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AP World: Mediterannean Flashcards

Regional outline for Mediterranean. Divided into five units and seven categories (political, economic, social, science, art, empire, and religion).

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162405174Political, 8000-600 CEPersia: governors and law code; Greece: city-states, Athenian democracy; Roman Republic: Senate/Assembly; roman Empire: bureaucrats0
162405175Economic, 8000-600 CETrade along Mediterranean; trade with Africa (Trans-Saharan) and China (Silk Roads); necessary because large-scale agriculture impossible1
162405176Social, 8000-600 CEClasses: citizens (adult males), free people (no political power), noncitizens (slaves); or patricians, plebians, slaves2
162405177Science, 8000-600 CEMedicine, astronomy, engineering (roads and aqueducts), philosophy3
162405178Art, 8000-600 CEClassical: pillars and arches; realistic human statues, literature (Homer); Rome borrows from Greece4
162405179Empire, 8000-600 CEAlexander the Great; Collapse of Rome (split into east/west); East Roman: Byzantine (Justinian reconquest of North Africa, Italy, Spain coast)5
162405180Religion, 8000-600 CEOriginally polytheistic; Constantine: Edict of Milan gives legal status to Christianity6
162405181Political, 600-1450 CEByzantine: absolute authority; secular rulers; Justinian Code7
162405182Economic, 600-1450 CEEast Byzantine: trade at 'crossroads,' commercial/cultural connections8
162405183Social, 600-1450 CESerfdom9
162405184Science, 600-1450 CEPrinting press (Gutenberg) increased impact of new ideas; gunpowder, Muslims in Spain maintained Greek/Roman learning10
162405185Art, 600-1450 CEGreek Orthodox Church: blends Greek/Roman elements (domes, icons); cathedrals: romanesque, gothic11
162405186Empire, 600-1450 CEByzantine; 800 CE: HOly Roman Empire starts in West12
162405187Religion, 600-1450 CEByzantine: Greek Orthodox Church; West: Roman Catholic Church (Great Schism 1054)13
162405188Political, 1450-1750 CESpain: Ferdinand and Isabella (Christian North + Muslim South) = nation state14
162405189Economic, 1450-1750 CEByzantines not dominant; Iberian wave of exploration starts of strong but replaced; lots of wealth spent just as quickly; rich city-states in Italy15
162405190Social, 1450-1750 CEWomen: overall Europe has some awareness of injustices16
162405191Science, 1450-1750 CEMuslims preserve past, add to math and science; navigation tech; Scientific Revolution17
162405192Art, 1450-1750 CEExploration/colonization ensured spread of culture; Renaissance: humanism18
162405193Empire, 1450-1750 CEGreece/Rome forgotten, Byzantine empire weakened19
162405194Religion, 1450-1750 CESpain: ties with Catholic Church; Spanish Inquisition for heretics; Protestant and Catholic Reformations20
162405195Political, 1750-1914 CEUnification of Italy: foreign-controlled small kingdoms, Victor Emmanuel, power of nationalism; Iberian colonies freeing selves; Italy: Triple Alliance21
162405196Economic, 1750-1914 CENorth Italy industrializes; Portuguese coastal settlements (India), Africa; Italy doesn't colonize (humiliating loss to Ethiopia)22
162405197Social, 1750-1914 CEWomen: some movement to equality (industrialization); industrialization brings middle class23
162405198Science, 1750-1914 CEIndustrial Revolution24
162405199Art, 1750-1914 CEArtists experiment with new styles; new literary trends (Romanticism, realism)25
162405200Empire, 1750-1914 CESplitting into different countries (i.e. Italy); Greece, Egypt launch independence movements; Eastern question: decline of Ottoman26
162405201Political, 1914-nowWWI: conflict in Balkans; Italy changes sides for alliances; Interwar: fascist Italy, Mussolini: aggression27
162405202Economic, 1914-nowInterwar period: global economic crisis; fascists want to protect enterprise; economic globalization: Italy in G-828
162405203Social, 1914-nowFascists (unlike Communists) don't want to eliminate private property, class distinctions; women: roles changed during war (suffrage)29
162405204Science, 1914-nowMussolini attempts to modernize Italy30
162405205Art, 1914-nowMedia used for propaganda; advertisements, modern styles (cubism)31
162405206Empire, 1914-nowSpanish Civil War not directly involved in WW32
162405207Religion, 1914-nowNow most of area is Roman Catholic, some Eastern churches (Orthodox), some Sunni Muslim33

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