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AP World Kaplan Glossary Flashcards

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162480959CivilizationSettled and agricultural, able to produce surplus good that can support an elite class. This term can also be used to separate those cultures considered advanced from those that didn't measure up especially during times of imperialism.0
162480960DemographyThe study of population dynamics. This can provide evidence of important historical trends such as pandemics and migrations.1
162480961DiffusionThe spread of items from one place to another. (i.e. cultural _______)2
162480962GenderThe social roles that men and women adopt.3
162480963HistoriographyThe study of the way that historians write history. The history of history.4
162480964InterregionalThe connections between different regions of the world.5
162480965MigrationThe movement of people from one area to settle in another area. Can be voluntary or forced.6
162480966PatriarchyA social system in which the father is the head of the family or a system in which men dominate the social structure.7
162480967PeriodizationThe division of historical time into different periods.8
162480968TechnologyThe way in which people adapt their knowledge to tools and inventions.9
163125167AnimismA type of religious belief that focuses on the roles of the various gods and spirits in the natural world and in human events.10
163125168Caste systemThe social system of the Aryans that divided people into four groups, known as Varnas. Had a profound impact on the development of the Hindu religion.11
163125169ClassicalRepresents a period of great cultural significance in society before the modern age. In a limited form of usage, this refers to the time of Athens in Greece and the Roman Republic. Can also describe non-Mediterranean cultures.12
163125170Filial PietyA form of respect shown by children to parents. A crucial concept in Confucian thought. Can also be seen in the respect and veneration shown to elders and ancestors.13
163125171MonotheismReligious belief in one God.14
163125172Neolithic RevolutionDiscovery of agriculture, settling animals, fixed communities.15
163125173NomadicA way of life in which people do not have a settled home but rather move from place to place in order to support their livelihood.16
163125174PastoralRefers to a group that herds domesticated animals for their livelihood.17
163125175PolygamyA cultural trait in which one person has multiple spouses at a time.18
163125176PolytheismBelief in many gods.19
163125177Silk roadsTrade routes that linked the Mediterranean area with the Chinese Qin dynasty. Flourished under the Mongol period of the 13th century.20
163125178CaliphatePolitical and religious successors of Muhammad. Often used to describe a period under a ruler or dynasty of rulers in Islamic empires.21
163125179CrusadesMilitary invasions during the Middle ages by the Christians of Western Europe with the objective of capturing the Holy Land from the Muslims.22
163125180Dar al-IslamThe expanse of the Islamic world. After Muhammad's death it stretched from the Iberian peninsula to the islands of southeast Asia.23
163125181FeudalismA social and political system in which lords are granted landed estates by a monarch in exchange for loyalty, especially in military manners.24
163125182Indian Ocean Trade SystemA network of trade established between the Indian subcontinents and the Swahili trade cities of Eastern Africa. Patterns of monsoon winds assisted travel. Portuguese dominance in the area greatly changed the system.25
163125183ManorialismA type of social system in which a lord has control over the labor on his agricultural estate. Serfs are bound to the land in this system.26
163125184MissionaryA person sent to spread a religion or belief system27
163125185PandemicA widespread outbreak of disease, such as the bubonic plague or more recently aids28
163125186PapacyReferring to the authority of the Roman Catholic Pope29
163125187AbsolutismA style of goveernment that came about in Europe during the 17th century. Monarchs ruled a highly centralized state by concentrating their power in their own hands. Example: Louis XIV30
163125188Coercive laborAny labor system involving force, such as slavery or serfdom31
163125189Columbian ExchangeThe biological exchange that occurred as a result or European involvement with the Americas following Columbus' voyage.32
163125190EmpireA political unit in which groups of people often in different countries are united under a single ruler.33
163125191EnlightenmentAn intellectual movement centered in Western Europe during the 18th century that focused on rational thought, order, and logic.34
163203732HarenThe place within a Muslim palace where women were housed. Also refers to women like concubines attached to powerful rulers.35
163203733Neo-ConfucianismA movement to return to traditional Chinese values during the Song period.36
163203734ReformationThe religious movement for the reform of the Roman Catholic Church during the 16th century. Led to the creation of Protestant churches.37
163203735RenaissanceThe period of intellectual and artistic "rebirth" that occurred first in Italy during the 14th and 15th centuries. Ideas of humanism and individualism.38
163203736Scientific RevolutionA major period of change in scientific thought that occurred in Europe beginning in the 16th century. Characterized by observation and experimentation using the scientific method.39
163203737BourgeoisieThe middle class in European industrial society. During the French Revolution, the social group of wealthy professionals and businessmen. Karl Marx considered it the driving force of a capitalist exploitation of industrial society.40
163203738ColonialismRule by one country over another country. Raw materials and markets of the colony enrich the mother country.41
163203739CommunismA political philosophy represented by the ideas of Karl Marx. In this system a violent revolution is needed in order to overthrow capitalism and create a society based on social equality.42
163203740EmancipationThe liberation of a group of people from the control of others. The female version of this term involved getting the same rights as men.43
163203741IdeologyA system of ideas or ways of thinking that guides the decision of a group of people.44
163203742ImperialismThe process by which mostly European countries established political and economic control over other parts of the world.45
163203743IndustrialismThe development of a complex economic system using the factory system of production. Characteristic of a modernized society.46
163203744MarxismA system of political and economic thought developed in the mid 19th century. Emphasizes class struggle as the dominant aspect of social change.47
163203745NationalismA belief that people should have pride and loyalty to their nation and ethnic group.48
163665576Social DarwinismAn intellectual movement that used evolution ideas of natural selection and survival of the fittest to human societies. Used to justify imperialism and colonialism.49
163665577ApartheidA governmental policy of racial separation that arose in South Africa during the middle of the 20th century. It was dismantled in the 1990s when the black South Africans gained political representation.50
163665578Cold WarThe period of conflict between the United States and its allies, and the USSR and its allies. Began soon after WWII and ended in the end of the 20th century.51
163665579Consumer societyCulture that expresses itself through the process of consumption and material goods. Issues such as the globalization of corporate brands and the role of multinational corporations around the world are indicators of this type of society.52
163665580DecolonizationThe process by which former colonies became independent.53
163665581DeforestationThe elimination of vast numbers of trees by lobbing operations as in Brazil and Indonesia or by individuals for firewood and construction material in Haiti. Results in soil erosion and has been linked to broader ecological issues of a global nature.54
163665582Demographic transitionThe shift to both lower birthrates and lower death rates leading to more stable population dynamics.55
163665583Developing worldParts of the globe that have an economic system in which the process of industrial development is not advanced.56
163665584FascismA political system that emerged in Europe combining ideas of extreme nationalism with authoritarian rule to oppose both liberal democracy and communism.57
163665585FeminismA social and political movement that views women as equal to men.58
163665586GenocideThe planned systematic killing of a group of people.59
163665587GlobalizationThe process by which national boundaries become increasingly less important as a result of economic, social, and cultural interactions between parts of the world.60
163665588Guerrilla WarA fighting style that emphasizes irregular attacks and unconventional fighting methods.61
163665589Multinational CorporationA company with operations in a variety of different countries.62
163665590Non-aligned nationsCountries that remained neutral during the cold war conflict between the US and USSR.63
163665591Pacific RimThose areas that surround the Pacific ocean. Typically used to describe the new economic influence of the nations of Southeast Asia.64
163665592Popular cultureFilm music and sports are all important aspects of this term. Cultural issues of common identity65
163665593Third worldCountries of the developing world especially in Latin America, Africa, and Asia66
163665594UrbanizationThe process involved in the growth of cities and the areas surrounding them. Occurs as part of the processes on industrialism and modernization. People migrate from rural areas of from other countries into rapidly growing cities so that they can take advantage of economic opportunity.67

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