
158497159Karl MarxRevolutionary socialist who argued that all of history was the history of class struggle and that the working class should own the means of production:1
158497160HitlerBorn in Austria, he became a radical German nationalist during World War I. He led the National Socialist German Workers' Party in the 1920s and became dictator of Germany in 19332
158497161Sigmund FreudHe was the founder of psychoanalysis, a method of studying how the mind works and treating mental disorders3
158497162Treaty of VersaillesThe treaty imposed on Germany by Allied Powers after World War I. It demanded that Germany dismantle its military and give up lands to Poland. It was resented by many Germans4
158497163Sepoy Rebellionrevolt of Indian soldiers in 1857 against certain practices that violated religious customs5
158497164Indian National CongressA movement and political party founded in 1885 to demand greater Indian participation in government. Its membership was middle class, and its demands were modest until World War I. Led after 1920 by Mohandas Gandhi, it appealed increasingly to the poor, and it organized mass protests demanding self-government and independence6
158497165Mustafa Kemal (Ataturk)He was leader of the Young Turks and is considered the Father of Modern Turkey7
158497166Balfour DeclarationStatement issued by Britain's Foreign Secretary in 1917 favoring the establishment of a Jewish national homeland in Palestine8
158497167FaisalArab prince, leader of the Arab Revolt in World War I. The British made him king of Iraq in 1921, and he reigned under British protection until 19339
158497168GuomindangNationalist political party founded on democratic principles by Sun Yat-sen in 1912. After 1925, the party was headed by Chiang Kai-shek, who turned it into an increasingly authoritarian movement10
158497169Boxer UprisingRevolt of a Chinese secret society against foreign missionaries and traders, resulted in great losses for the Chinese government11
158497170Meiji RestorationThis refers to the re-established reign of the Japanese Emperor, which was characterized by a new nationalist identity, economic advances, and political transformation12
158497171Yuan ShikaiChinese general and first president of the Chinese Republic (1912-1916). He stood in the way of the democratic movement led by Sun Yat-sen13
158497172Sun Yat-SenLeader of the Nationalist movement in China following the collapse of the Qing14
158497173ShakaThis fierce leader of the Zulus in southern Africa fundamentally changed African political life15
158497174AfrikanersThese were the descendents of Dutch settlers who lived in South Africa16
158497175Usman dan FodioA Fulani Muslim cleric who led an Islamic reform movement in northern Nigeria17
158497176Henry Morton StanleyHe was Leopold II's agent in the Congo and was known for using force to subdue local populations and was famous for his line "Dr. Livingstone, I presume"18
158497177Suez CanalBuilt in 1869 by Muhammad Ali, it connected the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea and lowered the costs of international trade19
158497178Manchurian Incidenta staged event that was engineered by Japanese military personnel as a pretext for invading the northern part of China known as Manchuria in 193120
158497179Chiang Kai-ShekChinese military and political leader. Succeeded Sun Yat-sen as head of the Guomindang in 1925; headed the Chinese government from 1928 to 1948; fought against the Chinese Communists and Japanese invaders. After 1949 he headed the Chinese Nationalist government in Taiwan21
158497180Spanish-American WarWar between the United States and Spain in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. It ended with a treaty in which the United States took over the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico; Cuba won partial independence22
158497181Battle of MidwayU.S. naval victory over the Japanese fleet in June 1942, in which the Japanese lost four of their best aircraft carriers. It marked a turning point in World War II23
158497182Battle of OmdurmanBritish victory over the Mahdi in the Sudan in 1898. General Kitchener led a mixed force of British and Egyptian troops armed with rapid-firing rifles and machine guns24
158497183mandate systemAllocation of former German colonies and Ottoman possessions to the victorious powers after World War I, to be administered under League of Nations supervision25
158497184Matthew PerryA navy commander who, on July 8, 1853, became the first foreigner to break through the barriers that had kept Japan isolated from the rest of the world for 250 years26
158497185Empress Dowager CixiShe was the Qing empress who supported the Boxers in the Boxer Uprising27
158497186Max PlankGerman physicist who developed quantum theory and was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 1918, a series of scientific institutes throughout Germany are named after him28
158497187NawabA Muslim prince allied to British India; technically, a semi-autonomous deputy of the Mughal emperor29

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