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AP World: Middle East Flashcards

Regional outline for the Middle East. Divided into five units and seven categories (political, economic, social, science, art, empire, and religion).

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159923797Political, 8000-600 CECity-state; controlled city and surrounding area0
159923798Economic, 8000-600 CEGreat traders; agricultural1
159923799Social, 8000-600 CEMen work (more freedom); women confined to home; slavery (owned slaves)2
159923800Science, 8000-600 CEIndependent innovations; 4000 BC Bronze, Copper; wheel, irrigation canals; number system (improved from India); navigation tools3
159923801Art, 8000-600 CEZiggurats: glory of civilization4
159923802Empire, 8000-600 CERegional kingdoms: Babylonians, Acadians, Sumerians, Assyrians5
159923803Religion, 8000-600 CEPolytheism; animistic; many gods6
159923804Political, 600-1450 CECaliphs; political unrest; succession problem; Islam: theocratic rulers codify Islamic law7
159923805Economic, 600-1450 CEParticipated in trade: Trans Sahara, Silk Road, Indian Ocean8
159923806Social, 600-1450 CEEducation: more opportunities; women married at puberty and equal before Allah9
159923807Science, 600-1450 CEMathematics: algebra, geometry, navigation: astrolabe improved; medicine10
159923808Art, 600-1450 CECalligraphy, designs; minarets; mosaues; literature: Arabian Nights11
159923809Empire, 600-1450 CEIslamic, regular civil wars; 1258: Mongols overran Islamic empire12
159923810Religion, 600-1450 CEIslam; Suffi's, respect for Jews/Christians: people of the book13
159923811Political, 1450-1750 CESultan; provincial (vs theocratic) government with centralized power14
159923812Economic, 1450-1750 CEInitially dominated trade in INdian Ocean, African Coast15
159923813Social, 1450-1750 CEFemale slaves, women had some rights; class: 1-Sultan, 2-Government Officials, 3-Regional Officials, 4-peasants/merchants16
159923814Science, 1450-1750 CEMilitary tech: canons, guns, advanced medically; science-navigation tools, astronomy17
159923815Art, 1450-1750 CEMosques, Minarets, Mosaics18
159923816Empire, 1450-1750 CEOttoman Empire; "Gunpowder Empire;" Safavid Persia19
159923817Religion, 1450-1750 CEIslam; divided into Sunni, Shi'a20
159923818Political, 1750-1914 CEOttoman decline: centralized but not around economy21
159923819Economic, 1750-1914 CETrade still happens, but no longer a dominant leader22
159923820Social, 1750-1914 CEWomen: stayed same, had some property rights, not really property of men, hardly any rights, devalued23
159923821Science, 1750-1914 CEAffected by western science, overtaken (no longer dominant); stayed isolated24
159923822Art, 1750-1914 CEStill have Mosques, Minarets, Mosaics; styles still there but little time for art due to decline of empire25
159923823Empire, 1750-1914 CE"Sick man of Europe," decline of Ottoman Empire; Balkans seek independence26
159923824Religion, 1750-1914 CEIslam still unifying force; tensions between Sunni and Shi'a still occur, still somewhat tolerant of other religions27
159923825Political, 1914-nowTurkish state; Sultan kicked out; Ataturk: father of the turks28
159923826Economic, 1914-nowWW1: join central powers (lose); attempted industrialization; Iran and Iraq: oil supply29
159923827Social, 1914-nowWomen: despite pressure from West, stay the same; negative effect and treatments; still have to wear clothes to cover entire body30
159923828Science, 1914-nowFall of USSR: start accepting west influence31
159923829Art, 1914-nowStill have arts, but not much developments32
159923830Empire, 1914-nowYoung turks; secularization, sciences, technology; Iran vs. Iraq; Turkey formed33
159923831Religion, 1914-nowIslam: more focused on religion, try to become more like before34

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